Electronic circuit components, such as resistors and active filters can be replaced by switched capacitor circuitry. Switched capacitor circuits allow tunable analog circuits to be manufactured with minimal use of resistors. Resistors may be difficult to integrate on silicon substrates, and can make the integrated circuit bulky. The switched capacitor circuits are typically used in order to integrate both analog and digital circuits on a single silicon chip. Switched-capacitor circuits can be used in digital to analog converters (DAC), analog to digital converters (ADC), instrumentation amplifiers, voltage-to-frequency converters, data converters, programmable capacitor arrays, balanced modulators, peak detectors, oscillators, and so on.
Main components of the switched capacitor circuits generally include switches, capacitors, and so on. The switched capacitor circuits employed in various types of ADCs, such as delta sigma ADCs, usually use a large number of capacitors and switches to realize the circuit. Ideally, the capacitance of the capacitors needs to be in a desired ratio, but may deviate from the desired ratio due to reasons, such as imperfections in the manufacturing processes and change of operating conditions (e.g., temperature, voltage, etc.). Such deviations are generally referred to as capacitor mismatch. Due to capacitor mismatches, a delta sigma ADC may not generate an accurate output. This may necessitate minimizing the number of capacitors in the circuit. In addition, switches in switched capacitor circuits may introduce noise in the circuit, and reduce the signal-to-noise ratio of the signal.
The detailed description is described with reference to the accompanying figures. In the figures, the left-most digit(s) of a reference number identifies the figure in which the reference number first appears. The same numbers are used throughout the drawings to reference like features and components.
This disclosure relates to switched capacitor circuits, and particularly, to a single capacitor doubling sampling digital to analog converter (DAC) with reference loading independence. Reference loading independence is achieved by switching reference(s) to the same loading conditions (e.g., sampling capacitors with similar nominal values), independent from an input signal. The double sampling DAC and integrator circuit can be implemented in a variety of mixed signal circuits including analog to digital converters (ADCs), digital to analog converters (DACs), delta sigma modulators, etc. The following systems and methods are described with reference to a 1-bit delta sigma ADC; however, it is to be appreciated that the disclosed single capacitor double sampling DAC and integrator can be implemented in various other devices.
A delta sigma ADC is specific to a general group of delta sigma converters. A typical delta sigma ADC does not sample a complete input signal, but only the filtered difference between an input signal and a feedback signal. Therefore, fewer bits are required to sample the differences in the amplitudes, and preserving a desired signal to noise ration.
A delta sigma ADC is specific to a general group of delta sigma converters. Typically, delta sigma converters use over-sampling. Delta sigma converters can average multiple samples. These delta sigma converters are traditionally used for high-resolution low frequency (e.g., up to 1 MHz) applications, such as speech, audio, precise voltage, and temperature measurements. Delta sigma converters, such as a delta sigma ADC, can include a summing device, an integrator, a comparator, and DAC for converting a feedback signal into an analog signal for the summing device. Typically, these components are realized separately on a semiconductor substrate and require a large number of capacitors and switches to realize the integrated circuit.
The disclosed double sampling DAC and integrator circuit can replace the summing device, the DAC, and the integrator of the delta sigma ADC, thereby, reducing the total number of capacitor and switches required for realizing the delta sigma ADC. As fewer capacitors and switches are employed, the mismatch introduced in the circuitry due to the capacitors is reduced and the noise introduced by the switches is reduced. In addition, since the disclosed double sampling DAC and integrator combines the functionality of the summing device, DAC and integrator in a single circuit, the size of the delta sigma ADC can be reduced, thereby reducing its cost (i.e., manufacturing cost).
The double sampling DAC and integrator circuit can provide a fully differential output signal from a single ended input signal. In an implementation, the input signal can also be a differential signal. The double sampling DAC and integrator includes a plurality of sampling capacitors, switches and a differential operational amplifier. The switches operate in accordance with a clock. The clock can be programmed to a desired sampling frequency. The rising and falling edges of the clock can represent two different phases.
In the first phase, the sampling capacitors can be charged to a voltage associated with the input signal and a feedback signal. In the second phase, the sampling capacitors can be discharged and the output can be fed to the differential operational amplifier.
