Dollar Coin Converter

A method to increase the face value of a coin to be used as legal tender. The coin contains indicia, which specify the increased value, and motivates distribution and circulation. Optionally, the increased value of the coin may be reversed, and the coin returned to its original value.

Replacing the U.S. one dollar bill with a U.S. one dollar coin would save billions of dollars, and reduce expensive landfill. Since 1975, the Mint, U.S. Treasury Dept., and the Federal Reserve have tried four times to circulate a small dollar coin. In each case the public has rejected the coin, primarily because the coin was too easily confused with the U.S. quarter coin. Billions of coins were returned to the Federal Reserve, where they remain. The Dollar Coin Converter converts the dollar coin about to the size of the silver dollar, so that the public will voluntarily circulate the dollar coin.

Below is a brief history of the failed attempts to circulate a dollar coin. The history is told mostly by quotes of experts and persons having ordinary skill in the art of coinage. References for the quotes are provided.

The Lesson

In 1875 The Mint struck a Twenty-Cent coin that was rejected by the U.S. public because the coin was too similar in size to the U.S. quarter coin. It was eight-hundredths inch smaller than the quarter. This was a lost opportunity to learn from experience about producing a coin the public would voluntarily circulate.

The First Documented Need

“It all began in the mid-1970s when the Research Triangle Institute was commissioned by the Treasury to study the coinage of this country and make recommendations for the future . . . .”

That report found that “the Eisenhower dollar has not been widely accepted by the public because of its large size and weight”, but if the diameter was reduced by about a third, and the weight by about two-thirds, it might be used.

In January 1977, just prior to leaving office, President Ford's Treasury Secretary, William E. Simon, proposed the elimination of the cent and half dollar, and a reduction in size of the dollar.

The First Failure

In 1979 the Susan B. Anthony dollar coin was issued. “Everyone soon discovered that the coins were easily confused with quarter dollars. Cashiers were mistakenly giving out dollar coins instead of quarters in change. Bus companies and other facilities were refusing to accept them as payment.

“ . . . the public quickly rejected the new coin as too close in size and weight to the quarter dollar, and production for circulation ceased after 1980.” Within two or three months the chances of seeing one in daily use were practically nil.” Even the Mint had trouble distinguishing the Anthony Dollar from the quarter.

“Had the promoters of the Anthony dollar taken the trouble to consider what happened to the 20-cent piece, which was too close in size and artwork to the quarter, they would have taken a much difference approach to the new dollar. Those who fail to learn the lessons of history are condemned to repeat its mistakes. The Anthony dollar is a classic case of this aphorism.”

“Mint Director Stella Hackel Sims stated, ‘people are accustomed to the Eisenhower dollar, but in time, they'll become accustomed to the Susan’.” The Anthony dollar coin is nine-hundredths inch larger than the quarter coin. This was another lost opportunity to learn from experience about producing a coin the public would voluntarily circulate.

The Second Documented Need

And so, “ . . . a new, blue ribbon, political committee was appointed to design a new dollar coin that overcame the objections of the public.” This committee heavily represented the vending machine business. Incredibly, “ . . . they decided to launch the new dollar coins . . . in the same form factor as had previously failed . . . ”, but with a different color.

The Second Failure

The golden Sacagawea dollar coin was launched in 2000. “This new dollar coin was heavily marketed by The Mint in a series of print, radio, and television advertisements, as well as Mint partnerships with Walmart and Cheerios.” “The new dollar quarter was a resounding flop for precisely the same reasons that the first dollar quarter flopped. It was confusingly similar to the quarter.”

The Third and Fourth Failures

Next came the golden Presidential Dollar series (2007-present) and the Native American Series (2009-present). “Neither is used frequently in general commerce.” The only minting done now is for collectors.

After 38 Years the Need Still Exists

“ . . . the Fed's board of governors told Congress in June [2011] that the reserve system is holding more than $1.2 billion in dollar coins at 28 cash offices across the country . . . . The Fed cited a 2008 Harris poll that showed 76 percent of Americans prefer paper money” to the small dollar coin.

