Most electronic circuits include one or more switching mechanisms to selectively route electrical signals to different components in the circuit. Such switching mechanisms are most often solid state, transistor-based switches, electro-mechanical devices, such as relays, or purely mechanical switches that are moved by hand. While such switches work well for relatively low frequency signals, more sophisticated mechanisms are required as the frequency of the electrical signals to be switched extends into the Gigahertz range.
When switching high frequency signals such as microwave signals, the switch must be carefully designed to avoid any unnecessary reflections of the signals and losses in the signal path. For example, commonly used microwave switches typically have a number of solenoid driven contact pads that are mounted on the ends of plastic rods. The contact pads are selectively lifted from, or placed onto, a circuit board in order to break or make an electrical connection. Each contact pad is a precision made machined part that springs when it is flexed so that the contact pad is somewhat self-cleaning. The precision with which the parts of such a switch design must be made makes this type of switch design very expensive to manufacture. Furthermore, it is very difficult to balance the cleaning action of the contact (through micro-machining, hand adjustments or lubricants) against contact wear. Long life of the contact (more than ten million operations) or guaranteed first time operation are hard to achieve and are often not met. Finally, such switches can have relatively low isolation due to the capacitive connection created when the contact is lifted a short distance from the circuit board.
Given these problems and others, there is a need for an improved electrical switching system that can be used with microwave or other signals.
The technology described herein relates to electronic switches and in particular to switches that can switch high frequency microwave signals. In one embodiment, a switch includes a rotatable contact that is selectively aligned with one of a number of conductors such as a microstrip line. The rotatable contact is moved with a pair of motors that programmably lift the contact from the printed circuit board, rotate the contact to a desired position and lower the contact in the desired position. The motors can also move the contact once it is in place on the circuit board to clean the contact.
In one embodiment, the contact is secured to a rod. The rod is rotated about its longitudinal axis by a first stepper motor and is moved back and forth along its length by a second stepper motor. Movement by the second stepper motor allows the contact to be placed on the printed circuit board with an adjustable pressure. The pressure is adjustable to compensate for life of the contact, wear, machining tolerances or to ensure operation.
This summary is provided to introduce a selection of concepts in a simplified form that are further described below in the Detailed Description. This summary is not intended to identify key features of the claimed subject matter, nor is it intended to be used as an aid in determining the scope of the claimed subject matter.
The foregoing aspects and many of the attendant advantages of the disclosed technology will become more readily appreciated as the same become better understood by reference to the following detailed description, when taken in conjunction with the accompanying drawings, wherein:
As indicated above, the technology disclosed herein relates to a switch that can be used to route electrical signals and in particular high frequency electrical signals from an input to an output.
In the embodiment shown, the microstrip lines 12a-12h extend radially outward from a central point on the metal backed printed circuit board 10. A rotatable contact 20 is positioned such that one end of the contact selectively engages one of the microstrip lines 12a-12g and another end of the contact 20 selectively engages a RF connector (not shown). By changing the angular orientation of the contact 20, a conductive path is selectively formed between one of the microstrip lines and the RF connector.
A more detailed view of an embodiment of the insulating bush 34 and the contact carrier 32 is shown in
Returning now to
In the embodiment shown, the stepper motor 40 is a splined drive stepper motor that has gear teeth that engage a number of longitudinal splines 42 on the exterior of the shaft 30. Driving the stepper motor 40 with commands from the position controller 64 causes the shaft 30 to rotate around its longitudinal axis and therefor changes the angular orientation of the contact 20. The stepper motor may have 200 or more steps with 1.8 degrees of resolution or less. A greater number of steps could be used for a finer resolution and potentially a longer time to move the contact. Similarly, fewer steps could be used to decrease the move time but with less resolution.
The stepper motor 44 is a linear drive that rotates a threaded member 46 such as a nut. The nut has threads that engage cooperating threads on an exterior of a sleeve 48 that surrounds the shaft 30. One end of the sleeve 48 includes flange 50. A spring 52 is secured at one end to the flange 50 and at another end to a radial flange 54 on the shaft 30. Driving the stepper motor 44 with commands from the position controller 64 causes the nut 46 to move the sleeve 48 towards or away from the contact carrier 32.
When the stepper motor 44 moves the sleeve 48 sufficiently far towards the contact carrier 32, one end of the contact 20 is pressed onto the printed circuit board 10 to engage a microstrip line. The other end of the contact 20 engages a center conducting pin 82 of an RF connector 80 as is best shown in
The force of compression of the connector 20 onto the printed circuit board 10 and center conducting pin 82 is controlled the amount of compression of the spring 52.
