Eldridge ENJET - Engine Exhaust Jet Nozzle - An Exhaust Gas Dispersal and Dilution Method and Apparatus for Internal Combustion Engines

According to the embodiments of the Eldridge ENJET—Engine Exhaust Jet Nozzle invention, the method and apparatus include an external plenum, support spool, fan, and nozzle assembly that is sleeved over and mounted at the discharge end of an internal combustion engine exhaust silencer or pipe for the purpose of creating a high volume and high velocity discharge capable of overcoming prevailing wind velocity to such an extent that a cylindrical air discharge pattern 50-100 feet away from the end of the apparatus nozzle provides increased dispersal and dilution of the engine exhaust gas. The invention is especially useful for accelerating the high temperature, low velocity, and toxic internal combustion engine exhaust gas away from human habitation or work areas.

The invention, herein described and named the Eldridge ENJET—Engine Exhaust Jet Nozzle, relates generally to the field of dispersing and diluting exhaust gas from an internal combustion engine; and, more specifically, to a novel apparatus that incorporates an external fan, support spool, plenum, and nozzle assembly designed for installation at the discharge end of an internal combustion engine exhaust silencer or pipe and designed to impart a high volume, high velocity air stream to the engine exhaust gas for improved dispersal and dilution of same.


A typical internal combustion engine exhaust silencer or pipe does not produce a velocity at the discharge exit opening that is sufficient to disperse and dilute the exhaust gas.

The lack of exhaust gas velocity allows wind and ambient temperature conditions to blow or settle the engine exhaust gas back toward the exhaust pipe discharge exit opening.

In the past, internal combustion engine exhaust gas dispersal and dilution has been attempted by increasing the engine exhaust pipe height or length. However, an increase in exhaust pipe length does not increase the exhaust gas exit velocity or improve the dilution of the exhaust gas. In fact, a longer exhaust pipe increases engine back pressure resistance to the exhaust gas flow and decreases engine efficiency which are counterproductive results.

By accelerating the engine exhaust gas to a velocity significantly greater than the prevailing wind, the Eldridge ENJET—Engine Exhaust Jet Nozzle invention jets the engine exhaust gas away from the exhaust pipe discharge exit opening.

The Eldridge ENJET—Engine Exhaust Jet Nozzle invention imparts a jetting effect and higher velocity to the engine exhaust gas discharge and, thus, improves dispersal and dilution of the engine exhaust gas accordingly.


According to the embodiments of the Eldridge ENJET—Engine Exhaust Jet Nozzle invention, a plenum, support spool, external fan, and nozzle apparatus is to be designed and constructed of materials suitable to withstanding the elevated temperature of the engine exhaust gas and is to be mounted at the discharge end of an internal combustion engine silencer or exhaust pipe.

The plenum is designed and constructed with an internal plenum sleeve and external plenum sleeve collar that sleeves over the engine exhaust silencer or pipe discharge.

The embodiment of the plenum incorporates an internal turning vane (or vanes) that transitions from the fan to the plenum and distributes the air from the supply fan evenly through the open cross section of the annular space between the plenum and the internal plenum sleeve.

Another embodiment of the invention's plenum incorporates internal straightening vanes that serve as an internal support structure between the plenum and internal plenum sleeve as well as a means to eliminate air turbulence and convert the kinetic energy of the supply fan induced airflow within the annular plenum area to static energy, which is commonly referred to as static pressure regain.

The embodiment of the invention also incorporates a converging nozzle at the discharge end of the plenum.

The nozzle is designed and constructed to accelerate the airflow discharge velocity to atmosphere and to maintain a tight, cylindrical, high velocity flow of air away from the discharge end of the nozzle at a velocity significantly greater than that of the prevailing wind velocity.

A support spool is designed and constructed to enable a supply fan or blower to be mounted external to the assembly.

The air introduced to the plenum by the externally mounted fan creates an inductor effect within the plenum at the discharge end of the internal plenum sleeve and entrains the engine exhaust gas in the induced airflow prior to expulsion through the nozzle.

It should be noted that the supply fan or blower is externally mounted to the plenum so that the fan's airflow is induced to the plenum as opposed to mounting the fan within the plenum or within the engine exhaust silencer/pipe hot gas discharge stream.

The external location of the supply fan or blower to the plenum is critical to the invention operation because the fan is not subjected to the direct line airflow of hot engine exhaust gas in its external location.

The supply fan or blower is designed to overcome the internal airflow resistance pressure imposed by the support spool, internal turning vanes, plenum, internal plenum sleeve, straightening vanes, and discharge nozzle.

