Dynamic admission control for IP networks


  • Patent Grant
  • 6738819
  • Patent Number
  • Date Filed
    Monday, December 27, 1999
    24 years ago
  • Date Issued
    Tuesday, May 18, 2004
    20 years ago
A dynamic admission control(AC) mechanism for accepting traffic service requests to a carrier IP network based on an iterative measurement method, is disclosed. For each service offered, a network planner assigns a certain amount of resources. A QoS manager keeps track of the amount of unused resources for each particular service. The amount of unused resources are estimated using actual measurements of load levels on various links of the network. Each router monitors the loading level on each of its outgoing interfaces. Those measurements are then transferred to the QoS manager upon request, or periodically at time intervals “T”.


1. Field of Invention

The present invention relates to IP networks and in particular to a dynamic admission control (AC) function providing assured Quality of Service (QoS) for an IP network with differentiated services (DiffServ) capabilities.

2. Related Art

Present IP carrier networks provide unreliable best-effort service to their users. Regardless of the application type all packets receive the same treatment. With the expansion of the Internet and the availability of high capacity routing and transmission technology, Internet Service Providers (ISPs) are planning networks capable of providing differentiated services to their customers with QoS assurances in addition to the traditional best-effort service.

Two network architectures have been proposed by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) to support the IP QoS requests. The first architecture allows resource reservation per flow. This is called the Integrated Services (IntServ) architecture and uses a reservation setup protocol (RSVP) as the signalling protocol to pass the QoS requests from the end system to each intermediate router along a data path. An admission control (AC) mechanism at each router along the path verifies the resources needed to provide the requested QoS. If the QoS requirements can be met, resources are reserved on an end-to-end basis, and each router is required to maintain a state for each flow traversing the network.

This architecture is suitable for a small network with a small number of flows to be managed, but becomes a problem in a carrier-scale network, where each router needs to keep states for a large number of flows.

In the second architecture, the complexity is moved to the edges of the network, hence keeping the core simple. This architecture is called the Differentiated Services (DiffServ, or DS) and it uses traffic aggregates instead of maintaining a state for each individual flow at each router. Traffic conditioning is done at the edge of the network as part of the end-to-end service. The routers in a DiffServ network implement a set of well-defined packet forwarding treatment called Per-Hop Behavior (PHB). Each PHB is given a unique default DiffServ code-point (DSCP) in the DiffServ field of the packet header, e.g. type of services (ToS, or service type) bytes in IP version 4, or Traffic Class byte in IP version 6. At the DiffServ network boundary, the routers classify the traffic flows and mark the DiffServ field with the appropriate code-point. Intermediate routers along the path provide different forwarding treatment to the packets according to the code-point in each packet. It is expected that edge routers will only maintain a state record for each individual flow and therefore, scalability is no longer an issue. The DiffServ architecture is preferred as it is easy to implement and scales to a large network.

The ability to differentiate between data packets having different QoS requirements is a necessary, but not sufficient condition for offering assured QoS. For satisfying services with QoS parameters attached to them, traffic management mechanisms are required to ensure that sufficient resources exist to meet the service objectives. Prominent among those mechanisms is the AC function which limits the volume of the traffic accepted to the network to allow the various QoS objectives to be satisfied.

A service request may be a single-ended or a double-ended request. Although both types of requests specify the amount of traffic and the services required, a single-ended request specifies only the traffic origination. A double-ended request specifies the traffic origination and the traffic destination. Both single-ended and double-ended requests need to be supported by an efficient admission control method whenever assured performance is required.

The support of assured QoS in a DiffServ network is not an easy task since there is no a priori knowledge of the path to be followed, particularly for single-ended requests which could be directed to any destination. A basic weakest link method has been suggested for controlling the amount of traffic allowed to enter a network. This method is very inefficient in terms of bandwidth utilization.

Accordingly, there is a need to provide a method and a mechanism for dynamically supporting IP QoS in a DiffServ network, to ensure that QoS requirements are met for admitted data packets, while efficiently utilizing the network.


An object of the invention is to provide admission control mechanisms which alleviate totally or in part the drawbacks of the prior art.

It is another object of the invention to provide a mechanism for a carrier IP network to perform admission control (AC) for service requests with assured QoS. The AC mechanism operates for both single or double ended requests by dynamically deciding whether the request should be accepted or rejected.

