Fast dissolving tablet and method of preparing the same

A fast dissolving tablet. The fast dissolving tablet comprises a pharmaceutically active ingredient, a starch, a hydrophilic polymer, a surfactant, and excipients. A method of preparing the fast dissolving tablet is also disclosed.

1. Field of the Invention

The present invention relates to a pharmaceutical composition, and more specifically to a fast dissolving tablet and method of preparing the same.

2. Description of the Related Art

There are various types of oral administrative medicines, such as, tablets, capsules, granules, powders, syrups and the like. Orally administrated medicines, however, suffer from many drawbacks. Tablets and capsules, for example, may be difficult to swallow for the elderly or children. Granules and powders, may leave an unpleasant taste after dosage or possibly enter the respiratory tract or lungs, additionally, dosage of syrups, may be difficult measured, particularly for the elderly or children.

Therefore, many researches regarding fast dissolving tablets has been undertaken recently to provide a new generation rapidly dissolved and safely swallowed tablets, and their dose can be accurately measured. The tablets must additionally possess adequate hardness to facilitate the packaging process.

Several related arts are disclosed as follows. Japanese Patent No. 76420/1977 and 24410/1983 describe a method of preparing a porous tablet which comprises blending a tablet-constituting composition with inert solvent, solidification, compressing the resulting solid into tablets, and evaporating solvent by freeze-drying. U.S. Pat. No. 5,501,861 discloses a method of preparing a fast dissolving tablet comprising a water-soluble saccharide (such as sugar, starch, lactose, sugar alcohol, or tetrose) and a pharmacologically active ingredient, which comprises compressing the blended solid into tablets with molding pressure of 5˜130 kg/cm2 and evaporating solvent by freeze-drying.

The above fast dissolving tablets are prepared by Zydis freeze-drying (from R. P. Scherer, England). This method, however, suffer from high process cost and insufficient mechanical strength of the preparation.

Japanese Patent No. 15830/1986 describes a method of preparing a porous tablet which comprises blending a pharmaceutically active ingredient with an antacid having a porous and extra fine crystal structure. The composition described in this patent is prepared by heating and melting the ingredients, so that it is inferior in the scope of compatible medicament and disintegrating ability of the preparation in an oral cavity.

European Patent No. 0914818 discloses a fast dissolving tablet comprising sugar alcohol or saccharide, a disintegrant, and a pharmaceutically active ingredient. The hardness of the tablet, however, is only 3 NT, and does not satisfy generally packaging requirements.

Therefore, it is necessary to develop a preparation which offers acceptable disintegration speed in an oral cavity and possesses a sufficient mechanical strength so as to protect the preparation from destruction in the course of manufacture.


In order to solve the conventional problems, an object of the invention is to provide a fast dissolving tablet having rapid disintegration rate, sufficient hardness to resist destruction in the course of manufacture and storage, and low cost.

To achieve the above objects, the invention provides a fast dissolving tablet comprising a pharmaceutically active ingredient, a starch, a hydrophilic polymer, a surfactant, and an excipient.

The tablet provided in the invention may be rapidly dissolved in an oral cavity, due to the hydrophilic polymer having strong water absorption, so that it can be advantageously used for treatment of diseases in the elderly or children. Additionally, the dissolution rate of tablets is improved by the surfactant in an oral cavity, particularly for very slightly dissolved drugs.

Another object of the invention is to provide a method for preparing a fast dissolving tablet, comprising the following steps. A first solution comprising a hydrophilic polymer and a starch is provided. A second solution comprising a pharmaceutical active ingredient and a surfactant is then provided. Subsequently, the first and second solutions are blended to form granule powders by granulating. Finally, granule powders and excipients are blended, and a compression-molding process is performed.

A detailed description is given in the following embodiments with reference to the accompanying drawings.


The present invention can be more fully understood by reading the subsequent detailed description and examples with references made to the accompanying drawings, wherein:

FIG. 1 is a flow chart of the granulating of the invention.

FIG. 2 is a flow chart of the compression-molding of the invention.


