Drug particle delivery

A needleless drug particle delivery device, of the kind in which firing of the drug particles is caused by a sudden gas flow, characterised in that the device comprises a container (14) of compressed gas and a mechanism for releasing the gas from the container to create the gas flow, the mechanism comprising a rupture (20) element for breaching the container and a manually manipulable actuator (27) for moving the element and the container relatively to one another to provide an initial breach whereby gas is released to act on a piston portion (21) to provide a servo action which causes the rupture element and container to move further suddenly relatively to one another to complete the breaching of the container and establish a maximum gas flow from the container.

In our earlier international patent applications Nos. WO 94/24263, WO 96/04947, WO 96/12513, WO 96/20022 and WO 96/25190, we disclosed various non-invasive drug delivery systems involving the use of a delivery device such as a needleless syringe or catheter which fires particles consisting of or containing a drug (which term includes genetic material) in controlled doses into body tissue, e.g. through the intact skin, for curative, prophylactic, diagnostic or other medical treatment.

The devices described in the earlier applications are constructed as a tubular nozzle or other lumen, a rupturable element initially closing the passage through the lumen adjacent to the upstream end of the lumen, drug particles located adjacent to the lumen, and energising means for applying to the upstream side of the element a gaseous pressure sufficient to burst the element and to produce within the lumen a supersonic condition and hence cause the particles to be fired from the downstream end of the lumen. In a first type of syringe, the supersonic condition is a supersonic flow of the gas through a nozzle, in which the drug particles are entrained. In that case the particles may be initially located within a rupturable capsule which provides the rupturable element. In the second type of syringe or catheter, the downstream end of the lumen is provided with a bistable diaphragm, which is movable between an inverted position in which it presents outwardly of the lumen a concavity containing the particles, and an everted, outwardly convex, position. The supersonic condition is then a supersonic shockwave which is arranged to snap the diaphragm over from its inverted to its everted position, and to catapult the particles outwardly.

The energising means: disclosed in the earlier applications has, in general, involved the use of a container for compressed gas, the container having an outlet provided with a valve which is opened manually by the operator. Various kinds of valves have been proposed, including a ball valve, in which the ball is pushed off its seat, a piston which is pushed out of sealing engagement with a cylindrical passageway, and a hollow needle which is advanced to pierce a foil closing the container outlet. However, all these solutions suffer from the possible disadvantage that upon manual operation to open the valve, the immediate and subsequent gas flow will depend upon the manipulation of the valve by the operator. In particular, if the valve is not fully opened quickly, the gas may not escape at the desirable maximum flow rate. In contrast, it is desirable that the escape of gas from the container should be substantially immediate, unimpeded, and reliably reproducible on every occasion, so that the characteristics of delivery of the dose of particles, and hence the depth of penetration into the patient., are accurately predetermined.

In accordance with the present invention, a needleless drug particle delivery device, of the kind in which firing of the drug particles is caused by a sudden gas flow, is characterised in that the device comprises a container of compressed gas and a mechanism for releasing the gas from the container to create the gas flow, the mechanism comprising a rupture element for breaching the container and a manually manipulable actuator for moving the element and the container relatively to one another to provide an initial breach whereby gas is released to act on a piston portion to provide a servo action which causes the rupture element and container to move further suddenly relatively to one another to complete the breaching of the container and establish a maximum gas flow from the container.

With this construction,. after the container has been breached manually, and the gas has been released into a volume, which will normally remain fixed while the gas pressure builds up to a value at which resistance to movement of the piston portion is overcome, the servo action will take over and cause full release of the gas in a predetermined manner, irrespective of any uncertain manipulation of the actuator.

The gas flow may be arranged to burst and then flow through a rupturable membrane to cause a shockwave to be transmitted along a lumen to an evertible diaphragm. Alternatively the gas flow may open a drug particle-containing capsule, by bursting a rupturable wall of the capsule or otherwise, to enable the gas flow to entrain particles contained in the capsule.

