Metal interconnections are expected to become a bottleneck of performance of electronic systems as transistors continue to scale to smaller sizes. Optical interconnections, implemented at different levels ranging from rack-to-rack down to chip-to-chip and intra-chip interconnections could enable low power dissipation, low latencies and high bandwidths. The realization of such small scale optical interconnections relies on the ability to integrate micro-optical devices with the microelectronics chip. The recent demonstrations of silicon low-loss waveguides, amplifiers and lasers advance this integrative goal, but a silicon electro-optic modulator with a size small enough for chip-scale integration is needed.
A high-speed electro-optical modulator is formed in highly compact structures. The modulator is based on a light-confining structure that enhances the sensitivity of light to small changes in refractive index and also enables high speed operation.
In the following description, reference is made to the accompanying drawings that form a part hereof, and in which is shown by way of illustration specific embodiments which may be practiced. These embodiments are described in sufficient detail to enable those skilled in the art to practice the invention, and it is to be understood that other embodiments may be utilized and that structural, logical and electrical changes may be made without departing from the scope of the present invention. The following description is, therefore, not to be taken in a limited sense, and the scope of the present invention is defined by the appended claims.
Sections of the following text describe different example embodiments of the invention. A first section describes an ultra-compact silicon electro-optic modulator. A second section describes high speed electro-optic modulation in high confinement silicon waveguides using metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) configurations. A third section provides a description of MOS geometries for integrating MOS and p-i-n structures.
Electro-optical control of light on silicon is challenging due to its weak electro-optical properties. The large dimensions of previously demonstrated structures were necessary in order to achieve a significant modulation of the transmission in spite of the small change of refractive index of silicon.
Light confining resonating structures can enhance the effect of refractive index change on the transmission response. Ring resonators have been used for all-optical modulation. The optical properties of one device was changed by using one beam of light to optically injecting free carriers and therefore control the flow of another beam of light. A doped ring resonator may have intrinsic carriers, which can be modulated by application of reverse bias voltages, affecting the flow of light.
A schematic of an example electro-optic modulator is shown in
The effective index of the ring is modulated electrically by carrier injection using a p-i-n junction 115 in the inset, embedded in the waveguide forming the ring resonator. The inset of
In one embodiment, the p-i-n ring resonator is formed on a SOI substrate with 3-μm buried oxide layer. Both the waveguide coupling to the ring and the one forming the ring have width of 450 nm and height of 250 nm. The diameter of the ring is approximately 12 μm, and the spacing between the ring and the straight waveguide is 275 nm. In order to ensure high coupling efficiency between the waveguide and the incoming optical fiber, nanotapers may be fabricated at the ends of the waveguide. A nanotaper is basically a narrowing of the waveguide to one or more nanometer size ends, which may be optically efficiently coupled to an optical fiber or larger waveguide structure. The structures may be defined using lithography followed by reactive ion plasma etching (RIE). After etching of the ring resonator structure, doping regions may be defined using photolithography, and doping may be accomplished by ion implantation. After ion implantation, a 1-μm thick silicon oxide layer may be deposited onto the wafer using plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition. Vias are then opened into the oxide using photolithography and plasma etching for depositing the metal contacts. Dimensions referred to in these embodiments may be varied significantly, such as to obtain structures that resonate at different frequencies. Process steps may also be performed in different ways, and are described simply to illustrate one example method of fabricating the structures. In various embodiments, the radius of the ring may vary between approximately 1 and a few hundred microns.
The light confining nature of the modulator not only enables shrinking of the device size, but also enables high speed operation under p-i-n configuration. The p-i-n configuration of the modulator, as opposed to the MOS configuration, is important for achieving high modulation depth, since the overlap between the region where the index is changed and the waveguide mode index changes is large. However, p-i-n devices have been traditionally considered as relatively slow devices when compared to MOS ones. In these devices, while extraction of carriers in reverse biased operation can be fast, down to tens of ps, carriers injection in forward bias operation is slow, limited by the rise time of the p-i-n, on the order of 10 ns. The resonating nature of the modulator removes this speed limitation. The inset 340 of
In order to measure the dynamic response of the modulator, a 0.4 Gbit/s electrical signal generated by a pulsed pattern generator is used to drive the modulator. The peak-to-peak voltage (Vpp) of the signal is 3.3 V. The output the waveguide is sent to a 12-GHz detector and the waveform is recorded on an oscilloscope.
