The present invention relates to prosthetic and orthotic devices and more particularly to a dynamically activated, variable-response prosthetic or orthotic socket system with a hydraulic pump.
An amputee is a person who has lost part of an extremity or limb such as a leg or arm which commonly may be termed as a residual limb. Residual limbs come in various sizes and shapes with respect to the stump. That is, most new amputations are either slightly bulbous or cylindrical in shape while older amputations that may have had a lot of atrophy are generally more conical in shape. Residual limbs may further be characterized by their various individual problems or configurations including the volume and shape of a stump and possible scar, skin graft, bony prominence, uneven limb volume, neuroma, pain, edema or soft tissue configurations.
Referring to
Referring to
In some respects, the residual limb amputee that has a severed arm 9a does not have the pressure bearing considerations for an artificial limb but rather is concerned with having an artificial limb that is articulable to offer functions typical of a full arm, such as bending at the elbow and grasping capabilities. An individual who has a paralyzed limb would also have similar considerations wherein he or she would desire the paralyzed limb to having some degree of mobility and thus functionality.
Historically, artificial limbs typically used by a leg amputee were for the most part all made out of wood such as an Upland Willow. The limbs were hand carved with sockets for receiving the stump of the residual limb. Below the socket would be the shin portion with the foot below the shin. These wooden artificial limbs were covered with rawhide which often were painted. The sockets of most wood limbs were hollow as the limbs were typically supported in the artificial limb by the circumferential tissue adjacent the stump rather than at the distal end of the stump.
Some artificial limbs in Europe were also made from forged pieces of metal that were hollow. Fiber artificial limbs were also used which were stretched around a mold after which they were permitted to dry and cure. Again, these artificial limbs were hollow and pretty much supported the residual limb about the circumferential tissue adjacent the stump.
All of these various artificial limbs have sockets to put the amputee's stump thereinto. There are generally two categories of sockets. There are hard sockets wherein the stump goes right into the socket actually touching the socket wall without any type of liner or stump sock. Another category of sockets is a socket that utilizes a liner or insert. Both categories of sockets typically were open-ended sockets where they had a hollow chamber in the bottom and no portion of the socket touched the distal end of the stump. So, the stump was supported about its circumferential sides as it fits against the inside wall of the sockets.
These types of sockets caused a lot of shear force on the stump as well as had pressure or restriction problems on the nerve bundles and vascular flow of fluid by way of the circumferential pressure effect of the socket on the limb. This lack of contact pressure effect could cause a swelling into the ends of the socket where an amputee may develop severe edema and draining nodules at the end of their stump.
With time, prosthetists learned that by filling in the socket's hollow chamber and encouraging a more total contact with the stump and the socket, the swelling and edema problems could be eliminated. However, the problematic tissue configurations, and bony prominences, required special consideration such as the addition of soft or pliable materials to be put into the socket.
Today, most artificial limbs are constructed from thermoset plastics such as polyester resins, acrylic resins, polypropylenes and polyethylenes, which are perhaps laminated over a variety of textiles which are impregnated by the various resins.
In the past, most artificial limbs were suspended from the amputee's body by some form of pulley, belt or strap suspension often used with various harnesses and perhaps leather lacers. Another method of suspending artificial limbs is known as the wedge suspension wherein an actual wedge is built into the socket which is more closed at its top opening. The wedge in the socket cups the medial femoral condyle or knuckle at the abductor tubical. Yet another form of suspension is referred to as the shuttle system or a mechanical hookup or linkup wherein a thin suction liner is donned over the stump that has a docking device on the distal end which mechanically links up with its cooperative part in the bottom of the socket chamber. Sleeve suspensions were also used wherein the amputee would roll on over both the top of the artificial limb and onto the amputee's thigh. The sleeve suspensions have been used in combination with other forms of suspensions techniques.
Both the use of a positive pressure system and the use of a negative pressure system (or hypobaric closed chamber) have been utilized in the field of prosthetics. At one time, for pressure systems “inflatable inner tubes” were used to fit into sockets. Presently, there are pneumatic “bags” which are strategically placed over what people consider to be good weight-bearing areas to increase pressure to help accommodate for volume changes within the socket.
