The present invention provides ferroelectric/paraelectric materials (FE/PE materials), which may be used in electric-field tunable devices, such as RF (radio-frequency), microwave and millimeter-wave tunable devices such as filters, phase shifter and true time delay applications, and filters, phase shifter and true time delay devices comprising the same. Specifically, the FE/PE materials provided are formed of the perovskite oxide ABO3 structure by charge compensated atomic substitutions into the A-site or B-site or simultaneous substitutions into the A- and B-sites of the perovskite oxide ABO3.
Development of phase shifter and variable true time delay devices is of interest for beam steering of phase-array antennas at microwave frequencies. Phase shifter and variable true time delay technologies include, but are not limited to, those based on FE/PEs, laser diodes, MEMS, interferometry, pin diodes, and ferrites. The objects of these technologies are the reduction of cost, power consumption, weight, and size of devices, while maintaining or exceeding performance, frequency range and bandwidth of existing devices. Cost of device architecture and control circuitry, device bandwidth, material permittivity/permeability, loss factor, conductor losses, and impedance mismatch are all considerations that must be factored into the decision to choose materials and designs. However, all of the above technologies have disadvantages that must be overcome before affordable high performance broadband electronically scanned antenna systems may be realized.
In an effort to overcome the disadvantages of the above technologies, and to provide affordable high performance electronic beam steering of antennas at microwave frequencies, FE/PE materials derived from Ba1-xSrxTiO3 (BST) have been previously proposed and investigated. Such FE/PE phase shifters are based on the change in the effective electrical length of the device due to a change in the material permittivity induced by applying a dc electric field with field strength in the range 0.1 to 100 V/μm in the material. From a device design and operation point-of-view, physical parameters of interest are the real permittivity (hereinafter referred to as dielectric constant is ε) of the material, tunability of the material, and microwave loss of the material as functions of both temperature and frequency. The ability to impedance match to the device is improved if the permittivity (ε) of materials used is relatively low; however, high ε doesn't always dictate a decrease in phase shifter performance.
Large tunability is desirable for shortening the length of line needed to provide the identical phase shift for each fixed electric field strength in a phased-array antenna. Lower loss tangent materials can further reduce phase shifter losses in the RF, microwave and millimeter wave range if appropriate tunability can be maintained. Dielectric constant, tunability and loss tangent can all vary significantly with both frequency and temperature.
All three of the above parameters of a FE/PE material increase and peak as the Curie temperature, Tc, is approached. If the Curie transition is sharp, the material will have a limited temperature range for operation because the tunability rapidly approaches zero, as demonstrated in
Therefore, it is an object of the present invention to provide a FE/PE material whose dielectric constant has a gradual peak, as shown in
The effects of structure on the FE/PE transition have been previously analyzed for a variety of cation substitutions into BaTiO3. It was found that covalency can influence lattice distortion, spontaneous polarization and Tc. In the previous work, Tc was correlated with chemical bonds. The various parameters considered were size, charge, coordination number, electronic configuration of the cations, bond covalency, and cationic ordering. It has been suggested in those previous studies that Tc may be a function of octahedral distortion; values might be adjustable with a minimal number of parameters compared to band structure analysis.
Several methods have been previously used for synthesizing FE/PE materials, such as producing perovskite oxide materials for use in microwave phase shifters. For example, composites comprising magnesia (MgO) and a solid solution of BST have been produced by making a simple weight percent addition of MgO to BST. However, temperature-dependent data of the low permittivity and tunability of the same indicate that such material may have limited use over the military specified temperature range of operation (−50° C. to 100° C.). In addition, two-phase composites may also complicate methods to effectively deposit thin films of the FE/PE material for devices, particularly if the MgO and perovskite are not compatible for simultaneous deposition or simultaneous adhesion with a substrate, or are not compatible with each other.