Still another object of the present invention is to provide admission control (AC) using an iterative measurement based method for carrier IP networks. A QoS manager keeps track of the resource availability of the network, and accepts a new request only if the requested resource is available. The QoS manager maintains an accurate resource occupancy table using, or supplementing with direct measurements from the network.

According to one aspect of the invention, an iterative weakest link method is provided. The method comprises the steps of initializing a QoS manager at an admit limit (AL) representing a bandwidth utilization capacity allocated to a service offered on the weakest link of the network; receiving a service request including a service type and a required bandwidth; comparing the AL with the required bandwidth and accepting the request whenever the required bandwidth does not exceed the AL, and rejecting the request whenever the required bandwidth exceeds the AL; maintaining the AL if the request is rejected and dynamically adjusting the AL by the amount of required bandwidth after accepting the request, while periodically measuring the traffic load on each link of the network to provide an updated AL for each offered service.

According to another aspect of the invention, a path-based method using the iterative measurement technique with the edge routers supplying the path, is provided. This method comprises the edge routers maintaining a spanning tree, and the QoS manager maintaining the link occupancy table. Edge routers intercept the service request sent by a customer, identify the path the request will use, and forwards the service report together with the assigned path to the QoS manager. The QoS manager accepts or rejects the request based on the service requested, the path required, and the available capacity of the links along the assigned path.

According to still another aspect of the invention, a path-based method using the iterative measurement with the QoS manager maintaining both. the routing table and the link occupancy table, is provided.

The AC process according to the invention advantageously provides support for both single-ended and double-ended service requests, and also provides improved bandwidth utilization.

The invention is not limited to the features disclosed in the “Summary of the Invention” section; it nonetheless may reside in a sub-combination of the disclosed features.


The present invention and its advantages will be better understood from the following description of the embodiments of the invention illustrated in the drawings, where:

FIG. 1

illustrates a QoS manager for admission control of requests in a carrier IP network;

FIG. 2

illustrates the bandwidth allocation to different service types;

FIG. 3

is an example of node connections in carrier IP networks;

FIG. 4

illustrates the architecture of a DiffServ network using the iterative measurement based method according to the invention;

FIG. 5


is a flow chart illustrating the iterative measurement based method for single-ended requests;

FIG. 5


is a flow chart illustrating the AL management process;

FIG. 6

is a chart illustrating a window based measurement method;

FIG. 7

illustrates the architecture of a carrier IP network using a path based admission control (AC) method; and

FIG. 8

is an alternative embodiment for the architecture of FIG.



Similar references are used in different figures to denote similar components.


The following description relates to preferred embodiments of the invention by way of example only and without limitation to the combination of features necessary for carrying the invention into effect.

An IP network with differentiated services capabilities is intended to provide multiple QoS-based services using a small set of per hop behavior mechanisms. The resources in a DiffServ network must be appropriately managed for offering the available services with assured QoS support. There are two models for managing the resources: the distributed approach and the centralized approach. In the distributed approach, each router in the network manages its own resources and makes admission control decisions based on the utilization of its own resources. However, since provision of mechanisms for making resource reservations along a path is too complex, a distributed admission control is not considered herein.

The invention contemplates a centralized resource management model, where the network elements have the ability to report their operational parameters to a central management system. The management system is provided with a QoS manager which is responsible to negotiate Service Level Agreements (SLAs) with its neighboring networks, and to manage the usage of the internal resources of the network under its control. The QoS manager is provided with a mechanism for dynamic admission of service requests. The parameters of a service request which are relevant for dynamic admission control (AC) mechanisms are: the source and the destination, the service type, and the amount of bandwidth required. It is to be noted that a single-ended service request specifies only the traffic origination, which means the packets are forwarded to any destination in the network.

FIG. 1

illustrates at


a QoS manager


, operating in a centralized resource management IP carrier network


. Network


is of the IP DiffServ type comprising edge routers




and core routers




. Edge and core routers implement packet forwarding mechanisms such as per hop behaviour (PHB) for providing differentiated services to a traversing traffic. The QoS manager


is used to manage the resources of the network


and to perform the admission control (AC) function. The service requests are sent by customer




to the edge router




, or to the QoS manager



FIG. 1

shows five routers, but it is to be understood that the number of routers can be higher. Also, in the following drawings the core of the network


e.g. routers




as well as any other non-edge routers are globally denoted with


. The number of links for a particular offered service is denoted with “n”.