The problem with this is that higher pressure areas cause more volume losses and this very specific pressure creates atrophy and loss of tissue dramatically over these high pressure areas. None of these systems employs positive pressure distributed over the entire total contact area between the residual limb and the artificial limb socket to accommodate volume changes within the socket.
The negative pressure aspects have been utilized for a closed chamber in that a socket is donned by pulling in with a sock, pulling the sock out of the socket and then closing the opening with a valve. This creates a seal at the bottom and the stump is held into the socket by the hypobaric seal.
The older systems were initially started in Germany. They were an open-ended socket, meaning there was an air chamber in the bottom of the socket. This did not work particularly well because it would cause swelling of the residual limb into the chamber created by the negative draw of suspending the weight of the leg and being under a confined area. This would lead to significant edema which would be severe enough to cause stump breakdown and drainage.
It was later discovered in America that total contact was essential between the residual limb and the socket and once you had total contact the weight was distributed evenly or the suspension was distributed over the whole surface of the limb rather than just over the open chamber portion of the socket.
The use of vacuum to suspend the artificial limb from the residual limb is known and is illustrated in U.S. Pat. No. 6,726,726, herein incorporated by reference.
The human body as a whole is under approximately one atmosphere of pressure at sea level. It keeps and maintains a normal fluid system throughout the body. When an amputee dons a prosthesis and begins taking the pressures of transmitting the weight of the body through the surface area of the residual limb to the bone, there is increased pressure on the residual limb equal to one atmosphere plus whatever additional pressures are created by weight bearing. This increased pressure causes the eventual loss of fluids within the residual limb to the larger portion of the body which is under less pressure. This loss of fluids causes the volume of the residual limb to decrease during the day. It varies from amputee to amputee, but it is a constant among all amputees and the more “fleshy” and the softer the residual limb, the more volume fluctuation there will be. The greater the weight and the smaller the surface area, the greater the pressures will be and the more “swings” there will be in fluids. In the past, the amputee had to compensate for this volume decrease by removing the artificial limb and donning additional stump socks to make up for the decreased residual limb volume.
The human body utilizes a skeletal system to support its mass and weight. None of its remaining systems were designed to support its mass or weight other than the fat pads on the plantar surface of the feet. These fat pads were especially designed to support the weight and mass of the body without losing their fluid content or volume. All remaining tissue is susceptible to loads greater than atmospheric pressure, less than atmospheric pressure, high mechanical pressure, hydration levels, and general vascular and neurological health.
Previous and current socket technologies have always been a rigid support structure that is static in nature and has no way to compensate for limb volume change, changes in tissue load requirements, or concentric or eccentric joint motion which alters the physiological shape of the joint and surrounding soft tissue They have never utilized dynamic response socket technology to compensate for volume and eccentric and concentric joint changes through range of motion of the joint. The utilization of vacuum to date, for example, in U.S. Pat. No. 6,726,726, has only been in the suspension of the artificial limb and has not been utilized in the stabilization and support of vertical tangent and rotational weight bearing loads which are more significant than suspension. For example, the '726 patent discloses vacuum being applied to a cavity between an inner socket and a polyurethane liner to draw the residual limb, encased in the polyurethane liner, against the inner socket to suspend the prosthetic limb from the residual limb. The '726 patent does not, however, disclose the use of a semi-flexible inner socket or a semi-rigid outer socket with a textured surface area available for countering vertical tangent and rotational forces, and accommodating both positive and negative pressures.
Static sockets are unable to compensate for limb volume changes created by loads greater than atmospheric pressure, less than atmospheric pressure, or high mechanical pressure. At present, there is only one item within the confines of the prosthetic socket that has any dynamic response capabilities: a specially formulated urethane interface or liner, also disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 6,726,726 and incorporated by reference. All other interface media such as TPE or silicone or expanded foam materials do not possess this dynamic characteristic. However, even with this dynamic characteristic, urethane is unable to compensate for many of the socket-created issues.
For example, vacuum's strongest holding force is perpendicular to the surface that it is applied to. About ninety percent of the vertical load forces in a socket are tangent and not perpendicular and therefore vacuum is significantly reduced in its ability to control vertical tangent and rotational loads and distal migration of the limb in the socket. Furthermore, a urethane socket liner has a tendency to flow out of the brim of the socket, and thus become thinner, when subjected to weight-bearing pressures.
