Undergraduate commuter students face unique challenges which impact their success in higher education, especially within STEM disciplines. The Establishing Practices for Integrating Commuters (EPIC) program at Valparaiso University addresses several problems documented in previous research for commuters to improve the recruitment and retention of commuters within STEM. This is accomplished primarily through scholarships, social engagement, and providing substantial interdisciplinary research opportunities across four academic years and one summer. Additional support mechanisms include training in oral and written communication, travel to conferences, monthly meal gatherings, annual retreats and field trips. This program provides direct financial support for at least 30 STEM majors; many other STEM students also benefit as non-scholarship recipients are incorporated into program activities. The scholarships help bring Valparaiso University within the reach of more first generation students as well as students from nearby economically depressed areas with large minority populations.<br/><br/>Results from the EPIC program will fill important gaps identified in the literature on recruitment and retention programs in STEM at liberal arts and religiously affiliated institutions, especially considering commuter students. The assessment plan focuses on the three major objectives of the program: 1) improving student retention, especially among commuters, 2) increasing the number of STEM graduates prepared for research intensive careers, and 3) increasing the number of departments with research intensive majors and strengthen existing programs. Evaluation, both formative and summative, utilizes mixed-methods design, including in-person interviews, focus groups, archival student data, and survey research.