The three dimensional design will be a figure that is incorporated into the thong component of the footwear, which will connect to the base or the platform of the footwear. The footwear will also have a center stem which will go between the big and second toe to hold and stabilize the foot in place. The figure will correspondingly extend beyond the base of the footwear for added stability.
FIG. 1 top view is a perspective view taken from footwear, the footwear will comprise of an enhanced figure in a design of either a living organism or inanimate object, the enhanced design incorporates a living organism an educational pamphlet will be included describing the organism itself plus such information as origin, lifespan, habitat, and or any information that would be a benefit to the user as well as the non user, the footwear will also feature inanimate objects to provide entertainment as well as novelty, which will also have a fun filled information booklet attached to said footwear.
FIG. 2 is a right side perspective of footwear showing the extension of center of figure attached onto base or platform of footwear and showing an extended design at the rear of footwear.
FIG. 3 is a front view of perspective footwear showing the enhanced figure with the extensions which would be in the form of either legs, arms, and or tails protruding from rear of footwear will be made of either rubber, plastic or a composite material, the figure will be attached to base or platform of said footwear by stems on each side, or molded onto base. It will also have a center stem which will go between the big and second toe and depending on design, no center stem.