“ . . . A U.S. Mint official claimed in a November 2012 meeting that most of 2.4 billion dollar coins minted in the previous five years were not in circulation. A major reason for the lack of acceptance of small dollar coins is their similarity in size to the quarter.”

“The nonpartisan Congressional Accountability Office reported in March 2011 that switching from paper to metal would save taxpayers $5.5 billion over 30 years.” In addition, it would benefit the environment by saving 66,000 tons of landfill waste.

In 2013 the consumer advocacy group Citizens Against Government Waste said “Eliminating the dollar bill in favor of the coin would save $13.8 billion over 30 years.” . . . . Prominent U.S. senators, such as John McCain (R-AZ), Tom Harkin (D-IA), Tom Coburn (R-OK), and Mark Udall (D-CO), have all supported this effort.

How the Dollar Coin Converter Addresses the Long Felt but Unsolved Need, and Failure of Others Factors

Throughout the history of the dollar coins the notions of size and weight were repeatedly confounded. Over and over size and weight were cited as causes of lack of circulation of the silver dollar. Yet when The Mint issued small dollar coins with reduced size and weight, the result failed because of size, not weight. No one said they did not like the small dollar coin because it was too light, or that its weight was too similar to the weight of the quarter. It was always the size that was the problem. The small dollar coin was too similar in size to the quarter. The failure of the 1875 Twenty-Cent coin was also due to size. Its weight was less than the quarter.

The public has no inherent objection to a dollar coin. Silver dollars were minted for 37 years in competition with the paper $1 bill until the coin became more valuable as metal than as currency. “What nobody in the [1983 blue ribbon] committee ever thought to do was to put five of the new dollars into their pocket along with a bunch of other change and then see if they could pick out the dollar coins quickly.”

The logical conclusion from this historical account is that, if the public is to accept the coin, the weight of the dollar coin can be reduced, but the size of the dollar coin must be distinguishable by touch from the quarter coin.

That is exactly what the Dollar Coin Converter does. Drawing on precedence and lessons from history, the Dollar Coin Converter converts the small dollar's size back to the time-honored and successful size of the silver dollar and its easy, tactile distinction from the quarter coin, while leaving its weight at about one-third the weight of the silver dollar, while allowing convenient removal of the dollar coin from the converter for other purposes.

Applications of the Dollar Coin Converter

The Dollar Coin Converter converts the dollar coin into a form that is tactilely and visually, more easily distinguished from the quarter coin, so that the general public will voluntarily circulate the dollar coin. To do so requires several steps.

First, someone must pay to make them. Before anyone will pay, they must see a benefit to themselves to circulate them. That is what the indicia are for. Businesses will pay to get their name with their tag line on the converted dollar coin. The indicia are an inexpensive method to get entry into this form of advertising and marketing.

Here is an example of a possible indicium for a fictitious retail store: WxyMart, Low Prices For Everyone. This indicium provides an opportunity for name recognition and familiarity and with a tag line indicating an advantage for shopping at WxyMart. The Dollar Coin Converter is an inexpensive way to advertise. It does not require huge initial expenses, such as for a TV commercial or newspaper advertisement. Not only does the customer see the advertising repeatedly, so does anyone to whom the customer circulates the converted dollar coin over and over again for as long as the Dollar Coin Converter lasts, perhaps years.

Another example of a possible indicium is, Worth $1.05 at WxyMart. In this indicium the converted dollar coin becomes a new form of money with the retailer's name on it. When the customer receives the converted dollar coin in change, the customer is delighted to realize that more change has been received than expected. Moreover, the new coinage has more value than the dollar coin itself, allowing the retailer to advertise that “Your money is worth more at WxyMart”, literally. When the converted dollar coin is returned to the retailer and used to purchase another item, it amounts to a discount, in this example 5%, on any item in the store, but not on the entire price of the item. The discount is only on that part paid for with the converted dollar coin. If the retailer wishes, it could limit the number of converted dollar coins used to pay for a single item. When the retailer receives the converted dollar coin, the retailer can just re-circulate it to other customers, and does not have to purchase another one in its place.