The wavelength selective modulation property of the modulator can be utilized for building wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) interconnections, which can greatly extend the bandwidth of optical interconnections. Given the short length of the modulator (<20 μm) and the waveguide propagation loss of approximately 4+/−1 dB/cm, the insertion loss of the modulator itself is negligibly to light with wavelength detuned from the ring resonance. The small insertion loss of the modulator makes it possible to cascade multiple modulators along a single waveguide and modulate independently each WDM channel.
The electrical and optical properties of a silicon electro-optic waveguide modulator using a metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) configuration are described. Device performance may be observed under different modes of operation of a MOS diode and gate oxide thicknesses as illustrated in
The main methods to alter the refractive index in Si are the thermo-optic effect and the plasma dispersion effect. The thermo-optic effect is rather slow and can be used only up to 1 MHz modulation frequency. For higher speed, electro-optic devices are required. Unstrained pure crystalline Si does not exhibit linear electro-optic (Pockels) effect and the refractive index changes due to the Franz-Keldysh effect and Kerr effect are very weak. Therefore, the free carrier dispersion effect is used to change electrically both the real refractive index and optical absorption coefficient. In a further embodiment, the resonator structure may be doped, creating intrinsic carriers. These carriers may also be modulated with a reverse bias voltage to modulate the light.
The free-carrier concentration in Si electro-optic devices can be varied by injection, accumulation, depletion or inversion of carriers. P-i-n diodes and metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect-transistors (MOSFET) may be employed for this purpose. In a previous work, we proposed and analyzed a waveguide active structure based on a p-i-n diode. That configuration was predicted to provide high modulation depth for very low power consumption. The switching time was calculated to be around 1.29 ns, limited by carrier diffusion (carrier injection process). The use of a MOS diode should lead to higher speed operation since the carrier distribution in the semiconductor is governed by a drift mechanism (electric field). Additional advantages of a MOS configuration are negligible dc power consumption and the fact that the refractive index change is localized under the gate electrode, and therefore no carrier confinement methods (like isolation trenches in a p-i-n diode) are necessary. In a MOS structure however, in carrier depletion, accumulation or inversion configuration, significant large concentration variations are possible only within small distances (a few tens of nanometers) beneath the insulated gate region. This produces a small overlap between the optical mode and the non-equilibrium charge distribution in the waveguide, leading to a smaller effective index variation in a MOS system than that in a p-i-n configuration. A small index change requires a very long structure, on the order of millimeter, in order to induce a significant modulation depth.
In one embodiment of the present invention, a micron-size MOS-based high-index-contrast SOI waveguide provides high-speed electro-optic modulation in Si based on strong light confinement. The light confinement enhances the effect of small index changes on the transmission of the device, enabling an ultra-compact structure with high modulation depth. In one embodiment, a studied high-index-contrast waveguide structure permits, contrary to previous works, negligible losses for a radius of curvature as small as 5 μm, allowing the implementation of high dense photonic circuits. In a further embodiment, a structure studied is based on sub-micron size high index contrast waveguides, enabling contrary to previous works, negligible losses for a radius of curvature as small as 5 μm, allowing the implementation of high dense photonic circuits.
The silicon layer (device layer) has a background doping concentration of 1015 cm−3 in
From the values of the electron and hole concentrations at any point of the Si core waveguide (calculated with the electrical model described below), the induced real refractive index and optical absorption coefficient variations (Δn and Δα, respectively) produced by free-carrier dispersion at a wavelength of 1.55 μm are calculated by using:
Δn=Δne+Δnh=−[8.8×10−22·ΔN+8.5×10−18·(ΔP)0.8] [1]
Δα=Δαe+Δαh=8.5×10−18·ΔN+6.0×10−18·ΔP [2]
Δne is the refractive index change due to electron concentration change;
Δnh is the refractive index change due to hole concentration change;
ΔN is the electron concentration change in cm−3;
ΔP is the hole concentration change in cm−3;
Δαe (in cm−1) is the absorption coefficient variations due to ΔN;
Δαh (in cm−1) is the absorption coefficient variation due to ΔP.
Eq. 1 indicates that the effect on the refractive index of holes is approximately three times larger than that due to electrons for the same carrier concentration. Eq. 2 reveals that the contribution to the absorption coefficient due to holes is lower than that due to electrons. These two facts justify the use of the hole distribution to vary the refractive index for all the MOS modes of operation illustrated in
A two-dimensional simulation package, ATLAS from SILVACO, may be employed to achieve the electrical calculations. The device modeling software may be used to analyze electro-optic modulators in SOI waveguides. This program simulates internal physics and device characteristics of semiconductor devices by solving Poisson's equation and the charge continuity equations for electrons and holes numerically. The surfaces of the waveguide have been considered oxide-passivated. The main parameters used in the simulations are shown in Table I.