The rupture element may be a pusher for initially cracking, and subsequently substantially snapping off, a tip of the compressed gas container. Alternatively, the rupture element may be a piercing device, such as a hollow needle, for piercing a foil closing an outlet of the container, or a cutter or blade to cut or slice the outlet of the container.

The actuator may be a slidable or rotary finger or thumb piece provided with a ramp or other cam for providing the initial displacement of the rupture element upon movement of the actuator relatively to a body of the device. When the actuator moves linearly relatively to the rupture element, it may be moved by shortening the device telescopically, eg by pushing a part at the upstream end of the device with a part at the downstream end of the device in contact with the target until the container is breached. In either case the outlet of the container may point towards the upstream end of the device to minimise the possibility of any fragments, which are produced upon rupture of the container, being entrained by the gas and adulterating the particles. Equally, the container outlet may point downstream.

Although the piston portion could be formed on the gas container or by part of a cradle for the gas container, it is most simply provided for movement with, and normally integrated with, the rupture element. In one compact arrangement, the drug particles are arranged to be contained within a capsule, particularly a capsule with rupturable walls, which is mounted within a hollow piston, itself integrated with the rupture element. With this arrangement the rupture element and piston are moved a small distance by manual manipulation of the actuator to breach the container whereafter the gas pressure advances the piston and completes the breaching of the container, until the piston bottoms out. The full gas pressure is then applied to the capsule which is thus opened by rupture of its wall or otherwise, to release the full gas flow through the piston and capsule with the particles entrained in the flow.

In one arrangement of this invention the gas container is a cartridge fitted with a protruding nib-end that can be broken off to reveal an aperture through which the gas can escape. A primary manual leverage action has only to bend over the nib-end a short distance out-of-line in order to initiate a fracture crack and release gas at its junction with the cartridge. The consequent intensification of gas pressure behind the servo-piston propels the nib-end a farther distance out-of-line, progressively enlarging the aperture and, with an increased flowrate of gas, accelerating the movement until the nib-end shears off nearly or completely. This secondary servo action takes place automatically without any additional manual effort or travel, and the nib-end is held captive by the servo-piston element to prevent its interfering with or becoming entrained in the gas stream from the cartridge. This two-stage system of breaching the gas cartridge benefits from the rapidly increasing pressure force applied to the servo-piston, whereas other possible breaching mechanisms may have a constant level or suffer from a diminution of energy after making their initial impact movement.

The depth of dermal penetration of the drug particles is dependent upon the velocity at which the particles are delivered, and this in turn depends upon the velocity of the gas flow in which the particles are entrained, or the velocity of the shockwave when the particles are ejected from an evertible diaphragm. Different drugs need to be delivered to different depths in the tissue at which their activity is maximised. Skin of persons of different age has different penetrability. It is therefore desirable to be able to control accurately, and with reliable reproducibility, the velocity at which the drug particles are delivered, and for the velocity to be adjustable so that a single syringe can be used with different drugs and with persons of different age. We have appreciated that a simple way of being able to adjust the particle velocity is to set the maximum flow of gas from the container. This in turn can be achieved by adjusting the extent to which the container is breached, when the breaching has been completed, thereby utilising an adjustable restriction to the outflow of gas from the container. A simple way of providing such adjustment in the maximum gas flow is to provide an adjustable stop which limits the stroke of the piston portion at a set position. For example, when the container is a cartridge fitted with a protruding nib-end, progressive bending of the nib-end out-of-line, will progressively open the cartridge outlet and hence progressively increase the gas flow. Limiting the stroke of the piston portion, by appropriate setting of the stop, will then provide a predetermined gas flow from the cartridge.

Some examples of needleless syringes constructed in accordance with the present invention are illustrated diagrammatically in the accompanying drawings, in which:






are central sections through five different syringes;

FIG. 5

is a section taken on the line V—V in

FIG. 4

; and,

FIG. 7

is a section, corresponding to

FIG. 1

but showing a modification.

