This award is funded jointly by the Condensed-Matter-and-Materials-Theory program in the Division of Materials Research and by the HBCU-UP program in the Division of Human-Resource Development.<br/><br/><br/>Nontechnical Summary<br/><br/>The research project "Excellence in Research: Processes and Interactions in Hybrid Plasmonic Systems" involves theoretical and computational studies in the area of plasmonics with the main focus on plasmon-enhanced optical spectroscopy. Surface plasmons are collective electronic excitations in metal-dielectric composite structures which can interact strongly with excited states in molecules and solids to significantly change their optical characteristics. In plasmonic systems, the optical interactions between surface plasmons and excitations in semiconductor nanostructures or dye molecules underpin numerous plasmonics applications in photovoltaics, optical sensing, and photochemistry, among others. The project aims at modeling the optical properties of hybrid plasmonic systems that are defined by coherent interactions and/or energy transfer between system constituent parts. This research will be carried out at Jackson State University and will substantially aid the development of human resources capacity in a historically black university that primarily serves educational needs of local minority students.<br/><br/>Technical Summary<br/><br/>The project aims at modeling the optical processes and interactions in hybrid plasmonic systems such as metal-dielectric structures conjugated with semiconductor nanostructures or dye molecules. The main topics include studies of (a) spontaneous emission beyond the plasmon field enhancement limits, (b) Forster energy transfer and the transition to the strong-coupling regime, (c) intermediate exciton-plasmon coupling and exciton-induced transparency, (d) Fano interference in hybrid plasmonic systems, and other pertinent issues. The research will be mainly focused on coherent interactions between the system constituents and on related optical processes that determine the optical properties of hybrid systems. The methods include a combination of analytical and numerical tools suitable for analyzing plasmonic systems with many constituent parts. The results will be used for modeling of experimental findings and are expected to aid the development of plasmon-based device applications.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.