FIG. 1 illustrates the method of preparing the fast dissolving tablet according to the embodiment of the invention. First, referring to FIG. 1, a first solution is provided in step S10. The first solution comprises solute comprising a hydrophilic polymer and a starch and solvent comprising water or ethanol, wherein the hydrophilic polymer comprises PEG, PVP, carbopol, polysaccharide, agar, MC, or HPMC, and the starch preferably comprises potato starch. The first solution is powdery.

Subsequently, a second solution is provided in step S12. The second solution comprises solute comprising a pharmaceutically active ingredient and a surfactant and solvent comprising water or ethanol, wherein the pharmaceutically active ingredient comprises any optional orally administered drugs, and the surfactant comprises edible surfactants comprising phospholipid.

The pharmaceutically active ingredient may be one member at least selected from the group: (1) vitamins, for example, vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, or vitamin C, minerals, for example, Ca, Mg, Fe, or protein, and amino acid or oligosaccharide and the like.

(2) antipyretic-analgesic-antiinflammatory agents, for example, aspirin, acetaminophen, ethenzamide, ibuprofen, diphenhydramine hydrochloride, dl-chorpheniramine maleate, dihydrocodeine phosphate, noscapine, methylephedrine hydrochloride, phenylpropanolamine hydrochloride, caffeine, serratiopeptidase, lysozyme chloride, tolfenamic acid, mefenamic acid, diclofenac sodium, flufenamic acid, salicylamide, aminopyrine, ketoprofen, indomethacin, bucolome, or pentazocine and the like.

(3) antipsychotic drugs, for example, chlorpromazine, reserpine, chlordiazepoxide, diazepam, imipramine, maprotiline, amphetamine, estazolam, nitrazepam, diazepam, phenobarbital sodium, scopolamine hydrobromide, diphenhydramine hydrochloride, or papaverine hydrochloride and the like.

(4) gastrointestinal function conditioning agents, for example, diastase, saccharated pepsin, scopolia extract, lipase AP, cinnamon oil, berberine chloride, resistant lactic acid bacterium, lactobacillus bifidus, magnesium carbonate, sodium hydrogen carbonate, magnesium aluminometasilicate, synthetic hydrotalcite, precipitated calcium carbonate, or magnesium oxide and the like.

(5) antitussive-expectorants, for example, chloperastine hydrochloride, dextromethorphan hydrobromide, theophylline, potassium guaiacolsulfonate, guaifenesin, oxytetracycline, triamcinolone acetonide, chlorhexidine hydrochloride, or lidocaine and the like.

(6) antihistamines, for example, diphenhydramine hydrochloride, promethazine, isothipendyl hydrochloride, or dl-chlorpheniramine maleate and the like.

(7) cardiotonics, for example, etilefrine hydrochloride, procainamide hydrochloride, propranolol hydrochloride, pindolol, isosorbide, furosemide, delapril hydrochloride, captopril, hexamethonium bromide, hydralazine hydrochloride, labetalol hydrochloride, or methyldopa and the like.

(8) vasoconstrictors, for example, phenylephrine hydrochloride, carbocromen hydrochloride, molsidomine, verapamil hydrochloride, cinnarizine, dehydrocholic acid, or trepibutone and the like.

(9) antibiotics, for example, cephems, penems, carbapenems, cefalexin, amoxicillin, pivmecillinam hydrochloride, or cefotiam dihydrochloride and the like.

(10) chemotherapeutic drugs, for example, sulfamethizole or thiazosulfone and the like.

(11) antidiabetic agents, for example, tolbutamide or voglibose and the like.

(12) drugs for osteoporosis, for example, ipriflavone and the like.

(13) skeletal muscle relaxants, for example, methocarvamol and the like.

Subsequently, the first and second solutions are blended in step S14 to form granule powders by granulating. The formed granule powders are then uniformly dispersed in step S16 simultaneously. Granule powders are then dried in step S18. Finally, the granule powders are sieved in step S20. The granulating comprises wet granulating, dry granulating, spray granulating, and fluidized bed granulating.

Next, referring to FIG. 2, granule powders and excipients are blended in step S22. The excipients comprise disintegrating agents, effervescent agents, sweeteners, and lubricants comprising saccharide, alcohol, and sugar alcohol, wherein saccharide comprises monosaccharide or disaccharide, and sugar alcohol comprises mannitol, sorbitol, xylitol, or glycerol.

