An electromechanical push to close latch has a pawl positioned for linear movement in a housing, with the pawl being biased to the outward extended position. An electric motor operates a cam to change the position of the pawl thereby retracting it into the housing. An electronic circuit board controls the operation of the electric motor under the direction of an outside control signal. The circuit board also senses the position of the pawl to stop the operation of the motor when the pawl is fully retracted. The pawl mounting can be reconfigured for the pawl to extend and thereby operate in a plurality of selectable directions.

The present invention is directed to push to close latches, and specifically a release mechanism for opening the push to close latch.

Push to close latches typically, have a tapered, ramp-ended, blade-shaped pawls or bar-shaped pawls. These pawls are spring-biased to the latched/closed position, wherein the pawl extends outwardly from the latch housing. As the pawl of a push to close latch encounters the striker, the ramping force pushes the pawl inward against the spring force until the pawl clears the striker, wherein after the spring then forces the pawl to its extended position and the latch becomes latched.

A lock plug with a pivoting blade striker can be incorporated to provide both the striker and a key lock function, wherein the push to close latch is in a separate housing. When a passive striker is used, a retraction knob may be incorporated into the pawl housing to retract the pawl against its outwardly biasing spring. A lock plug can be used instead of the retraction knob, wherein as the key turns the plug a linkage retracts the pawl into the housing.

Alternately, paddles have been used instead of knobs or lock plugs to activate the pawl to retract it against the force of its biasing spring and into the housing.

With the advent of more security systems, it has become desirable to utilize push to close latches, which are thereby locked when latched. With such security push to close latches it has also become desirable to active, i.e., to operate the latch remotely. Such remotely operated, push to close latches are electrically operated, and therefore are electromechanical devices. The remote activation can be by the operation of an electric signal button operated by a guard or a security officer, or by an electric signal button operated by a resident of an apartment in an apartment building, or by a signal generated by a code entry pad or swipe card reader. The electric signal causes the pawl to be retracted so that the door may be opened.

Typically, the activation device at the latch is an electromagnet or a solenoid. When the electric current flows, the pawl is retracted into the housing and the door can open. When the electric current stops the biasing spring forces the pawl to the extended position.

These electrically operated, prior electromechanical push to close latches have developed problems because of wear and erratic operation, and because of the timing and length of the electric activation signal when the button operator is out of sight of the door and the latch being operated. As an example, if the door is pulled prior to the pawl being retracted, the pawl can bind and the solenoid activator is unable to retract the pawl. Various installations limit the size of the latch housing and therefore the capacity and strength of electromagnetic activator or the solenoid.

What is desired is a latch which is smoothly operating and which has a controlled operation for pawl movement.

What is further desired is a latch which is easily reconfigured for a plurality of different installations.


An object of the present invention is to provide an electromechanical push to close latch which is remotely operated under the direction of an input control signal. The latch has a spring loaded (biased) linear retracting pawl. When not being commanded to retract, the pawl is spring biased to its normally extended position. From the extended position, the pawl is free to retract, into a housing, when sufficient force is applied to overcome the spring biasing. The pawl, which is blade or bar shaped, has a tapered or ramped end, which acts against a striker to move the pawl against the spring force. Thus the latch is used as a push to close latch.

An electric DC motor is coupled through a gearbox to rotate a cam which is connected to retract the pawl into the pawl housing when a control signal is sent to the motor. The pawl can be maintained in the retracted position without power being further applied to the motor, when the motor is stopped as the pawl is sensed to be in the appropriate position.

This push to close latch may be operated against various keepers to provide for different latching functionality. When operated against a fixed keeper or enclosure undercut, a simple mechanical push to close and thereby “latch” function is implemented. When operated against a rotateable flange on a lock plug, the mechanical override function of the key lock is provided.

