The present invention relates to optical devices and, in particular, it concerns hetero-modal interferometer optical sensors using spectral interrogation.
Optical evanescent-wave sensors in various forms have been exploited for highly sensitive chemical-biological sensing. Of these sensors, optical interferometric sensors utilize differential phase based detection for high sensitivity sensing. These sensors require a reference wave to mix with the signal in order to translate phase changes into detectable intensity changes. The reference can be provided in different ways with the most common being the dual-arm system used in the Mach-Zehnder configuration. Single channel multi mode waveguide interferometric sensors have also been reported, where the two paths pass along the same waveguide but in different propagation modes. This approach allows phase sensing without requiring a reference leg, and thus offers high sensitivity while maintaining the compactness and simplicity of a single channel waveguide. The use of modal interferometry was also reported in fiber sensors using circular, elliptical and photonic crystal multimode fibers with two or more propagating modes.
Different detection methods for optical sensors have been reported including intensity, phase, coupling angle, and spectral interrogation. Of these methods, spectral interrogation sensors use a broad bandwidth light source or a tunable laser, and detect variations in the sensed material by measuring changes in the wavelength dependence of the transfer power function induced by the sensing process. This method is widely used with many optical sensors configurations such as prism coupler-based surface plasmon resonance (SPR) sensors (Kretschmann configurations), grating-based sensors, waveguide SPR sensors, fiber sensors, and unbalanced Mach-Zehnder interferometer (MZI) based sensors.
The sensitivity of sensing by spectral interrogation is determined by the wavelength shift Δλ of features in the transfer power function corresponding to a change in the measured parameter. It would therefore be advantageous to provide sensors and corresponding methods of sensing with enhanced wavelength shift Δλ of features in the transfer power function, thereby enhancing sensitivity of the sensor.
The present invention is an optical sensor and corresponding method for sensing variations in a parameter.
According to the teachings of the present invention there is provided, a sensor for sensing variations in at least one parameter, the sensor comprising: (a) an optical device defining two optical paths, at least one of the optical paths being deployed so that the phase accumulated by light propagating along the optical path is affected by a variation in the parameter, the optical paths being arranged to be fed by a common light source and recombining to generate an interference-modulated optical output; and (b) a spectral interrogation arrangement including a radiation input device for delivering to the optical device incident radiation at a plurality of wavelengths, and a reading arrangement for measuring the interference-modulated optical output, wherein the optical device is configured such that the two optical paths have differing dispersion properties such that a difference between the phase accumulated by light propagating along the optical paths as a function of wavelength exhibits a maximum or minimum at some wavelength designated λcritical, and wherein the plurality of wavelengths span a range of wavelengths including, or adjacent to, λcritical.
There is also provided according to the teachings of the present invention, a method for sensing variations in at least one parameter, the method comprising the steps of: (a) providing an optical device defining two optical paths, at least one of the optical paths being deployed so that the phase accumulated by light propagating along the optical path is affected by a variation in the parameter, the optical paths being arranged to be fed by a common light source and recombining to generate an interference-modulated optical output; and (b) performing spectral interrogation of the optical device by delivering to the optical device incident radiation at a plurality of wavelengths and measuring the interference-modulated optical output, wherein the optical device is configured such that the two optical paths have differing dispersion properties such that a difference between the phase accumulated by light propagating along the optical paths as a function of wavelength exhibits a maximum or minimum at some wavelength designated λcritical, and wherein the plurality of wavelengths span a range of wavelengths including, or adjacent to, λcritical.
According to a further feature of the present invention, the optical paths are spatially separated.
According to a further feature of the present invention,
the two optical paths pass along first and second waveguides, respectively.
According to a further feature of the present invention, at least part of the first waveguide differs from the second waveguide in transverse dimension.
According to a further feature of the present invention, at least part of the first waveguide differs from the second waveguide in optical properties of a core material.
According to a further feature of the present invention, at least part of the first waveguide differs from the second waveguide in optical properties of a cladding material.
According to a further feature of the present invention, the optical device is an Mach-Zehnder interferometric sensor.
According to a further feature of the present invention, the optical device is a Michelson interferometric sensor.
According to a further feature of the present invention, the optical paths are provided by different modes of propagation passing along a single multi-modal waveguide.
