Environmental control method


  • Patent Grant
  • 6481635
  • Patent Number
  • Date Filed
    Tuesday, January 9, 2001
    23 years ago
  • Date Issued
    Tuesday, November 19, 2002
    21 years ago
A method and system for controlling the environment of storage facilities, including produce and livestock storage facilities, and the like. Movement of air within the facility is accomplished by air-handling units or fans. The speed of each fan is controlled by a variable-speed drive, allowing the fans to run at speeds below full capacity. Environmental parameters, such as temperature or humidity, are monitored to determine the existing state of the environment which is then compared to a desired state. The speed of the fans or air-handling units is adjusted to alter the existing environmental state, bringing it in alignment with the desired state. The fans or air-handling units are operated continuously, typically at reduced capacity. Other various facets are included with the system and method, including the control of the admittance of external air into the storage facility.


1. Field of the Invention

The present invention relates general to environmental control of buildings suited for human occupancy. More particularly, the present invention relates to the control of such environmental parameters as temperature, humidity, particulate levels, or even specified gas levels such as carbon dioxide (CO


) at increased efficiency.

2. State of the Art

Indoor air quality and environmental control is of great concern with regard to both residential and commercial buildings. Occupants of such buildings desire to utilize these buildings in comfort and in safety. In typical heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems, many environmental parameters, such as temperature, humidity, and other air quality parameters, may be controlled. Typically, control of these and other environmental parameters entails, among other things, movement of air within the building, which can include introduction of fresh air from outside the building or circulation of existing air within the building. In controlling a building's environment air may be passed through furnaces, across refrigerated coils, or through humidification devices prior to introduction of the air into the occupied regions of the building. Control of an HVAC system may also include the combination of more than one of the above techniques to control multiple parameters within the building's environment simultaneously.

A typical method of controlling the air movement and other environmental parameters within a building is through the cyclical control of fans, or blowers, which are an integral part of an HVAC component known as an air handling unit. For example, when it is desired to cool the building, or a particular space within the building, the air handling units are turned on when the temperature rises above a predetermined upper level and then shut off when the temperature of the facility reaches a predetermined lower level. A system of this type is generally described in U.S. Pat. No. 4,682,473 to Rogers, III. This type of system utilizes the fans at full power, allowing them to cool or heat the facility at a relatively quick pace within a specified temperature range. Such systems, however, possess a number of shortcomings. For example, rapid changes in temperature, or temperature spikes, may often result in some discomfort for the occupants. Similarly, rapid changes in other environmental parameters may cause occupant discomfort. Furthermore, cyclical use of air handling units at full power or full speed may result in inefficient control of such parameters

Other known systems have sought to utilize multi-speed or variable-speed fans in controlling an HVAC system, Such a system is described in U.S. Pat. No. 5,492,273 to Shah, which includes a variable-speed blower motor for controlling the volumetric rate of airflow within the system. This type of system allows for a more gradual and natural change of an environmental parameter within defined parameter ranges. However, because the system is still cyclical in nature, it does not provide control of the building environment at a desirable level of efficiency. For example, in controlling temperature, the fans will remain inoperative if the temperature of the facility is within a defined temperature range. The fans will the operate at a predefine speed setting once the temperature increases into a second defined range. The blower continues to operate for a time period calculated as the expected interval of operation. If at the end of the expected interval of operation the temperature is not within the desired range, the blower will increase its speed to more quickly effect the desired temperature change. Once the desired temperature has been reached, operation of the blower is terminated until the temperature falls outside of the prescribed range once again. The fans will operate at a high-speed setting if the temperature increases into a third defined range.

All of the above techniques, due to their cyclical nature, include defining a range of operation, such as a temperature range. However, it is difficult to narrowly define the ranges. If the ranges are defined too narrowly, the air handling unit will repeatedly start and stop as the parameter fluctuates in and out of the prescribed range. Such incessant starting and stopping is likely to cause wear and fatigue-type damage to various components of the air handling unit, such as starters, motors and mechanical transmission components. On the other hand, if the defined ranges are set too broadly, high temperatures may cause the fans to operate at the high-speed setting for extended periods of time in an attempt to bring the temperature back to an acceptable value. Such overuse of air handling units at full speed or power results in an inefficient HVAC system. Furthermore, a broad parameter range may simply not be acceptable from a comfort standpoint.