An additional problem with laminated sockets is that vacuum leaks out of them, and it therefore necessary for the vacuum to be continually renewed. While sockets of molded thermoplastics do not leak like laminated sockets, and do not absorb moisture, it is difficult to mold the thermoplastic socket with uniform wall thickness.
Skin Physiological Principles
Atmospheric pressure (1 atm=˜14.7 psi) is constantly compressing us from all directions. This may not sound like much, but consider that this compressive pressure over the surface of the average body (˜3,000 in2) totals ˜44,000 lbs of force! The blood and lymphatic vascular systems are well adapted to this large compressive pressure. The tissue pressure throughout our body is only slightly (<0.2%) less than the external atmospheric pressure (Guyton and Hall, Textbook of Medical Physiology). In this pressurized environment the blood capillaries are constantly delivering water and nutrients to all tissues and the blood and lymphatic capillaries remove excess water and wastes from the tissues to sustain a healthy fluid environment in which the cells are bathed.
This homeostatic condition is disturbed when external pressure deviates from 1 atm. The body easily adapts to the daily fluctuations in atmospheric pressure. It can also withstand greater increases or decreases in external pressure for limited amounts of time. However, as seen with amputees, skin health suffers if these deviations from 1 atm are large enough, transition sharply enough or are applied long enough. This is true for pressures above 1 atm and below 1 atm.
For example, high pressures over a bony prominence can cause skin to break down. Sub atmospheric pressure can also lead to skin damage. For example, the distal end of the limb will swell and some of its capillaries rupture if it is leveraged off the bottom of a sealed socket sufficiently hard or for an extended period of time.
Problem Area
With the traditional rigid socket and vacuum suspension, conditions often exist at the brim where the pressures exceed 1 atm and fall below 1 atm.
High Pressure at Brim
The limb experiences high pressure when it is pressed against a rigid brim. This usually occurs under two conditions: 1) the leg leverages in the socket, driving the proximal end of the limb against the edge of the socket brims or 2) the limb slides toward the brim (e.g. wide posterior aspect of the femoral condyles slides forward during knee flexion, wedging it between the narrowing anterior brims). This elevated pressure can lead to ischemia, discomfort, pain, skin breakdown and/or chronic soft tissue atrophy.
Low Pressure
Low pressures at the brim are always due to a slight separation between the liner and skin. This expansion of the trace air space between the skin and the liner decreases pressure between the skin and liner. The skin moves towards the low pressure to fill this space, causing edema and/or dermal capillary bleeding if the pressure drop in the uncontained space is large enough or is applied for an extended period of time.
This space is created by the following sequence of events:
1) The limb and rigid socket are pulled apart (e.g. knee extension leverages the knee away from the rigid brim).
2) This expands the air space between the liner and socket causing a void of low pressure. This is the vacuum space, so it is already under low pressure and the gapping further lowers the pressure.
3) The liner moves towards this low pressure void (towards the socket).
4) As the liner moves towards the socket, it increases the trace space between the liner and skin. This creates a second low pressure space, this one being between the skin and liner.
5) The skin, likewise attempts to fill this low pressure void by moving towards the displaced liner.
6) The pressure in the interstitial space (within the soft tissues of the limb), in turn, drops causing greater blood capillary filtration and potential blood capillary rupture. Filtration is leaking of blood plasma (92% water) out of the capillaries and into the interstitial space.
It should be noted in step 3 that the extent to which the liner moves towards the socket will be determined by equilibration of the low pressures in the two voids. When the low pressures in the voids on either side of the liner equilibrate, liner movement will cease.