The disclosed double sampling DAC and integrator can provide an enhancement to a signal-to-flicker noise ratio, where flicker noise may be introduced in circuits due to components like operational amplifiers, capacitors, and so on. Flicker noise can be reduced by increasing the size of the components; however, increasing the size of the components forces the circuit to function slower. Another way to reduce the flicker noise is by increasing input voltage. In an implementation, the double sampling DAC and integrator circuit samples the input signal twice. The sampling is done in phases, for example, a first and a second phase. The ADC thus provides a multiplication factor of two, where the output signal obtained is twice the difference signal. This increases the signal-to-flicker noise ratio.
It is to be appreciated that the order in which this block diagram and other block diagrams are described is not intended to be construed as a limitation, and any number of the described system blocks can be combined in any order to implement the system, or an alternate system. Additionally, individual system blocks may be deleted from the system without departing from the spirit and scope of the subject matter described herein. Furthermore, the system can be implemented in any suitable hardware or device without departing from the scope of the invention.
The system 100 can be a mobile communication transmission system, and can transmit voice and data signals. The voice signals are in analog form and can be converted into digital baseband signals using an ADC. The digital baseband signal can then be modulated before transmission. To this end, the exemplary system 100 includes an analog signal source 102, a pre-amplifier and buffer 104, an ADC with double sampling DAC and integrator 106, a digital modulator 108, and a power amplifier 110. The output signal from the power amplifier 110 can then be transmitted via the antenna 112.
The output from the analog signal source 102 can be audio/video signals, data signals, and/or a combination of the two. In an implementation of a voice signal, the source 102 can be a microphone as an example. In an implementation of a video signal, the analog signal source 102 can be a camera as an example.
The output of the analog signal source 102 can be supplied to the pre-amplifier and buffer 104. The pre-amplifier and buffer 104 can amplify low-level analog signals. The preamplifier and buffer 104 may provide some voltage gain but no significant current gain. Analog signals typically undergo attenuation in a circuit and may require amplification before they can be processed further.
In addition, the pre-amplifier and buffer 104 can provide electrical impedance transformation from the analog signal source 102 to the next stage. The pre-amplifier and buffer 104 can aid in transferring the analog signal from the analog signal source 102 having high output impedance to the ADC with double sampling DAC and integrator 106. The pre-amplifier and buffer 104 can prevent the ADC with double sampling DAC and integrator 106 from unacceptably loading the analog signal source 102 and interfering with the sources' desired operation.
The ADC with double sampling DAC and integrator 106 receives the amplified and buffered analog signal. The ADC with double sampling DAC and integrator 106 converts the analog signal to a digital signal.
In an implementation, the ADC with double sampling DAC and integrator 106, hereinafter referred to as ADC 106, can be a delta sigma ADC. The ADC 106 can sample and quantize the analog signal using a 1-bit comparator. It is to be appreciated that the sampling rate of the signal depends on the highest frequency of the analog signal. The sampled and quantized 1-bit signal can then be converted into a multi-bit data stream by employing a digital low pass filter and a decimation circuit. A digital decimation filter can remove quantization noise from the signal.
The modulator 108 receives the multi-bit baseband signal from the ADC 106, and modulates the digital output of the ADC 106. The modulator 108 can up sample the frequency of the signal, for example, by introducing a carrier signal for pass band transmission. In an implementation, if the system 100 is utilized for baseband transmission, digital baseband modulation can be carried out by a baseband modulator. Digital baseband modulation transfers a digital bit stream over an analog low pass channel using a discrete number of signal levels. In another implementation, the modulator 108 can include various signal-processing components, such as digital filters, up samplers, noise shapers, etc.
The power amplifier 110 amplifies and increases the power efficiency of the modulated signal received from the digital modulator 108. In an implementation, such as in a mobile communication system, the power amplifier 110 can be a class C or D non-linear amplifier working in the saturated mode close to the cut-off. In this mode, the non-linear amplifier is usually the most efficient and uses less mobile station battery (i.e., power).
The amplified signal from the power amplifier 110 can be transmitted wirelessly via the antenna 112. In an implementation, the signal from the power amplifier 110 can be passed through a duplexer circuit (not shown). The duplexer circuit can isolate the transmitted signals from the received signal to prevent interference between the received and the transmitted signal.