The following sections discuss the modal and geometry characteristics of the waveguide structure, and the variation of the effective refractive index and optical losses of the configurations illustrated in
In one embodiment, all the structures in
Optical coupling from (to) an optical fiber to (from) the considered high-index-contrast rib waveguide can be efficiently achieved by using an inverse nanotaper. Mode delocalization can be used in order to effectively bridge between the mode and index mismatch of index sub-micron size waveguides and large fibers using compact structures.
Static characteristics are now discussed. In various embodiments, a highly doped or metal gate electrode region may add significant optical losses if its distance to the Si waveguide (hgox) is too short, since it would overlap significantly with the optical mode field. On the other hand, hgox cannot be very long in order to allow for small operation voltages. Therefore, a tradeoff must be found for the value of hgox.
The bias-dependencies of the accumulation- and inversion-mode configurations are similar for both values of hgox. In both cases, a thin layer of holes is formed beneath the gate oxide. The hole concentration in this layer increases with the absolute value of the gate voltage (negative). The values of |Δneff| are slightly higher for the accumulation mode than for the inversion mode for the same Vg, because holes are majority carriers for the former regime and minority carriers in the latter, and therefore, higher hole concentration values are obtained in the former. In both
According to these results, under dc operation, the accumulation- or the inversion-mode configurations should be desirable since they exhibit losses as low as 3.6 dB/cm for Vg=0 V (hgox=200 nm) for the first embodiment, and 15 dB/cm for 5V in the second embodiment. The simulations discussed so far are for TE-like polarization. For the TM-like mode the lower losses achievable are significantly higher, on the order of 20 dB/cm (hgox=200 nm) for the first embodiment and on the order of 59 dB/cm for the second embodiment; therefore hereafter we consider only the TE-like fundamental modes for the operation of the device. For the second embodiment, for TE-like mode, it is also deduced from the simulations that the thickness of the gate oxide should be hgox=200 nm rather than hgox=100 nm in order to avoid excessive losses due to the metal gate electrode. A gate oxide thickness of 200 nm will be also assumed for both embodiments in order to avoid excessive losses due to the gate electrode.
The small-signal transient response determines the feasibility of the device to be used for high-speed data modulation. In the studied configurations, the small-signal response will be defined by the MOS total capacitance (CT), which is given by the series combination of the gate oxide capacitance (Cgox) and the semiconductor depletion-region capacitance (Cd). The value of Cgox is constant and corresponds to the maximum capacitance of the system. The value of CT will depend on the operation mode of the MOS diode. Below, the small signal characteristics for the three modes of operation are discussed for the various embodiments.
In the accumulation regime (
For the depletion-mode structure shown in
The threshold voltage of the inversion configuration (
Thus, for small signal ac operation either the accumulation- or the depletion modes could be considered. The former exhibits less loss, while the latter may operate at higher frequency.
A large-signal transient (pulse operation) study of the accumulation- and depletion-mode structures may be carried out by using ATLAS. A 100-ns-long gate voltage pulse with OFF-state gate voltage Vg,OFF=0V and ON-state gate voltage Vg,ON<0 for accumulation and Vg,ON>0 for depletion, may be applied to the simulated device. Rise and fall times of the voltage pulse were equal to 10 ps.
where q is the electron charge, ni (≈1010 cm−3 at 300 K) is the intrinsic carrier concentration of Si, Cgox (=2.22×10−8 F/cm2) is the oxide capacitance per unit area, and μn (=1000 cm2/Vs at 300 K) is the electron mobility. Thus, (dVg/dt) should be higher than 5.2×103 V/s, which is easily accomplished by ramp times employed in high-speed digital signals.
The absence of the inversion layer in the depletion-mode device under pulse operation also leads to a decrease of the transmission losses under deep depletion operation as shown in
For depletion, gate voltages higher than 20 V may lead to an electric field in the semiconductor beneath the gate oxide higher than 3×105 V/cm, which is the breakdown electric field in Si. This imposes a limitation on the allowed gate voltage (20 V) and, therefore, on the maximum effective refractive index change (2.5×104) and minimum transmission losses (6.37 dB/cm for the first embodiment, or 17.82 dB/cm for the second embodiment) that can be obtained under deep depletion operation.