Subsequently, the mixture of granule powders and the excipients is sieved in step S24. After sieving, the mixture is compression-molded in step S26 with a tabletting machine, for example, a High-Speed Rotary Tabletting Machine.

The molding pressure of the High-Speed Rotary Tabletting Machine is about 800˜1200 lb/cm2, preferably 1000 lb/cm2. The molding speed thereof is about 15˜20 rpm, preferably 16 rpm.

The fast dissolving tablet of the invention comprises a pharmaceutically active ingredient in a proportion of generally about 5˜45% by weight, a starch in a proportion of generally about 20˜30% by weight, a hydrophilic polymer in a proportion of generally about 2˜10% by weight, a surfactant in a proportion of generally about 2˜10% by weight, and a excipient in a proportion of generally about 40˜50% by weight. Additionally, the porosity of the tablet is about 30˜70%, the disintegration time (the time required for complete dissolution by saliva in an oral cavity in a healthy adult male) thereof is less than 1 min, the hardness thereof is about 20˜60 NT, and the brittleness thereof is less than 2%.


A first solution comprising a PEG6000 (hydrophilic polymer), a lecithin (surfactant), a potato starch, and ethanol was prepared as the following steps. First, 50 g of PEG6000 and 10 g of lecithin were added into 350 ml of ethanol, and stirred. Next, 50 g of potato starch was added into the blended solution. Finally, the powdery first solution was formed.

Subsequently, a second solution comprising acetaminophen (antipyretic-analgesic-antiinflammatory agents), lecithin (surfactant), and H2O was prepared as described in the following step. 400 g of acetaminophen and 50 g of lecithin were added into 160 ml of H2O, and stirred.

Next, a wet granulating process was performed as follows. The first and second solutions were blended to form granule powders. Subsequently, granule powders were dried in a dryer at 45° C., and then sifted through a sieve with 400 μm diameter mesh.

Next, granule powders and excipients were blended with a V-shaped blender. The excipient comprised 250 g of lactose (disaccharide), 100 g of mannitol (sugar alcohol), and 100 g of crospovidone (disintegrating agents). Subsequently, the blend was sifted through a sieve with 200 μm diameter mesh. Finally, 400 g of blend was compression-molded to form a tablet with a High-Speed Rotary Tabletting Machine. The molding pressure was about 1000 lb/cm2, and the molding speed was about 15.9 rpm.

In this example, 400 g of acetaminophen in a proportion is generally about 40% by weight, 50 g of potato starch in a proportion is generally about 5% by weight, 50 g of PEG6000 in a proportion is generally about 5% by weight, 50 g of lecithin in a proportion is generally about 5% by weight, and 450 g of excipient comprising 250 g of lactose, 100 g of mannitol, and 100 g of crospovidone in a proportion is generally about 25% by weight.


A first solution comprising a PEG6000 (hydrophilic polymer), a lecithin (surfactant), a potato starch, and ethanol was prepared as described in the following steps. First, 50 g of PEG6000 and 10 g of lecithin were added into 350 ml of ethanol, and stirred. Next, 50 g of potato starch was added into the blended solution. Finally, the powdery first solution was formed.

Subsequently, a second solution comprising nifedipine (antipyretic-analgesic-antiinflammatory agents), lecithin (surfactant), and H2O was prepared as the following step. 5 g of nifedipine and 50 g of lecithin were added into 160 ml of H2O, and stirred.

Next, a wet granulating process was performed as follows. The first and second solutions were blended to form granule powders. Subsequently, granule powders were dried in a dryer at 45° C., and then granule powders were sifted through a sieve with 400 μm diameter mesh.

Next, granule powders and excipients were blended with a V-shaped blender. The excipients comprised 250 g of lactose (disaccharide), 100 g of mannitol (sugar alcohol), and 100 g of crospovidone (disintegrating agents). Subsequently, the blend was sifted through a sieve with 200 μm diameter mesh. Finally, 400 g of blend was compression-molded to form a tablet with a High-Speed Rotary Tabletting Machine. The molding pressure was about 1000 lb/cm2, the molding speed was about 15.9rpm.

