9452121 Cook This proposal will enhance four (4) courses in the Electrical/Electronic Engineering Technology program at Ferris State University. The courses (EEET 311, EEET 412, EEET 422, EEET 428) form the core analog and digital courses along with the capstone project course in the EEET program. It is proposed to enhance these courses by updating the electronic design automation tools to allow circuits to be designed, simulated and fabricated which contain mixed types of devices. These types would include analog, microprocessor and programmable logic devices. The specified hardware and software will allow a circuit to be designed and simulated to observe operation. The printed circuit board or multi chip module will then be layed out. Thermal profiles of the resulting board will be observed and the final artwork for the board will be generated along with appropriate documentation for the design. The board will then be assembled and final testing will be performed. The proposal requires purchase of ten (1O) workstation computers and associated peripherals. Mentor Graphics design automation software is specified because of its complete suite of tools which can accomplish the proposed tasks.