The latch has a multi-sectional housing which contains the motor, a circuit board connected to control the motor operation and to sense the pawl position, a gear box which couples the motor to a cam, and a cam which is mounted to move the pawl in a linear motion. The pawl and its biasing spring are mounted in a separable housing section. The pawl housing can be mounted with the pawl extending and operating in any of three directions with respect to the motor and gearbox portion of the housing. These three positions have the pawl extending longitudinally from an end of the housing, or transversely to the right or to the left.

The output gear of the gearbox has associated with it a ribbed or toothed hub. The cam snaps onto that hub and is driven, i.e., rotated. The cam engages an opening or pocket in the pawl. When the output gear rotates, the hub rotates the cam to drive the pawl in a reciprocating linear motion. When the pawl housing orientation is changed from longitudinal to transversely to the right or to the left, the cam is removed from the hub and reoriented consistent with the reorientation of the pawl.

A small electric DC motor provides the power to operate the latch. The gearbox provides a gear reduction system to reduce the rotational speed of the motor from about 8000 rpm to about 60 rpm and multiplies the torque available from the motor to operate the latch. An electronic circuit board monitors the position of the output gear and thereby the position of the cam, and ultimately the position of the pawl. This circuit board provides power to the motor which controls the pawl position, i.e., the status of the latch.

The circuit board also includes a dual position sensor to provide a feedback signal to a controller circuit to confirm one or two positions of the latch. The latch has two operating positions, these being the pawl fully extended position and the pawl fully retracted position. The two positions are defined and sensed by two different size holes in the output gear. Two sensors on the circuit boar monitor for the presence of a hole and determine if it is the larger hole or the smaller hole. One of the sensors is used as an endpoint sensor to stop the motor in either position. The other sensor is used as a position sensor to detect if the gear and thereby the pawl is in position “1” or “2”. The position sensor will only detect the larger of the two holes and thus can distinguish between position 1 and 2. With the output gear in position 1, the pawl is and/or can be fully extended under the force of its biasing spring, and only the endpoint sensor is detecting a hole (the small hole). With the output gear in position 2, the pawl is in the retracted position and both the endpoint sensor and the position sensor are detecting a hole (the larger hole).

When a signal is received for the latch to change positions, the electrical circuits are delayed to initially ignore a start hole and after the short delay period begin to sense for the new end point and position.

The sensing circuit may be altered to provide the same functions. As an example, there need be only one hole in the output spur gear and the sensors can be positioned 180 degrees apart. The present design uses infrared light and infrared sensors. Alternatively, Hall-effect sensors can be used, or other types of sensors suitable to the size and power application. If position feedback is not required, only one position sensor need be used.

The gearbox output spur gear and the cam are two separate parts that are configured in different keyed positions to one another as a function of the pawl housing orientation. When for size considerations, it is desirable to have the output gear and cam as one molded integrated part, three different output gears would be needed for the change over between different pawl housing orientations.

The concept of this invention of a gear driven, cam operated, push to close pawl latch is equally applicable to smaller sized latches which require less power and larger sized latches which require more power.

The layout of the gearbox relative to the cam/pawl can be altered to accommodate different mounting and space constraints. The number of gears in the gearbox will depend upon the motor selected, the motor speed, and the torque increase needed to successfully control the pawl position under actual operating conditions and wear

In some instances, it could be desirable to have a non-reconfigureable pawl housing.


The features, advantage and operation of the present invention will become readily apparent and further understood from a reading of the following detailed description with the accompanying drawings, in which like numerals refer to like elements, and in which:

FIG. 1 is a perspective view of the electromechanical push to close latch;

FIG. 2 is a partial cut-away, perspective view of the latch of the invention in a cabinet having a lock plug rotatable blade keeper rotated to the open/unlocked position;

FIG. 3 is a partial cut-away, perspective view of the latch and the cabinet of FIG. 2, where the pawl of the latch is engaged with the keeper to lock the cabinet;

FIG. 4 is a partial cut-away, perspective view of the latch and the cabinet of FIG. 2, with the pawl retracted so that the cabinet door is free to open;