If the dollar coin is needed for some other purpose, such as for a coin operated machine, the dollar coin can be removed. The owner of the annulus has the options to retain it and insert another dollar coin, or to discard it.

Implications of the Dollar Coin Converter

The potential benefits of the Dollar Coin Converter are enormous. The ultimate objective of the Dollar Coin Converter is to circulate the billions of dollar coins that sit in Federal Reserve banks, so that they can replace the one dollar bill.

As initial retailers circulate converted dollar coins, some will be spent at competing retailers. The competing retailers will want to circulate converted dollar coins with their own indicia. The effect will hopefully snowball. Even small retailers will be able to circulate converted dollar coins with their own indicia, because entry into this form of advertising and marketing is low cost.

As converted dollar coins become more and more popular, they will create an increased demand for dollar coins. More dollar coins will be requested from banks, which will in turn request more from the Federal Reserve banks.

Eventually, converted dollar coins will replace one dollar bills, which can at that point be discontinued, thus saving billions of dollars and the 2,400 tons of landfill required for the three billion dollar bills shredded per year.


An attachment or method to improve the circulation of the dollar coin as legal tender for cash transactions.


In three patent searches I could find no related art, or even a suggestion of such prior art, for this use of the Dollar Coin Converter. I found no record that even the Blue Ribbon committees, convened to solve the problem, remotely conceived of such an idea. Apparently, attaching a removable prosthetic to remedy the limitation of the dollar coin was beyond imagination.

During two patent searches I reviewed 800 patents. They generally fell into 4 categories: tokens, coin holders, money carriers, and coin displays. They were narrowed down to a few representative patents listed in the Patent Citations section, having some similar characteristics.

U.S. Pat. No. 20050167288 A1 issued on Aug. 4, 2005, to Valerian Sottile, titled “Money holder,” describes a container, which holds a plurality of coins for emergency use. To insert or remove the coins one unscrews the covers from the coupling member. A face of a coin can be seen from top or bottom. A key ring can be attached to the holder.

U.S. Pat. No. 2,193,850 A issued on Apr. 9, 1940, to Kenneth V. Bostian, titled “Coin attachment,” describes a clear, plastic label with adhesive on part of one side, and indicia on the other side. The label can be attached to a coin with the adhesive, and is easily removed.

U.S. Pat. No. 3,280,489 issued on Oct. 25, 1966, to Conrad Bergmann, titled “Substitute Silver Dollar,” describes an annulus the size of a silver dollar, within which a folded paper dollar bill is placed between clear plastic disks. The bill is folded such that the denomination of the bill is visible.

U.S. Pat. No. 3,964,187 issued on Jun. 22, 1976, to Elmer J. Stumpf, titled “Adjustable coin display device,” describes an open, slotted annulus within which a single coin can be placed in the interior slot. The break in the annulus is bridged by a handle, which opens the annulus when squeezed inward. Coin can be displayed hanging with a string though handle.

U.S. Pat. No. 3,968,582 issued on Jul. 13, 1976, to Bernard B. Jones, titled “Gaming Token and process for fabricating same,” describes two injection molded rings to form a token with tabs and stripes, into which coins can be inserted. Token is constructed in an eight step process, and the coins are sealed in with molding compound.

U.S. Pat. No. 4,165,573 issued on Aug. 28, 1979, to Marjorie S. Richards, titled “Coin holder,” describes a rectangular structure with a central hole into which a retainer ring with locking pins is placed to hold a coin securely, such that both sides of the coin are visible. Structure comes with a two-legged stand to hold coin up-right for easy viewing.

