Non-Technical Abstract: <br/>The nature of quantum dynamics enables analog parallel processing, which shows great potential to break through all the limitations of current digital hardware-based computing systems in scientific computing, big data, artificial intelligence, sensing, communication, wireless systems, etc. This project aims to explore and establish research capability and capacity in the area of quantum information science and engineering as well as develop education and workforce development program at Florida A&M University in close collaboration with The University of Chicago, Florida State University, and industries partners. The research activities focus on developing microwave quantum integrated chip and mid-scale quantum systems with novel protocols and multifunctional processing capability for quantum sensing and securing artificial intelligence models. The educational components aim to develop new courses, professional skills training, and outreach activities for workforce needs in current and future QISE and STEM. This collaborative research and education effort enables not only faculty members in multidisciplinary areas to conduct high-end research but also students to pursue career in QISE and STEM. <br/><br/>Technical Abstract: <br/>The overarching vision of this project is to develop effective research and education programs in quantum information science and engineering (QISE) at Florida A&M University (FAMU). The key components include establishing a research capability and capacity, developing the workforce, and sustaining long-term research and education in QISE at FAMU. The major activities are: 1) developing a strong multidisciplinary research program in a broad spectrum of quantum integrated chip circuits, microwave quantum integrated circuits, quantum devices, quantum system with customized radio frequency (RF) front end and analog processing, corresponding quantum protocols, and its application to quantum sensing and industry problem solving through collaboration with external expertise from The University of Chicago, Florida State University, IBM-HBCU Quantum Center, and Keysight Technologies; 2) developing new courses and quantum experimental training platform from proposed quantum system for undergraduate and graduate students with diverse background as physics, computer science, and engineering; 3) developing workforce by engaging with K-12, undergraduate, and graduate students to shape their career in QISE and STEM through collaborative research, professional skills training, and co-training with collaborative partners from academia and industry; 4) building infrastructure and strategically investing in faculty recruiting and mentoring in QISE area to develop a quantum ecosystem of multidisciplinary research and training to recruit and retain students for long term sustainable degree program at FAMU; 5) developing outreach programs to promote research and educational training of quantum in other HBCUs through summer intern, professional conference, and multidimensional co-training to expand their impact on local school districts, governmental entities, and industries. The vision of establishing a strong education and research program in QISE expands the opportunities to underrepresented minority students and broadens the participation in the critical and strategically important area locally in Tallahassee, Florida, and even across MSI and HBCUs in the US.<br/><br/>This project is co-funded by the Historically Black Colleges and Universities Undergraduate Program (HBCU-UP), which provides awards to strengthen STEM undergraduate education and research at HBCUs, and by the Directorate for Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Office of Strategic Initiatives.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.