As noted above, an important consideration in the environmental control of a commercial or residential building is the efficient use of power. With air handling units which are cyclically controlled, power consumption is of paramount concern to those responsible for the maintenance of the building. Occupancy of such buildings for any extended period of time requires a significant consumption of power with existing systems and methods. The cost of such power is ultimately borne by the occupant Thus, an efficient and accurate environmental control system for such buildings would be of benefit to both the owners and tenants of the buildings.

In view of the shortcomings in the art, it would be advantageous to provide an environmental control system for commercial and residential buildings which effectively controls specified environmental parameters while consuming a reduced amount of energy. Such a system or method should be simple to employ in existing as well as newly constructed buildings.


In accordance with one aspect of the invention, a method is provided for controlling the internal environment of a building intended for human occupancy, such as a commercial or residential building. The method includes the steps of providing a fan, or a plurality of fans, for circulating the internal air of the building. The fans may be operated continuously at a speed which is below their full capacity to achieve continuous parameter control at reduced power consumption. The system monitors a parameter indicative of the internal environment of the building, such as the internal temperature. Once the temperature has been monitored, the speed of the fans is altered accordingly. If the internal temperature needs to be reduced, then the fins may be operated at a higher incremental rotational speed to increase the air movement within the building. Likewise, if the air temperature needs to be increased, the fan speeds may again be incrementally altered The same method may be employed to effect changes in airflow rate in order to obtain a desired value for various target parameters.

Additionally, environmental parameters outside of the building may be monitored to assist in the regulation of airflow in the internal environment For example, external air temperature nay be monitored, compared to the desired building temperature, if desired, and admitted into the building via a ventilation inlet. Various restrictions may be placed on the admittance of outside air, such as preventing outside air from being introduced into the building when the outside temperature is above or below a predetermined target or range.

The method may also include conditioning the air which is provided to the internal environment. Such conditioning may include, for example, passing the air over heating or cooling coils, subjecting the air to a filtering process, or subjecting the air to a process of humidification or dehumidification.

In accordance with another aspect of the present invention, a system is provided for controlling the internal environment of a building designated for human occupancy. The system includes an air handling unit, including a fan or multiple fans that are adapted to operate continuously. The fins are configured to allow their continuous operation at speeds which are below their operational capacity. More specifically, each fan is coupled to a variable-speed drive for controlling the operational speed thereof At least one sensor is employed to monitor one or more internal environmental parameters of the building, such as temperature, humidity, gas levels, or particulate levels. The sensor is coupled to an electronic control unit which is, in turn, coupled to at least one of the variable-speed drives. The sensor provides a signal to the electronic control unit, the signal represent a measured value of an internal environmental parameter. The electronic control unit then provides a signal to the variable-speed drive based upon the sensed parameter, causing the associated fan to vary in speed accordingly.

Additional elements may be configured with the system to render greater control and flexibility. For example, sensors monitoring an external environment may be coupled to the electronic control unit to assist in determining fan speed. Ventilation inlets or outlets may also be coupled to the electronic control unit for controlling flow of air into and out of the building, respectively.


The foregoes and other advantages of the invention will become apparent upon reading the following detailed description and upon reference to the drawings in which;

FIG. 1

is an elevational view of an HVAC system in accordance with certain aspects of the present invention;

FIG. 2

is a schematic representation of an environmental control system in accordance with certain aspects of the present invention;

FIG. 3

is a block diagram illustrative of the logic employed in one embodiment of the invention; and

FIG. 4

is a block diagram illustrative of the logic implemented according to another embodiment of the invention.