An example of these steps is illustrated in
When a torque is applied to a traditional rigid socket (S), the socket rotates as it compresses the liner (L) and soft tissues (T) of the leg. On one side of the leg the brim (B) is driven against the limb proximally. This creates a fairly narrow bank of high pressure at the brim. As shown in
In the present invention, the “flexible” inner socket (50) decreases the previously described peak pressures by distributing the brim force over a larger surface area. As shown in
Many amputees lose their limbs due to vascular disease and diabetes but there are a large number of amputees that lose their limbs due to trauma from accidents. Often the end results from these accidents don't leave the surgeon good surgical choices. This leaves the amputee with physiological short-comings that comprise prosthetic usage. Such things as skin grafts, tissue adhesions, bone scarring, painful neuroma heterotrophic ossification, lost muscle neurological innervations, insignificant surface area for patient height and weight, insufficient bone length for lever arm, unstable joints, proximal tissue damage above residual limb, stump pain during weight bearing, areas on residual limb, unable to tolerate normal socket loads, amputations that do not include bone bridges or myodesis procedures. Such areas are problem areas, designated as PA in
Current static socket technology compromises our ability to produce a satisfactory outcome oftentimes for these patients. The current patent application of vacuum managed dynamically activated variable response sockets is a significant advancement in socket technology. In many of these trauma related issues, there are extended dynamic socket capabilities required to successfully manage these residual limb issues. In the present invention, this is accomplished by the use of hydraulically activated sockets. These hydraulic sockets utilize a dynamically activated hydraulically driven pump to operate a vacuum pump along with socket panels, bladders and chambers. These sockets, bladders and chambers may be strategically placed within the socket to specifically place weight bearing loads to areas that can sustain normal socket loads and can off-load areas that cannot tolerate normal socket loads. These hydraulically activated socket panels, bladders and chambers may also be used to control and stabilize bony segments during ambulation. These socket forces will only be applied during time of socket loads and then will return to a neutral setting during off-load times. These forces will be proportional to socket loads and will vary based on load requirements, unlike current socket technology that is only capable of sustaining constant load forces. These constant load forces cause tissue volume losses that lead to poor and inappropriate socket fit. This comprises patient comfort, function and overall successful prosthetic outcomes.
The hydraulically driven vacuum pump and socket system can be activated by heel compression of the prosthetic foot or by ankle articulation of the foot, an in-line shock absorbing pylon or a socket reservoir activated by weight bearing. All lower extremity sockets will be dynamically activated by weight bearing and/or joint motion or a combination of both. Upper extremity applications will utilize joint motion, socket reservoirs and electronic activated systems. These hydraulic activated systems also apply to orthotic devices such as sockets, ankle foot orthoses, diabetic footwear as well as partial foot amputations. The combined use of sub-atmospheric pressure along with hydraulically driven systems to control and manage prosthetic and orthotic socket environment and appliance systems allow us to greatly improve the function, comfort and mobility of the end user with a much more satisfying outcome.
In the present invention, the hydraulics may also be used to drive a vacuum pump which supplies sub-atmospheric pressure to the socket environment. A hydraulically-driven vacuum pump will be substantially more efficient, less bulky, and weigh less than a mechanically-driven vacuum pump. Furthermore, such a vacuum pump may be offset from the pylon of a lower limb, so that weight-bearing forces do not negatively affect its operation.
The subject invention includes a vacuum-managed, dynamically activated, variable-response prosthetic and orthotic sockets. The following provides a discussion of the objects and advantages of the subject invention.
1. Double Socket Structure with Textured Surfaces.
To improve the capability of vacuum to counter vertical weight-bearing loads which shear against the socket wall, in one embodiment the subject invention has two sockets: an inner, semi-flexible socket and an outer, semi-rigid socket. The interior surface and exterior surface of the inner socket are preferably textured to increase surface area and friction holding capability. Either the inner surface of the inner socket or the outer surface of the inner socket or both may be textured. The interior surface of the outer socket may also be textured to increase the surface area and friction holding capability. The exterior surface of the liner and fabric over-covering may also optimized to improve shear linkage capability. For example, an external matrix over-liner may be provided to facilitate and enhance linkage between the liner and internal socket members. Enhancing the linkage between the liner and the inner socket reduces the distal vertical migration of the residual limb during weight bearing by controlling characteristics of the urethane liner. Because of the enhanced shear linkage capability, the urethane liner remains in the inner socket and does not flow out of the socket under weight-bearing pressures. The enhanced shear-linkage also gives maximum suspension and load bearing characteristics to the socket environment. As many amputees' residual limbs do not have adequate surface area for weight bearing, it becomes paramount to utilize all available surface to reduce as much as possible the load forces being applied to the residual limb. The available surface area is increased by the texturing of the socket surfaces.
