Abstract:<br/><br/>This proposal received ratings of E,E and E/V and was strongly recommended for funding by the reviewers. The purpose of this proposal is to increase the participation of Hispanic undergraduate students, graduate students, and post-doctoral researchers, in the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE) annual meeting (October 2010) in order to enhance their graduate school, networking, leadership and communication skills as well as their academic prospects.<br/>This grant proposes to provide travel funds for undergraduate students, both from 2-year and 4-year colleges, and for graduate students and post-doctoral researchers, to participate in the SHPE 2010 annual meeting (October 27-30, 2010, Cincinnati,OH) for two main purposes:<br/>(1) to allow students to participate in the SHPE annual undergraduate and graduate technical paper and poster competitions;<br/>(2) to allow graduate students and post-doctoral researchers to participate in graduate school and young investigator workshops, through the Grad Lab and Graduate Institute of the SHPE conference.<br/>This proposal discussed all appropriate aspects of the request needed to achieve the goal. <br/>This proposal is reaching out to all the hispanic students at the undergraduate, graduate and postdoc levels. In addition, faculty members will also participate and interact with students to learn about the cultural and share the academic experiences through this SHPE conference. The SHPE testimonials of faculty members, undergraduate and graduate students participants of the 2009 SHPE Grad Lab and Grad Institute provided (in the proposal) demonstrated the value of this forum to broadening participation of hispanic underrepresented groups in science and engineering.<br/>This proposal is a continuation and enhancement of the successful efforts of the the 2009 Grad Institute and undergraduate SHPE conference. The funding of this proposal would allow opportunities for undergraduate, graduate, postdoc students as well as faculty to participate in this year's SHPE event. The intellectual merit and broader impacts resulting from this activity are well documented and strongly supported by the reviewers.