All publications and patent applications mentioned in this specification are herein incorporated by reference to the same extent as if each individual publication or patent application was specifically and individually indicated to be incorporated by reference.
1. Field of the Invention
This invention pertains generally to an apparatus and a method for therapeutically and prophylactically treating humans, animals and plants using static (“DC”) and time-varying (“AC”) magnetic fields (“MF”)that are selected by optimizing amplitude and waveform characteristics of a time-varying electromagnetic field (“EMF”) at target pathway structures such as molecules, cells, tissues and organs. An embodiment according to the present invention spatiotemporally configures MF to satisfy Larmor Precession conditions at the target pathway structure so that treatment can be provided for tissue growth and repair of humans, animals and plants. A method for configuring bio-effective EMF signals is provided, based upon the precise knowledge given by LP conditions of the effect of EMF upon a biological target. This knowledge is used to produce specific bio-response in the target. The method of construction of devices based upon LP conditions is given, including devices which directly employ the ambient EMF, including the geomagnetic field, as an integral component of the LP configured bio-effective field.
2. Discussion of Related Art
An important class of bio-effective EMF's exists including those due to static magnets having an amplitude and frequency of MF that are clearly too small to result in significant induced electric field (“IEF”) effects. The observed bio-effects and therapeutic efficacy of these EMFs must thus be due directly to the MF. It is suggested that specific combinations of DC and low-frequency AC MFs may be configured to enhance or reduce specific biological processes.
DC and AC magnetic fields in the 1 Gauss (“G”) to 4,000 G range have been reported to have significant therapeutic benefits for treatment of pain and edema from musculoskeletal injuries and pathologies. At the molecular level ambient range fields less than 1 G accelerated phosphorylation of a muscle contractile protein in a cell-free enzyme assay mixture. Fields ranging from 23 G to 3,500 G have been reported to alter the electrical properties of solutions as well as there physiological effects. At the cell level, a 300 G field doubted alkaline phosphatase activity in osteoblast-like cells. Fields in between 4,300 G and 4,800 G significantly increased turnover rate and synthesis of fibroblasts but had no effect on osteoblasts. Neurite outgrowth from embryonic chick ganglia was significantly increased by using fields in the range of 225 G and 900 G. Rat tendon fibroblasts exposed to 2.5 G showed extensive detachment of pre-attached cells, as well as temporarily altered morphology. A minimum MF gradient of 15 G/mm was required to cause 80% action potential blockade in an isolated nerve preparation. A series of studies demonstrated 10 G fields could significantly affect cutaneous microcirculation in a rabbit model. One of those studies showed a biphasic response dependent upon die pharmacologically determined state of a target.
Several double blind clinical studies using static magnets have been performed. A single 45 minute treatment using 300 G to 500 G fields reduced pain in post-polio patients by 76%. The magnets were placed on pain pressure points and not directly on a pain site. Discoloration, edema and pain were reduced by 40% up to 70% over a 7 day period post suction lipectomy. Pads containing arrays of 150 G to 400 G ceramic magnets were placed over a liposuction site immediately post-operative and remained over the site for 14 days. The outcome measures of fibromyaigia (pain, sleep disorders, etc.) were reduced by approximately 40% in patients who slept on a mattress pad containing arrays of 800 G ceramic magnets over a 4 month period. 90% of patients with diabetic peripheral neuropathy received significant relief of pain, numbness and tingling using 475 G alternating pole magnetic insoles in a randomized, placebo-controlled crossover foot study. Only 30% of non-diabetic subjects showed equivalent improvement. Chronic lower back pain was not affected by application of a pad over the lumbar region having a geometric array of alternating pole 300 G fields for 6 hours/day, 3 times per week for one week.
The proven therapeutic efficacy of static MF devices and the wide range of bio-effects for low-frequency AC devices has resulted in the development of several models to explain the phenomena. Early observations of DC and AC magnetic field effects on calcium efflux and binding processes stimulated research into ion and ligand binding as the primary transduction pathway for a variety of observed effects. Early observations of amplitude windows and a dependence upon specific frequency and amplitude characteristics of DC and AC fields prompted the development of models predicting resonance conditions for particular combinations of fields. The ion cyclotron resonance (“ICR”) model shows that magnetic fields act directly on the classical trajectory of a charged ion or ligand. However that model has been said to be physically unrealistic based on the grounds that cyclotron motion could not occur in a viscous medium and that the diameter of the cyclotron orbit at observed field strength would be much larger than the total size of the biological target itself.
