Buildings and building construction sectors are responsible for almost one-third of total global energy consumption. More than 30% of the total energy consumption in buildings could be attributed to heat loss through windows in cold conditions and heat gain when cooling the building in warm conditions. Therefore, managing heat exchange through windows can prove to be an effective approach to decreasing building energy consumption and improving overall energy efficiency. This project will explore the practical challenges of implementing a hybrid coating structure for windows to provide a dynamic solar modulator. In the hot season, the coating will block the transmission of the solar infrared radiation and in the cold season, the coating will allow solar infrared radiation to transmit through the window and heat the space inside, to the desired level of comfort. In both seasons the coating will allow gradual dimming of the transmission of visible light. Graduate and undergraduate students will be offered unique multidisciplinary learning experiences across fields of materials synthesis and characterization, heat transport mechanism, and simulation. Educational programs will be established for K-12 and underrepresented minority outreach.<br/><br/> The goal of this research is to combine the effects of electrochromism and thermochromism into one hybrid thin-film structure. Such structure would control the solar transmission in response to electric or thermal stimuli change allowing for selective modulation of light in the visible and infrared regions simultaneously or independently. The research approach includes: (1) investigating the fundamental factors influencing the optical and metal-to-insulator transition properties in the thermochromic film; (2) exploring the material properties contributing to the transparency and joule heating in transparent conducting oxide film; (3) studying the influence of polymer chain length and doping parameters on the electrical and optical properties of the electrochromic film, and (4) elucidating the ion transport mechanism in the electrochromic film. Outcomes of this research will lead to smart window coatings with the ability to reduce energy consumption in all types of climates, providing cost savings on heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning systems. In this project, the PIs will provide educational research activities to undergraduate and high school students from groups under-represented in STEM. These hands-on experiences will enhance the students' critical thinking, inquiring, problem- solving, and teamwork skills. These activities will also stimulate the students' interest in science and prepare them for choosing STEM career paths.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.