According to a further feature of the present invention, the optical device is configured such that, for at least some value of the measured parameter, a phase difference between the optical paths at λc substantially equals a multiple of π.
According to a further feature of the present invention, the spectral interrogation arrangement is configured to generate the plurality of wavelengths so as to span a range of wavelengths including λcritical.
The invention is herein described, by way of example only, with reference to the accompanying drawings, wherein:
The present invention is an optical sensor and corresponding method for sensing variations in a parameter.
The principles and operation of sensors and methods according to the present invention may be better understood with reference to the drawings and the accompanying description.
By way of introduction, the present invention relates to interferometric sensors. In general, interferometric sensors employ an optical device which defines two optical paths, where at least one of the optical paths is deployed so that the phase accumulated by light propagating along the optical path is affected by a variation in a parameter to be measured. The optical paths are fed by a common light source and the light from the two paths is then combined to generate an interference-modulated optical output. Parenthetically, the term “light” in this context, and throughout the description and claims, is used to refer generically to all wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation commonly referred to as light, whether visible or invisible. Since the phase of light from at least one path varies as a function of the parameter to be measured, the interference-modulated optical output is also affected by the measured parameter. Examples of classes of interferometric sensors include, but are not limited to, sensors based on a configuration of: a Mach-Zehnder interferometer, a Michelson interferometer, a difference interferometer, a modal interferometer and some polarimetric sensors. The devices may be implemented in integrated waveguides, using optic fibers or, in some cases, using free-space optics. Measured parameters may be a wide range of physical, chemical or biological parameters, as is known in the art.
In many instances, the conventional approach to implementing interferometric sensors is to maintain similarity, to whatever degree is possible, between the two optical paths, thereby ensuring that the light reaching the output from the two paths has similar modes and amplitudes. Ideally, if the light emerging from the two paths is identical other than in phase, the dynamic range of the interference-modulated optical output is optimized, approaching full cancellation of the signal under out-of-phase conditions.
In certain cases, particularly where the two optical paths are implemented as different modes passing through the same waveguide (or fiber), the two paths inherently have dissimilar optical properties. The diverging optical properties of the two paths is in itself typically regarded as a disadvantage, although possibly outweighed by other design considerations such as the simplicity of structure achieved by use of a single waveguide. The use of paths with dissimilar optical properties has not previously been proposed as a feature that would facilitate enhanced sensor sensitivity.
By way of further introduction, the present invention relates to interferometric sensors which employ spectral interrogation techniques. Thus, generally speaking, the optical sensors of the present invention have a spectral interrogation arrangement including a radiation input device for delivering to the optical device incident radiation at a plurality of wavelengths, and a reading arrangement for measuring the interference-modulated optical output. The interrogation arrangement may be a tunable source which scans or steps between different wavelengths. In this case, the reading arrangement may be a simple power meter which detects the output power (or amplitude) for each input wavelength. Alternatively, a wideband or other multi-wavelength radiation source may be used. In this case, the reading arrangement is typically a spectrum analyzer. Spectral interrogation arrangements of both of these types are well known in the art, and are readily commercially available. The spectral extent of the wavelengths employed for spectral interrogation is referred to herein as the range “spanned” by the wavelengths used. Sensing of changes in the measured parameter is performed by identifying a wavelength shift Δλ in features of the resulting power transfer spectrum for the sensor optical device, typically according to prior empirical calibration of the sensor. In each case illustrated below, the illustrated optical devices are used together with a suitable spectral interrogation arrangement including a radiation input device and reading arrangement. However, these standard components are omitted from most of the drawings for simplicity of presentation.
In the context of an interferometric sensor with spectral interrogation, an embodiment of the present invention employs an interferometric optical device configured such that the two optical paths have differing dispersion properties. In other words, implementation of the two paths is specifically chosen to have different optical properties so that the wavelength dependence of the refractive indices for the two paths differ. More specifically, the paths are implemented such that a difference between the phases accumulated by light propagating along the optical paths as a function of wavelength exhibits a maximum or minimum at some wavelength, referred to as the critical wavelength λc. As will be discussed in detail below, when this condition is satisfied, the critical wavelength has been found to correspond to a region of significantly enhanced sensitivity in the wavelength shift measured by spectral interrogation. The spectral interrogation arrangement is then employed to take measurements at a plurality of wavelengths across a range of wavelengths including, or adjacent to, the critical wavelength λc.