Referring to

FIG. 1

, an HVAC system


implementing an environmental control system according to a particular embodiment of the invention is shown. The HVAC system


is implemented in a building designed for human occupancy which may include exterior and interior walls




which define the geographical locale of the internal environment


and separate it from an external environment


. An air handling unit


is housed toward one end of a main air duct or plenum referred to as the supply duct


. The air handling unit


includes at least one fan or blower


for inducing movement of air through the supply duct


and into the internal environment


. Alternatively, the supply duct


may feed numerous secondary ducts (not shown) which may branch off and empty into the internal environment


at multiple locations.

In addition to the fan


, the air handling unit


may include various conditioning devices such as a filter


, a set of cooling coils


, and/or a set of heating coils


. Each of the conditioning devices may alter a given parameter of air as it passes by or through the device. For example, the filter


may remove unwanted particulates from the air. The cooling and heating coils




may alter the temperature of the air. Alternatively, the cooling and heating coils




may be operated individually or simultaneously to alter the humidity of the air Additional devices may also be used in conjunction with the air handling unit


to effect a change in one or more parameters of the air. Such conditioning devices






, used independently or in combination, may be effective in assist with the control of the internal environment


in conjunction with the disclosed system and method.

A second fan or blower


is located in a return duct


and draws air from the internal environment


for either exhaust or recirculation, as further discussed below. The supply fan


and the return fan


are coupled to variable-speed drives




, respectively. The variable-speed drives




control the operating speed of the fans, thus allowing for a varied flow rate of air passing through the ducts




. The return duct


and supply duct


have a connecting duct


which includes a set of louvers or adjustable vents


. Similar louvers


may also be located near the exhaust region


of the return duct


with another set of louvers


optimally being located near the entrance


of the supply duct


. Each set of louvers






is operably coupled to an independent actuator






respectively. The actuators may be controlled by various known mechanisms such as by pneumatic, hydraulic or electromechanical devices to adjust the louvers






between an open and closed position. By altering the position of the louvers, the flow path of the air within the ducts is also altered. This further assists in controlling the quality of the air entering into the internal environment


For example, air flowing through the supply duct


into the internal environment


may be supplied as fresh external air from the external environment


as shown by flow indicators


. The air supply may alternatively consist of return air directed through the connecting duct


, as shown by flow indicators


. The supply air may also comprise fresh air and return air which is combined in the mixing plenum


prior to entering the air handling unit


. Return air may be exhausted to the vernal environment


depending on various external and internal conditions. The louvers






help to determine the composition of the air flowing through the supply duct



Various sensors can be positioned throughout the HVAC system for determining environmental parameters. For example, a first sensor


can be included to determine a parameter of the internal environment


, a second sensor


can be included for determining an environmental parameter of the air in the return duct


, and another sensor


(located in the external environment


) can be included for determining a parameter of the external air. Such parameters may include, for example, the temperature or the humidity of the air at the respective locations of the sensors






. Additionally, other environmental parameters such as specified gas levels (such as CO


) or particulate levels may be monitored using the sensors. It is also contemplated that additional sensors may be utilized or alternative locations may be selected to customize the HVAC system


to a specific building in which it is installed.

Referring now to

FIG. 2

, a schematic of a control system


for the HVAC system



FIG. 1

is presented. The supply fan


and return fan


are each connected to their respective variable-speed drives




. There are numerous types of variable-speed drives commercially available, each having various benefits and features. It is contemplated that the present system and method may be practiced utilizing different types of variable-speed drives for varying the rotational speed of the fans




. For example, a variable-speed drive of the type employing a magnetic clutch may be used in the present technique. Such a drive varies the current supplied to the clutch, causing the magnetic force to vary between the clutch and the shaft. This allows a certain amount of slipage to occur between the shaft and the clutch, resulting in variation in the rotational speed of fans




. While such a drive, and numerous others, may be suitable for use in practicing the present technique, the preferred drives utilized in the presently disclosed embodiment are variable-frequency drives, sometimes referred to as inverter drives.

As known by those skilled in the art, a variable-frequency drive (VFD) is an electronic controller that adjusts the speed of an electric motor by modulating the power being delivered. More specifically, the speed of the electric motor is controlled by modulating the frequency of the power being supplied. The standard frequency of AC power in the United States is 60 Hz. A standard electric motor constructed for use in the United States is designed to be operated with a 60 Hz power supply. A decrease in the frequency of the power supply will result in a corresponding decrease in motor speed For example, an electric motor that rotates at 100 rpm with a 60 Hz power supply would run at 50 rpm when the power supply is reduced to 30 Hz.