Reports of amplitude windows for AC magnetic fields led to the development of quantum mechanical ion parametric resonance (“IPR”) models that predict resonances. Those models appear to hold promise for predicting the location of resonances for combinations of AC and static magnetic fields. However one of the foremost objections to the predictive use of these models is that the numerical values produced depend critically upon factors such as the spherical symmetry of the Calcium (“Ca”) binding site. Small perturbations from this symmetry will produce very large deviations from theoretical predictions. This suggests that apparent resemblance between experimental and theoretical resonances may be coincidental. Observed resonances have been suggested to also involve complex combinations of different target ions and the involvement of charged lipids on the surface of liposomes.
Models involving classical Lorentz force avoid the difficulties inherent in the ICR and IPR models.
Therefore, a need exists for an apparatus and a method that comprises controlling DC and ELF magnetic field effects by using a Larmor precession mechanism such that an effective acceleration, deceleration or inhibition of a number of physiological biochemical cascades, will occur.
The apparatus and method according to present invention, comprises delivering a pulsed electromagnetic field to human, animal and plant molecules, cells, tissues and organs for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. Particularly an embodiment according to the present invention comprises the generation of any combination of AC and/or DC magnetic fields specifically configured to conform to LP conditions and resonances as described in detail below and the generation of any signal with AC and/or DC characteristics targeted towards the specific biochemical characteristics of a target.
Preferably an embodiment according to the present invention comprises modulation of any carrier EMF by any secondary signal or pattern designed to couple to a target by satisfying requirements of LP conditions, including but not limited to selection of specific numerical parameters employed in producing any specific waveform having specific characteristics targeted towards the specific biochemical characteristics of a target. The modulation through superposition, amplitude and frequency modulation, and the generation of effective envelopes using characteristic waveforms that satisfy LP conditions of a carrier waveform of varying or constant amplitude and frequency to form signals of known characteristics including waveform and power spectra tuned to dynamics and resonance frequencies of ion and ligand binding.
An embodiment according to the present invention comprises a method by which an ambient magnetic field, including the geomagnetic field, is detected to produce feedback which will allow spatial components of the geomagnetic field to be selectively enhanced, selectively reduced, or cancelled completely in order to configure a specific bio-effective magnetic field, based upon empirical evidence and/or a mathematical model.
An embodiment according to the present invention comprises a specific signal that is generated to satisfy LP conditions whereby a resulting composite MF signal is configured that can be applied to target pathway structures such as molecules, cells, tissues and organs for an exposure time of about 1 minute to about several hours per day, however other exposure times can be used.
Another embodiment according to the present invention comprises a MF modulated to satisfy LP conditions comprising any DC MF having an amplitude of 0.01 G to 5,000 G.
Another embodiment according to the present invention comprises a MF modulated to satisfy LP conditions comprising any AC MF having an amplitude of about 0.01 G to 5,000 G and a frequency from about 0.01 Hz to 36 MHz.
Another embodiment according to the present invention comprises a MF modulated to satisfy LP conditions comprising any DC or AC MF having an amplitude of about 0.01 G to 5,000 G in superposition with any AC or DC MF having an amplitude of about 0.01 G to 5,000 G and a frequency from about 0.01 Hz to 36 MHz for treatment of tissues, organs, cells and molecules.
Another embodiment according to the present invention comprises a MF modulated to satisfy LP conditions comprising any DC or AC MF having an amplitude of about 0.01 G to 5,000 G in superposition with any AC or DC MF having an amplitude of about 0.01 G to 5,000 G and a frequency from about 0.01 Hz to 36 MHz to enhance any biochemical process in tissues, organs, cells and molecules.
Another embodiment according to the present invention comprises a MF modulated to satisfy LP conditions comprising any DC or AC MF having an amplitude of about 0.01 G to 5,000 G in superposition with any AC or DC MF having an amplitude of about 0.01 G to 5,000 G and a frequency from about 0.01 Hz to 36 MHz to inhibit any biochemical process in tissues, organs, cells and molecules.