It will be noted that the teachings of the present invention may be implemented in a wide range of types of optical devices. In one set of particularly preferred embodiments, the optical paths are spatially separated, i.e., defined by distinct waveguide portions, fibers or geometrical paths in space. Examples of such devices include arrangements such as Mach-Zehnder interferometers and Michelson interferometers. In such cases, differing dispersion properties of the two paths can be achieved in a number of ways which will be clear to one ordinarily skilled in the art. Preferred examples include, but are not limited to: use of two waveguides where at least part of one waveguide differs from the other in transverse dimension (depth or width); use of two waveguides where at least part of one waveguide differs from the other in optical properties of a core material; use of two waveguides where at least part of one waveguide differs from the other in optical properties of a cladding material; and use of layered reflector structures in the two paths where the structure of the layers differs between the two paths.
In a further set of particularly preferred embodiments, the optical paths are provided by different modes of propagation passing along a single multi-modal waveguide.
Various examples of certain aspects of the invention, together with a theoretical analysis of those examples, will now be presented below with reference to
Specifically, given a proposed optical device with differing dispersion properties for two optical paths, standard simulation software may be used to predict the differential phase of the output from the two paths for any given wavelength, and hence to determine whether the proposed device will exhibit a critical point as defined herein. The various design parameters can then be further modified by trial and error until a critical point is achieved, and to adjust the parameters of the critical point if necessary. The various specific examples offered herein, together with this simple trial and error design approach, is believed to provide a fully enabling disclosure for implementing a very wide range of devices and corresponding sensing methods according to the teachings of the present invention.
Analytic Calculation of the Critical Working Point and Resulting Sensitivity
In spectral interrogation of sensors, the output power is detected for different values of the source wavelength λ within a given range. Following a small change in the surrounding parameters that change the mode propagation (e.g. cover bulk index of refraction or the addition or a thin layer on the top of the waveguide), the output power is scanned again as a function of the wavelength, and shifts in the spectral response are recorded. In many cases a shift is detected near a peak or a minimum in transmission. For SPR sensors, the wavelength shift is usually calculated as the shift of the minimum value of the output power—the SPR trough—and in an interferometric sensor the analysis can be done for the shift in the maximum or minimum value of the output power. If convenient, the shift can be measured at other points of the transmission curves e.g. the point of maximum slope as a function of wavelength (further discussed below).
Turning now to a specific example, namely, the sensing of changes in bulk refractive index of the media covering a waveguide. The spectral sensitivity of the measurement of a variation in the refractive index of cover bulk media is given in units of nm/RIU by:
Where Δnc is the bulk change in the sensed material refractive index (top layer) and Δλ is the wavelength shift of the output power induced by the sensed material change. From a calculation point of view, the sensitivity as defined in (1), will converge to a definite value as Δnc approaches zero, unless a critical situation is encountered. In order to evaluate the wavelength change Δλ we start by calculating the output power of the waveguide sensor. For an interferometric sensor in which the light propagates at the two paths within different modes, the output power will be given by:
Where neff(i,j) are the effective refractive indexes of each of the modes, Ai,j are their corresponding amplitudes, L is the length of the two arms of the interferometer which are assumed equal in order to simplify the calculations (unequal length is discussed below), λ is the source wavelength, and η is the refractive index difference, namely η=neff-i−neff-j.
The wavelength of a peak can be found by calculating the derivative of the transfer power with respect to λ. Assuming that the amplitude of the modes is invariant to changes in λ at the vicinity of the working point, peaks (minimum and maximum) in transfer power are given by:
Where the phase difference function Φ was defined. An odd value for N will correspond to a minimum, and an even value to a maximum.
Using implicit function differentiation and assuming: ∂Φ(λ,nc)/∂λ≠0 at the working wavelength λ, the sensitivity (1) can be expressed as a function of η, λ, and nc under the constraint of a common phase difference Φ to give.
