For more than 2,000 years dice games have charmed and entertained people, some times even decided their fortunes. Ancient Greeks and Romans played games with dice, throwing them on their battle shields or on their robes. Even Caesar urged his legions by stating: “The dice has been cast”.
More than 30 million americans are entertained every year with modern dice games.
When two six-sided cubes or dice are rolled, each of the six sides has an equal chance to be upper-most when the dice come to a rest. When the numbers of the two dice are added together their total can be any of 11 results, or the numbers: 2,3,4,5, 6,7,8,9,10,11,12.
Six times six equals 36; this number: 36 is the mathematical frequency of occurrence of above numbers in a dice game.
A totally NEW GAME with dice is my Invention
Shaped as a kidney bean. Four legs. Dimensions
Table Lay-Out or Road Map:
1) GOAL (Pink)
2) ODD (Red) one roll bets: 3, 5, 7, 9, 11
3) EVEN (Blue) one roll bets: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12
4) MORE THAN 7/LESS THAN 7 (Lilac) one roll bets
5) COMMON (Aqua): 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10
6) SIDE (Yellow) one roll bet: 2,3,4,9,10,11,12
7) HARD 7 TO WIN (Olive) one roll bet
8) BEFORE NOON (purple) one roll bets: ANY 7 2, 3, 11, 12
9) MEGA (Lime) Matched pairs ONLY: 2, 4, 6, 8
If any number other than an unmatched pair or a hard 7 is rolled, these bets are given a stand off: neither win nor lose, bets await next roll for a decision.
10) TWO IN A ROW (Brown)
11) THREE IN A ROW (Gray)
Management establishes all pay offs. The management also retains the right, with prior written consent of Inventor to make any modifications to above format.
Rules of Double or Nothing:
The number 7 has a very special function in Double or Nothing: the first 7 rolled by a new shooter is counted as an easy 7 it ONLY counts as an odd number result; the next 7 rolled is counted as a hard 7 and signals that ALL bets lose, except ANY 7, HARD 7 TO WIN, 2 in A Row and 3 in a Row. From then on every 7 rolled is either an easy 7 or a hard 7 and this sequence is repeated every time a new shooter rolls the dice to start his turn as shooter.
In Double or Nothing each player has the chance to roll the dice in left to right rotation, following the sequence of the table chip racks or positions numbered 1 through 14.
The dice are thrown by one player at a time against the inner wall of the table railing farthest away from him (her). Ask the Stickman if in doubt.
Each dice throw is called a roll. The one throwing the dice is called the shooter.
The players, themselves, may place bets on: GOAL or Pink EVEN or Blue, ODD or Red, MORE THAN 7/LESS THAN 7 or Lilac and SIDE or Yellow. All other bets are placed ONLY by the dealers at players' requests.
Table limits: 5 dollars is the minimum bet. GOAL EVEN ODD MORE THAN 7/LESS THAN 7 and COMMON require 5 dollars minimum bets. All other bets are ONE dollar minimum.
A combination of 5 or more ONE dollar bets meets the 5 dollars minimum requirement.
Any bet can be more than, but not less than the minimum.
Table maximum: five thousand dollars.
Every roll of the dice is counted and decides some bets.
Some bets are one roll bets. Other bets are given a stand off they are neither a win nor a loss,bet awaits the next roll for a decision.
If you wish to stop playing, any time, you may do so, a reason is not needed. Be sure and inform the dealer BEFORE the next roll that you want your bets taken down. Your money will be returned to you without penalty.
You are welcome to play again, when you are ready.
The shooter may decline to throw the dice, but continue to play or not, as he (she) wishes, electing or not, to place any bets, thus yielding the throw to the next shooter. Stickman will slide the cubes to the next shooter.
How to Play Double or Nothing:
A specific bet is not required, but in order to play, any player including the shooter must place one or more bets with a 5 dollars minimum. The shooter and the other players may also ask the dealer to place for them other bets of their choice.
Once all bets are placed, the Stickman starts the game by sliding the dice to the player in position #1. The next in line shooter is the one in position #2, etc.
The shooter keeps rolling the dice for as long as he (she) wins.
One of the shooters' aims is to increase the Counter Screen count accumulating points to reach exact count of 11 or 21.
If the shooter goes over 11 GOAL bets are given a stand off neither win nor lose and may try for 21.
If the shooter goes over 21 ALL GOAL bets lose. If a hard 7 is rolled ALL bets lose, except those made on ANY 7 HARD 7 TO WIN 2 in a Row and 3 in a Row.
Any GOAL bet may be converted to a Double or Nothing bet at any time by any player before the next roll. Player moves his bet from GOAL to EVEN or ODD. In this case players may and should take odds. This additional odds bet may be not more than 3 times the amount of the original bet. The next roll decides the outcome of a converted bet.
When GOAL bet is won at 11 or 21 and ONLY then, Stickman will slide to the shooter the two eight-sided octahedrons. the shooter then throws the octahedrons in the same way he (she) throws the dice cubes. This play identifies a lucky player in position number 1 through 14, and also results in:
The octahedrons play completes the shooters' hand.
The Stickman slides the six-sided cubes to the next shooter and another hand begins.
A shooters' hand is completed when
Double or Nothing is a game of fast action for fun. Learning the rules of any game may help you to make “smarter” bets. Examples: the best time to bet on 3 in a Row is right after 2 in a Row is rolled. ODD is a good bet with better chances when an easy 7 is expected in the next roll.
There is no assurance that you will either win or lose. But you certainly will be entertained.
After becoming familiar with Double or Nothing a player may throw money on the table and ask the dealer: “Five dollars on Purple eleven”, or “Two dollars each on Olive and Blue”.
Double or Nothing is designed exclusively for your enjoyment.