Another embodiment according to the present invention comprises superposition of any signal satisfying LP conditions with a bipolar pulse train of known characteristics yielding a signal of variable waveform with amplitude from about 0.01 G to 5,000 G to enhance or to inhibit any biochemical process in tissues, organs and cells.
Another embodiment according to the present invention comprises superposition of any signal satisfying LP conditions with a bipolar pulse train of known characteristics yielding a signal of variable waveform having an amplitude from about 0.01 G to 5,000 G for treatment of tissues, organs, cells or tissues.
Another embodiment according to the present invention comprises application of any carrier signal modulated to satisfy LP conditions using inductively coupled signal transmission equipment, electrodes implanted into or placed on a surface of a target, or any other method of applying the signal for treatment of tissues, organs, cells, and molecules.
Another embodiment according to the present invention comprises at least one flexible inductively coupled transmission coil that can be incorporated into anatomical wraps and supports for treatment of tissues, organs, cells and molecules.
Another embodiment according to the present invention comprises at least one flexible inductively coupled transmission coil that can be incorporated into bandages and dressings for treatment of tissues, organs, cells and molecules.
Another embodiment according to the present invention comprises at least one flexible inductively coupled transmission coil that can be incorporated into everyday garments and articles of clothing to allow for the within described treatment of tissues, organs, cells and molecules on an ambulatory basis.
Another embodiment according to the present invention comprises at least one flexible inductively coupled transmission coil that can be incorporated into beds, mattresses, pads, chairs, benches and any other structure designed to support an anatomical structure of a human and animal.
Another embodiment according to the present invention comprises employing a plurality of flexible inductively coupled transmission coils such that the coils provide increased coverage area for treatment of large areas of tissues, organs, cells and molecules.
Another embodiment according to the present invention comprises an apparatus that operates at reduced power levels than conventional electro-medical devices.
“About” for purposes of the invention means a variation of plus or minus 50%.
“Ambient Field” for purposes of this invention includes geomagnetic fields and fields generated by any devices that may be transmitted to the treatment site.
“Bio-effective” for purposes of the invention means biological and physiological outcomes of biochemical cascades related to augmenting or diminishing tissue growth and repair.
“LP resonances” for purposes of the invention means the computation of resonance conditions through any means that employs the dynamics of LP in order to compute resonance conditions.
The above and yet other aspects and advantages of the present invention will become apparent from the hereinafter set forth Brief Description of the Drawings and Detailed Description of the Invention.
Methods and apparatus that are particular embodiments of the invention will now he described, by way of example, with reference to the accompanying diagrammatic drawings:
LP is a means by which a magnetic field introduces coherence into the motion of bound ions. Larmor's theorem states that for a magnetic moment, the introduction of a magnetic field results in the original motion transferred into a frame of reference rotating at Larmor frequency:
ωL=ΓB, (1)
Where Γ is a gyromagnetic ratio of a precessing system. Γ=q/2m where q is charge and m is mass for a target such as a single calcium ion.
Bound charges in a biological target will generally undergo thermally induced oscillations thus giving rise to a magnetic moment for a system. Such a system can be expected to undergo LP. This motion will persist in superposition with thermal forces until thermal forces eventually eject the oscillator from a binding site. For a magnetic field oriented along the z-axis, precessional motion will be confined to the x-y plane. In addition to coherent precessional motion of a bound oscillator, contributions to the motion due to thermal noise itself are also expected to undergo precession.
Larmor Precession is an effect of magnetic fields on magnetic moments that, while the underlying mechanism is quantum mechanical and involves a change in relative phases of the spin-up and spin-down components of a magnetic moment, can be described through a classical model. An illustrative classical model utilizes a Lorentz-Langevin equation for an ion bound in a potential well subject to a magnetic field oriented up along the z-axis is in the presence of thermal noise:
Where r is the position vector of a particle; β is the viscous damping coefficient per unit mass due to molecular collisions in the thermal bath, γ is the ion charge to mass ratio; B0 is the magnitude of the magnetic field vector; k is the unit vector along the z-axis; ω is the angular frequency of the oscillator and n is the random thermal noise force per unit mass. Although the potential energy function shown here is that of the harmonic oscillator, the precession is not limited to the case of linear isotropic potential but is expected to occur for any central restorative potential.