U.S. Pat. No. 4,765,154 A issued on Aug. 23, 1988, to Roger Martin, titled “Coin holder,” describes an open annulus with flat tabs at the ends and an interior slot into which a coin can be inserted and held. The outer edge of each tab is threaded, and a hollow body with interior threads can be screwed onto the tabs, which pulls the tabs together and closes the annulus.

U.S. Pat. No. 5,011,005 issued on Apr. 30, 1991, to Alex Bally & 6 more, titled “Protective coin holder,” describes a rectangular, protective cover with large interior chamber, into which a coin can be placed and displayed.

U.S. Pat. No. 5,407,064 A issued on Apr. 18, 1995, to Yu-Hwai Huang, titled “Coin carrier,” describes a container with three annuli hinged together with a rivet allowing the annuli to be rotated, permitting coins to be placed into the inside annulus. Faces of the top and bottom coins are visible through the top and bottom annuli.

U.S. Pat. No. 7,322,512 B2 issued on Jan. 29, 2008, to Adam M. Higer, titled “Coin holder,” describes a cardboard rectangle with 2 sets of concentric scored rings. The radii of the scored rings are selected to match existing coins, so that when rings smaller than a given coin are removed, the concentrically scored rings can be folded to contain the coin between transparent films.



Patent #
Filing Date

Jan. 14, 2005
Aug. 4, 2005
Valerian Sottile
Money holder

U.S. Pat. No. 2,196,850
Apr. 5, 1939
Apr. 9, 1940
Kenneth V.
Coin Attachment


U.S. Pat. No. 3,280,489
Aug. 6, 1964
Oct. 25, 1966
Substitute Silver Dollar


U.S. Pat. No. 3,964,187
Dec. 16, 1975
Jun. 22, 1976
Elmer J. Stumpf
Adjustable coin display


U.S. Pat. No. 3,968,582
Feb. 6, 1975
Jul. 13, 1976
Bernard B. Jones
Gaming token and process

for fabricating same

U.S. Pat. No. 4,165,573
Feb. 6, 1978
Aug. 28, 1979
Marjorie S.
Coin holder


U.S. Pat. No. 4,765,154
Feb. 11, 1987
Aug. 23, 1988
Roger Martin
Coin holder

U.S. Pat. No. 5,011,005
Jul. 20, 1989
Apr. 30, 1991
Alex Bally, 6
Protective coin holder

More  custom-character

U.S. Pat. No. 5,407,064
Jul. 12, 1994
Apr. 18, 1995
Yu-Hwei Huang
Coin carrier

U.S. Pat. No. 7,322,512
Jun. 9, 2006
Jan. 29, 2008
Adam M. Higer
Coin holder

Brief Summary of the Dollar Coin Converter

The Dollar Coin Converter is typically an annular attachment to a United States dollar coin, which semi-permanently converts the coin to a size that is tactilely and visually, easy to distinguish from the United States quarter coin. With an inserted dollar coin the Dollar Coin Converter is about the same diameter but one-third the weight of a silver dollar. It is legal tender, and is convenient for commercial cash transactions. It provides retailers with a new, attractive, and economical opportunity for advertising and marketing. It provides both retailers and consumers with incentives to circulate the coin, thus potentially saving the United States government billions of dollars, and the environment thousands of tons of landfill by replacing the one dollar bill.

The Dollar Coin Converter is made of one-piece or two-pieces to reduce manufacturing costs. It holds a dollar coin securely, and will tolerate normal handling, such as cash transactions, flipping or jostling in a coin purse, pocket or money bag without unintentional release. The coin may be easily removed and replaced even by a child or a person with long finger nails in case the coin is needed for a coin-operated machine or other purpose. The Dollar Coin Converter with inserted coin retains the anti-counterfeiting, magnetic and electrical characteristics of the coin.


