Firewalls and Internet Security, William R. Cheswick, et al., 1994, Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, pp. 71-73. |
Building Internet Firewalls, D. Brent Chapman, et al.; 1995, O'Reilly & Associates, Inc., pp. 59-60, 171-176, 329-346. |
“Pathfinder: A Pattern-Based Packet Classifier,” Mary L. Bailey et al., Proceedings of the First Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation, Usenix Association, Nov., 1994; 9 pages. |
“The BSD Packet Filter: A New Architecture for User-level Packet Capture,” Steven McCanne, et al., Preprint of paper that was to presented at the 1993 Winter USNIX conference, Jan. 25-29, 1993, San Diego, CA, 11 pages. |
“DPF: Fast, Flexible Message Demultiplexing using Dynamic Code Generation,” Dawson R. Engler et al., ACM SIGCOMM 1996 Conference paper; 7 pages. |
A Search Algorithm for Table Entries with Non-contiguous Wildcarding, Paul F. Tsuchiya, Abstract, undated, 10 pages. |