FIG. 2

illustrates the bandwidth allocated to various service types. In general, the services can be offered based on “best effort” (BE) shown at


, “expedited forwarding” (EF) shown at


, or “assured forwarding” (AF) shown at


. A link bandwidth is allocated to each service type, based on a specified policy. In the example of

FIG. 2

, EF service


is given a of the total link bandwidth


, AF service


is given b of the total link bandwidth


, and BE service


is assigned c of the total link bandwidth



As explained above, the total bandwidth capacity of each link is distributed






to serve various service types offered by the IP network. To meet delay or loss of data packets objectives, the capacity allocated for a service is utilized up to a predetermined maximum allowable capacity, or bandwidth utilization capacity. For services with tight requirement on data packet delay and loss such as


, the maximum allowable capacity (R


) will be lower than the allocated bandwidth a for this service (R


<a) in order to meet the stringent delay and loss requirements. For services with loose or no requirements on delay and loss


, the maximum allowable capacity will be close to the actual allocated bandwidth b to this service (R



It is known that a basic weakest link method can be used for deciding whether to allow more traffic to enter a network when receiving a new request. This method takes into account the possibility that the traffic admitted into the network may take any path. The worst assumption is that all the admitted traffic will converge onto the weakest link of the network. To ensure that the QoS requirements are met even for the worst case scenario, the basic weakest link approach ensures that the total traffic volume admitted into a DiffServ network will not exceed the capacity of the weakest link (R


) in the network. In this case, “R


” represents a predetermined and fixed amount of bandwidth for a given service type offered by the network.

FIG. 3

illustrates node connections in a carrier IP network


, used to exemplify the basic weakest link method. In the example of

FIG. 3

, all the routers






, and


are inter-connected by optical carrier OC12 or OC3 links. Assuming that 50% of the link capacity is allocated to assured forwarding services (AF)


, the R


for this example is the rate of the weakest OC3 link (155 Mbps) divided by two, i.e. 78 Mbps. As such, the maximum AF request (R


) for all customers should not exceed (R


=78 Mbps).

The above described basic weakest link method provides reliable service level of guarantees. One variable has to be maintained and one comparison has to be performed for taking admission decisions. As mentioned before, the amount of traffic allowed to enter the network (R


) will never exceed the capacity of the weakest link in the network (R


). In this way, even if all the traffic of a service type happens to use the weakest link, the QoS requirements of the admitted traffic are still maintained.

The shortcoming of the basic weakest link method is related to network occupancy which is low since the amount of traffic admitted into the network is limited to an amount corresponding to the weakest link capacity. While this may be acceptable for small networks, for a network with 100 identical links the average occupancy will be 1% of the weakest link capacity, which is generally not acceptable.

The purpose of the present invention is to provide a dynamic admission control (AC) which addresses the network occupancy shortcomings of the basic weakest link method. Accordingly, for each service offered, a network planner initially assigns certain amount of resources. The network itself keeps track of the amount of unused resources for each particular service. This information is kept in the QoS manager


. The amount of unused resources are estimated using actual measurements of load levels on all links of the network. Each router monitors the loading level on each of its outgoing interfaces. Those measurements are then transferred to the QoS manager


upon request, or periodically every time interval (N×T), where “N” is an integer.

FIG. 4

illustrates the architecture and operation of QoS manager


according to one embodiment of the invention. Network


does not require signaling nor reservation setup. The bandwidth allocation is based on the assumption that it is unlikely for all admitted traffic to use the weakest link at the same time. In reality, the traffic is dispersed over all links.

As shown in

FIG. 4

, the QoS manager


maintains a single variable called the admit limit (AL) for each offered service, except for the best-effort (BE) class


. An update engine block


administers the AL based on measurements polled from all routers




. An AL block


records the smallest remaining capacity (min.R


) among all links (1 . . . n) for a particular service.





(1 . . .


)  (EQ1)



updates the AL block


with freshly measured smallest remaining capacity (min.R


) for the entire network. This may be done either periodically as it will be later explained in connection with

FIG. 5


, or when the AL becomes lower than a preset value. The measurement process can be performed manually, or automatically by block



The process of admitting traffic to network


starts by initializing the QoS manager


to admit requests up to the weakest link capacity (AL=R


). A service request (Rq) may be sent by customer




, or off-line


. An admission control block


performs the admission function by comparing the request for traffic with the admit limit (AL) and decides whether to accept or to reject the request.