The syringe of

FIG. 1

has a barrel


, having, near its upper end, an annular wing


. The barrel is provided on its inner wall with a plurality of circumferentially spaced axial ribs


defining between adjacent ones of the ribs a plurality of channels. Near its lower end the barrel is provided with a number of radially extending castellations


. The barrel thus provides a housing for a sealed cartridge


of compressed helium at a pressure of, typically, between 40 and 80 bar. The cartridge has a frangible tip


. When preparing the syringe for use the cartridge is inserted into the barrel


until it comes to rest on castellations


, and is then secured in place by the bottom of a downwardly extending skirt


on an upper housing part


which is screwed into an upper end portion


of the barrel


. The inner wall of the skirt


is also provided with a plurality of circumferentially spaced axial ribs


defining between adjacent ones of the ribs a plurality of channels which communicate at their lower ends via an annular groove


A with the upper ends of the channels between the ribs



The housing


contains a rupture element


having an annular piston portion


, which slides within a cylindrical portion


of the housing, and a leg


which is slidable within a through hole in an end wall


of the housing. The leg


has a gate


through which the tip


of the cartridge projects. Slidable over and around the housing


is an actuator cap


having a chamfered cam surface


initially in light engagement with the tip of the leg



The lower part of the syringe is very similar to that illustrated in

FIG. 1

of WO 94/24263. Thus the internally screw threaded lower end of the barrel


is screwed over the outside of a nozzle


containing a passageway with a short upstream convergent section


and a downstream longer divergent section


. Sandwiched between a shoulder


on the barrel


and the upper end of the nozzle


is a drug capsule


. This is constructed like the capsule illustrated in

FIG. 8

of WO 94/24263 and comprises an annular ring, having a frusto conical internal periphery surrounding a compartment containing the drug particles to be injected. The top and bottom of the compartment are closed by rupturable Mylar diaphragms which are bonded and sealed to the upper and lower walls of the ring so that the capsule forms a self contained sealed unit. The capsule is sealed to the shoulder


and nozzle


by interposed


rings recessed into the capsule ring and nozzle respectively. The frusto conical internal periphery of the capsule ring forms a continuation of the frusto conical upstream section of the passage through the nozzle



The nozzle


is surrounded, downstream of its screw threaded connection to the barrel


, by a tubular portion providing a divergent spacer shroud


and a cylindrical silencer part


, made and assembled as described in WO 94/24263. The inner surface of the cylindrical part


is integrally formed with a number of axially spaced, radially inwardly projecting baffles


. The outer surface of the nozzle is complementarily provided with a series of radially outwardly extending baffles


, each axially spaced equidistant between a respective adjacent pair of the baffles


. A ring of exhaust vents


is formed in the cylindrical part


, adjacent to its upper end.

In use the syringe is prepared, if not supplied ready prepared, by unscrewing the barrel


from the nozzle


, inserting a capsule


and screwing the barrel and nozzle together again. The housing


is unscrewed from the barrel


and a helium cartridge


inserted, prior to screwing the housing and barrel together again.

To operate the syringe, the downstream wider end of the spacer shroud


is pressed against the patient's skin and, for example, with the cap in the palm of the operator's hand, and his first and second fingers engaging beneath the wing


, the cap is pressed down over the housing


so that the chamfered cam surface


forces the rupture element


to move slightly to the right as seen in FIG.


. This begins to bend and break off the tip


of the cartridge


, as a result, perhaps, of a preformed nick or other point of weakness in the tip, which may be made of an aluminium alloy, and hence breaches the integrity of the cartridge. This releases some gas from the cartridge and the gas builds up pressure behind the annular surface of the piston head


around the leg


. The gas pressure then provides a servo action which suddenly forces the rupture element


to the right as seen in

FIG. 1

, thereby snapping fully open the frangible end of the cartridge tip


. The compressed helium in the cartridge is then free to flow quickly through the channels in the wall of the skirt


and in the wall of the barrel


around the cartridge


, into a rupture chamber


formed within the barrel upstream of the capsule


. When the pressure has built up sufficiently in this rupture chamber, the diaphragms of the capsule


are ruptured and a supersonic flow of gas through the nozzle


, in which the drug particles from within the capsule


are entrained, is released. These particles impinge upon, and penetrate, the patient's skin, to the required depth. The'shockwave reflected from the patient's skin is transmitted back through the tortuous passage in the silencer between the interdigitating baffles




, and is eventually vented to atmosphere through the vents


. Depending upon the circumstances, the syringe, is then disposed of or recharged with a new drug capsule and gas cartridge.