Solution of the Lorentz equation in closed form is possible for special cases or through numerical integration. The addition of the thermal term n to the Lorentz equation produces a solution that can be assessed via statistical mechanical methods to produce the ensemble average <r(t)> for the ion position as a function of time. From the ensemble average, the effects on bound lifetime of thermal noise, exogenous magnetic fields and changes in physical parameters can be evaluated.
The solution of the Lorentz-Langevin equation is
The ionic trajectory thus comprises a coherent part: c(t)=c1eλ
The particular solution to the non-homogeneous equation including thermal noise is given by
The rate of growth of the thermal term ψn(t) has been assessed previously via the ensemble average of the oscillator amplitude, where it was shown the accumulation term grows with time, eventually overwhelming the attenuation of the oscillator trajectory due to viscous damping,
Thermal accumulation causes the oscillating ion to be ejected from the binding site after a bound lifetime dependent upon the thermal noise spectral density,
It was also shown that binding lifetimes on the order of one second result for physically relevant values of the oscillator frequency (ω≈1012), viscous damping (β≈1−10), and magnetic field strength B0<<1 T.
The time-dependence of ψn(t) ay also be evaluated, expanding equation (6):
is the accumulation of the thermal component with respect to time.
Thus, equation (7) shows that the thermal component of the oscillation itself also undergoes Larmor precession.
The specific rate of growth of the precessing term may be found by assessing the physically relevant case:
so that:
Thus, the thermal component of the ion trajectory itself comprises a thermal oscillator driven by thermal noise n(τ), subject to viscous damping and undergoing precessional motion at the Larmor frequency about the axis defined by the magnetic field. Note that the exponentials in the integrand of equation (10) receive a + sign, due to the terms in −λ1,2 in equation (10), in accord with the physical expectation that thermal noise acts to increase the oscillator amplitude.
The accumulation of ψn(t) may be evaluated in a straightforward manner via the ensemble average of the oscillator position. Assessing the thermal term, u(t)=x+iy=ψn(t), it is convenient to retain the exponential terms in equation (10):
Employing the fact that viscosity and thermal noise spectral density σn2 are related by
where k is the Boltzmann constant, T the absolute temperature, and m the mass of the particle, the ensemble average is, since a+a*=2β,
Thus, the thermal term ψn(t) will increase in amplitude with time. Note that the time-dependence of the magnetic field contribution to the thermal accumulation disappears when |a2|<<4ω2. The more general case was described previously.
The thermal component of an ion trajectory comprises an harmonic oscillator driven by thermal noise n(τ), subject to viscous damping and undergoing precessional motion at the Larmor frequency about an axis defined by the magnetic field.
For physically relevant values of the oscillator frequency (ω≈1012), viscous damping (β≈1−10), and magnetic field strength Bo1 Testa, the results have been assessed via numerical simulation. It has been shown that the accumulation term grows with time, eventually overwhelming the attenuation of the oscillator trajectory due to viscous damping
Thermal accumulation thus causes the oscillating ion to be ejected from the binding site after a bound lifetime dependent upon the thermal noise spectral density.
Although thermal forces will in general be distributed throughout the spherical solid angle available in the binding site, it is important to bear in mind that the ion or ligand is not executing random motions in an isotropic region. Rather, it is strongly bound in an oscillator potential, with oscillator frequency in the infrared. Thus, the motion is that of a thermally driven oscillator rather than a random motion, as shown above, through examination of the accumulation term ψn(t). Rather than simply rapidly ejecting an ion or ligand from a binding site, thermal noise forces will themselves contribute to the amplitude of the precessional component of the motion. Thus, both the coherent and the thermal parts of the total motion u(t)=c(t)+ψn(t) will undergo LP. The implications of this is wide-ranging: an extensive variety of charged oscillators in the biological target system can be expected to undergo LP, resulting in a wide variety of target systems exhibiting similar responses to applied magnetic fields.
Larmor Precession conditions are described below according to an embodiment of the present invention.