Examination of (4) show the possibility of a divergence in the sensitivity, i.e. the sensitivity tends to infinity when the denominator in (4) approaches zero. Explicitly, this condition is reached at a critical working point where the differential phase Φ(λ,nc) has a peak with respect to wavelength changes. This peak will occur at:
Provided that such an extremum point exists, this critical condition defines a critical wavelength λcritical for any given value of nc* and a divergence in spectral sensitivity will be attained. One should observe however that the critical condition (5) is independent of the value of N, and furthermore holds even if the phase difference does not equal Nπ—equation (3). If in addition the phase difference obeys (3), namely:
Then a peak in power transfer will hold for both measurements before and after the change in nc, and a peak splitting effect will take place as depicted in
In the following, we derive explicit approximate expressions for the spectral sensitivity close to the critical point. The approximation is based on replacing the actual phase difference curve by a parabola with the same curvature at the peak of that curve as a function of wavelength. In addition, the phase difference function is assumed to be linear to changes in the refractive index nc at the working point vicinity. These two assumptions lead to the definition of the following constants:
Based on these definitions and assumptions, the sensitivity for a working wavelength λ≠λcritical can be evaluated using equation (4) to give:
Or in terms of nc (nc≠ncritical):
Where ncritical is linked to λcritical by the requirement of unchanged reference phase.
The sensitivity at the critical working point (λ=λcritical, nc=ncritical) can be calculated non differentially, leading to the same results as (10) without the ½ factor (the difference is due to the non differential calculation).
From the discussion above it should be clear that a sufficient condition to observe critical conditions for the sensitivity is the existence of an extremum point in the differential phase, or equivalently in the factor η/λ as a function of the wavelength. This situation is not uncommon and two examples are solved explicitly in the next section with results matching the analytic solution. Further examples of hetero-modal interferometers exhibiting critical behavior are discussed below.
It is important to note the difference between the hetero-modal interference sensor disclosed here, and a conventional length-unbalanced Mach-Zehnder interferometer. “Conventional” in this context refers to a case where the waveguides of the two arms are essentially identical, supporting similar modes of propagation. In this case, the dispersive properties of the two paths are typically very similar and no extremum of differential phase constant as a function of wavelength will typically be exhibited in the working range.
The sensitivity equation (9) assumes that the only mechanism changing the differential phase is attributed to the sensing process. If the phase function undergoes an additional change Δφ, the expression for the sensitivity will be:
If Δφ has a predictable value, the residual phase will just cause the re-evaluation of λcritical. On the other hand, if Δφ has time fluctuations or noise, this noise will set the ultimate limit in sensitivity of the sensor.
As a first example, a single mode Mach Zehnder interferometer is designed and numerically simulated, as illustrated in
The device is based on SiO2 as substrate and cover layer (n=1.457), and Si3N4 as guiding layer (n=2.0) with thickness of 100 nm (this waveguide without the cover layer is based on reference). The cover layer is removed at the sensing section, where the sensed material is placed. It is assumed here that the device is formed with a SiO2 (n=1.457) substrate and cover, and a Si3N4 guiding layer (n=2.0, thickness 100 nm). The cover layer is removed at the sensing section where the sensed material is placed.
The following calculations correspond to the wavelength (spectral) interrogation mode and compare the expected spectral response at two situations: before and after the cover material at the sensing arm undergoes a change Δnc. Parameters were chosen here to demonstrate a peak splitting effect, as will be discussed further below. In order to calculate the spectral sensitivity, the power transfer through the waveguide was found using the mode expansion and propagation method for different values of λ (560-700 nm) and for two sensed material refractive indexes: nc=1.33 and nc=1.3301 (planar waveguide approximation was used, and a single polarization—TE—was assumed). The calculation of transfer power and normalized differential phase 2LΔneff/λ (π was omitted to show the order N) for sensing section length of 4.04 mm are shown in
For sensed material in aqueous environment, nc=1.33, calculated values for this waveguide structure are λcritical=657 nm, α=6*10−11 RIU/nm3, and β=0.141. In addition to the above examples, the wavelength shift Δλ and the sensitivity calculated for other values of Δnc (in the range of 10−1-10−9) are shown in
Calculations for a similar sensor in a channel waveguide structure, 200×200 nm embedded strip, show similar characteristics with slightly lower sensitivity values. A simulation was performed using the effective index mode or using Beam Propagation Method of the RSOFT BeamPROP™ package, commercially available from RSoft Design Group, Inc. (US).