When the stepper motor 44 moves the sleeve 48 away from the contact carrier 32, the spring 52 lengthens to the point where further movement of the sleeve away from the contact carrier 32 lifts the contact 20 from the circuit board. Although the disclosed embodiment uses a wound spring 52 to adjust the pressure of the contact 20 on the printed circuit board, it will be appreciated that other mechanisms such leaf springs, magnetic springs or gas springs could be used to vary the pressure with which the contact is engaged with a microstrip line.
An encoder circuit board 60 has conventional circuitry thereon that detects the rotational (angular) and axial position of the shaft 30. The circuitry on the encoder circuit board 60 provides position signals that describe the rotational and axial positions of the shaft 30 to the position controller 64. The position controller 64 may include a microcontroller or other programmable circuit that executes a sequence of programmed instructions stored on a computer readable memory (IC, flash memory, CD, DVD etc). The programmed instructions cause the position controller 64 to read the position signals and produce appropriate driving signals to move one or both of the stepper motors 40 and 44 in order to position the contact 20 in the desired location. The position controller 64 may receive signals from a number of devices such as another component in a circuit or from a remote computer, microcontroller or from a manually actuated switch to select the angular desired orientation of the contact 20. In one embodiment, the position controller 64 is configured to communicate with other computers or other circuitry via a computer communication link (I2C, SPI, USB, Firewire, WI-FI, LAN, WAN etc.) in order to allow the position controller 64 to be controlled remotely or to perform such tasks as a remote reset or to update firmware etc.
Covering the printed circuit board 10 is a metal top screen circuit board 70 having slots therein that overlay the microstrip lines. As is best shown in
During operation, the stepper motors 40,44 operate together to rotate and/or lift the contact 20. If both stepper motors 40, 44 move by the same amount, the contact 20 is rotated but is not lifted up or down on the printed circuit board. If the stepper motor 44 moves the nut 46 relative to the shaft 30, then the shaft will be pulled back from the circuit board 10 or advanced toward the circuit board.
In one embodiment, the position controller 64 supplies signals to the stepper motor 44 to lift the contact 20 from the printed circuit board. Next, the position controller supplies signals to the stepper motors 40 and 44 to rotate the contact 20 to align with a desired microstrip. Once the contact 20 is aligned with the desired microstrip line, signals are applied from the position controller 64 to the stepper motor 44 to engage the contact 20 to the desired microstrip line and the RF connector. The position controller 64 can also produce signals, such as analog drive signals, that cause the stepper motor 40 to move the contact back and forth while the contact is engaged with a microstrip line and the RF connector. This creates a scraping action on the contact that cleans the contact and improves the conductivity of the switch. Such cleaning cycles can be performed on a periodic basis or upon some other predetermined circuit condition such as a reboot, reset or upon operator command.
In one embodiment, the DC resistance of the switch is detected with an appropriate testing circuit that may be built into the position controller 64 or made with a separate circuit components. Depending on the DC resistance detected, the position controller 64 can initiate a scraping cycle on the rotatable contact 20 or may increase or decrease the pressure with which the contact is urged against the microstrip line and the center conductor 82 of the RF connector 80.
As will be appreciated, the switch/multiplexer of the disclosed technology provides several advantages over conventional solenoid operated microwave switches/multiplexers. First, the disclosed switch can be directly mounted to a printed circuit board. In addition, the rotatable contact is placed nearly in-line with a selected microstrip line thereby reducing insertion losses and impedance mismatches. Because of the lift and place movement caused by control of the stepper motors, wear on the contact is reduced and the life of the contact is increased. In addition, by monitoring signals from the circuitry on the board encoder circuit 60, alignment of the contact 20 and the microstrip lines can be made without labor intensive manual adjustments. Furthermore, contact wear over time can also be accounted for by the position controller 64. For example, the position controller 64 can be programmed to keep track of the number of times the switch is moved and adjustments made to the contact pressure made to compensate for contact wear. In addition, the switch reduces the number of precision made parts. Finally, the disclosed switch improves isolation because the contact is moved relatively far away from the non-connected microstrip lines and screening metal replaces its position.
While illustrative embodiments have been illustrated and described, it will be appreciated that various changes can be made therein without departing from the scope of the invention. For example, instead of using a threaded linear stepper motor to lift and lower the contact, it will be appreciated that other mechanisms such a camming mechanism could be used to lift and lower the contact. In another alternative, the stepper motors could be replaced with equivalently operating servo motors. It is therefore intended that the scope of the invention be determined from the following claims and equivalents thereof.