This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project is in the general area of analytical an surface chemistry and in the subfield of catalysis. Development of efficient, long-lived catalysts for selective metathesis of functionalized olefins will enable preparation of both new organic compounds and those that can not now be prepared in useful quantities by existing methods. These are compounds which will, because of the variety of functional groups they contain, find application as intermediates in many applications of commercial interest. Catalytica has successfully developed catalyst systems for metathesis of methyl oleate, an olefinic ester where the functionality is remote from the double bound. The proposed Phase I program endeavors to significantly extend the demonstrated scope of functionalized olefin metathesis for a catalyst system of established practical utility. The substrates selected for investigation are chosen to test fundamental extensions of the catalyst system. Performance of the catalyst in the presence of other representative functional groups, in the presence of functional groups substituted on positions closer to the double bond, and on more highly-substituted olefins will be determined. The products of the proposed metathesis reactions are multi-functional intermediates suitable for application in the production of new polymer materials, flavor and fragrance compounds, pharmaceuticals and lubricants.