A service request is accepted if the required bandwidth does not exceed the admit limit (AL). If accepted, reservation for the new request is made and the admit limit (AL) is decreased by the amount of the newly admitted traffic.

FIG. 5


illustrates the iterative measurement method for a single-ended request for one service type. The admission process starts at step


where the QoS manager


initializes at AL to be R


. When a request R


is received at step


, the QoS manager


compares R


with AL, step


, and accepts the request, step


, if the admit limit (AL) is higher than the request (R


) or rejects the request, step


, if the admit limit (AL) is smaller than the request (R





request accepted



request rejected  (EQ2)

When a request is rejected, the value of the admit limit (AL) is maintained unchanged, a request or alarm to add capacity may be generated, and the AC process returns to step



When a request is accepted, the QoS manager


automatically computes, step


, the new admit limit at AL′=AL−R


, and re-initializes AL to AL′.




FIG. 5


is a flow chart illustrating the admit limit (AL) management process. For clarity of exposition, this example assumes that a single-ended request (R


) is received for a particular offered service.

Initially, the admit limit (AL) is set at the weakest link capacity (R


), step


. Then, a measurement is performed every time interval “T” to find the current utilization of all the links (1 . . . n), step


. “T” can be set based on the request frequency, the service duration, and may be refined based on experience. When time “T” expires, QoS manager


polls for the remaining capacity (R


) on all links (1 . . . n), either from a network management database (not shown), or from routers




directly, at step


. At the end of the interval “T”, the QoS manager


sets the new admit limit AL′ to the minimum remaining capacity among all “n” links for the offered service (EQ1), step



Returning now to

FIG. 3

, AL is initialized to the OC3 service bandwidth utilization capacity, i.e. AL=155 Mbps. When an assured forwarding (AF) service type request with 100 Mbps throughput is received, because AL>100 Mbps, the request is accepted and AL is reduced to 55 Mbps. If a second request is received requiring 10 Mbps, because AL>10 Mbps this request is also accepted and AL is reduced to AL′=45 Mbps.

After an interval “T”, a new measurement is performed indicating that all the admitted traffic uses only the OC12 links and not the OC3 link; therefore, the minimum remaining bandwidth (min.R


) is higher than AL′=45 Mbps. Consequently, the QoS manager


is reset to the weakest value in the network, i.e. AL=155 Mbps representing the entire OC3 service capacity.

As discussed before, by dynamically and periodically resetting the AL based on iterative measurements performed on all links of the network, more traffic may be admitted into the network



FIG. 4

, leading to higher occupancy.

As shown in

FIG. 6

, the measurements on individual links may be collected using a moving window algorithm of a fixed sampling time “s”, where s<T. According to this algorithm, the average load on each link is computed every sampling period “s”. At the end of the interval, or measurement window “T”, the highest measured value, or peak load (Ai) for the respective window Ti is used as the estimated load for the next window. If for example, the measurement A


in window T


is higher than the highest measurement A


in the previous window T


, the estimated load is immediately raised to A


. If the following measurement reveals A




, then A


is maintained as the load estimate for window T


. Similarly, A


will be maintained as the load estimate for window T


because A





The purpose of this estimates is to identify the current peak load as an estimated link load in order to avoid underestimating the existing link load. A smaller “s” gives a higher peak load and consequently, a more conservative load estimate (R


=AL−Ai). It is not necessary for the QoS manager


to retrieve measurements every sampling period “s”. Instead, the QoS manager


may retrieve measurements every “N” sampling periods.

It should be noted that there is always a possibility to underestimate the load level which would result in undesired over admission. Accordingly, it is necessary to leave a backup bandwidth when setting the maximum bandwidth utilization capacity (R


) in order to allow for measurement errors, as discussed in connection with FIG.


. The backup bandwidth may also be allocated to the best effort (BE) traffic when not used.

FIG. 7

illustrates at


the architecture of a second embodiment of the invention for a path-based method. This implementation is suitable for servicing more frequent request arrivals and departures with short holding times. In this case, the QoS manager


maintains a resource table listing link IDs and the associated link remaining capacity, block


, for updating the admission control block


, while each edge router




, maintains its spanning tree for creating its own routing table.