The nozzle is designed to increase the discharge velocity of the combined fan airflow volume and engine exhaust gas volume to a velocity above the expected prevailing wind velocity.

The embodiments of the invention increase the velocity of the engine exhaust gas discharge and create a negative pressure on the end of the engine exhaust pipe thus reducing the pressure loss at the engine exhaust pipe exit for increased engine efficiency.

The embodiments of the invention create an induced high velocity, combined air flow from the externally mounted fan and the engine exhaust that can be conveyed out away from the end of the nozzle 50-100 feet, depending on prevailing wind speed, in a tight cylinder air flow pattern for maximum dispersal into the ambient air.

The embodiments of the invention function as a unique apparatus to dilute and cool the engine exhaust gas flow for an environmental advantage.

The embodiments of the invention may be used in any plane: vertical, horizontal, or otherwise without affecting the function and purpose.

The invention apparatus can be modified and utilized to accommodate combined multiple internal combustion engine exhaust pipes arrangements upon application of the proper engineering, design, and construction criteria to the overall assembly.

Other technical advantages are readily apparent to one skilled in the art from the description herein provided as well as from the claims and drawings to follow.

  • 1. An apparatus assembly consisting of an externally mounted plenum, support spool, fan, and nozzle for installation at the discharge end of an internal combustion engine exhaust silencer or pipe and for the purpose of dispersing and diluting the hot engine exhaust gas.
  • 2. The plenum, support spool, fan, and nozzle as claimed in claim 1 are fabricated weldments of carbon steel, galvanized steel, stainless steel, or other suitable heat and/or corrosion resistant material and may be coated with a corrosion resistant/high heat resistant paint and/or be insulated with high heat resistant thermal barrier material or acoustical material.
  • 3. The plenum as claimed in claim 1 is designed and constructed with an internal plenum sleeve, external plenum collar, and plenum back plate to sleeve over the engine exhaust silencer or pipe discharge opening.
  • 4. The plenum as claimed in claim 1 incorporates internal turning vanes which transition form the fan and support spool to the plenum and which evenly distribute the air form the fan across the annular area between the internal plenum sleeve and the plenum wall.
  • 5. The plenum as claimed in claim 1 incorporates internal straightening vanes which provide internal support, reduce air turbulence, and provide static pressure regain in advance of the nozzle exit within the annular area between the internal plenum sleeve and the plenum wall.
  • 6. The support spool as claimed in claim 1 is a structural support component with at least two external mounting brackets 180 degrees apart and with structural flanges at the inlet and outlet to which a fan is mounted at the inlet and to which the plenum is mounted at the outlet.
  • 7. The fan as claimed in claim 1 is a supply fan or blower.
  • 8. The fan as claimed in claim 1 incorporates an inlet evase (bell) with guard and/or other suitable inlet component such as a weather hood with guard.
  • 9. The fan as claimed in claim 1 is mounted in such a configuration that the fan and its air intake is only subject to ambient air and is not subjected to the hot exhaust gas from the internal combustion engine.
  • 10. The fan as claimed in claim 1 has high pressure performance characteristics to overcome the airflow resistance imposed by the fan inlet bell/guard/hood/inlet ducting, support spool, plenum, internal plenum sleeve, internal plenum turning vanes, internal plenum straightening vanes, discharge nozzle, and nozzle exit loss.
  • 11. The fan as claimed in claim 1 induces a high volume of ambient air to the annular area between the internal plenum sleeve and the plenum wall and creates an air inductor effect at the engine exhaust silencer/pipe exit within the internal plenum sleeve as the high volume air from the fan mixes with the hot engine exhaust gases inside the plenum to dilute and cool the engine exhaust gas just prior to the nozzle exit.
  • 12. The fan as claimed in claim 1 creates a negative pressure and a small ambient air leak into the internal plenum sleeve at the external plenum sleeve collar where the exhaust silencer/pipe sleeves into the internal plenum sleeve.
  • 13. The nozzle as claimed in claim 1 is at the air discharge end of the plenum and is a converging nozzle.
  • 14. The nozzle as claimed in claim 1 is designed and constructed to accelerate the discharge velocity of the combined fan air volume and the engine exhaust gas volume at the nozzle termination exit opening to atmosphere.
  • 15. The nozzle as claimed in claim 1 creates a negative pressure at the end of the engine exhaust pipe to reduce engine back pressure and increase engine efficiency.
  • 16. The nozzle as claimed in claim 1 is designed and constructed to create an air discharge velocity that is significantly greater than the prevailing wind velocity and to create a cylindrical, high velocity air flow pattern for dispersal to atmosphere.