Referring still to

FIG. 2

, one or more of the VFD's




, the actuators






, and the sensors






are connected to a control unit


by way of electrical wring


such as a dedicated harness. Alternatively, the electrical wiring may be a common bus such as in a controller area network. In a particular embodiment of the invention, the control unit receives signals from the various sensors






, processes the information it receives, and then sends out command signals to the VFD's




and/or the actuators






. The VFD's




then interpret the command signals and send corresponding drive signals to the fans




, respectively. In the above-described embodiment, a drive signal may include a signal from a power supply having an appropriately modulated frequency,

Through proper programing of either the control unit


, the VFD's




, or both, maximum speed settings may be established for the fans




. Likewise, minimum speed settings may be set for the fans




. Furthermore, parameter setpoints may be established for the overall operation and logic of the system For example, a temperature value at which the building, or a specific region of the building, is to be maintained may be defined. Having a defined temperature value and sensing air temperature at various points in the stream of airflow, the system will operate to adjust fan speed and/or adjust the mix of airflow to alter an existing environmental parameter. It is noted that, with such a system, greater flexibility is realized through the use of variable-speed drives. By using VFD's or some other variable-speed drive, more gradual changes to the environment may be achieved.

The system of the present invention also provides reduced power consumption as a result of the nonlinear relationship between power consumption and fan speed. For example, a twenty percent reduction in fan speed can result in a fifty percent reduction in power consumption. Knowing that the rate of airflow varies linearly with fan speed, a simple calculation may be performed to compare airflow and power consumption for a system operating at full speed with a system operating at a reduced fan speed of eighty percent. A system operating at full power may circulate air, for example, at 100,000 cfm (cubic feet per minute). This system will circulate 6,000,000 cubic feet of air in a given hour. The reduced-speed system, however, will circulate air at a rate of 80,000 cfm, requiring an hour and fifteen minutes to circulate 6,000,000 cubic feet of air. However, even with the additional fifteen minutes of operating time, the reduced-speed system only consumes sixty-two and a half percent of the power used by the full-speed system. Indeed, operating the fan at even slower speeds can net even larger savings in power. In view of the energy savings, a fan may be operated continuously to maintain the building's environment within a tightly defined parameter range.

It is noted that while the schematic of

FIG. 2

shows a single control unit


, multiple controllers may be employed in operation of the HVAC system


. For example, the control system


could be divided into subsystems wherein the supply fan


and drive


are designed as an individual subsystem. Similarly, the control of the return fan


and drive


may be combined to form a subsystem. Alternatively, one subsystem might include both fans




with their respective drives




, while a second subsystem might include operation of the louvers






by control of their associated actuators






, respectively. Additionally, conditioning devices such as the cooling or heating coils




may be included in the control system



Turning now to

FIG. 3

, and with reference to

FIGS. 1 and 2

, the logic employed according to one aspect of the present technique is discussed. First, a parameter setpoint


is defined. The parameter setpoint is the value at which the storage facility environment should be maintained, which setpoints, for example, correlate to one or more values relating to temperature, humidity, particulate levels or some other environmental parameter For sake of clarity and not by way of limitation, the maintenance of internal temperature will be used as an example of controlling a specific environmental parameter throughout the following discussion. The example will be discussed in terms of cooling the building; however, the same logic may be applied in heating the building or maintaining some other parameter.