In this example, 5 g of nifedipine in a proportion is generally about 5% by weight, 50 g of potato starch in a proportion is generally about 5% by weight, 50 g of PEG6000. in a proportion is generally about 5% by weight, 50 g of lecithin in a proportion is generally about 5% by weight, and 450 g of excipient comprising 250 g of lactose, 100 g of mannitol, and 100 g of crospovidone in a proportion is generally about 25% by weight.


A first solution comprising a PEG6000 (hydrophilic polymer), a lecithin (surfactant), a potato starch, and ethanol was prepared as the following steps. First, 50 g of PEG600.0 and 10 g of lecithin were added into 350 ml of ethanol, and stirred. Next, 50 g of potato starch was added into the blended solution. Finally, the powdery first solution was formed.

Subsequently, a second solution comprising famotidine (antipyretic-analgesic-antiinflammatory agents), lecithin (surfactant), and H2O was prepared as the following step. 20 g of famotidine and 50 g of lecithin were added into 160 ml of H2O, and stirred.

Next, a wet granulating process was performed as follows. The first and second solutions were blended to form granule powders. Subsequently, granule powders were dried in a dryer at 45° C., and then granule powders were sifted through a sieve with 400 μm diameter mesh.

Next, granule powders and excipients were blended with a V-shaped blender. The excipients comprised 250 g of lactose (disaccharide), 100 g of mannitol (sugar alcohol), and 100 g of crospovidone (disintegrating agents). Subsequently, the blend was sifted through a sieve with 200 μm diameter mesh. Finally, 400 g of blend was compression-molded to form a tablet with a High-Speed Rotary Tabletting Machine. The molding pressure was about 1000 b/cm2, the molding speed was about 15.9 rpm.

In this example, 20 g of famotidine in a proportion is generally about 40 % by weight, 50 g of potato starch in a proportion is generally about 5% by weight, 50 g of PEG6000 in a proportion is generally about 5% by weight, 50 g of lecithin in a proportion is generally about 5% by weight, and 450 g of excipient comprising 250 g of lactose, 100 g of mannitol, and 100 g of crospovidone in a proportion is generally about 25% by weight.


A first solution comprising a PEG6000 (hydrophilic polymer), a lecithin (surfactant), a potato starch, and ethanol was prepared as described in the following steps. First, 50 g of PEG6000 and 10 g of lecithin were added into 350 ml of ethanol, and stirred. Next, 50 g of potato starch was added into the blended solution. Finally, the powdery first solution was formed.

Subsequently, a second solution comprising Al(OH)3 (gastrointestinal function conditioning agents), lecithin (surfactant), and H2O was prepared as described in the following step. 400 g of Al(OH)3 and 50 g of lecithin were added into 160 ml of H2O, and stirred.

Next, a wet granulating process was performed as follows. The first and second solution was blended to form granule powders. Subsequently, granule powders were dried in a dryer at 45° C., and then granule powders were sifted through a sieve with 400 μm diameter mesh.

Next, granule powders and excipients were blended with a V-shaped blender. The excipients comprised 250 g of lactose (disaccharide), 100 g of mannitol (sugar alcohol), and 100 g of crospovidone (disintegrating agents). Subsequently, the blend was sifted through a sieve with 200 μm diameter mesh. Finally, 400 g of blend was compression-molded to form a tablet with a High-Speed Rotary Tabletting Machine. The molding pressure was about 1000lb/cm2, the molding speed was about 15.9 rpm.

In this example, 400 g of Al(OH)3 in a proportion is generally about 40% by weight, 50 g of potato starch in a proportion is generally about 5% by weight, 50 g of PEG6000 in a proportion is generally about 5% by weight, 50 g of lecithin in a proportion is generally about 5% by weight, and 450 g of excipient comprising 250 g of lactose, 10 g of mannitol, and 100 g of crospovidone in a proportion is generally about 25% by weight.


To illustrate the effects of the invention in further detail, the following characteristics of the tablets prepared in the foregoing examples were determined, comprising disintegration time, hardness, and brittleness. The results are shown in Table 1.

