Non-technical Abstract: This project creates a new program of research into manipulating quantum materials for potential applications in quantum computing. Quantum materials are of special interest as, unlike standard metals or semiconductors, they exhibit certain properties that are purely quantum mechanical. These quantum effects can be harnessed for use in the development of quantum computers. This project establishes an international collaboration to investigate the fundamental characteristics of such materials to efficiently store qubits, the quantum equivalent of the basic elements of traditional computer memory. In addition to advancing fundamental research into quantum computers, this research is integrated into educational and outreach activities to prepare future scientists and engineers in this rapidly evolving field. Undergraduate and high school students benefit from summer programs and hands-on research activities developed from this work. Undergraduate students also benefit from enhanced quantum computing coursework and the ability to work at national laboratories as part of the research effort, gaining valuable experience and exposure to world-class scientists and facilities. Partnerships with area Upward Bound programs and high schools create new opportunities for students from underrepresented backgrounds as well as their teachers. This combination of research, educational opportunities, and community engagement enhances the potential for students to enroll in and succeed in disciplines related to science and engineering.<br/><br/>Technical Abstract: This research effort is focused on the development of isolated spin and/or magnetic defects within two dimensional materials, such as transition metal dichalcogenides. Such defects have shown strong potential to serve as qubits for future quantum computation applications. The research is based on a combination of local expertise in the synthesis, modification, and analysis of two-dimensional materials and an international collaboration with experts in the field of quantum information and quantum materials. To accomplish our goal, synthesis techniques are developed to selectively incorporate dopants into single molecular layers, research which is of interest to the broader condensed matter physics community. These synthesis techniques are optimized using systematic feedback between density functional theory calculations to predict candidate systems, synthesis using chemical vapor transport and chemical vapor deposition, and assessing the defects in the final material by using electron spin resonance, spin-resolved Raman spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy and spectroscopy, and other standard techniques for assessing crystal quality such as x-ray diffraction. The systems are also explored using a combination of electron spin resonance and scanning tunneling microscopy to characterize the local physical, electronic, and spin characteristics. These measurements are important for verifying the utility of these systems for applications in quantum memory. This collaborative effort enables the faculty and students from the University of Northern Iowa and Iowa State University to expand on their current expertise to incorporate research methodology pertinent for quantum information studies.<br/><br/>This project is jointly funded by The Office of Multidisciplinary Activities (MPS/OMA), the Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR), and Technology Frontiers Program (TIP/TF).<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.