As a second example, a sensor using a single integrated optics waveguide structure supporting two guided modes is shown in
Calculated values for this sensor are λcritical=616.2, α=1.85*10−9 RIU/nm3 and β=0.119. For these values and for wavelength discrimination levels of 0.0025 nm, using (10), a theoretical resolution of 6*10−11 RIU can be predicted.
Sensor Length Considerations
As described above, the value of the nominal sensitivity near the critical point is independent of the length of the sensing section and furthermore critical sensitivity will be observed regardless the length. If it is further required that the two modes arrive with a definite phase difference at the end of the sensing section (e.g. a multiple of π in order to observe a peak or trough splitting effect), then the length of the sensing section enters the expression of the phase difference between the modes (6), implying a relatively demanding fabrication constraint on the optical length. Active control of the differential phase between the two guided modes can be applied (temperature control is such an option in the general case) leading to reduction in fabrication constraints and adjustments inaccuracies (e.g. eliminating the length tight tolerances), a wider working range, and the optional deployment of phase modulation detection techniques. For the Mach Zehnder sensor, this can be done by actively changing the phase at one of the legs.
Modification of the Waveguide for Different Solutes
The above examples are for sensed material in aqueous environment (nc=1.33+Δnc) however, the same waveguide structure may also be used to sense solutes at a range of different refractive indexes without any modifications to the waveguide structure (only the critical wavelength will change). Both sensors described above can operate with solute refractive index of 1.33-1.44. The central wavelength (λcritical) and the sensitivity for different values of solute refractive index nc=1.33-1.44 (Δnc=10−5) are shown in
Modification of the Critical Wavelength
For the above examples, the calculated λcritical were 650 nm and 616 nm for the devices of
Sensor Calibration
As discussed above, the sensitivity of the sensor around the critical working point is not linear and calibration is required in order to know the sensitivity parameters and the exact working point (wavelength) on the sensitivity graph. According to equation (9), the sensitivity of the sensor close to the critical point has a functional form:
The determination of the sensitivity within the parabolic approximation needs therefore the knowledge of two parameters, namely λcritical and C. The first parameter is readily determined from a single scan in wavelength, due to the symmetry of the transmission curve around that point. A second calibration scan for a known value of Δnc allows determination of the constant C.
Variations in Value of Critical Phase
In the examples analyzed above, the critical phase was constrained to the value of πN in equation (3). When this condition is fulfilled concurrently with the critical condition (5), a drastic change in character of the spectral dependence of the transmission is observed (a peak splitting effect). If the critical phase is set to a different value and the critical condition (5) is obeyed, the power transmission will still have an extremum point at that phase value. This condition can be fulfilled by any given phase, since its value cancels in the derivation of the condition. The splitting effect will however not occur if the phase difference is not close to an integer times π. As a result the divergence in sensitivity and the expressions for enhanced sensitivity near this point—equations (9) and (10)—will still hold, but the change in the sensitivity will be expressed in the graph as a widening of the peak.
Asymmetric Power Splitting
Another way to increase the output power at a minimum point is to split the input power asymmetrically between the modes. This method will decrease the dynamic range, but will increase the output power while keeping the sensitivity and the distinctive splitting of the single peak into two. For the MZI device of
Length-Unbalanced Interferometer
The above analysis related to a length-balanced interferometer where the two interfering legs had the same length: L=L1=L2 and η=Δneff=neff-i−neff-j. For a length-unbalanced interferometer where the two legs have different lengths: L1≠L2, the refractive index difference can be defined as ηL=neff-i−(L2/L1)neff-j with L=L1 at the phase difference definition (3).