The input analog signal 210 can be connected to the input of the fully differential integrator 204 of the double sampling DAC and integrator 200. The fully differential integrator 204 generates a fully differential signal integrating its input 214 over time.
In an implementation, the difference signal 214 is fed to the input of the fully differential integrator 204 of the double sampling DAC and integrator 200. The fully differential integrator 204 integrates the difference signal 214. The fully differential integrator 204 can be of any order. In this example, fully differential integrator 204 is of first order, since one integrator is used; however, it is contemplated that higher orders may be implemented. The output signal from the double sampling DAC and integrator 200 is received by the 1-bit comparator 206. A typical comparator is a device that compares two items of data. In this implementation, the comparator compares two input voltages (or currents), and switches its output to indicate which of the two inputs is larger.
In an implementation, one of the input voltages of the 1-bit comparator 206 can be a reference voltage. The signal received from the double sampling DAC and integrator 200 can be compared with the reference voltage, where the reference voltage can be a predefined value. In an implementation, the reference voltage can be ground or zero volts. For example, in one case, the output signal from the comparator 206 can switch from low to high, if the double sampling DAC and integrator 200 output rises above the reference voltage. In another case, the output signal from the comparator 206 can switch from high to low, if the output from the double sampling DAC and integrator 200 drops below the reference voltage or remains unchanged. Thus, the output of the 1-bit comparator 206 is a square wave or 1 bit data stream. The double sampling DAC and integrator 200 and the 1-bit comparator 206 together can convert the input analog signal into a time discrete sampled signal.
The double sampling DAC and integrator 200 can further include two or more sampling capacitors such as capacitors 312 and 314, which can be of the same or different capacitance. The sampling capacitor 312 is placed between terminal 316 and the negative input terminal of the differential op-amp 302. The sampling capacitor 314 is placed between terminal 318 and the positive terminal of the differential op-amp 302. The terminals 316 and 318 are capable of inputting analog signal, such as input A or B, respectively. In an implementation, the input signal received at the terminal 316 can be an input analog signal 210 from a source, such as analog signal source 102. In one implementation, the sampling capacitors 312 and 314 can perform sample and hold functions of an input signal. The double sampling DAC and integrator 200 can also include switches 320, 322, 324, 326, 328, 330, 332, 334, 336 and 338. The switches 320, 322, 324, 326, 328, and 330 are operated in accordance with an operating clock, and the output of the operating clock decides the state of the switches. Reference signals Vrefp 340 and Vrefn 342 represent a fully differential output.
Table 400 depicts the state of switches in accordance with the high and the low phases of a clocked signal. During the high phase, such as phase 1, of the clocked signal, switches 320 and 322 are closed while all other switches remain open. During the low phase, such as phase 2, of the clocked signal, switches 324, 326, 328, and 330 are closed, while switches 322 and 324 remain open.
Table 402 depicts the states of the switches 332, 334, 336 and 338. These switches are operational only in phase 1 as they depend on the feedback signal, and the feedback signal is supplied to the circuit in phase 1. It is to be appreciated that the position of these switches depends on the 1-bit feedback signal 212. A high feedback signal 212 can be represented as Y and a low feedback signal 212 can be represented as Y′. From the table 402 it can be observed that a high (one) feedback signal 212 (Y) is associated with the closed state of the switches 332 and 338. Similarly, a low (zero) feedback signal 212 (Y′) is indicative of open switches 330 and 332. The operation of the ADC 106 is further described in detail with reference to
Phase 1 (First Phase): Charging of Sampling Capacitors
During the first phase, as depicted in the table 400, switches 320 and 322 are in the on state (closed) and switches 324, 326, 328, and 330 are in the off (open) state. Referring now to
In an implementation, the input A can be a voltage signal Vin sourced from the analog signal source 102. The input signal Vin can be represented by the following equation (1):
Vin=Vdc+ΔVin (1)
Where Vdc is the reference potential of the input signal, and ΔVin is the variation of the analog signal around the reference potential Vdc.