  • 10 annulus

  • 11 top face

  • 12 outer ridge

  • 14 inner ridge

  • 16 rib

  • 18 expanded rib

  • 22 indicia

  • 100 dollar coin


  • 20 top annulus

  • 21 bottom annulus

  • 22 indicia

  • 24 flange

  • 26 outer ridge

  • 27 inner ridge

  • 28 top annulus outside face

  • 29 bottom annulus outside face

  • 30 top annulus inside face

  • 31 bottom annulus inside face

  • 32 bottom outer wedge slope

  • 34 bottom inner wedge slope

  • 36 top outer wedge slope

  • 38 top inner wedge slope

  • 40 top adhesive area

  • 42 bottom adhesive area

  • 44 top terminal line

  • 46 bottom terminal line

  • 50 ribbon

  • 90 folded annulus

  • 92 two-piece annulus prior to adhesion

  • 100 dollar coin


FIG. 1 through FIG. 2 refer to the first embodiment of the invention. FIG. 3 through FIG. 9a refer to the second embodiment of the invention.

FIG. 1 is a perspective view of the annulus 10 of the first embodiment of the invention.

FIG. 1A is an enlarged, cross-sectional view on line 1A-1A of FIG. 1, showing a region of the first embodiment of the invention where there is no rib 16.

FIG. 1B is an enlarged, cross-sectional view on line 1B-1B of FIG. 1, showing a location where there is a rib 16, and ridges 12 and 14.

FIG. 1C is an enlarged, cross-sectional view on line 1C-1C of FIG. 2. A dollar coin 100 has compressed a rib 16, and the ends of the rib 16, which extend beyond the coin 100, have resiliently expanded and wrapped around the dollar coin 100.

FIG. 2 is a top view of the first embodiment with an inserted dollar coin 100, and illustrative indicia 19 on the top face of the annulus 10.

FIG. 3 is an outside view of the second embodiment of the invention, which is two annuli 20 and 21 joined together, and with illustrative indicia 22.

FIG. 4 is the inside view of the two annuli, attached by a thin ribbon 50.

FIG. 5 is an expanded cross-sectional view at line 5-5 of FIG. 4.

FIG. 6 is an expanded cross-sectional view of line 6-6 of FIG. 4,

FIG. 6A is an expanded cross-sectional view of line 6-6 of FIG. 4 after annuli 20 and 21 have been folded together, and shows a dollar coin 100 beginning to wedge apart the top outer wedge slope 36 and the bottom outer wedge slope 32.

FIG. 6B is an expanded cross-sectional view of line 5-5 of FIG. 4, 350 after annuli 20 and 21 have been folded together and the dollar coin 100 inserted, showing how flanges 24 hold the dollar coin 100 in the second embodiment of the Dollar Coin Converter.

FIG. 7 is an expanded cross-sectional view of line 7-7 of FIG. 4, showing the annulus at a location where there is no flange or wedge slope.

FIG. 8 shows a perspective view of a dollar coin 100 being inserted into the second embodiment of the Dollar Coin Converter.

FIG. 9 shows a perspective view of top annulus 20 being folded with the dollar coin 100 having been placed into bottom annulus 21.

FIG. 9A shows a top view of the completed second embodiment of the Dollar Coin Converter containing a dollar coin 100 and illustrative indicia 22.

FIG. 9B shows a perspective view of two-piece construction without a ribbon 50. The top annulus 20 is prepared for adhesion to the bottom annulus 21 into which a dollar coin 100 has been inserted.


The Dollar Coin Converter converts the small U.S. dollar coin, such as the coin known as the Sacagawea dollar, into a size that the public will voluntarily circulate. The Dollar Coin Converter makes the dollar coin tactilely and visually, more easily distinguished from the U.S. quarter coin, thus removing the nuisance value of the tactual and visual similarity of the dollar coin to the quarter coin that has caused the dollar coin's unpopularity.

The Dollar Coin Converter is an annulus into which the dollar coin is semi-permanently inserted. The coin is held sufficiently securely to withstand normal coin handling, such as cash transactions, flipping, and jostling in purse, pocket, or money bag without unintentional release. In its first embodiment the converted dollar coin is about the size of a Morgan silver dollar, but about one-third its weight.