FIG. 5 is a partial cut-away, perspective view of the latch and the cabinet of FIG. 2, with the latch pawl remaining in the retracted position and the cabinet door open;

FIG. 6 is a partial cut-away, perspective view of the latch and the cabinet of FIG. 2, with the pawl released and extended under its spring biased force and the cabinet door ready to close the keeper against the latch pawl;

FIG. 7 is an exploded perspective view of the electromechanical latch of the present invention;

FIG. 8 is a perspective view of the latch of FIG. 1 with the pawl housing repositioned for left-hand operation;

FIG. 9 is a perspective view of the latch of FIG. 1 with the pawl housing repositioned for right-hand operation;

FIGS. 10
a-10f are top, bottom, right side, left side, pawl end, and opposite end views, respectively, of the latch of FIG. 1;

FIG. 11 is a top view of the left-hand pawl orientation for the latch of FIG. 8;

FIG. 12 is a top view of the right-hand pawl orientation for the latch of FIG. 9;

FIG. 13 is an exploded view of the pawl housing portion of the latch for a straight on longitudinal pawl operation;

FIG. 14 is an exploded view of the pawl housing portion of the latch for a left-hand operation/orientation;

FIG. 15 is an exploded view of the pawl housing portion of the latch for a right-hand operation/orientation;

FIG. 16 is a right side view of the motor, gear and cam drive of FIG. 7;

FIG. 17 is a left side view of the motor, gear and cam drive of FIG. 16;

FIG. 18 is a top orientation sectional view of the latch, with the pawl released to extend under spring pressure, taken as shown in FIG. 18a;

FIG. 18
a is a right orientation sectional view taken as shown in FIG. 18;

FIG. 19 is a top orientation sectional view of the latch, with the pawl retracted under striker pressure, taken as shown in FIG. 19a;

FIG. 19
a is a right orientation sectional view taken as shown in FIG. 19;

FIG. 20 is a top orientation sectional view of the latch, with the pawl retracted by the motor, gear and cam drive, taken as shown in FIG. 20a;

FIG. 20
a is a right orientation sectional view taken as shown in FIG. 20;

FIG. 21 is a bottom orientation sectional view of the latch taken as shown in FIG. 21a, wherein the latch is in the same position as seen in FIG. 18a;

FIG. 21
a is a right side orientation sectional view taken as shown in FIG. 21;

FIG. 22 is a top orientation sectional view of the latch taken as shown in FIG. 22a, wherein the latch is in the same position as seen in FIG. 20a;

FIG. 22
a is a right side orientation sectional view taken as shown in FIG. 22;

FIGS. 23
a-23c are perspective, bottom, and side views, respectively, of the first gear;

FIGS. 24
a-24c are perspective, bottom, and top views, respectively, of the second gear;

FIGS. 25
a-25c are perspective, bottom, and top views, respectively, of the third gear;

FIGS. 26
a-26c are perspective, bottom, and top views, respectively, of the fourth gear;

FIGS. 27
a-27c are perspective, bottom, and top views, respectively, of the fifth gear;

FIGS. 28
a-28c are perspective, bottom, and tope views, respectively, of the cam of FIG. 7;

FIGS. 29
a-29g are perspective, top, bottom, right side, left side, ramp end, and opposite end views, respectively, of the pawl of FIG. 7;

FIGS. 30
a-30c are perspective, top and bottom views, respectively, of the circuit board of FIG. 7;

FIG. 31 is a perspective view of the motor of FIG. 7;

FIGS. 32
a-32c are perspective, outside end, and inside end views, respectively, of the motor pinion gear;

FIG. 33 is a perspective view of the inside of the housing bottom section;

FIG. 34 is a perspective view of the outside of the housing top section which encases the motor and reduction first through fourth gears;

FIG. 35 is a perspective view of the outside of the pawl housing which encases the spring, output/fifth gear, cam, and pawl; and

FIGS. 36
a-36c are top, bottom and pawl opening side views, respectively, of the pawl housing.