For precessional motion of a bound oscillator to influence a biochemical process, it is clear that the motion must be able to move through a significant portion of one precessional orbit. Thus, the time constant of a target process must be on the order of a period of the LP in order for a bio-effect to occur. Weaker magnetic fields can only expected to target relatively slower biological process, and a lower limit for magnetic field effects can be established. For example, the Larmor frequency for Ca at 50 μT is approximately 18.19 Hz, so that a bound lifetime of about 55 msec is required for one orbit to occur. Ca binding to calmodulin (“CaM”) has a maximal lifetime on the order of ≈1 sec, for the stow pair of binding sites on the CaM molecule, resulting in a lower limit of about 1-3 μT for detectability by CaCaM.
Precessional motion of the oscillator will result in a coherent modulation of the rate at which the oscillator moves through the available range of motion. Although the mechanisms by which this coherent motion can influence kinetics it wilt certainly vary from one target system to another, the basic properties of the Larmor model will be similar for a wide variety of systems. The rate at which the oscillator passes through various orientations, including preferred orientations that may influence kinetics, will be modulated coherently by the precessional motion at the Larmor frequency. This introduction of coherence into a process that, in the absence of magnetic fields, is governed by thermal perturbations, allows the magnetic field to impart information to the system without requiring substantial energetic input on the part of the field. It has been shown that the angular momentum of a calcium ion undergoing LP in a 50 μT magnetic field is on the order of Planck's constant.
Larmor precession results in the oscillator sweeping out an angular area within the binding site, at a rate determined by the gyromagnetic ratio of the target and the magnetic field. For example, for CaCaM binding, LP will result in a modulation of the rate at which the oscillator makes contact with various portions of the binding site. Stronger magnetic fields will increase this rate, thus increasing the probability or frequency at which the oscillator contacts orientations that favor dissociation. Increasing NV strength thus results in a reduction of the bound lifetime of Ca, resulting in a greater availability of free Ca as observed for the increased reaction rates observed in a cell-free preparation.
For a system such as CaCaM, bio-effects are expected to increase with field strength, reaching a saturation level, beyond which further increases in DC field strength result in only small changes in binding time, relative to the initial kinetics of the system. The percentage change in reactivity, or binding lifetime, as compared to the zero-field lifetime is given by:
Thus, saturation occurs as field strength grows: further increases in amplitude result in ever smaller relative changes in kinetics. It is important to note that, since the Larmor frequency increases linearly with increasing field strength, for a given target system (i.e., specific binding lifetime), effects will be limited to a narrow range of MFs. Referring to
LP can affect targets other than bound charged ions. For example, the water molecule carries partial charges, resulting in water's unique chemical characteristics. The resulting strong electric polarization causes water molecules in cells and tissues to form organized, polarized hydration layers, such as the inner and outer Helmholtz layers observed around charge carriers and charged membranes. These bound waters themselves are likely to be subject to LP as applied magnetic fields introduce coherence into the thermal fluctuations of hydration layers via LP. The resultant change in hydration orientation angles alters the potential energy of hydration and thus local dielectric constant ε(t) at the binding site kinetics of binding processes moving through the Helmholtz planes thus depend on LP.
Since Larmor frequencies for oxygen and hydrogen arms of water also tie near Ca2+ frequency, observations of bio-effects near the Larmor frequency may also be attributable to precession of the water molecules themselves or complexes of hydrated ions, for which the gyromagnetic ratio must be estimated before an accurate determination of the Larmor frequency can be made.
AC and AC DC combined resonance are described below according to an embodiment of the present invention.
The current invention aims to take advantage of the conditions such as resonance and particular changes with field strengths and frequency that are intrinsic to LP. The relative parallel or perpendicular orientation of the AC and DC fields is shown to be a critical determinant of the strength and direction of bio-effects. Bio-effects due to are dependent upon the amplitudes, frequencies, and spatial directions of all spatiotemporal components of the MF. The precise reactivity of the biological target can be computed, as a function of target physicochemical characteristics and magnetic field characteristics in order to take advantage of specific dose-responses, resonance phenomena such as maxima and minima of reactivity, and treatment regimes that are programmed to take advantage of the specifics of LP.
Resonance conditions are described below according to an embodiment of the present invention.