If needed for another purpose, the dollar coin can be removed from the converter, even by a child or a person with long finger nails, and another dollar coin can be inserted.

The faces of the annulus can contain indicia to provide businesses and consumers incentives to circulate the converted dollar coin. Most of each face of the coin remains uncovered to retain the inherent anti-counterfeiting, magnetic and electrical characteristics of the dollar coin.

The converter is of one-piece or two-piece construction to contain manufacturing costs. The converter can be constructed of many materials, such as plastic, aluminum, cardboard, wood, or pressed fiber, provided the material meets the functional requirements of the embodiment, such as durability, compression, resilience, or flexibility.

The First Embodiment

FIGS. 1, 1A, 1B, 1C, and 2 refer to the first embodiment of the Dollar Coin Converter.

FIG. 1 is a perspective view of an annulus 10 with a circumferential outer ridge 12 and a circumferential inner ridge 14 on each face 11, and a plurality of semicircular ribs 16 mounted vertically from face 11 to face. The ends of the ribs 16 extend and attach to the inside edge of the inner ridges 14. The bottom face, which is not shown, is identical to the top face 11, except perhaps the indicia 22.

FIG. 1A is an enlarged, cross-sectional view on line 1A-1A of FIG. 1, showing a region of the annulus 10 with ridges 12,14 but without a rib 16. FIG. 1B shows a region with a rib 16.

FIG. 1C is an enlarged, cross-sectional view on line 1C-1C of FIG. 2, showing a dollar coin 100 pressed into the annulus 10, compressing the rib 16, with the ends 18 of the ribs 16 expanding around the dollar coin 100 to provide secure retention.

FIG. 2 is a top view of the first embodiment with an inserted dollar coin 100, and illustrative indicia 22 on the top face 11. When the dollar coin 100 is inserted, the semicircular ribs 16 are compressed, holding the dollar coin 100 securely by friction, and by the expanded ends 18 of ribs 16.

The first embodiment requires a material that is compressible and resilient, such as nylon.

The Second Embodiment

FIGS. 3 through 9B refer to the second embodiment of the Dollar Coin Converter.

The second embodiment requires a material that is flexible and resilient, such as acrylic plastic.

The second embodiment is two annuli 20,21 joined in a clam shell configuration by a thin, narrow ribbon 50 made of the same material as the annuli 20,21, so that the annuli 20,21 can be folded to form a single annulus 90 as in FIG. 9A.

The outside face 28,29 of each annulus 20,21 has an outer ridge 26 and inner ridge 27 to protect the indicia 22 from wear. The thicknesses of the top annulus 20 and bottom annulus 21 are each about half the thickness of the first embodiment in FIG. 1, so that when the two annuli 20,21 are folded together, the annuli 20,21 form a single annulus 90 with about the same overall dimensions as the first embodiment in FIG. 1.

Around the interior edge of each annulus 20,21 is a plurality of flanges 24 attached to the inner ridges 27. The flanges 24 serve to retain the dollar coin 100 between the two folded annuli 20,21, while leaving most of both faces of the dollar coin 100 uncovered. The thickness of the flanges 24 is about the same as the height of the inner ridge 27.

FIG. 4 is the inside view of the two annuli 20,21 attached by a thin, narrow ribbon 50, made by the same material as the annuli 20,21. The ribbon 50 guides the folding of the two annuli 20,21 together to form the folded annulus 90 in FIG. 9A. Adjacent to the ribbon 50 is a speckled adhesive application area 40,42 on each annulus. The adhesive areas 40,42 extend from the ribbon 50 to a line tangent 44,46 to the nearest point of the inside edge of each annulus. During manufacturing, adhesive is applied to the adhesive areas 40,42 prior to folding, and permanently holds the annuli 20,21 together after folding. Alternatively, the two annuli 20,21 without the ribbon 50 can be adhered together to form a two-piece construction 92 as in FIG. 9B.

