“Sender-Specified Multimedia Executable Object for Recipient Alert”, IBM Technical Disclosure Bulletin, Apr. 1993, vol. 36, issue 4, pp. 247-248.* |
Alaris Quick Video User's Manual, Copyright © 1996, 1997. |
B eaver, John, “New Version of Connectix Videophone for Windows Adds Support for Modems, Web-Based Address Book,” Mar. 1996, http://baby.indstate.edu/CU-SeeMe/devl._archives/mar_96/0130.html, 3 pages, alleged to be downloaded and printed from the World Wide Web on Jun. 29, 2001. |
“Alaris Videograms, the Java Centre, KooKoo, LapLink for Win95 . . . ” Netwatch Video Page, Issue 96-4, May 15, 1996, http://www.pulver.com/netwatch/nw/video.htm, 3 pages, alleged to be downloaded and printed from the World Wide Web on Aug. 31, 2001. |
“New Products, New Products, New Products, Byline: New Products,” Computerworld, p. 69, Apr. 1, 1996. |
Yamada, Ken, “Alaris Technology Makes Video E-Mail—Little Video App Has Big Net Hopes.” Computer Reseller News, n 684, p. 64, May 20, 1996. |
Yoshida, Junko, “Alaris Takes Aim At Compression Market.” Electronic Engineering Times, 1996, n 905, p. 80, Jun. 10, 1996. |
“CNET320.EXE,” one of the files stored on the attached compact disk labeled “SMICRO.004C1 IDS CD,” discussing an exemplary video email product from Alaris, Inc. and allegedly created or modified on Oct. 10, 1996. |
“GINA.EXE,.” one of the files stored on the attached compact disk labeled “SMICRO.004C1 IDS CD,” as an example of a video email product from Alaris, Inc. and allegedly created or modified on Oct. 10, 1996. |
“RICHARD.EXE,” one of the files stored on the attached compact disk labeled “SMICRO.004C1 IDS CD,” as an example of a video email product from Alaris, Inc. and allegedly created or modified on Oct. 10, 1996. |
“SMICRO.004C1 IDS CD” No date. |
“SMICRO.004C1 IDS CD File Data” No date. |
“SMICRO.004C1 IDS CD File Transcription” No date. |
“COMPUTERWORLD,” press release of Cubic VideoComm, Inc., Aug. 25, 1997, 1 page. |
“Auravision and Smith Micro,” press release in Apr. Videoconference News, Apr. 7, 1997, 2 pages. |
CyberLink, “VideoLive MailPlus 3.0, User Manual,” 59 pages, downloaded and printed from the World Wide Web on Aug. 1, 2000. |
CyberLink, “CyberLink VideoLive Mail,” http://www.cyberlink-usa.com/english/products/vlm.asp, 1 page, downloaded and printed from the World Wide Web on Aug. 1, 2000. |
CyberLink, “Company Background,” http://www.cyberlink-usa.com/english/home/company_bg.asp, 1 page, downloaded and printed from the World Wide Web on Aug. 1, 2000. |
CyberLink, “Contacts,” http://www.cyberlink-usa.com/english/contacts/cl_offices.asp, 2 pages, downloaded and printed from the World Wide Web on Aug. 1, 2000. |
Fong Kai, “The Company,” http://www.fkusa.com/company/homec.htm, 1 page, downloaded and printed from the World Wide Web on Aug. 1, 2000.* |
Fong Kai, “Electronics,” http://www.fkusa.com/zcam/sample.htm, 2 pages, downloaded and printed from the World Wide Web on Aug. 1, 2000.* |
Fong Kai, “Contact Us,” http://www.fkusa.com/contact.htm, 3 pages, downloaded and printed from the World Wide Web on Aug. 1, 2000.* |
AverMedia, “AverMedia Home Page,” http://www.aver.com, 1 page, downloaded and printed from the World Wide Web on Aug. 1, 2000.* |
AverMedia, “Products,” http://www.aver.com/products/tv98wremote.html, 4 pages, downloaded and printed from the World Wide Web on Aug. 1, 2000.* |
All Products Online, “Products,” http://www.allproduct.../search?lq+&q+query_by_select_item&qt+product%3D&pc_c0309030, 1 page downloaded and printed from the World Wide Web on Aug. 1, 2000. |