The LP mechanism yields resonance behavior for a wide variety of combinations of AC and DC MFs, including the geomagnetic field. These resonances are conditions for which maxima, minima or other bio-responses, specifically characteristic of LP, are expected for specific spatiotemporal MF conditions. These specialized conditions can be employed to develop innovative means of maximizing, minimizing, enhancing, inhibiting, or otherwise modulating the bio-responses to applied and ambient MFs. Although the specific examples shown below employ sinusoidally varying AC MFs, LP conditions may be computed to determine specific resonance conditions for any arbitrary combination of DC and non-sinusoidally varying MF waveforms.
LP resonances will be considered to be the computation of resonance conditions through any means that employs the dynamics of LP in order to compute resonance conditions. For illustrative purposes, several methods of computing resonance conditions are illustrated below. However, due to the complexity of the possible orbits of the precessing oscillator and the complexity of bio-molecules generally, it is not possible to treat in detail all possible methods of computing resonances.
AC magnetic field bio-effects are described below according to an embodiment of the present invention.
When an AC magnetic field is added to a DC field a break in the spatiotemporal symmetry of Larmor precession results due to periodic reversals in precession direction with changing AC phase and amplitude, and the interaction with DC magnetic fields in perpendicular or parallel orientations. This symmetry breaking results in modulation, via the applied field geometry, of the oscillator orientation within the binding site and, thus, the probability of contact with a preferred orientation. For example, when the AC phase causes the field strength to be near zero, or causes a destructive interference with DC fields, the oscillator will ‘dwell’ at a specific region of the binding site, covering very little angular distance until the field rises significantly. Resonance conditions are thus expected for the case of a single AC sinusoidal field alone.
For example, resonance conditions may be assessed through the computation of the mean distance the oscillator spends from a preferred orientation, taken over a time period less than or equal to the binding lifetime:
R(x,y,x,t)=comean((x(t)−ox)2+(y(t)−oy)2(z(t)−oz)2)1/2) (17)
where co is a constant, x(t), y(t) and z(t) are the spatial components of the precessing oscillator, the oi are the spatial components of a preferred orientation. Clearly, the actual preferred orientation(s) determines the specific reactivity. However, as mentioned above, given a specific biomolecular environment, R(t) will take a specific form.
To illustrate the basic characteristics of LPM, examples provided here employ an arbitrary location for the preferred orientation. R(t) can be computed via the parametric equations for an oscillator precessing at Larmor angular frequency ωL in the plane perpendicular to the resultant magnetic field:
ωL=ΓBr=Γ(Bperp2+(Bpara+Bac cos(ωact))2)1/2 (18)
where Br is the resultant field from the perpendicular, Bperp, and parallel, Bpara, components of the DC field, and the AC field component, Bac, having frequency ωac. As shown in
AC DC parallel field combination is described below according to an embodiment of the present invention.
For the case of an alternating MF aligned parallel to a static (DC) field, the angular area swept out per unit time, A(t), increases linearly with time bound. For AC/DC parallel combination, Br=Bo+B1 cos(ωt), so that in general, the Larmor frequency, ωL=ΓBr will be a time-varying function of both AC and DC amplitudes.
where ωL is the Larmor frequency; {right arrow over (Bo )} is the DC MF vector; {right arrow over (B1)} cos(ωAC t) is the AC MF, with frequency ωAC ,; m is the mass of the bound oscillator; and Co is a proportionality constant. A(t) may be evaluated for any ion or ligand, any combination of AC and DC MFs with any relative orientation, and is in general a function of target gyromagnetic ratio and DC/AC MF geometry.
The total angular area A(t) swept by the oscillator over time is determined by the Larmor frequency:
Thus, reactivity is a function of the bounds of integration in equations (19) and (20) and the time-varying Larmor frequency. Because the bounds of integration represent the binding lifetime, the position of resonances will in general be dependent upon the kinetics of the target system, and thus, not be dependent solely upon the Larmor frequency of the binding species.
The relative amplitudes of the AC and DC fields are also critical in determining the height and position of resonance conditions. Because the Larmor frequency is dependent on the resultant AC+DC amplitude, for AC>DC the oscillator will undergo periodic changes in precessional direction. The result shows addition of an AC MF to the precessing oscillator can either accelerate or inhibit its time to reach a reactive orientation. For parallel AC/DC field combinations, the results are remarkably similar to reported experimental verifications of IPR, and suggests LP as a viable alternative mechanism for weak DC and AC MF bio-effects. The resulting resonance conditions may be reflected in the conditions employed by Koch.