An air wick is present between the urethane liner and the inner socket, and a second air wick is present between the inner socket and the outer socket. An external suspension sleeve seals both the inner and the outer sockets to the residual limb and creates a sealed chamber containing the outer and inner sockets and air wicks, to which vacuum is applied. The vacuum causes the air wicks to be tightly drawn into the textured surfaces of the sockets, thus dramatically increasing the shear linkage between these components. Furthermore, the vacuum creates an “I-beam”-like structure from the outer socket, the inner socket, and the air wick to increase the ability of these components to be made thinner and more flexible with increased dynamic response capability and yet sufficiently strong for weight bearing loads.
The inner, semi-flexible socket also changes shape under weight-bearing loads to accommodate changes in the residual limb by degrees of dynamic response. For example, the inner, semi-flexible socket may respond dynamically to change its rotary shape and to change its vertical load shape.
2. Single Socket with Flexible Brim.
In a second embodiment, the subject invention has a single, rigid socket that further comprises a stiff portion and a less stiff or flexible portion proximate the brim of the socket. The stiffness of the flexible brim portion of the socket is sufficient to: 1) reduce the sharp high pressure line A1 previously discussed in
A principle object and advantage of the present invention is to improve the capability of vacuum to counter vertical weight bearing loads which shear against the socket wall.
Another principle object and advantage of the present invention is to enhance the linkage between the liner and the inner socket to reduce the distal vertical migration of the residual limb during weight bearing.
A feature of the present invention is an inner socket air wick between the urethane liner and the inner socket, the inner socket having a textured surface to increase the coefficient of friction between it and the air wick.
Another feature of the present invention is an outer socket air wick between the inner socket and the outer socket, the outer socket having a textured surface to increase the coefficient of friction between it and the air wick.
Another principle object and advantage of the present invention is that the semi-flexible inner socket may change shape under weight bearing loads to accommodate changes in the residual limb.
Another principle object and advantage of the present invention is a single socket with a flexible brim portion that reduces the sharp high pressure caused by the limb being driven against the brim.
Another principle object and advantage of the present invention is that the flexible brim portion permits the flexible brim to follow the limb when the limb is pulled away from the socket, thus avoiding low pressure voids.
Another principle object and advantage of the present invention is weight or motion-activated hydraulic pumps that drive vacuum pumps.
Another principle object and advantage of the present invention is dynamically-activated bladders, driven by the hydraulic pumps, which press against problem areas of the residual limb to alleviate the problems of such problem areas.
1. Double Socket Structure with Textured Surfaces.
Referring to
In the first embodiment illustrated, the subject invention is a dynamically-activated, variable-response artificial limb socket system 20 comprising (working outwards from the residual limb 6): a liner 30, an inner socket air wick 40, an inner socket 50, an outer socket air wick 60, an outer socket 70, and a sealing sleeve 80. The inner socket 50 preferably has a textured inner surface 52 opposing the inner socket air wick 40. The outer socket 70 preferably has a textured inner surface 72 opposing the outer socket air wick 60.
Optionally, the inner socket 50 may have a textured outer surface 53 opposing the outer socket air wick 60, as shown in
The sealing sleeve 80 seals against the outer socket 70 and the residual limb 20, forming a space 90 containing the outer socket 70, the outer socket air wick 60, the inner socket 50, and the inner socket air wick 40.
Optionally, the sealing sleeve 80 may have a textured inner surface 81 opposing the outside of the outer socket 70. Texturing the inner surface 81 helps to prevent the sleeve 80 from sliding down from the residual limb 20 due to moisture within the sleeve 80 or the liner 30 or both.
A vacuum port 100 communicates with the space 90. A vacuum line 110 communicates with the vacuum port 100 and with a vacuum source 120 through a check valve 125.
The textured surfaces 52, 53 of the inner socket 50 may be formed by any process which increases the coefficient of sliding friction between the (typically smooth) inner socket 50 and the inner socket air wick 40. An example, without limitation, would be to embed a thin mesh in the inner socket 52 during the manufacturing process, so that the mesh forms the textured surfaces 52, 53. A similar process would be used to create the textured inner surface 72 of the outer socket 70, the liner outer and inner surfaces 32 and 81, and the sealing sleeve inner surface 81. Applicant has found that this texturing increases the surface area of the inner socket 50 engaging the inner socket air wick 40 and the surface area of the outer socket 70 engaging the outer socket air wick 60, as well as the coefficient of sliding friction of the inner and outer sockets. A relationship between these surface areas and the holding force Fs that will be developed when a difference in pressure is applied to the space 90 can be described by the formulas:
Fs=the suspension force.