Input B can be a reference potential signal Vref and can be equal to the reference potential Vdc as indicated in equation (1). Therefore, the following equation (2) can be representative of Vref:
Vref=Vdc (2)
In an implementation, the circuit for double sampling DAC and integrator 200 can include reference signals namely Vrefp 340 and Vrefn 342. The reference signals Vrefp 340 and Vrefn 342 can represent a fully differential output, such as the output of the 1-bit DAC 208. The output of the 1-bit DAC 208 can be analog signals equivalent to the two levels (i.e., one and zero), associated with a digital signal. In one implementation, Vrefp 340 and Vrefn 342 can be represented in the following manner:
Vrefp=Vref+ΔV (3)
Vrefn=Vref−ΔV (4)
ΔV being the maximum input signal amplitude.
As can be seen from the table 402, the state of the switches depends on the value of the feedback signal 212. Since the feedback signal 212 is a 1-bit signal, the feedback signal 212 can have only one of the two values: namely one (high) or zero (low). Therefore, when feedback signal 212 is one (Y), switches 332 and 338 can be on while switches 334 and 336 can be off. For a zero (Y′) valued feedback signal 212, switches 334 and 336 can be on and switches 332 and 338 can be off.
When the feedback signal 212 has a value one (Y), the closed switches 332 and 338, connect the sampling capacitor 312 to Vrefp 340, and the sampling capacitor 314 to Vrefn 342 respectively as depicted in
From the above equation (5), it can be determined that the sampling capacitor 312 charges to a voltage ΔVin−ΔV. The charge associated with the sampling capacitor 312 can be represented as follows:
Q1=(ΔVin−ΔV)*Cs1 (6)
Cs1 being the capacitance of the sampling capacitor 308, and * denoting a scalar multiplication operation.
Accordingly, the closed switch 338 connects the terminal 318 to the reference signal Vrefn 342. This charges the sampling capacitor 310 to a voltage value associated with a difference signal 214 obtained by subtracting voltage value associated with the reference signal Vrefn 342 from the input signal Vref. This can be represented by the following equations:
Therefore, for this example, the sampling capacitor 314 charges to a voltage ΔV and an accumulated charge is represented as:
Q2=ΔV*Cs2 (8)
Cs2 being the capacitance of the sampling capacitor 314, and * denoting a scalar multiplication operation.
As discussed above, the feedback signal 212 is a stream of high and low pulses indicating digital one or zero. It is to be appreciated that the feedback signal 212 can vary in accordance with the previous input signal sample and the state of the present feedback signal 212 can depend on the previous input analog signal 210.
In an implementation, the feedback signal 212 can be equal to zero (Y′). In such a case, the sampling capacitor 312 can be connected to Vrefn 338 and the terminal 316, while the sampling capacitor 314 can be connected to Vrefp 340 and the terminal 318.
As a result, the input signal Vin at terminal 316 is connected to the reference signal Vrefn 342 and the sampling capacitor 312 is charged to the voltage associated with the difference signal obtained by subtracting voltage value associated with the reference signal Vrefn 342 from the input signal Vin. This may be represented by the following equations:
Therefore, the sampling capacitor 312 charges to a voltage ΔVin+ΔV and the charge accumulated in the sampling capacitor 312 is:
Q1=(ΔVin+ΔV)*Cs1 (10)
Where Cs1 is the capacitance of the sampling capacitor 312.
The input B at terminal 318 is connected to the reference signal Vrefp 340 and the sampling capacitor 314 is charged to a voltage associated with the difference signal obtained by subtracting the voltages associated with the reference signal Vrefp 340 from the input signal Vref.
Therefore, the sampling capacitor 314 charges to a voltage ΔV and the charge accumulated in the sampling capacitor 314 can be represented as:
Q2=ΔV*Cs2 (12)
Where Cs2 is the capacitance of the sampling capacitor 310.
From equations 9 and 11, it can be determined that the sampling capacitors 312 and 314 can be charged to a value corresponding to a difference voltage 214, which is obtained by subtracting the voltage value associated with the input signal 210 and the feedback signal 212. In an implementation, the difference signal 214 can correspond to a quantization error in systems implementing delta sigma ADCs.
Phase 2 (Second Phase): Discharging of the Sampling Capacitors.