The syringe shown in

FIG. 2

is similar in construction and function to that of FIG.


and corresponding parts are given the same reference numerals with the suffix A. The essential differences are as follows. The housing


A, containing the rupture element


A is screwed to the barrel


A and is fixed relatively to the actuator cap


A. The left hand side of the barrel


A as seen in

FIG. 2

, has an enlarged thickness containing a longitudinal bore in which there slides an actuator spear


having a chamfered tip


which initially loosely engages the leg of the rupture element


A. The lower end of the spear


abuts against the upper end of a cylindrical shroud


A which is slidably mounted in the bottom of the barrel


A. The downstream end of the shroud


provides a spacer


A extending beyond the downstream end of the nozzle


A but is not flared as, in this case, this is unnecessary owing to the larger divergence of the downstream section of the passage through the nozzle


A, which allows sufficient spread of the drug particles. However, the cylindrical portion


A is provided with baffles


A, interdigitating with baffles


A to provide a silencer.

In operation the downstream end of the spacer portion


A is pressed against the patient's skin and axial pressure is applied to the cap


A. This causes the parts other than the shroud and spear element


to move towards the target, hence causing the chamfered tip


of the spear


to force the rupture element


A to the right as seen in FIG.


and crack open the tip of the cartridge


A. Thereafter the operation is as described with reference to FIG.


. It will be appreciated that as the nozzle


A moves downwards relatively to the shroud


A, the baffles


A and


A move to positions in which each is substantially equidistant between a pair of the others to maximise the silencing effect.

In the example shown in

FIG. 3

, parts analogous in function to those in

FIG. 1

are given the same reference numeral with the suffix B.

In this example the barrel is in two parts


B which are held together by a screw


, with the helium cartridge


B sandwiched between them. A line of weakness


in the tip


B can be seen. The upper part


B of the barrel, as seen in

FIG. 3

, is formed integrally with a housing


B containing a slidable rupture element


B. The nozzle


B is connected by a screw thread to the upper barrel portion


B and provides, in. conjunction with the housing


B, a cylinder


in which the piston end


B of the element


B slides. The end of the rupture element beyond the piston


B carries a drug particle capsule in the form of a blister pack


having a peripheral flange which is secured in a countersunk recess in the element


B by a cylindrical retaining element


which is a force fit into the recess.

The nozzle


B has a cylindrical shroud which provides both a spacer portion


B, and a silencer portion


B surrounding the downstream end of the nozzle


B with a clearance, which may provide a tortuous path through which a shockwave may be vented to atmosphere through vents


B. In this case an actuator is formed by a thumb piece of angular shape which is pivoted at one end between clevis flanges


projecting integrally from the upper barrel portion



The syringe is operated by grasping the barrel and applying anti-clockwise pressure, as seen in

FIG. 3

, to the actuator


. This displaces the rupture element


B slightly to the left, cracking the tip


B of the cartridge


B and releasing a precursor gas flow into the space behind the piston


B. The piston is thus forced sharply to the left, as seen in

FIG. 3

, fully opening the cartridge under the servo action of the gas, until the element bottoms out against the shoulder


in the nozzle


B. Further build up of gas behind the capsule


eventually causes the walls of the blister pack to rupture and to release through the nozzle


B a supersonic gas flow in which the drug particles are entrained, to impinge and penetrate the patient's skin against which the open end of the spacer portion


B of the shroud is pressed.