Table II shows the calculated turn-on and turn-off times of the accumulation and depletion devices for different ON-state gate voltages. The turn-on (turn-off) time is defined as the time needed for the carrier concentration to reach its maximum (minimum) value when the gate voltage is stepped from Vg,OFF (Vg,ON) to Vg,ON (Vg,OFF). Switching times (turn-on time+turn off time) on the order of tens of ps are predicted, the depletion operation being slightly faster than the accumulation, as expected from the small-signal analysis.
The transmission of an optical resonator is highly sensitive to small index changes, making it ideal for intensity modulation in a short length. Thus, a suitable application of the studied configuration is a waveguide intensity modulator based on a microring resonator as that shown in
The output transmissivity (out port) of the microring modulator may be estimated by using the transfer matrix method. Bending losses were calculated by employing the BPM, and the spacing between ring and bus waveguides was estimated by using the finite difference time domain method (FDTD). The ring radius and the power-coupling coefficient (|κ2|), which is related to dg, will determine the main resonator parameters: quality factor Q (=ω0/ΔωFWHM, with ω0 the resonance frequency and ΔωFWHM the full frequency width at half maximum), cavity lifetime τph (=Q/ω0), and total internal loss Ai [=(αT+αbend)2πR, with αT the transmission losses and αbend the bending losses]. For optimum performance, it is required: high Q, for high modulation; small τph, for high switching speed; and low Ai, for high transmittance. In order to have a resonance at the probe wavelength λprobe=1550 nm, the ring radius must also satisfy the condition 2πR=m (λprobe/2neff), where m is an integer and neff=neff,OFF+Δneff, with neff,OFF being the effective index in the OFF state (Vg=0V) and Δneff being the variation of the effective refractive index when a gate voltage is applied (ON state). For the unbiased case, a trade-off among the aforementioned ring parameters is found for R=6.9 μm and |κ|2=0.012, which corresponds to a gap spacing dg=490 nm. This results, for the accumulation case, in Q=2.82×104, τph=23.2 ps and Ai=0.028 dB (αT=3.6 dB/cm and αbend=2.9 dB/cm). For the depletion case, we obtain Q=2.14×104, τph=17.6 ps and Ai=0.065 dB (αT=8.6 dB/cm and αbend=6.4 dB/cm). Note that the bending losses are higher for depletion because the refractive index of the core waveguide at zero bias is smaller (due to the background doping of 2×1017 cm−3) than that of the accumulation case; thus, the index contrast between the Si core and the oxide cladding is reduced, resulting in a weaker optical confinement in the bent waveguide (higher radiation losses) than that obtained for the accumulation case. It is also seen, that for the same ring parameters, the depletion device exhibits a poorer Q than the accumulation device due to the higher losses (both transmission and bend) in the former.
The value of τph for the depletion device is higher than the turn-on and turn-off times due to carrier distribution (Table II), meaning that the switching speed for this configuration will be limited by τph=17.6 ps. For the accumulation device, the calculated turn-on and turn-off times due to carrier dynamics (Table II) at low voltage operation (5 V and 10 V) are higher than the photon lifetime of the ring (23.3 ps); therefore, the carrier-induced transient times will limit the switching speed of the ring modulator for the accumulation configuration.
The modulation depth (M) of the microring modulator at a given wavelength is defined as (POFF−PON)POFF, where POFF and PON are the transmitted output power (out port) in the OFF and ON states, respectively.
Due to the non-negligible value of the thereto-optic effect in Si (dn/dT≈2×10−4 K−1), temperature effects on the index should be minimized in the studied configurations. This can be achieved by employing strain silicon waveguide introduced in the fabrication process by, for example, controlling the overcladding deposition conditions. The introduced strain induces a decrease of the refractive index with temperature, which counterbalances the thermo-optic effect in silicon.
In a further embodiment, the transmission at the resonance wavelength of an optical cavity is highly sensitive to small index changes, making them ideal for intensity modulation in a short length. Thus, an immediate application of the studied configuration is a straight waveguide intensity modulator based on a microcavity illustrated generally at 1600 in
The performance of the device assuming that the microcavity is estimated equivalent to a Fabry-Perot (F-P) cavity defined by distributed Bragg reflectors of reflectivity R, diffraction losses D, cavity length ad and internal losses Ac. The transmission characteristics of the resonator may be calculated by using the equation:
where Tlm(λ) is the transmittivity of the lossless-mirrors F-P cavity. neff=neff,OFF+Δneff, where neff,OFF (=2.52 is the effective index in the OFF state (Vg=0V) and Δneff is the variation of the effective refractive index when a gate voltage is applied (ON state). The following values were assumed: R=97% [8], D=17% [8], ad=21.56 μm [≈70(1.55 μm/2neff,OFF]. The considered values of Ac are those shown in
The photon lifetime (τph) of the 21.56-μm-long resonator, that is, the time for the stored energy in the cavity to vanish after the external supply is shut off, was estimated to be 4.8 ps [=λr/Δλ1/2, where λr is the resonance wavelength (=1.55 μm) and Δλ1/2 is the full width at half maximum at the resonance wavelength]. The value of τph is smaller than the switching times obtained in section IV.C, meaning that the transient response of the modulator will be determined by the hole concentration dynamic distribution (switching times on the order of 10 ps).
