SAE Technical Paper Series, "Onboard Diagnosis of Engine Misfires", by William B. Ribbens & Giorgio Rizzoni, Sep. 17-20, 1990. |
SAE Technical Paper Series, "Torque Nonuniformity Measurements in Gasoline Fueled Passenger Cars Equipped with Automatic Transmission-Theory & Experimental Results", by W.B. Ribbens & D. Gross, Feb. 24-28, 1986. |
SAE Technical Paper Series, "Experimental Road Test of a Noncontacting Method of Measuring I-C Engine Torque Nonuniformity", by W. Ribbens, Feb. 25-Mar. 1 1985. |
"Cylinder by Cylinder Engine Pressure and Pressure Torque Waveform Determination Utilizing Speed Fluctuations", by S. Citron, et al., pp. 131-145. |
SAE Technical Paper Series, "Estimate of IC Engine Torque from Measurement of Crankshaft Angular Position", by G. Rizzoni and F. Connolly, Sep. 13-15 1993. |
ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, "Real Time Estimation of Engine Torque for the Detection of Engine Misfires", by F. Connolly and G. Rizzoni, Dec., 1994. |
Kato et al: Model-based engine fault detection using pressure estimates from non lineart observers, IEEE, Dec. 1994. |
Francis et al: Modeling and identification of the combustion pressure process in internal combustion engine, IEEE, Jan. 1994. |
Rizzoni: A stochastic model for the indicated pressure process and the dynamics of the internal combustion engine, IEEE, Aug. 1989. |
Rizzoni: Estimate of indicated torque from cranksahft speed fluctautions--A model for the dynamics of the IC engine, IEEE, Aug. 1989. |
Rizzoni et al: Crankshaft position measurem,ent for engine testing, control, and diagnostics, IEEE, Jan. 1989. |
Min et al: A vector space solution to incipient sensore failure detection with applications to automotive environments, IEEE, Aug. 1989. |
Ha et al: Feedback linearization control of vehicle longitudinal acceleration, IEEE, Jul. 1989. |
Rizzoni: Application of failure detection filters to the diagnostics of sensor andf actuator failutes in electronica;;y controlled engine. IEEE, Jan. 1988. |