FIGS. 4 and 5

example shows another gas release mechanism in accordance with the invention but for generating a shock wave to evert a drug particle-containing diaphragm, as described in WO 96/20022, instead of for generating a supersonic gas flow in which drug particles are entrained, as disclosed in WO 94/24263. Indeed, the

FIG. 4

example differs only from the




example of WO 96/20022 in the gas release mechanism.

Thus the

FIG. 4

syringe has an upper tubular portion


, having a separate perforated internal support


on which there rests a cartridge


of compressed helium. A housing


, is screwed to the tubular portion


. An actuator cap


, slides over the housing and is provided with a downwardly projecting rupture element


, having, at its lower end, a sharp pointed head arranged to breach a foil seal on the upper end of the cartridge


. The rupture element


slides through a central hole in a piston element


, which can slide down around the cylindrical outer surface of an upward extension


A of the portion


, the piston having a central aperture smaller than the head of the element


. The extension


A is formed with a ring of axial passages


B and an internal profile which forms a collar around and complements the neck of the cartridge


to hold the cartridge down on the support



The tubular portion


is screw threaded to a central tubular portion


which in turn is screw threaded to a lower tubular portion


. Sandwiched between a shoulder of the upper tubular portion


and an insert


in the central tubular portion


, is a peripheral ring of a rupturable diaphragm


and a flange


A of the support


. The downstream end of the lower tubular portion


has screwed onto it a gland nut


and sandwiched between the lower end of the portion


and an inwardly projecting shoulder of the nut


is a peripheral flange of an evertible diaphragm


which initially presents downstream a concave configuration containing drug particles. The construction of this diaphragm and the manner in which the drug particles are retained is more fully described in WO 96/20022.

In operation of the

FIG. 4

syringe, the barrel formed by the parts






is grasped in the hand and with the downstream end of the device pressed against the patient's skin, the actuator cap


is depressed by the operator's thumb. As a result the tip of the rupture element


breaches the foil closing the outlet of the cartridge


, whereupon gas can escape up through the discontinuous central portion of the piston


and thereupon act upon the upper surface of the piston. This provides a servo action causing the piston to move sharply downwardly, carrying the enlarged tip of the element


further into the cartridge to open the cartridge fully and allow the escape of gas down through the passages


B around the cartridge


, and through the support


into a rupture chamber


. Here the gas pressure quickly builds up until the diaphragm


ruptures releasing a supersonic gaseous shockwave along the shock tube


formed by the passage through the parts




, thus causing the diaphragm


suddenly to evert to a convex position and catapult the drug particles into the patient's skin.

FIG. 7

shows a modification of

FIG. 1

, in which an adjustable stop


is screwed into a threaded portion of the cylinder


. The stop


has a projected abutment


against which the end of the piston portion


will come to rest when the gas release mechanism is operated, thereby limiting the extent to which the frangible tip


is bent sideways. The position of the stop


can be adjusted by pulling off the cap


, which is a push fit, and rotating the stop


by applying a screwdriver to a slot


in the stop, prior to refitting the cap



Of course it would be possible to combine the gas release mechanism of any one of






with the rupturable diaphragm, shock tube and evertible diaphragm of

FIG. 4

, as shown in

FIG. 6

, which shows a hybrid of

FIGS. 1 and 4

. Equally a gas release mechanism, similar to that of the

FIG. 4

example could be used to promote the particle-entraining gas flow of the







The new gas release mechanism may be used, not only in a syringe, but also other circumstances in which firing of particles by a sudden gas flow is needed, for example in a catheter as described in WO 96/20022.

