EAGER: Magnetic Carbon Nanocomposites for Heavy Metal Removal from Polluted Water


  • NSF Award
  • 1137441
  • Award Id
  • Award Effective Date
    9/1/2011 - 12 years ago
  • Award Expiration Date
    8/31/2013 - 10 years ago
  • Award Amount
    $ 129,000.00
  • Award Instrument
    Standard Grant

EAGER: Magnetic Carbon Nanocomposites for Heavy Metal Removal from Polluted Water

1137441<br/>Guo<br/><br/>Magnetic carbon nanocomposites (MCNCs) combining magnetic properties and the superior adsorption capability can play an enormous role in environmental remediation. The premise of this proposal is that MCNCs with a controlled intrinstic structure have enormous promise as novel adsorbents for purifying wastewater containing low concentrated heavy metals, which challenges the current existing technologies including the adsorption by sole activated carbon. Almost nothing is currently known about the performance of MCNCs for environmental remediation, especially with different carbon structures. Equally importantly, almost nothing is known regarding which MCNC is best for heavy metal removal. Our preliminary results have demonstrated, however, that the manipulated MCNCs can be used to purify wastewater by removing trace heavy metals to satisfy EPA requirements.<br/><br/>The objective of this proposed research is to manipulate intrinsic structures of MCNCs with different organic-inorganic hybrids and to evaluate their heavy metal removal performance. A magnetic field assisted process with the aid of novel MCNCs to tackle the central environmental remediation technique challenge is proposed. This process would be amenable to easy-recycling MCNCs and heavy metals. The challenge of the proposed project is to determine the optimum MCNCs for heavy metal removal. The research efforts are grouped into three closely coupled research thrusts: (1) synthesis of different organic-inorganic hybrids from both commercial and lab-made nanoparticles: both thin films and nanofibers will be prepared, with various physicochemical structures, (2) preparation of a new family of MCNCs with controllable nanostructure (solid, porous and semi-permeable) by the obtained optimum fabrication process (stabilization and carbonization temperature and time), and (3) heavy metal removal performance test. This will advance the knowledge required to provide next-generation multifunctional adsorbents and provide transformative environmental remediation nanotechnology. <br/><br/>Our work will make a significant impact on the rapidly developing field of adsorbents. The field assisted separation process with the aid of MCNCs will make the treatment of the wastewater containing lowly concentrated heavy metals satisfying the EPA requirement for the released Cr(VI). The intimate connection with the companies will foster quick commercialization of the new environmental nanotechnology and expedite the techniques in serving society/community. The fundamental studies provide a basis to explore novel MCNCs in an engineering way integrating the chemistry, chemical/environmental engineering, materials science and engineering, and electrochemistry into one research topic. This interdisciplinary project will create many noteworthy opportunities for education and training. K-12 outreach, undergraduate education, international impact and curriculum development are detailed. Strong bondage with industry will bring job opportunity. Underrepresented and female students will be highly emphasized.

  • Program Officer
    Rosemarie D. Wesson
  • Min Amd Letter Date
    9/1/2011 - 12 years ago
  • Max Amd Letter Date
    12/20/2012 - 11 years ago
  • ARRA Amount


  • Name
    Lamar University Beaumont
  • City
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  • Country
    United States
  • Address
    4400 Port Arthur Road
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  • Start Date
    9/1/2011 12:00:00 AM
  • First Name
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  • Start Date
    9/1/2011 12:00:00 AM