Additionally for a parallel AC and DC MF combination, complex resonance conditions are expected for specific AC amplitudes and frequencies, based upon the coherent precessional motion of the oscillator. For example, as shown in
More complex resonance behaviors occur at other AC frequencies, including sub-harmonic frequencies of the Larmor frequency. For example,
AC DC perpendicular field combination is described below according to an embodiment of the present invention.
For the case of an AC MT in perpendicular orientation with a DC field, the spatial direction of the resultant MF varies in time, breaking the cylindrical symmetry of the (previous example. It has been suggested previously that the resultant excursion of the oscillator out of the cylindrical geometry will result in changes in bio-effects, due to changes in the angular area A(t) swept per unit time. Thus, both the Larmor frequency and axis of precession are time-varying, and the accumulation of angular area given by equation (17) will be modulated by the component of the precession in the z-direction. By geometry, the results are:
Due to the excursions of the axis of precession away from the z-axis, the Larmor frequency for perpendicular fields varies with time in a manner somewhat more complicated than that for the case of parallel AC/DC combination. The complicated dynamics that arise imply that changes in reactivity are caused by both the AC-modulated Larmor frequency as well as the time-varying changes in precession axis.
It has been established that resonances will occur when excursions of the oscillator attain their maxima, i.e., the AC frequency is an integer multiple of the Larmor frequency. This means that resonances may be observed for perpendicular field configuration by scanning along increasing AC field strength, holding DC constant. For example,
Arbitrary combinations of AC and DC magnetic fields are described below according to an embodiment of the present invention.
Larmor precession conditions may also be predicted based upon the mean distance of the oscillator from a preferred orientation favoring or impeding the molecular binding process. Resonance conditions may be computed for AC alone, AC parallel to DC, AC perpendicular to DC, and combined parallel and perpendicular magnetic fields. For example, LP conditions allow for the precise calculation of the trajectory of the precessing oscillator:
{right arrow over (r)}(x,y,x,t)=x(t)î+y(t)ĵ+z(t){right arrow over (k)} (23)
Where x(t), y(t) and z(t) are found through solution of the equation of motion of the oscillator, generalized from equation (2)to the 3-dimensional case:
and î,ĵ,{circumflex over (k)} are the unit vectors in the three spatial directions, x, y and z.
Thus, through detailed knowledge of the solution to equation (24.1), and thus the LP resonance landscape, specific MFs may be configured to yield therapeutically relevant excitation and inhibition. For example,
Larmor Precession—bio-effective fields generated coupling with ambient fields is described below according to an embodiment of the present invention.
The present invention comprises a method of precisely controlling the magnetic field environment at the biological target in order to produce a magnetic field configuration designed to produce specific bio-effects, according to empirical data or a mathematical model.
The present invention comprises a configuration of coils and/or permanent magnets, in any geometric arrangement, including triaxial, biaxial or uniplanar, that delivers a magnetic field to a target. All spatiotemporal components of the magnetic field are controlled in order to deliver a specific magnetic field configuration to the biological target. The ambient geomagnetic and environmental magnetic field is monitored in order to use these components for the purpose of configuring the applied bio-effective
In general, the magnetic field applied to a biological target by a system of coils is the superposition of: 1) the field Bdevice due directly to the currents applied to the coils; 2) the field Bambient due to ambient sources such as the local geomagnetic field (on the order of 0.5 Gauss and varying geographically in magnitude and direction) and all other sources such as medical equipment, power lines, etc. The total resultant magnetic field is:
{right arrow over (B)}(x, y,x,t)total=B(x,{right arrow over (y)},x,t)device+{right arrow over (B)}(x,y,x,t)ambient (24.2)
Thus, total magnetic field may be completely controlled by selecting the device magnetic field to superpose in a meaningful fashion with the ambient field. For therapeutic purposes, a mathematical or empirical model detailing the interactions of applied magnetic fields with the biological target may be employed to develop a bio-effective therapeutic field configuration. Rather than shielding the target from ambient magnetic fields, the present invention of these fields to form the final bio-effective field
{right arrow over (B)}(x, y,x,t)bioeffective=B(x,{right arrow over (y)},x,t)device+{right arrow over (B)}(x,y,x,t)ambient, (25)
so that the magnetic field required by the device is:
{right arrow over (B)}(x, y,x,t)device={right arrow over (B)}(x,y,x,t)bioeffective−{right arrow over (B)}(x,y,x,t)ambient (26)
The present invention employs this fact, thus utilizing the ambient magnetic field as an integral component of the total specifically configured magnetic field.