Fp=the force due to the pressure difference between the inside and the outside of the space 90.
Ff=the friction force between the side walls of the socket and the textured surface.
Fp=the force due to the pressure difference between the inside and outside of the space 90.
Ps=the measure of the sub-atmospheric pressure (vacuum) in the space 90. In terms of absolute pressure, Ps is the difference in pressures outside the space (atmospheric pressure) and inside the space.
Acs=the cross sectional area of the limb/liner at the height of the seal.
Ff=the maximal frictional force between the side walls of the socket and the textured surface.
N=the normal (perpendicular) force between the socket side walls and the textured surface.
us—the coefficient of maximal static friction.
This normal force in a vacuum system with the artificial limb “hanging” on the residual limb is:
Ps the vacuum level as previously defined.
Asw=the surface area of the side walls of the socket.
Substitution of equations as above yields:
A sample calculation is as follows, assuming Ps=11.25 psi (or 23 inches Hg); Acs=13.5 square inches; Asw=17.1 square inches:
Fs=11.25 psi·13.5 in2+11.25 psi·17.12·0.5.
Fs=152 lbs+96 lbs.
Fs=248 lbs.
It should be noted also that the pressure differential component (152 lb.) of the suspension force exists regardless of the size of the extraction force acting on the socket. In contrast, friction will tend to remain at zero until the socket extraction force exceeds 152 lb., at which time friction will increase up to 96 lb to counter the increasing extraction force. Note that these calculations and discussion only apply to the axial suspension force (Fs).
If all forces remain perpendicular, the coefficient of static friction does not come into play. If vertical, tangent and rotational moments are part of the load forces then the coefficient of static friction becomes a major controlling factor.
For example, if one had a suction cup like the one used to carry sheets of glass, the larger the square surface area of the seal on the glass the greater the perpendicular holding capability would be. If there were (0) zero coefficient of static friction between the glass and the suction cup and one applied a vertical loading force, the glass would slide right on the suction cup and slide right off the suction cup.
The reader will understand that if the normal weight bearing force is known, the socket may be designed to have adequate surface area to support those load forces under a given vacuum level and coefficient of static friction. Alternatively, if the surface area of the residual limb 20 is not sufficient, the vacuum supplied to the chamber 90 may be increased or the coefficient of static friction could be increased, for example, by increasing the texture of the textured surfaces 52 and 72.
The outer socket air wick 60 extends proximally to join with the inner socket air wick 40. Both air wicks reside on the outside of the liner 30 terminating, without limitation, approximately 1½″ from the proximal edge 92 of the liner. The sealing sleeve 80 resides on the exterior of the outer socket 70, continues proximally over both inner and outer air wicks and the inner socket 50 and onto approximately the last 1½″ of the liner 30, coming to rest on the patient's skin, sealing the whole socket system. Vacuum from the vacuum source 120 is then applied to both inner and outer air wicks to combine all socket components into one dynamic variable response socket system. Both inner and outer socket surfaces may be textured to optimize linkage between the inner and outer sockets and other components. The utilization of vacuum not only provides greatly improved suspension of the prosthesis but also dramatically improves vertical load bearing and rotational stability within the socket environment as well as managing the liner flow characteristics.
When vacuum is applied as described above, the inner socket 50, the outer socket air wick 60, and the outer socket 70 form structurally an I-beam-like structure that has improved strength but less weight and bulk. This allows the inner and outer sockets to be more dynamic in nature and to be very strong.
The inner socket 50 and outer socket 70 may be designed to change shape under weight bearing loads to accommodate changes in the residual limb shape and load requirements.
For example, the inner socket 50 may be described as “semi-flexible,” meaning that is more flexible than rigid. The outer socket 70 may be described as “semi-rigid,” meaning that it is more rigid than flexible.