FIG. 6 is an expanded cross-sectional view of line 6-6 of FIG. 4. FIG. 6 shows bottom inner 34 and outer wedge slopes 32. The wedge slopes 32,34 each form about a 45 degree angle with the plane of the inside face 30,31 of the annulus 20,21 of which it is a part.

FIG. 6A is an expanded cross-sectional view of line 6-6 of FIG. 4 of the bottom wedge slopes 32,34 plus the corresponding top wedge slopes 36,38 after the annuli 20,21 have been folded during manufacturing. The space between the pair of outer wedge slopes 32,36 and the space between the pair of inner wedge slopes 34,38 are wedge spaces. The function of the wedge spaces is to allow a dollar coin 100 to get started wedging apart the annuli 20,21 without the use of a tool or fingernail, so that the dollar coin 100 can be inserted into or removed from the Dollar Coin Converter.

FIG. 6B is an expanded cross-sectional view of line 5-5 of FIG. 4 after the dollar coin 100 has been inserted, and the annuli 20,21 have been folded together, showing how the flanges 24 retain the dollar coin 100.

FIG. 7 is an expanded cross-sectional view of line 7-7 of FIG. 4 to clarify the difference between cross-sections where wedge slopes 32,34,36,38 exist such as at line 6-6 of FIG. 4 as in FIG. 6, and where wedge slopes do not exist such as at line 7-7 of FIG. 4.

FIG. 8 shows a perspective view of the dollar coin 100 being inserted into the folded annulus 90 after the adhesive has been applied to the adhesive areas 40,42 and the annuli 20,21 have been folded together. The locations of example indicia 22 are also shown.

FIG. 9 shows a perspective view of the annuli 20,21, being folded with the dollar coin 100 having been placed into the bottom annulus 21 during manufacture.

FIG. 9A shows a top view of the finished second embodiment of the Dollar Coin Converter containing the dollar coin 100.

FIG. 9B shows a step during two-piece construction. The two annuli 20,21 are separate pieces without the connecting ribbon 50. The top annulus 20 is prepared for adhesion to the bottom annulus 21 into which a dollar coin 100 has been inserted.

Another Embodiment

A throw-away embodiment would allow easy removal of the dollar coin from the Dollar Coin Converter, but the dollar coin converter would be damaged. In this embodiment a dollar coin 100 can not be replaced with another dollar coin 100.

This enumeration of these embodiments does not exclude the many other possible embodiments of the Dollar Coin Converter.

  • 1. (canceled)
  • 2. (canceled)
  • 3. A method to increase the value of a dollar coin to be used as legal tender, and for the public to circulate said coin comprising: providing a dollar coin holder structure, in the general form of an annulus, having indicia on said structure indicating monetary value added and a source providing said added monetary value,increasing the monetary value of said dollar coin by attaching said coin to said structure,decreasing said added monetary value of said converted dollar coin by removing said coin from said structure.
  • 4. A method to increase the face value of a coin to be used as legal tender, and for the public to circulate said coin comprising: providing a coin holder structure, in the general form of an annulus, having indicia on said structure indicating monetary value added and a source providing said added monetary value,increasing the monetary value of said coin by attaching said coin to said structure,decreasing said added monetary value of said converted coin by removing said coin from said structure.
  • 5. A method to increase the face value of a coin to be used as legal tender, and for the public to circulate said coin comprising: providing a coin holder structure, in the general form of an annulus, having indicia on said structure indicating monetary value added and a source providing said added monetary value,increasing the monetary value of said coin by attaching said coin to said structure.
  • 6. The method in claim 5, wherein the added value of said coin is decreased by removing said coin from the structure.
  • 7. The method in claim 5, wherein the monetary value of said coin is increased by attaching said coin in such a way that makes removal difficult, but not impossible.
Divisions (2)
Number Date Country
Parent 14612985 Feb 2015 US
Child 15657123 US
Parent 14255176 Apr 2014 US
Child 14612985 US