The order of magnitude of |Δneff| achievable in the studied configurations is on the same order of magnitude than that produced by the thermo-optic effect in Si (dn/dT≈2×10−4 K−1). This implies that in order to avoid undesired thermo-optic effects an accurate control of the device (or chip) temperature is necessary. In addition, an accurate control of the probe wavelength and/or of the cavity length is desired for optimum operation of the modulator.
For the sake of comparison, Table III shows a list of proposed all-silicon electro-optic modulators recently reported in the literature. The MOS device analyzed in this work is expected to improve significantly previous designs in terms of switching time and dc power consumption
Electro-optic MOS SOI high-index-contrast waveguide modulators have been described for 1.55-μm operation wavelength. The real refractive index and absorption coefficient of the core Si waveguide are changed by using the free-carrier dispersion effect produced by a MOS diode. A gate oxide thickness of 200 nm has been shown to be a good tradeoff between low gate electrode losses and low bias voltage operation. Both accumulation and depletion operation modes are well suited for high-speed applications, with the former mode exhibiting lower loss. Modulation depths of 73% for a first embodiment, and greater than or equal to approximately 19% for the second metal gate embodiment, and switching times on the order of tens of picoseconds are predicted for bias voltages of only 5 V or higher. The studied electro-optic modulator is therefore a very promising candidate for implementing Si micro- and nano-photonic integrated circuits for high-speed applications.
MOS can lead to very high speed (perhaps tend to hundreds of G Gbpsec. However, the pin can also work for high speed, perhaps not as high as the MOS but very high (at least 10 Gbpsec). Electro-optic devices such as that shown in
Novel light confinement geometries for modulators and switches in the form of 2D guided-wave structures, such as four port devices for routing signals on-chip (see
Both devices are based on ring resonators. The resonant nature of the device induces high sensitivity to small index changes making them ideal for high modulation depth at low drive powers for very compact devices.
An example p-i-n structure to be investigated is illustrated at 1900 in
An example of an MOS structure is shown at 2000 in
In order to achieve higher modulation depths, rings with higher Q's may be used. This may be achieved using: 1. a larger distance between the incoming waveguide and the ring resonator than 100 nm, 2. minimizing light scattering in the waveguides due to sidewall roughness by special fabrication methods such as oxidations and 3. using a thicker gate oxide, in order to minimize absorption in the ring.
Electro-optic modulators in the form of ring or disc waveguide resonators and other types of resonators, such as photonic crystal cavities and other cavities that may operate as resonators, may be varied in size. Diameters of ring or disc resonators may be between approximately 10 to 14 um. Other size modulators may also be utilized, such as 30 um diameter modulators and larger or smaller. In one embodiment, the diameter is less than 500 um in diameter.
The Abstract is provided to comply with 37 C.F.R. §1.72(b) to allow the reader to quickly ascertain the nature and gist of the technical disclosure. The Abstract is submitted with the understanding that it will not be used to interpret or limit the scope or meaning of the claims.
This application is a continuation application of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 11/367,756, filed Mar. 3, 2006, which application claims priority to U.S. Provisional Application Ser. No. 60/658,536 (entitled Electro-Optic Modulation, filed Mar. 4, 2005) which is incorporated herein by reference.
The invention described herein was made with U.S. Government support under Contract No. ECS-0300387 awarded by National Science Foundation (NSF), under contract 2003-IT-674 awarded by DARPA, and under Grant No. ECS-9731293 awarded by the National Science Foundation. Further support was provided under grant No. F49620-03-1-0424 from AFOSR (Dr. Gernot Pomrenke). The United States Government has certain rights in the invention.
Number | Date | Country | |
60658536 | Mar 2005 | US |
Number | Date | Country | |
Parent | 11367756 | Mar 2006 | US |
Child | 12831013 | US |