The present invention is an electromechanical, gear driven, cam operated, push to close pawl latch, having a pawl housing portion which is reconfigurable with respect to the main portion of the housing for selectively changing pawl orientation. A DC electric motor drives the gears under the control of a circuit board which includes pawl/cam position sensors and provides a feedback signal to a motor controller circuit on the board. The motor controller circuit is implemented with a microprocessor circuit which is capable of controlling the motor for selectively positioning a pawl drive cam in either of two positions, which thereby selectively permits the pawl to be retracted or released to extend under a spring biasing force. The spring force is insufficient to overcome the inertial of the motor and gears, so that the pawl may remain retracted with no power to the motor. The microprocessor receives input signals through a circuit board connector.

The push to close latch 41, FIG. 1, has a three part housing, with a base 43, a motor and gearbox encasement 45, and a pawl housing 47. A pawl 49 operates linearly in the pawl housing 47.

The latch 41 can be installed on cabinets, entrance doors or cases. In FIG. 2, it is installed on a cabinet 51 wall and functions in combination with a lock plug 53 having a blade-type striker plate 55.

With the pawl is freed, FIG. 3, it is free to operate as the pawl in a traditional push to close latch with the pawl 49 engaging the striker blade 55 under the force of its biasing spring. When the input signal to the microprocessor causes a control signal to operate the motor, the pawl 49 is retracted from the lock plug striker blade 55, FIG. 4, even when the key of the lock plug 53 is not operated.

With the pawl electromechanically retracted, the door of the cabinet is free to open, FIG. 5. When the door of the cabinet 51 is closed, with the striker blade interrupting the ramp end of the pawl 49, the latch locks as a push to close latch, FIG. 6.

The latch 41 is shown in an exploded view in FIG. 7. The housing base 43 is a molded structure, with a series of journals, pass-through openings and stand off structures. The motor and gearbox encasement 45 is held to the housing base 43 with a plurality of at least four screws 57. The circuit board 59 is shaped to seat down into the housing base 43. Carried on the circuit board is a connector 61, a microprocessor chip 63, and a pair of infrared sensors 65, 67.

A small DC electric motor 69 mounts above the circuit board 59. This motor 69 is controlled to rotate in one direction by control signals from the microprocessor 63.

The output shaft of the motor 69 has a pinion gear 71 which engages a gearbox of 5 reduction gears, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81. The first four of these gears (73, 75,77, 79) are mounted on three gear spindles 83 which mount into individual bosses 85 in the housing base 45 and extend upwardly to the motor and gearbox encasement 45 which encases the motor 69, circuit board 59 and the first four gears 73, 75, 77, 79. The fourth gear 79 and the fifth gear 81 are mounted in the housing base 43 below the circuit board.

The fifth gear 81, being the output gear rides on a bushing 87 which mounts on a boss 89 in the housing base 43. The output gear 81 has a central upward projecting hub 91 with four quadrant vertically extending ribs 93. These ribs 93 extend radially outward from the center of the hub 91. This hub 91 can alternately carry a plurality of splines.

A cam 95 mounts on the hub 91 of the output gear 81 to engage a pocket in the pawl 49. The pawl operates linearly in the interior 97 of the housing 47 and is biased to the extended outward position by a compression spring 99. The pawl housing is held to the housing base 43 with four screws (not shown). The motor gearbox encasement has four closed walls as the output gear 81 and the fourth gear 79 operate below the circuit board 59 and within the confines of the side walls of the housing base 43.

The pawl housing 47 and thereby the pawl 49, may be mounted on the housing base 43 for left hand operation, FIG. 8, or for right hand operation, FIG. 9. What is required to effect these conversions, is to remove and rotate (reposition) the pawl housing 47 and to remove and reorient (reposition) the cam 95 on the output gear 81.