Materials that may be used for the inner and outer sockets may include, without limit: Material No. 616T52 (ThermoLyn rigid polystyrene); Material No. 616T39 (ThermoLyn Flexible ionomer); Material No. 617H14=A-PU Resin (Polytol Component A 495 g); Material No. 617H14=B-isocyanate (Polytol Component B 99 g); and Material No. 617h14=C—Catalyst (Polytol Component C 165 g), all from Otto Bock Health Care, 2 Carlson Parkway North, Suite 100, Plymouth, Minn. 55447. Materials may also include, without limit, Epox-Acryl (Epoxy Vinyl Ester Resin), Product Code EA1, from Foresee Orthopedic Products, 693 Hi Tech Pkwy, Oakdale, Calif. 95361; and Vibrathane B870, Vibracure A170, and Vibracure C070, all from Chemtura Corporation, 199 Benson Road, Middlebury, Conn. 06749.
Illustratively, in a sealed chamber under sub-atmospheric pressure, any attempt of the residual limb to move away from the socket wall creates an immediate increase in sub-atmospheric pressure in that area. In repetitive and prolonged time periods under this increased pressure, capillary filling, blistering, and bleeding may occur, causing tissue damage. This can happen during weight bearing, partial weight-bearing, or non-weight bearing sitting. Any inability of the socket to maintain its intimate relation with the residual limb sets up the high pressure areas.
In the present invention, the mobility of the inner socket combined with the sub-atmospheric pressures with the socket 50 allows the variable response of inner socket 50 to maintain a constant compliant relationship with the residual limb as it changes shape during range of motion and vertical tangential and rotational loads, thereby minimizing low pressure differences.
2. Single Socket with Flexible Brim.
The stiffness of the flexible brim portion 78 of the outer socket 70 is sufficient to: 1) reduce the sharp high pressure line seen when the limb is driven against the rigid brim of previous designs and 2) follow the limb when it is pulled away from the socket. The stiffness of the flexible brim of the socket 70 is matched to the pressure differential force that holds the brim against the liner or limb.
The force (F) that tends to hold the flexible brim against the liner 30 or limb 6 is a function of the size of the suspension vacuum P. This is the same as saying the difference in the absolute pressures on either side of the flexible brim: (1 atm—low pressure in the socket). This force is also a function of the area of the flexible brim. In equation form:
Where F=pressure differential force holding the flexible brim to the liner or limb.
A=area of the portion of the flexible brim being considered.
P=suspension vacuum.
If P=10 psi and A=1 in2, F=10 lbs.
The flexible brim stiffness (M=bending moment) is then matched to this force so that the flexible brim is able to follow the liner or limb. This is done by selecting any combination of brim materials (elastic modulus) and brim thicknesses (area of moment of inertia) that will allow the pressure differential force F to flex the brim (curvature) to the amount needed to follow the liner and limb. The equation for stiffness M is:
Where E=elastic modulus (Young's modulus) of the socket brim material.
I=area moment of inertia (“thickness” of brim material)
k=curvature (amount of brim bending).
3. Hydraulic Pumps.
a. Foot-Mounted Hydraulic Pumps.
The prosthetic foot 200 has a heel 210 and toe 220. A pylon P is mounted on the foot 200 between the heel 210 and toe 220 on a pivot 250. A lever 240 mounts on the pylon P. The lever 240 has a first arm 260 and a second arm 270.
A first hydraulic pump 280 is mounted between the first arm 260 and the heel 210. A second hydraulic pump 290 is preferably mounted between the second arm 270 and the heel 210, forward of the first hydraulic pump.
Each of the first 280 and second 290 hydraulic pumps has a rod 300 attached to a piston 310. The piston 310 reciprocates within a cylinder 320 filled with hydraulic fluid 330. A spring 340 is mounted within the cylinder 330 biased against the motion of the piston 310. A port 350 leads from the cylinder 330 to a hydraulic line 360.
As the heel 210 strikes the ground and weight is placed on the foot 200, the rod 300 drives the piston 310 into the cylinder 320, applying pressure against the incompressible hydraulic fluid 330. This pressure is then transferred, as is known in the art, through the port 350 to the hydraulic line 360, and then to a destination as will be further described below.
As the walker transfers his weight toward the toe 220, the pylon 230 articulates on the pivot 250 so that the second arm 270 of the lever 240 moves downward to the dashed line A in
As weight is transferred off the foot 200, the springs 340 will return the lever 240 to a neutral position as shown by the dashed line B in
The foot 300 is made of a springy material such as carbon fiber. A pylon P is attached to the foot 300.