VA=Vdc−(ΔVin−ΔV) (13)
In case, the feedback signal 212 is zero (Y′), the voltage VA at the beginning of the transfer phase at the negative input terminal of the differential op-amp 302 can be represented as follows:
VA=Vdc−(ΔVin+ΔV) (14)
Meanwhile, the sampling capacitor 314 is already charged to a potential ΔV or −ΔV when the feedback signal 212 is high (1) or low (0) respectively, therefore, the charge is taken from the integrating capacitor 306 and the voltage VB obtained at beginning of the transfer phase of the positive input terminal of the differential op-amp 302 can be represented by:
VB=Vdc+(ΔVin−ΔV) (15)
VB=Vdc+(ΔVin+ΔV) (16)
As a result, a fully differential output represented as Voutdiff can be expressed as:
Voutdiff∝VA−(VB)∝2(ΔVin−ΔV) (17)
Therefore, it can be gathered that the double sampling DAC and integrator 200 samples the input analog signal 210 twice, during phase 1 and phase 2. Therefore, the voltage of the output signal obtained is twice the input analog signal 210 voltage. It is to be appreciated that the effect due to flicker noise introduced in the ADC 106 circuit can be reduced if the input analog signal 210 amplitude is increased. The double sampling DAC and integrator 200 achieves the same result by sampling the signal twice, thereby obtaining an output voltage two times the input analog signal 210. This results in reduced flicker noise in the circuit and a higher signal-to-flicker noise ratio.
Exemplary Method(s)
At block 702, an analog signal can be received as an input. For example, the double sampling DAC and integrator circuit 200 can receive an input analog signal 210, from a source such as the analog signal source 102. In an implementation, the analog signal 210 can be fed to the double sampling DAC and integrator 200 after amplification and buffering. The analog signal 210 can be a band-limited signal. If the analog signal 210 is not band limited, a low pass filter can be employed before the double sampling DAC and integrator 200 to band limit the analog signal 210.
At block 704, the sampling capacitors can be charged to a voltage value associated with the input analog signal, where such a voltage is a reference voltage. The charging of the sampling capacitors can be performed based on phases of a clocked signal. For example, the sampling capacitors 312 and 314 can be charged to a voltage associated with the input analog signal 210 at a first phase (phase 1). The reference voltage may be based on independent loading (i.e., reference loading independence). Reference loading independence is achieved by switching reference(s) to the same loading conditions. The double sampling DAC and integrator 200 operates in accordance with a clock. It should be appreciated that phase 1 corresponds to high value of the clocked signal. In phase 1, the capacitors 312 and 314 are charged to a voltage associated with a difference signal 214 obtained by subtracting the voltage associated with a feedback signal, such as feedback signal 212, and the input analog signal 210. The input analog signal 210 can be a single-ended signal, which can be inputted to the terminal 312 of the double sampling DAC and integrator 200. The terminal 318 can also receive a DC signal that is at the same reference voltage as the input analog signal 210.
At block 706, the sampling capacitors discharge and in turn charge the integrating capacitors across the differential operational amplifier. For example, during phase 2, the sampling capacitors 312 and 314 are discharged as the switches 328 and 330 are closed. The discharging of the sampling capacitors 312 and 314 charges the integrating capacitors 304 and 306. From the illustrations, such as
At block 708, a fully differential sampled signal is generated based on the voltage obtained by discharging the capacitors. For example, the input signal 210 is sampled twice, once in phase 1 and once in phase 2 during the cross coupling of the sampling capacitors 312 and 314. The amplitude of the fully differential sampled signal is proportional to twice the amplitude of the input analog signal 210. This sampled signal can be fed to the 1-bit comparator 206 for comparing the signal with a reference value. The comparison results in a two level square wave output, representing a digital high and a low. A part of this signal is fed back to the 1-bit DAC 210 that converts this digital 1-bit stream feedback signal 212 into an analog signal.
Although the subject matter has been described in language specific to structural features and/or methodological acts, it is to be understood that the subject matter defined in the appended claims is not necessarily limited to the specific features or acts described. Rather, the specific features and acts are disclosed as exemplary forms of implementing the claims. For example, the systems described could be configured as wireless communication devices, computing devices, and other electronic devices.
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