The external features of the latch 41 are readily seen from FIGS. 10a-10f. The reconfigured left hand operation pawl 45, and right hand operation pawl 45 are shown in FIGS. 11 and 12 respectively.

As seen in FIG. 7, and in FIGS. 13-15, respectively, the cam 95 has a base flange 101, and upstanding hub 103 and a projecting cam finger or plug 105. FIGS. 13-15 each show an exploded view of the pawl housing 47, cam 95 and output gear 81. The cam 95 is mounted onto the output gear hub 91 with the cam plug 105 facing in the direction of the outward extension of the pawl 49.

FIGS. 16 and 17 show right side views and left side views of the motor and gearbox, respectively. The pinion gear 71 on the motor 69 shaft drives a crown gear 73 (the first gear), which carries a downward projecting pinion 107, FIG. 23a. This second pinion gear 107 being a part crown gear 73 engages the teeth of a spur gear 75 (the second gear) which also carries a downward facing pinion 109, FIG. 24a. The third pinion 109 being a part of the spur gear 75 engages the spur gear teeth of the spur gear 77 (the third gear). This third gear 77 also has a downward facing pinion 111, FIG. 25a. The fourth pinion 111 on the third gear 77 engages the spur gear teeth of a spur gear 79 (the fourth gear). The fourth gear 79 drives the output spur gear 81 (the fifth gear) carrying the cam 95.

Various views of the first gear 73 are seen in FIGS. 23a-23c, while various views of the second gear 75 are seen in FIGS. 24a-24c. Several views of the third gear 77 are seen in FIGS. 26a-26c, while several views of the fourth gear 79 are seen in FIGS. 26a-26c.

As seen in FIGS. 27a-27c, the perspective, bottom and top views of the output gear 81, the output gear 81 carries a larger, arc-like hole 113 and a smaller, arc-like hole 115, which is diametrically across from the larger hole 113.

The flange 101 on the cam extends outwardly from the cam hub, FIGS. 28a-28c. This flange covers inner portion of the output gear 81 so that the infrared signals from the sensors 65 and 67 mounted on the circuit board 59 reflect off of the flange material and back to the sensors 65, 67. The interior of the cam hub 103 carries four quadrant slots 117 which fit the ribs 93 on the output gear hub 91 to lock the cam 95 onto the output gear 81.

The circuit board 59 is shaped to seat down within the side walls of the housing base 43 and carries various holes for the gear spindles 83, for the mounting bushing 87 for the output gear 81, and for the pinion 111 extending downward from the third gear 77.

The motor 69 is shown in a perspective view in FIG. 31, and the housing base 43 is shown in a perspective view in FIG. 33. In FIGS. 32a-32c various views of the motor pinion gear 71 can be seen. The relationship between the motor gearbox encasement 43 and the pawl 47 is understood by from FIGS. 34 and 35. While the pawl housing is seen from the top, bottom and the pawl cavity 97 side in FIGS. 36a, 36b, and 36c, respectively. The pawl housing bottom, FIG. 36b has two step-out circular cavities 119, 121 (i.e., circular sockets to receive the cam thereinto), to accommodate the cam base flange 101 and upstanding hub 103, respectively. A concentric opening 122 permits an access for the cam plug 105 to extend into the pawl cavity 97 and engage the pawl 49.

The pawl 49 is seen in various views in FIGS. 29a-29g. The end of the pawl 49 has a ramped camming surface 123 which engages the striker 55. The top of the pawl has an open channel 125 partially extending the length of the pawl 49, in which the compression spring 99 operates to bias the pawl 49 outwardly from the pawl housing 47. The bottom face of the pawl 49 has a cam cavity 127 having a curved wall 129 at the ramp 123 end of the pawl 49, and a straight wall 131 at the opposite end of the pawl 49.

