"Do Re Mi" or Pinocchio device by Agatsuma K. K. including photocopies of box and 8 photographs of the exterior and interior of device. Also photocopies of the front and back of the box along with English language translations are provided. Product is know to have been publicly available in Japan at least as early as Dec. 1993. |
Photocopy of User's manual and six photographs of the exterior and interior of the device and the box marketed under the name of "Video Painter".TM. and manufactured by V-Tech.TM. and having a copyright notice on the box dated 1991. |
Photocopies of box indicating a copyright date of 1989 by Texas Instruments, Inc., an instruction manual indicating copyright dates of 1984, 1986 and 1989 by Texas Istruments, and ten photographs of the exterior and interior of the device and the box marketed under the name of "Touch and Tell" by Texas Instrruments. |
Photocopy of operating instructions and six photographs of the exterior and interior of the device and the box marketed under the name of "Electronic Sketch Pad" by Sony Corporation. No copyright dates were noted either on the box, the device, or the instruction manual, but the device is known by applicant to have been marketed at least as early as Dec., 1993. |
Photocopy and four photographs of device marketed under the name of "Mukku," and having a copyright date noted on the device of 1993 by Bandai. |
Photocopies of the front and back (including instructions) and four photographs of the exterior and interior of the device marketed under the name of "Golden Seek `n` Sound".TM.. A copyright date of 1993 by Western Publishing Company is noted on the device. |
Photocopy of the box and seven photographs of the exterior and interior of the device and box marketed under the name of "Talking Colorforms" by Sesame Street. A copyright date of 1993 by Children's Television Workshop is noted on the outside of the box. |