  • 1. A needleless particle delivery device for firing particles at a target surface using a sudden gas flow, characterised in that said device comprises a container of compressed gas and a mechanism for releasing gas from the container to create a gas flow through the device, the mechanism comprising an element for breaching the container and a manually manipulable actuator for moving the element and the container relative to one another to provide an initial breach whereby gas is released to help provide a servo action sufficient to suddenly move the element and container farther relative to one another, thereby finishing the breach of the container to establish a maximum gas flow therefrom.
  • 2. A device according to claim 1, further comprising a lumen having an upstream end, and a downstream end. wherein the upstream end is adjacent to the container and has a rupturable membrane which is arranged over and closes off the upstream end of the lumen prior to being burst by release of the gas flow into the device.
  • 3. A device according to claim 1, further comprising a particle-containing capsule which is opened by the gas flow when released into the device.
  • 4. A device according to claim 1, wherein the element for breaching the container is use for initially cracking, and subsequently substantially snapping off, a tip of the container.
  • 5. A device according to claim 1, wherein the actuator comprises a finger or thumb piece with a cam attached thereto.
  • 6. A device according to claim 1 further comprising an adjustable stop for limiting travel of the element, whereby the maximum gas flow from the container is adjustable.
  • 7. A device according to claim 1, wherein the servo action is provided by the gas released by the initial breach acting upon a piston portion that is integral with the element.
  • 8. A device according to claim 2 further comprising an evertible diaphragm arranged over the downstream end of the lumen.
  • 9. A device according to claim 2, wherein the rupturable membrane is provided by a particle-containing capsule arranged over and closing off the upstream end of the lumen.
  • 10. A particle delivery device for firing particles at a target surface using a sudden gas flow, characterized in that said device comprises a container of compressed gas, an element for breaching the container to release the compressed gas when the element and container are moved relative to each other, and an adjustable stop for limiting the relative movement of the element and container, whereby said adjustable stop provides an adjustable restriction on the maximum outflow of gas from the container.
  • 11. A method for delivering particles to a target surface, sad method comprising:(a) providing a particle delivery device that comprises a container of compressed gas, a sealed capsule containing the particles, and a mechanism for releasing gas from the container to create a gas flow through the device, the mechanism comprising an element for breaching the container and a manually manipulable actuator for moving the element and the container relative to one another to provide an initial breach whereby gas is released to help provide a servo action sufficient to suddenly move the element and container further relative to one another, thereby finishing the breach of the container to establish a maximum gas flow therefrom; and (b) actuating the device against the target surface, thereby delivering said particles to said surface.
  • 12. The method of claim 11, wherein said particles are delivered into body tissue to provide for curative, prophylactic, diagnostic or other medical treatment.
  • 13. A method for delivering particles to a target surface, said method comprising:(a) providing a particle delivery device that comprises a container of compressed gas, an element for breaching the container to release the compressed gas when the element and container are moved relative to each other, a sealed capsule containing the particles, and an adjustable stop for limiting the relative movement of the element and container, whereby said adjustable stop provides all adjustable restriction on the maximum outflow of gas from the container and (b) actuating the device against the target surface, thereby delivering said particles to said surface.
  • 14. The method of claim 13 wherein said particles are delivered into body tissue to provide for curative, prophylactic, diagnostic or other medical treatment.
Priority Claims (1)
Number Date Country Kind
97304908 Jul 1997 EP
Parent Case Info

This application is a Section 371 National Stage of International Application No. PCT/GB98/01963, filed Jul. 3, 1998, and enjoys the priority benefit of European Patent Application No. 97304908.3, filed Jul. 4, 1997.

PCT Information
Filing Document Filing Date Country Kind
PCT/GB98/01963 WO 00
Publishing Document Publishing Date Country Kind
WO99/01168 1/14/1999 WO A
US Referenced Citations (6)
Number Name Date Kind
3788315 Laurens Jan 1974 A
3955571 Sunnen et al. May 1976 A
4790824 Morrow et al. Dec 1988 A
5503627 McKinnon et al. Apr 1996 A
5520639 Peterson et al. May 1996 A
6004286 Bellhouse et al. Dec 1999 A
Foreign Referenced Citations (5)
Number Date Country
WO 9424263 Oct 1994 WO
WO 9604947 Feb 1996 WO
WO 9612513 May 1996 WO
WO 9620022 Jul 1996 WO
WO 9625190 Aug 1996 WO