Maximum and minimum fan speeds are defined, as shown at step


, and are programed into either the control unit


or the VFD


. Alternatively, maximum and minimum power consumption rates may be defined for the fans. An environmental parameter is then sensed


and an appropriate data signal is communicated to the control unit


. The control unit


then determines if the sensed temperature is greater than the defined setpoint as indicated at


. If the result is affirmative, then the control unit


determines whether the current speed of the supply fan


is less than the defined maximum, as shown at step


. If this inquiry is affirmative, then the control unit


will increase the speed of the fan


as indicated at step


. Following the increase of fan speed, the temperature is again sensed, as shown at step


, with the process ready to repeat itself. If the inquiry at step


is answered negatively, then the speed of the supply fan


is maintained at the maximum speed and the process returns to step



If, however, the inquiry at


yields a negative response, the control unit


will then inquire whether the sensed temperature is less than the defined setpoint, as shown at


, If the result is affirmative, a second inquiry is made as to whether the fan speed is greater than the minimum setting, as indicated at step


. If the result to this inquiry is affirmative, then the fan speed is reduced, as shown at


, and the process returns to step


. If the inquiry at step


yields a negative response, then the fan speed is maintained at the minimum speed


and the process returns to step


. Finally, if the inquiry at step


yields a negative result, the process likewise returns to step



Thus, using the logic described above, the fan is operated continuously and, if the maximum setting is less than full power, it is operated continuously at a reduced speed. In the example above, the present technique allows for the continuous control of fan speed to maintain the building's environment at a defined temperature. It is noted that the chosen parameter need not be temperature. It is also noted that the above logic is discussed in reference to the speed of the supply fan


and that the control unit


may contemporaneously control the ventilation louvers






as well as the speed of the return fan


to influence the building's environment.

Referring to

FIG. 4

, the operational logic according to an alternative embodiment is presented. First, parameter setpoints are defined as shown at step


. Both, an internal setpoint and an external setpoint are defined. The internal setpoint is a parameter value at which the building's environment should be maintained. For example, it may be a value concerning temperature, humidity, particulate levels or some other environmental parameter. For sake of clarity, the following example will again focus on the control of temperature as the internal parameter to be maintained. The external setpoint is a parameter value which is used to override the system in specific instances. For this discussion, the external setpoint is also defined in terms of temperature. The example will be discussed in terms of cooling the building; however, the same logic may be applied in heating the building or maintaining one or more other parameter(s).

While not shown specifically in

FIG. 4

, maximum and minimum fan speeds may be defined according to the above description in reference to FIG.


. An internal environmental parameter is then sensed, as shown at step


, and an appropriate data signal is communicated to the control unit


. An external parameter is also sensed as shown at


. AS noted above, the external parameter in this example is the ambient temperature outside the building. The control unit


then determines if the sensed temperature is less than the defined setpoint as indicated at


. If the result is affirmative, then the control unit


will decrease the speed of one or more fans




as indicated at


. Following the decrease in fan speed, the process returns to step


. If the inquiry at step


is answered negatively, then the control unit


determines whether the sensed temperature is greater than the defined level as indicated at


. If the result is negative, then the fan speed is maintained, as shown at


, and the process returns to step


. If, however, the result is affirmative, the control unit


further determines if the external temperature is less than the external setpoint, as seen at step


. If the result to the inquiry at


is affirmative, then fan speed is increased as shown at step


and the process returns to step


. If the result to the inquiry at


is negative, the control unit


determines whether the sensed vernal temperature is greater than the external setpoint, as shown at step


. Again, if the result to this inquiry is negative, then the fan speed is maintained, as shown at step


, and the process returns to step


. If, however, the result to the inquiry at step


is affirmative, then the mixture of the supply air is altered as shown at step


and the process returns to step


. Altering of the supply mixture may include various actions including opening and closing the ventilation louvers






as required to recycle return air and exclude external air. Alternatively, or in combination with adjusting the louvers






, the speed of the fans




may be adjusted to effect an alteration of the mixture. This may include decreasing the speed of the supply fan


while increasing the speed of the return fan


. Varying the speed of the fans inversely in conjunction with adjusting the louvers assists in recirculating the air in the building and avoids drawing in external air having a temperature above that which is acceptable. Thus, the inquiries shown at steps




work as a check on the external environment. This allows an ovetide function to be in place such that the admittance of external air having an undesirable parameter does not interfere with the maintenance of one or more internal environmental values.