(1) Disintegration Time

The disintegration time of each tablet was determined in accordance with the disintegration test as described in the following. First, 37±2° C., proper amount of water used as solvent was added into the container of the test machine (PHARMA TEST PTZ1 E type). Next, six tablets were added into the container, and the container was covered by a plastic cover. Subsequently, the test machine shook the container until the tablets were disintegrated completely. The mean of the results of six determinations of each pharmaceutically active ingredient was adopted respectively.

(2) Hardness

The hardness of each tablet was determined in accordance with the hardness test as described in the following. First, six tablets were placed on the hardness tester (SHIN KWANG SK-32060 type). Next, pressure was applied from the long axis until the tablets were cracked. The mean of results of six determinations of each pharmaceutically active ingredient was adopted respectively.

(3) Brittleness

The brittleness of each tablet was determined in accordance with the brittleness test described as follows. First, 6˜6.5 g of sixteen tablets (380˜420 mg/per tablet) were placed on the sieve (10 mesh). After dropped powders were removed, the precise sample weight (As) was measured. The sample was then added into the test machine (PHARMA TEST PTFE type), and the test machine was spun at a speed of 25 rpm for 100 turns. After the sample was taken out, all dropped powders were removed again. Finally, the precise sample weight (A0) was measured. As a result, Brittleness=(A0/As)*100. The mean of the results of sixteen determinations of each pharmaceutically active ingredient was adopted respectively.

TABLE 1PharmaceuticallyactiveDisintegrationHardnessbrittlenessingredienttime(sec)(NT)(%)acetaminophen22 ± 335.4 ± 5.31.2nifedipine53 ± 246.9 ± 4.80.2famotidine32 ± 224.2 ± 1.41.3Al(OH)325 ± 327.9 ± 2.3

The results of Table 1 indicate that the disintegration time of the fast dissolving tablets of the present invention is less than 1 min, and the brittleness thereof is less than 2%. Therefore, the elderly, children, or those with impaired swallowing ability are able to swallow the tablets, due to rapid disintegration and absorption in an oral cavity. Additionally, an adequate mechanical strength of 20˜50 NT is obtained, facilitating the packaging process in production lines.

While the invention has been described by way of example and in terms of the preferred embodiments, it is to be understood that the invention is not limited to the disclosed embodiments. To the contrary, it is intended to cover various modifications and similar arrangements (as would be apparent to those skilled in the art). Therefore, the scope of the appended claims should be accorded the broadest interpretation so as to encompass all such modifications and similar arrangements.

