Richard S. C. Cobbold, Influence of Beam Profile and Degree of Insonation on the CW Doppler Ultrasound Spectrum etc., 1983, 364-70. |
Robert W. Gill, Measurement of Blood Flow by Ultrasound: Accuracy and Sound Sources of Error, 1985, 625-641. |
Peter N. Burns, Quantitative Flow Measurements with Doppler Ultrasound: Techniques, Accuracy, and Limitations, 1985, 641-657. |
Chihiro Kasai, Read-Time Two-Dimensional Blood Flow Imaging Using an Autocorrelation Technique, 1985, 458-463. |
W. N. McDicken, A versatile Test-Object for the Calibration of Ultrasonic Doppler Flow Instruments, 1986, 245-249. |
Evan J. Boote, Performance Tests of Doppler Ultrasound Equipment with A Tissue and Blood-Mimicking Phantom, 1988, 137-147. |
J. C. Wellemetz, Bias and Variance in the Estimate of the Doppler Frequency Induced by a Wall Motion Filter, 1989, 215-225. |
D. W. Rickey, A velocity Evaluation Phantom for Colour and Pulsed Doppler Instruments, 1992, 479-494. |
A. P. G. Hoeks, An Efficient Algorithm to Remove Low Frequency Doppler Signals in Digital Doppler Systems, 1991, 135-144. |
D. W. Holdsworth, Computer-controlled Positive Displacement Pump for Physiological Flow Simulation, 1991, 565-570. |
Roy B. Peterson, A Comparison of IIR Initialization Techniques for Improved Color Doppler Wall Filter Performance, 1993. |