Applicant's Exhibit A--Ad page entitled "Positive I.D. With Ideal E-Z Check.RTM. Plus Circuit Identifier" of Ideal Industries, Inc., Sycamore, IL 60178, admitted prior art. |
Applicant's Exhibit B--Copy of both sides of packaging backing card of "Circuit Detective" of Northern Continental Technologies and copy of instructions for same. |
Applicant's Exhibit C--Cover, back, and p. 49 of Amprobe Test & Measurement catalog AC96, dated Feb. 1996, showing Amprobe BT-100 Breaker Tracer. |
Applicant's Exhibit D--p. 2 of A.W. Sperry Instruments Inc. catalog showing Model CS-500A Circuit Breaker Finder, and front and back of packaging backing card for same, admitted prior art. |
Applicant's Exhibit E--Copy of Instruction and Safety Manual for Greenlee 2007 Power Finder Circuit Tracer of Greenlee Textron Inc., Rockford, IL, dated Aug. 1992. |