Enhancing Wellness and Resilience in Undergraduate Biomedical Research Training at UND The goal of this supplemental funding request is to develop training sessions and modules to enhance the wellness and resilience of MARC U-STAR trainees at the University of North Dakota (UND). Curricula and training sessions will be designed to help the students acquire stress management skills that demonstrate improved resilience and reduced anxiety. The sessions are planned to help the trainees adapt to adversity or when they are experiencing anxiety, stress or other challenges. We will build resilience and wellness by focusing on self-care skills. Training sessions will be based upon Birds? (2020) curriculum to teach resilience with wellness coaching led by our behavioral research team to reduce anxiety and depression. The sessions will enable students to develop a plan to sustain wellness beyond the specific training sessions. Evaluation results obtained from the trainees will be summarized so recommendations for improvement of the training modules and curricular materials can be made. The overall impact of this work, will be based upon positive evaluations of improved resilience and decreased anxiety or depression levels of UND students.