The present invention makes a precise measurement of the spatiotemporal components of the ambient magnetic field via a triaxial magnetometer probe. This measurement is then compared to the desired bin-effective magnetic field configuration to produce a magnetic field to be generated by the device via equation (26).
A combined AC/DC magnetic field configuration may be produced by several different methods: triaxial, Helmholtz, uniplanar, or arbitrary coil combinations, both with and without the addition of permanent magnets. For example, a given magnetic field may be obtained simply by canceling the ambient field, then adding, through superposition, the desired field components:
{right arrow over (B)}(x, y,x,t)device=−{right arrow over (B)}(x,y,x,t)ambient+{right arrow over (B)}(x,y,x,t)bioeffective (27)
This approach generally requires the use of triaxial or biaxial coils Helmholtz configuration.
Thus, for the general case, given an empirical or mathematical model used to determine the bio-effective magnetic field configuration, the following method may be employed:
A specific example employing LPM predicts that one bio-effective configuration comprises the combination of a constant (DC) and sinusoidal alternating (AC) magnetic fields, oriented perpendicular to each other. For this configuration, extrema of bio-effects are expected at the Larmor frequency of the target in the DC field, and its' half-integer multiples, as shown in
An embodiment according to the present invention makes use of the ambient magnetic field to produce the bio-effective field configuration. For this case, a single planar coil may be employed and measurements of the ambient field components used to generate the bio-effective field via equation (26). A single planar coil may be employed, rather than coils in Helmholtz configuration, because the magnitude and geometry of the field delivered by such a coil is precisely determined by the input current into the coil and may be calibrated though spatial measurements. For example, a 6-inch diameter applicator coil delivers a resultant magnetic field with x, y, and z components that are primarily in the direction perpendicular to the plane of the coil, as illustrated in
Thus, for this case of LPM for perpendicular magnetic fields and a single circular coil, measurement of the ambient magnetic field allows for:
The field that must be produced by the coil is thus:
{right arrow over (B)}(x, y,x,t)device=−{right arrow over (B)}(x,y,x,t)Zambient+{right arrow over (B)}(x,y,x,t)AC (28)
Where BZambient is the z-component of the ambient field, and BAC is the desired AC field.
The resultant field produced will be composed of an AC component oriented along the z-axis, combined with the ambient (DC geomagnetic) component in the x-y plane, fulfilling Larmor precession conditions for the perpendicular AC/DC resonance described above.
Referring to
LP explains important experimental results.
LP predictions for this system, with combined parallel and perpendicular AC/DC fields, for parallel AC/DC at 20 μT combined with 15 μT perpendicular DC, satisfactorily describes the data and also predicts inhibition of Ca2+ flux at lower frequencies that are not sub-harmonics of ICR resonance. These results are clinically relevant for the configuration of bio-effective therapeutic EMF signals.
While the apparatus and method have been described in terms of what are presently considered to be the most practical and preferred embodiments, it is to be understood that the disclosure need not be limited to the disclosed embodiments. It is intended to cover various modifications and similar arrangements included within the spirit and scope of the claims, the scope of which should be accorded the broadest interpretation so as to encompass all such modifications and similar structures. The present disclosure includes any and all embodiments of the following claims.
This application is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 12/082,944, filed Apr. 14, 2008 entitled “ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD TREATMENT APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR USING SAME”, which claims the benefit under 35 U.S.C. 119 of U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 60/922,894, filed Apr.12, 2007, titled “APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD TREATMENT OF TISSUES, ORGANS, CELLS, AND MOLECULES THROUGH THE GENERATION OF SUITABLE ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD CONFIGURATIONS”, which are herein incorporated by reference in their entirety.
Number | Date | Country | |
60922894 | Apr 2007 | US |
Number | Date | Country | |
Parent | 12082944 | Apr 2008 | US |
Child | 13032565 | US |