FIGS. 18-22
a show the position of the pawl and cam for various operating situations. In FIGS. 18 and 18a, the motor is off, the cam plug is in the outward facing position, and the pawl is free to move under the force of the biasing spring or a force against its ramp surface, as defined by the depth of the pawl cavity. These figures show the pawl in the extended position. FIGS. 19 and 19a have the latch components in the same position, but with the pawl in the fully retracted position. FIGS. 20 and 20a shown the pawl and came when the motor has rotated the cam to retract the pawl to the retracted position.

When the cam 95 is rotated, the cam plug 105 operates against the straight wall 131 of the cam cavity 127 to retract the pawl 49 into thee housing 47 against the spring force. The curved wall 129 provide a clearance for the cam plug 105 to rotate without operating against the pawl.

FIG. 21 shows the bottom of the gearbox when the pawl is in the free position and both of the two sensors 65, 67 sense the big hole 113. This is the situation where the cam plug is in the outward position to allow free movement of the pawl against its biasing spring and the ramp force against a striker.

FIG. 22 shows the bottom of the gear box when motor and gearbox dictated retracted position, whereby the cam plug is in the inward position. In this state, only one of the sensor 65, 67 is able to obtain a reading. The sensors sense the presence of the small hole 115 in this state.

When in operation, the microprocessor 63 receives an open command from the desperate signal device, such as the code entry pad, swipe card reader, a lock key plug. This signal enters the circuit board 59 at the connector 61. The microprocessor then controls the operation of the motor 69 to cause the cam to rotate 180 degrees to fully retract the pawl 49 into the housing 47. When the cam 95 reaches the 180 degree position, the sensors 65, 67 sense that position and feed a signal to the microprocessor which stops the rotation of the cam 95. After a predetermined period of time, e.g., a time sufficient for the cabinet 51 door to be opened, the microprocessor again causes the motor to operate to cause the cam to rotate 180 degrees to its initial position.

This is the cam inoperative position. When the cam is in this position, the latch can remain locked, if the door of the cabinet was not timely opened, or the latch is returned to a mechanically-operated push (slam) to close operation, under the influence of its biasing spring 99.

Many changes can be made in the above-described invention without departing from the intent and scope thereof. It is therefore intended that the above description be read in the illustrative sense and not in the limiting sense. Substitutions and changes can be made while still being within the scope and intent of the invention and of the appended claims.