  • 1. A fast dissolving tablet, comprising: a pharmaceutically active ingredient; a starch; a hydrophilic polymer; a surfactant; and excipients.
  • 2. The fast dissolving tablet as claimed in claim 1, wherein the pharmaceutically active ingredient comprises any optional orally administrated drugs.
  • 3. The fast dissolving tablet as claimed in claim 1, wherein the hydrophilic polymer comprises PEG, PVP, carbopol, polysaccharide, agar, MC, or HPMC.
  • 4. The fast dissolving tablet as claimed in claim 1, wherein the surfactant comprises edible surfactants.
  • 5. The fast dissolving tablet as claimed in claim 1, wherein the surfactant comprises lecithin.
  • 6. The fast dissolving tablet as claimed in claim 1, wherein the excipient comprises disintegrating agents, effervescent, lubricants, or sweeteners.
  • 7. The fast dissolving tablet as claimed in claim 1, wherein the excipient comprises saccharide, alcohol, or sugar alcohol.
  • 8. The fast dissolving tablet as claimed in claim 7, wherein saccharide comprises monosaccharide or disaccharide.
  • 9. The fast dissolving tablet as claimed in claim 7, wherein sugar alcohol comprises mannitol, sorbitol, xylitol, or glycerol.
  • 10. The fast dissolving tablet as claimed in claim 1, wherein the pharmaceutically active ingredient in a proportion of generally is about 5˜45% by weight.
  • 11. The fast dissolving tablet as claimed in claim 1, wherein the starch in a proportion is generally about 20˜30% by weight.
  • 12. The fast dissolving tablet as claimed in claim 1, wherein the hydrophilic polymer in a proportion is generally about 2˜10% by weight.
  • 13. The fast dissolving tablet as claimed in claim 1, wherein the surfactant in a proportion is generally about 2˜10% by weight.
  • 14. The fast dissolving tablet as claimed in claim 1, wherein the excipient in a proportion is generally about 40˜50% by weight.
  • 15. The fast dissolving tablet as claimed in claim 6, wherein the lubricant in a proportion is generally about 1˜3% by weight.
  • 16. The fast dissolving tablet as claimed in claim 1, wherein the porosity of the tablet is about 30˜70%.
  • 17. The fast dissolving tablet as claimed in claim 1, wherein the disintegration time of the tablet is less than 1 min.
  • 18. The fast dissolving tablet as claimed in claim 1, wherein the hardness of the tablet is about 20˜50 NT.
  • 19. The fast dissolving tablet as claimed in claim 1, wherein the brittleness of the tablet is less than 2%.
  • 20. A method of preparing a fast dissolving tablet, comprising: providing a first solution comprising a hydrophilic polymer and a starch; providing a second solution comprising a pharmaceutically active ingredient and a surfactant; blending the first and second solutions to form a plurality of granule powders by a granulating; blending the granule powders and excipients; and performing a compression-molding process to form the tablet.
  • 21. The method as claimed in claim 20, wherein the hydrophilic polymer comprises PEG, PVP, carbopol, polysaccharide, agar, MC, or HPMC.
  • 22. The method as claimed in claim 20, wherein the surfactant comprises edible surfactants.
  • 23. The method as claimed in claim 20, wherein the surfactant comprises lecithin.
  • 24. The method as claimed in claim 20, wherein the pharmaceutically active ingredient comprises any optional orally administrated drugs.
  • 25. The method as claimed in claim 20, wherein the solvent of the first and second solution is H2O or ethanol.
  • 26. The method as claimed in claim 20, wherein the first solution is powdery.
  • 27. The method as claimed in claim 20, wherein the granulating comprises dry granulating, wet granulating, fluidized bed granulating, or spray granulating.
  • 28. The method as claimed in claim 20, wherein the diameter of the granule powders is about 300˜500 μm.
  • 29. The method as claimed in claim 20, wherein the excipient comprises disintegrating agents, effervescent, lubricants, or sweeteners.
  • 30. The method as claimed in claim 20, wherein the excipient comprises saccharide, alcohol, or sugar alcohol.
  • 31. The method as claimed in claim 30, wherein saccharide comprises monosaccharide or disaccharide.
  • 32. The method as claimed in claim 30, wherein sugar alcohol comprises mannitol, sorbitol, xylitol, or glycerol.
  • 33. The method as claimed in claim 20, wherein the pressure of the compression-molding is about 800˜1200 lb/cm2.
  • 34. The method as claimed in claim 20, wherein the speed of the compression-molding is about 15˜20 rpm.
  • 35. The method as claimed in claim 20, wherein the pharmaceutically active ingredient in a proportion of generally is about 5˜45% by weight.
  • 36. The method as claimed in claim 20, wherein the starch in a proportion is generally about 20˜30% by weight.
  • 37. The method as claimed in claim 20, wherein the hydrophilic polymer in a proportion is generally about 2˜10% by weight.
  • 38. The method as claimed in claim 20, wherein the surfactant in a proportion is generally about 2˜10% by weight.
  • 39. The method as claimed in claim 20, wherein the excipient in a proportion is generally about 40˜50% by weight.
  • 40. The method as claimed in claim 29, wherein the lubricant in a proportion is generally about 1˜3% by weight.
  • 41. The method as claimed in claim 20, wherein the porosity of the tablet is about 30˜70%.
  • 42. The method as claimed in claim 20, wherein the disintegration time of the tablet is less than 1 min.
  • 43. The method as claimed in claim 20, wherein the hardness of the tablet is about 20˜50 NT.
  • 44. The method as claimed in claim 20, wherein the brittleness of the tablet is less than 2%.
Priority Claims (1)
Number Date Country Kind
93106010 Mar 2004 TW national