As noted above, such logic may also be employed to control environmental parameters different than those attributed in the above example with similar results being achieved. It is further noted that variations in the logic described may be employed in controlling the fans




in either a synchronous or independent fashion. Additionally, it should be understood that while the logic discussed in connection with

FIGS. 3 and 4

are related to a particular system, the logic may be applied to other systems, or subsystems, as disclosed herein. For example, the logic described in

FIGS. 3 and 4

may be farther adapted for use with the conditioning systems and devices discussed herein.

While the invention may be susceptible to various modifications and alternative forms, specific embodiments have been shown by way of example in the drawings and have been described in detail herein. However, it should be understood that the invention is not intended to be limited to the particular forms disclosed herein. Rater, the invention is to cover all modifications, equivalents, and alternatives falling within the spirit and scope of the invention as defined by the following appended claims. For example, it is contemplated that while the embodiments and techniques described above have been shown to be combined into a single system, they may operate as individual system or as subsystems.

  • 1. A method of controlling the internal environment of a building for human occupancy, the method comprising:providing at least one air handling unit including at least one fan for inducing air movement within the building; flowing air directly through the at least one fan and into the building; continuously operating the at least one fan at a reduced speed continuously; sensing at least one internal environmental parameter; and varying a speed of the at least one fan according to the at least one sensed internal environmental parameter.
  • 2. The method according to claim 1, further comprising sensing humidity from an external environment.
  • 3. The method according to claim 1, further comprising sensing at least one parameter of an environment external to the building and admitting external air into the internal environment and regulating flow of the external air in response to at least one sensed external temperature.
  • 4. The method according to claim 1, further comprising sensing external ambient temperature, selecting a maximum external ambient temperature value and decreasing admittance of external air if the maximum external ambient temperature value is exceeded.
  • 5. The method according to claim 4, wherein decreasing the admittance of external air comprises decreasing the speed of the at least one fan.
  • 6. A method of controlling the internal environment of a building for human occupancy, the method comprising:providing at least one air handling unit including at least one fan for inducing air movement within the building; flowing air directly through the at least one fan and into the building; continuously operating the at least one fan; sensing at least one internal environmental parameter; and varying a speed of the at least one fan according to the at least one sensed internal environmental parameter; and admitting external air into the internal environment and regulating flow of the external air in response to the at least one sensed internal environmental parameter.
  • 7. A method of controlling the internal environment of a building for human occupancy, the method comprising:providing at least one air handling unit including at least one fan for inducing air movement within the building; flowing air directly through the at least one fan and into the building; continuously operating the at least one fan; sensing at least one internal environmental parameter; varying a speed of the at least one fan according to the at least one sensed internal environmental parameter; and selecting a maximum power level and a minimum power level for input to the at least one fan, wherein the maximum power level is a reduced power level, and continually operating the at least one fan at a speed between the selected maximum and minimum power levels.
  • 8. A method of controlling the internal environment of a building for human occupancy, the method comprising:providing at least one air handling unit including at least one supply fan for inducing air movement within an environment of the building; selecting a maximum speed and a minimum speed for the at least one supply fan; continuously operating the at least one supply fan between the selected maximum and minimum speeds; flowing air directly through the at least one fan and into the building; selecting a first internal environmental parameter which is to be maintained within the building; monitoring an instantaneous value of the selected first internal environmental parameter; varying the speed of the at least one supply fan in response to the monitored instantaneous value of the selected first internal environmental parameter; providing at least one return fan for removing air from the internal environment of the building; and diverting at least a portion of the air removed from the internal environment back to the at least one supply fan to be reintroduced to the internal environment of the building.
  • 9. The method according to claim 8, further comprising:selecting a first external environmental parameter; monitoring an instantaneous value of the selected first external environmental parameter; and controlling an amount of air diverted back to the at least one supply fan in response to said instantaneous value of the selected first external environmental parameter.
  • 10. The method according to claim 9, wherein controlling the amount of air diverted back to the at least one supply fan includes varying the speed of the at least one return fan.

This application is a continuation-in-part (CIP) of application Ser. No. 09/621,509, filed Jul. 21, 2000, pending.

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Continuation in Parts (1)
Number Date Country
Parent 09/621509 Jul 2000 US
Child 09/757163 US