  • 1. An electromechanical push to close latch, comprising: a housing; a ramp ended pawl slidable within said housing between a retracted position and an extended position, said pawl being engageable with a striker when in said extended position; a biasing spring operating on said pawl to bias it to the extended position and permitting push to close operation thereof; a motor; a microprocessor connected to said motor to control the operation thereof; at least one gear connected to said motor and rotated thereby when said motor rotates; and a cam connected to be rotated by said at least one gear, said cam rotating to retract said pawl against said biasing spring operation.
  • 2. The latch of claim 1, also including at least one sensor to determine when said pawl is in said retracted position.
  • 3. The latch of claim 2, wherein when said at least one sensor determines when pawl is in said retracted position said motor stops rotating, whereby said cam stops rotating and holds said pawl in said retracted position against said biasing spring force.
  • 4. The latch of claim 3, also including wherein said motor rotates to place said cam in a non-operative position, including at least a second sensor to determine when said cam has reached said inoperative position, said non-operative position permitting said pawl to move between said retracted and extended positions.
  • 5. The latch of claim 4, wherein said at least one gear is an output gear having a central hub wherein said cam is mounted on said output gear hub, and wherein said first sensor includes a larger arc-shaped hole through said output gear and said second sensor includes a smaller arc-shaped hole through said output gear.
  • 6. The latch of claim 5, also including a circuit board to which said motor and said microprocessor are mounted, wherein said housing has a first housing portion containing said motor and microprocessor mounted circuit board, and a second housing portion containing said pawl and said biasing spring.
  • 7. The latch of claim 6 wherein said pawl is elongate having an open channel in the top face thereof, said biasing spring operating therein, and wherein said pawl has a cam cavity in the bottom face thereof, said cam operating within said cam cavity.
  • 8. The latch of claim 7 wherein said second housing portion is re-orientable for the left-hand, right-hand and outward end operation of said pawl.
  • 9. The latch of claim 8, wherein said cam includes a base flange, an upstanding hub extending upward from said flange and a cam plug projecting from said cam hub, and wherein said ouput gear hub includes a plurality of radially outwardly extending evenly spaced ribs onto which said cam is mounted, said cam having receiving slots and being re-orientable on said output gear for said left-hand, right-hand and outward end operation of said pawl.
  • 10. The latch of claim 9, also including a plurality of reduction gears connecting said motor to said output gears, wherein some of said reduction gears are positioned above said circuit board, and another is positioned below said circuit board, and wherein said output gear is position below said circuit board, with said cam hub extending into said circuit board and said cam plug operating above said circuit board.
  • 11. A re-orientable, electromechanical push to close latch, comprising: a housing having a first portion and a second portion, said second housing portion being re-orientable with respect to said first housing portion for facilitation of left-hand, right-hand and outward end operation of said latch; a pawl operating within said second housing portion for retraction into and extension there out of, said pawl moving for left-hand, right-hand and outward end operation out of said latch housing as a function of said second housing portion orientation; a motor mounted within said first housing portion having a rotating output shaft; and at least one output gear connecting the output shaft of said motor to said pawl, wherein when said motor rotates said pawl is retracted into said second housing portion.
  • 12. The latch of claim 11, wherein said pawl has a ramped end for engaging a striker, an open channel in the top face thereof, and a cam cavity in the bottom face thereof, and wherein said latch also includes a biasing spring operating within said pawl open channel to bias said pawl outwardly of said housing; a plurality of reduction gears, said output gear being the output of said reduction gear plurality; and a cam positioned on said output gear to rotate therewith and extending to engage said pawl cam cavity.
  • 13. The latch of claim 12, also including a circuit board and a microprocessor mounted thereon, said microprocessor controlling the operation of said motor whereby through the operation of said cam said pawl is moved between two states these being the retracted state and the in-operative state where in the in-operative state said pawl is free to move under the force of said biasing spring and as a push to close pawl.
  • 14. The latch of claim 13, wherein the operation of said microprocessor is affected by the rotational position of the output gear and the cam positioned thereon, wherein said latch also includes position sensors and at least on position sense element on said output gear.
  • 15. The latch of claim 14, wherein said position sensors are infrared sensors and wherein said position sense element is a position sense hole through said gear.
  • 16. The latch of claim 15, wherein said pawl is elongate shaped, and said gear has a spline hub upon which said cam is positioned, said cam being re-oriented on said gear with respect to said sense hole when said second housing portion and said pawl are re-oriented for left-hand, right-hand, and outward end operation.
  • 17. The latch of claim 16, wherein said pawl cavity has a curved surface near the ramped end of said pawl and a straight surface near the opposite back end of said pawl, and wherein said cam has an upstanding hub which positions over said gear spline hub, and a projecting finger which extends from said hub, said projecting finger extending into said cam cavity to act against said straight surface.
  • 18. The latch of claim 17, wherein said infrared sensors operate a signal through said gear sense hole and off of said cam hub to sense when said output gear is in a selected position, and wherein said plurality of reduction gears include a plurality of spur gears with pinion gear members.
  • 19. The latch of claim 18, wherein said circuit board is positioned within said housing first portion with said motor and a plurality of said gear reduction gears operating above said circuit board, and said output gear operating below said circuit board.
  • 20. The latch of claim 19, wherein said circuit board has a plurality of openings for a spur gear pinion to extend through, and for said cam mounted on said output gear to extend through.

This application claims priority of U.S. provisional application 60/686,036, filed May 29, 2005, for electromechanical push to close latch, and incorporates by reference the disclosure of that application.

Provisional Applications (1)
Number Date Country
60686036 May 2005 US