The same analysis as done in the previous sections for the differential phase line (5) with ηL instead of η leads to:
Following the above, the ability to change the length ratio of the interferometer legs adds further flexibility in design parameters that can be used to adjust λcritical. In the same way, the sensitivity will depend on ηL instead of η. A sample calculation for the MZI sensor of
Generalization to Other Sensor Configurations
The principles of an embodiment of the present invention illustrated above may be applied to a wide range of different sensor types, each of which has its particular advantages or particularly suited applications. Common to a range of embodiments of the present invention is creation of a critical situation where the phase-difference function φ exhibits an extremum as a function of optical wavelength (equation (5) above), or equivalently, as a function of optical frequency (equation (14) below). In this situation, the theoretical limit of the sensitivity to changes in an additional parameter affecting the phase becomes infinite. For the case of
Where p1, p2, p3 . . . are additional parameters on which the phase depends. Each of these parameters will be measured with enhanced sensitivity if the condition formulated in equation (14) is fulfilled. Examples of such parameters are: geometrical dimensions (including, but not limited to: accelerometers, displacement sensors, profilometers, optical microphones), refractive index (for example bio-chemical sensors), temperature, pressure, and external magnetic or electric fields eventually affecting the phase difference. The sensitivity in this case may be defined as:
Similarly to the proof presented in equations (3-5), this generalized sensitivity will experience a divergence at a wavelength for which equation (14) is fulfilled.
In order to provide enhanced sensitivity according to the teachings of an embodiment of the present invention, a sensor is preferably designed in order to operate in a range including, or adjacent to, the aforementioned extremum. In this context, “adjacent” to the critical point will be understood intuitively by one ordinarily skilled in the art as operation of the spectral interrogation close enough to the critical wavelength to obtain significantly enhanced wavelength sensitivity as taught herein. In numerical terms, “adjacent” to the critical point may be defined as within a range from the extremum such that the phase difference as a function of wavelength is significantly non-linear, i.e., that the slope of that curve changes with wavelength by more than 1% per nanometer, or that the differential sensitivity (15) experiences a significant increase when approaching the critical wavelength. ‘Significant increase’ in this context means that the sensitivity changes by more than 1% per nm change in wavelength.
As further examples of sensors where the critical conditions can be attained, other configurations were analyzed in a similar way to the above examples. In these cases, similar characteristics were found with a critical working point, the split of the minima, and the accompanying divergence in sensitivity. Sample additional examples include, but are not limited to:
In contrast to the above examples, an example of a configuration where the critical working point does not exist is an unbalanced Mach-Zehnder based sensor where the only difference between the reference and sensing legs is the length. The interfering modes and their dispersion curve will be the same and the differential phase constant line η/λ would not exhibit a peak for wavelength changes.
Phase modulation, frequency modulation, and numerical extrapolation techniques may be further used to enhance measurement accuracy and increase sensitivity.
A Mach Zehnder interferometer was fabricated on a silicon waveguide structure (see
The sensor output power at the scanned wavelength range is shown in
In order to change the working point of the sensor (i.e. the position of the dips), temperature control was used to achieve active control of the differential phase between the two guided modes. Specifically, it was desired to bring the critical point phase difference close to an odd multiple of it in order to observe the predicted bifurcation effect at a trough. After heating, the critical working point was reached and a single peak is visible at the critical wavelength (solid line of
The acquired data of
Although the present invention is not limited to cases where this splitting effect occurs, it should be noted that certain preferred embodiments of the present invention use this splitting effect to advantage. For example, the splitting in wavelength can be used as a measuring parameter for sensing, instead of the conventionally required consecutive scans to determine a shift in absolute wavelength value. This fact avoids the need to perform reference scans and simplifies the stability requirement of the light source or the wavelength measuring equipment. Sensitivities demonstrated in this preliminary experiment are already in the range of state-of the art reported values for optical interferometer sensors. Sensitivity and noise reduction can be further improved by employing electronic wavelength scanning and demodulation techniques instead of the opto-mechanically tunable laser used here. Another option is to use a wideband optical source and scan the transmission spectrum in a spectrometer detector array. Phase locking can also be used to reduce noise, simplify detection, and increase operating range. The reported effects are actually generic and can be implemented for sensing a variety of parameters e.g. material composition changes, chemical and bio-chemical reactions, temperature, displacement, pressure end stress.
It will be appreciated that the above descriptions are intended only to serve as examples, and that many other embodiments are possible within the scope of the present invention as defined in the appended claims.
Filing Document | Filing Date | Country | Kind | 371c Date |
PCT/IB2009/053200 | 7/23/2009 | WO | 00 | 4/6/2011 |
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20110188047 A1 | Aug 2011 | US |
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61083197 | Jul 2008 | US |