The foot 300 further comprises a sole plate 340 and one or more top plates 350 suitably joined to the sole plate 340. The heel 310 comprises one or more curved heel plates 360 suitably joined to the sole plate 340. It will be understood that the springiness of the material of the plates 340, 350, 360 will cause the plates to deform when weight is placed on the foot 300 and rebound when weight is removed.
A first hydraulic pump 380 is mounted between the curved heel plate 360 and the sole plate 340. A second hydraulic bladder pump 390 is preferably mounted between the top plate 350 and the sole plate 340.
The first hydraulic pump 380 has a rod 400 attached to a piston 410. The piston 410 reciprocates within a cylinder 420 filled with hydraulic fluid (not shown, but see above for description). A spring 440 is mounted within the cylinder 420 biased against the motion of the piston 410. A port 450 leads from the cylinder 420 to a hydraulic line 460.
The second hydraulic pump 390 further comprises a deformable bladder 392. A port 470 leads from the pump 390 to a hydraulic line 480.
As weight is placed on the heel 310, the curved heel plate 360 deforms downwardly toward the sole plate 340 to the dashed line A, forcing the piston 410 into the cylinder 420, pressurizing the hydraulic fluid in the first pump 380, as described above. As weight is transferred to the toe 320, the pump 390 is compressed between the top plate 350 and sole plate 340, pressurizing the hydraulic fluid in the second pump 390. During the swing phase of ambulation, the spring 440 returns the piston 410 to its previous position, and the springiness of the deformable bladder 392 relieves pressure on the hydraulic fluid in the second pump 390.
b. Pylon-Mounted Hydraulic Pumps.
c. Socket-Mounted Hydraulic Pump.
Hydraulic fluid pressure from any of the above embodiments of hydraulic pumps may be adjusted, for example, by needle valves 630 illustrated schematically in
4. Vacuum Pumps.
The present invention also includes hydraulically-driven vacuum pumps, which may be used with any of the previously described embodiments of the variable response socket technology.
The vacuum pumps 700 further comprise a piston 710 reciprocating within a cylinder 720. A spring 730 is biased against the motion of the piston 710. Valves 740 connect the interior of the cylinder, where a vacuum is produced, to destinations as is known in the art.
The pump in
Another embodiment of a vacuum pump 700 is shown in
A combined hydraulic and vacuum, dual-piston pump 800 is illustrated in
The pump 800 may be driven, for example, by joint motion of an upper prosthetic limb, as illustrated in
5. Hydraulically-Activated Bladders.
As described under Background of the Invention, problem areas (PA in
Vacuum is supplied to the vacuum chamber within the socket from a vacuum pump VP (which may be any of the vacuum pumps previously described) through a vacuum line VL. The vacuum pump VP is driven by a hydraulic pump HP, which may be any of the hydraulic pumps previously described.
The hydraulic pump HP also supplies pressurized hydraulic fluid to the bladders 900 through a hydraulic line HL.
During socket loads, the hydraulic pump HP will pressurize the bladders, expanding them against the air wick 40 and then will provide pressure around a problem area PA of the residual limb to control and off-load pressure away from the problem area. When the socket load decreases, the hydraulic pressure supplied to the bladders will be reduced, so that they will collapse away from the residual limb.
Finally, during swing phase (
Unless otherwise defined, all technical and scientific terms used herein have the same meaning as commonly understood by one of ordinary skill in the art to which this invention belongs. Although methods and materials similar to or equivalent to those described herein can be used in the practice or testing of the present invention, suitable methods and materials are described below. All publications, patent applications, patents, and other references mentioned herein are incorporated by reference in their entirety to the extent allowed by applicable law and regulations. In case of conflict, the present specification, including definitions, will control.
The present invention may be embodied in other specific forms without departing from the spirit or essential attributes thereof, and it is therefore desired that the present embodiment be considered in all respects as illustrative and not restrictive, reference being made to the appended claims rather than to the foregoing description to indicate the scope of the invention.
The present application is a continuation-in-part of and claims priority of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 12/477,572 filed Jun. 3, 2009.
Number | Date | Country | |
Parent | 12563521 | Sep 2009 | US |
Child | 13346148 | US |
Number | Date | Country | |
Parent | 12477572 | Jun 2009 | US |
Child | 12563521 | US |