As shown in

FIG. 7

, customer


sends a double-ended request specifying the traffic destination, desired service, and traffic volume. The request may be sent on line


, or


. In any event, the request is intercepted by the edge router


. Edge router


analyses the request and if the request is double-ended, edge router


checks its spanning tree and translates the destination address into a unique route representing the shortest path for the traffic to the destination end. Edge router


then forwards the request, containing an assigned path and the QoS requirements, i.e. the traffic volume (bandwidth) and the service type requested, to the QoS manager


on line



AC block


compares the requested bandwidth (R


) against the admit limit (AL) on each link along the assigned path. If resources exist (EQ2), the request is accepted. Once accepted by admission block


, the QoS manager


updates the link load table in block


by adding the amount of bandwidth requested onto the link loading level currently recorded in the table. The change of the link load table automatically produces a new admit limit (AL′) to be used for admitting single-ended service requests. Now, the request is admitted.

When accepting a single-ended request, all links of the network will be reduced by the amount of the requested/admitted bandwidth.

Finally, AC block


sends an acknowledgment to the edge router


on line


, and a response is then forwarded to customer


on line



When a double-ended request terminates, QoS manager


updates the link load level for all the links on the assigned path, or relies on measurements to capture the change. However, if the time of a single-ended request terminates, QoS manager


may prefer to rely on measurements only to capture the change.

In any event, the QoS manager


periodically receives measurements performed on all links and consolidates the two values representing the current link load level recorded in the tables and the newly measured load level as shown below:

Estimated load level=

(current level as recorded in tables)++(1−


)×(newly measured load level),  (EQ4)

where “w” is a weighting factor.

Because the currently recorded link load level tends to over-estimate the load, and the measured load level tends to underestimate the load, the consolidation generates an estimated value closer to the existing link load. level. The weighting factor “w” is selected to provide an estimated load as close as possible to the real link load. For an efficient usage of the network, if the newly measured load level is higher than the currently recorded load level in the tables, the higher value will be considered as the estimated load level.

FIG. 8

is another embodiment of the invention in which the routing information is kept in the QoS manager


. In the alternative architecture of

FIG. 8

shown at


, the QoS manager


maintains a routing table with destination and link ID information in block


instead of asking edge router


to supply the routing information. The QoS manager


also runs part of the open short path first (OSPF) protocol to obtain the up-to-date network topology and the link state information, which are recorded in block


. It then builds and maintains a routing table using the topology information and the link states using some known algorithms, e.g. by running the Dijkstra algorithm with each edge router




as the root.

In the embodiment of

FIG. 8

, the AC block


receives a service request on-line


, or off-line


. The QoS manager


reads the list of links required by the shortest path from the routing table in block


, checks the remaining capacities on the listed links from the Link Occupancy Table retrieved from block


, and if the admit limit (AL) on all links involved can satisfy the requirements (EQ2), the request is accepted. If the request is accepted, AC block


updates the link ID/loading level


which triggers an automatic update of the admit limit (AL) block


. Now, the request is admitted.

The maintenance of the link occupancy table in block


is based on a process which is similar to the process described in connection with FIG.


. Advantageously, no additional functionality has to be implemented on edge router


if a routing table is maintained in block



A dynamic admission control(AC) mechanism for accepting traffic service requests to a carrier IP network based on an iterative measurement method, is disclosed. For each service offered, a network planner assigns a certain amount of resources. A QoS manager keeps track of the amount of unused resources for each particular service. The amount of unused resources are estimated using actual measurements of load levels on various links of the network. Each router monitors the loading level on each of its outgoing interfaces. Those measurements are then transferred to the QoS manager upon request, or periodically at time intervals “T”. The AC process according to the invention advantageously provides support for both single-ended and double-ended service requests, and also provides improved bandwidth utilization.

Numerous modifications, variations, and adaptations may be made to the particular embodiments of the invention without departing from the scope of the invention which is defined in the appended claims.

