Non-Technical Description<br/>This Major Research Instrumentation (MRI) grant supports the acquisition of a transmission electron microscope (TEM) with advanced functionalities, such as high-resolution imaging, cryogenic operation and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. The transmission electron microscope is housed within the Imaging Instrumentation Cluster, in the School of Polymer Science and Engineering at the University of Southern Mississippi. The system fills a significant void in the morphological analytical capabilities available to researchers at the University of Southern Mississippi, and across the state of Mississippi - where previously no in-state cryogenic transmission electron microscopy capabilities existed. The instrument is integrated into graduate and undergraduate courses and also used for demonstrations aimed at K-12 students and teachers to enhance their interest in science and engineering. This transmission electron microscope is an integral piece of equipment that allows the School to remain as a leader in soft matter characterization and continues to provide opportunities for collaboration, across multiple institutions (doctoral research, primarily undergraduate institutions, and community colleges), in both Mississippi and the greater Gulf Coast region.<br/><br/>Technical Description<br/>The acquired transmission electron microscope (TEM) is configurated with a special emphasis on cryo-TEM suitable for the 3D characterization of soft matter, biological samples, polymers, and nanomaterials, as well as its speed and ease of operation. The multiple advanced functionalities of the microscope accommodate the large and diverse user base present internally, state-wide, and regionally. The instrumentation supports a number of multidisciplinary, cutting-edge research projects at the University of Southern Mississippi and across the state of Mississippi in fields as diverse as materials science, chemistry, ocean science, and biology. Some examples of the research that this instrumentation facilitates includes understanding the assembly and interactions of macromolecules, probing the morphology of polymeric materials, deciphering marine viral ecology, and characterizing the interaction of materials and biological systems.<br/><br/>This Major Research Instrumentation (MRI) project is jointly funded by the Division of Materials Research (DMR) and the Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR).<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.