  • 1. A method of controlling admission of a service request in an IP network with differentiated services capabilities, said IP network including a plurality of links for communication path: comprising the steps of:at a network element, (a) periodically measuring traffic load on each link in said IP network for each service offered by said network; at a QoS manager, (b) administering a single available resource value for each service; (c) comparing said available resource value for a service requested with a resource determined by a parameter for said request when receiving said request; and (d) determining, in response to the comparison, whether the amount of traffic of said service requested is allowed to enter said network and accepting said requests, said administering step (b) including: periodically determining said available resource value based on the measurement on each link for said service, and dynamically adjusting said available resource value for said service requested based on said parameter to account for the utilization of said IP network by said service.
  • 2. The method of claim 1, wherein said parameter includes a required bandwidth.
  • 3. The method of claim 2, wherein said step of determining said available resource value comprises the step of periodically determining, based on said measurement, a single admit limit (AL) for each service offered by said network, said step of accepting said request comprises the step of accepting said request if said AL for said service requested is not exceeded by the resource, and said step of adjusting said available resource value comprises the step of decreasing said AL for said service requested based on the accepted parameter.
  • 4. The method of claim 3, wherein said step of administering a single available resource value comprises the step of initializing said admit limit (AL) by a predetermined bandwidth utilization capacity allocated to said service offered on the weakest link of said network.
  • 5. The method of claim 4, wherein said step of administering a single available resource value comprises the step of initializing said AL by the smallest remaining capacity on all links for said offered service.
  • 6. The method of claim 4, further comprising accepting said request whenever said required bandwidth does not exceed said AL for said service requested, and rejecting said request whenever said required bandwidth exceeds said AL for said service requested.
  • 7. The method of claim 6, wherein said step of adjusting said available resource value comprising maintaining said AL If said request is rejected, and dynamically adjusting said AL by the amount of said required bandwidth after accepting said request.
  • 8. The method of claim 6, wherein said step of adjusting said available resource value comprises the step of resetting, based on said measurement, said AL to the remaining capacity of the new weakest link of said network.
  • 9. The method of claim 3, wherein said step of periodically measuring is performed off line.
  • 10. The method of claim 3, wherein said step of periodically measuring is performed by each router.
  • 11. The method of claim 3, wherein said step of periodically measuring is performed after a preset time interval.
  • 12. The method of claim 3, wherein said step of periodically measuring is performed each time said admit limit becomes smaller than a preset value.
  • 13. The method of claim 1, wherein said parameter includes a type of the service.
  • 14. The method of claim 1, wherein said parameter includes a destination.
  • 15. The method of claim 1, comprising the following steps performed by an edge router:intercepting said request by said edge router; determining if said request is single-ended or double-ended; identifying an assigned path if said request is double-ended; and forwarding the parameter including said assigned path to a QoS manager, at said QoS manager, performing said step of adjusting said available resource value for each link forming said assigned path of said double-ended request, and for each link in said network for said single-ended request.
  • 16. The method of claim 15, wherein said step of identifying an assigned path includes creating and maintaining a spanning tree at said edge router.
  • 17. The method of claim 15, wherein said assigned path comprising a list of link identifications.
  • 18. The method of claim 15, wherein said assigned path comprising a list of router interface identifications.
  • 19. The method of claim 15, wherein said traffic load on each link in said network is reduced by a weighted amount each time said double ended request terminates.
  • 20. The method of claim 19, wherein said step of identifying an assigned path includes creating and maintaining an edge-to-edge routing table at said QoS manager.
  • 21. The method of claim 1, further comprising the following steps:determining if said request is single-ended or double-ended; maintaining the current network topology and link state information; and identifying an assigned path if said request is double-ended, at said QoS manager, performing said step of adjusting said available resource value for each link forming said assigned path of said double-ended request, and for each link in said network for said single-ended request.
  • 22. A QoS manager for admission control (AC) of a traffic service request in an IP network with differentiated services capabilities, comprising:an update engine block for periodically providing a single admit limit (AL) to each service for a parameter of interest of said request based on a measurements performed on each link of said network for said service; an admit limit block for periodically requesting updates of said AL and recording same; an admission control (AC) block for receiving said request, determining whether the amount of traffic of said service for said request is allowed to enter said network by comparing said AL for said service requested with said parameter and for dynamically adjusting said AL for said service requested based on the accepted parameter.
  • 23. The QoS manager of claim 22, wherein said measurements are performed at a preset time interval.
  • 24. A router for admission control (AC) of a traffic service request in an IP network with differentiated services capabilities, comprising:I/O interface (IF) means for establishing a direct link with a single or more other routers of said network; means for monitoring said I/O (IF) means and measuring available resources in said network corresponding to a parameter of interest of said request, and for transmitting same to a QoS manager, whereby said QoS manager administers a single available resource value for each service, which is periodically determined by said measurement on each link for said service, and said QoS manager determines whether the amount of traffic of said service for said request is allowed to enter said network by comparing said parameter with said available resources value for said service requested, accepts the traffic for said request, and dynamically adjusts said available resource value for said service requested based on the accepted parameter.
  • 25. The router of claim 24, wherein said parameter is measured at a preset time interval.
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