In addition to two-phase composites of MgO and perovskite, previous attempts have been made to dope perovskites with Al2O3 to increase tunability. Significant tunability increases have been observed. However, results were only obtained at room temperature using low doping on the order of 1% to obtain single-phase material, and it is believed that this material has a sharp Curie transition temperature and suffers from a limited temperature range of operation.
Compositions in which charge-compensated substitutions into the A and B site have been produced, referred to as acceptor-donor co-doped BaTiO3, the focus of the producers thereof attempting to achieve high tunability and low dielectric loss tangents over a broad temperature range that includes the mil spec range. However, methods to achieve reduction of ε or constant ε, and tunability versus temperature, were not investigated.
The effects upon Tc of substitutions of Zr and of Sn for Ti in BaTiO3 have been previously studied, and the development of new materials in which cation size and change affect how Tc is shifted have been considered, but tunability of such systems has not been previously analyzed. The effects of structure on the FE/PE transition have been analyzed for a variety of cation substitutions into BaTiO3, and it was found that covalency can influence lattice distortion, spontaneous polarization and Tc. Further, Tc was correlated with chemical bonds. The various parameters considered were size, charge, coordination number, electronic configuration of the cations, bond covalency, and cationic ordering, and it was suggested that Tc may be a function of octahedral distortion; values might be adjustable with a minimal number of parameters compared to band structure analysis.
While FE/PEs afford many advantages for electrical beam steering of antennas, one major disadvantage of current FE/PE phase shifters is the temperature sensitivity of phase shifter devices due to the sensitivity of permittivity (dielectric constant) to temperature variation. In order to control temperature variation, temperature-compensation circuits, ovens, cooling systems and the like are currently needed. Thus, it is an object of the present invention to provide a FE/PE material, for electric-field tunable devices such as phase shifter applications, having uniform permittivity and tunability throughout the temperature range of operation, i.e., a material that is relatively insensitive to temperature variation or equivalently having a small temperature coefficient of permittivity and tunability over the desired range of operating temperatures. Such a FE/PE material would simplify electric control circuitry so that temperature-compensation circuits or ovens can be eliminated, thus reducing overall cost and size of devices.
In order to achieve the objects of the present invention as described above, the present inventors provide herewith a FE/PE material for electric-field tunable devices, with emphasis for RF tunable, microwave, and millimeter devices such as phase shifter and true time delay applications, having uniform permittivity and tunability throughout the temperature range of operation, i.e., a material that is relatively insensitive to temperature variation or equivalently having a small temperature coefficient of permittivity and tunability over the desired range of operating temperatures. Such a FE/PE material simplifies electric control circuitry so that temperature-compensation circuits or ovens can be eliminated, thus reducing overall cost and size of devices, and enables production of both perovskite bulk and thin film FE/PE materials for use in a myriad of applications.
In a first embodiment of the present invention, ferroelectric/paraelectric materials are provided comprising pseudo-binary compounds defined by the phase diagram, as shown in FIG. 29. These pseudo-binary compounds comprise a solid solution of BaInySbyTi1-2yO3 with the cubic perovskite field of the solid solution BaInySbyTi1-2yO3 providing particularly useful electric field tunable material.
In a second embodiment of the present invention, ferroelectric/paraelectric materials are provided comprising pseudo-binary compounds defined by the phase diagram, as shown in FIG. 30. These pseudo-binary compounds comprise a solid solution of BaScySbyTi1-2yO3 with the cubic perovskite field of the solid solution BaScySbyTi1-2yO3 providing particularly useful electric field tunable materials.
In a third embodiment of the present invention, ferroelectric/paraelectric materials are provided comprising pseudo-ternary compounds defined by the phase diagram, as shown in FIG. 31. These psuedo-ternary compounds comprise a solid solution of Ba1-xSrxAlyTayTi1-2yO3 providing particularly useful electric field tunable materials.
In a fourth embodiment of the present invention, ferroelectric/paraelectric materials are provided comprising pseudo-ternary compounds defined by the phase diagram, as shown in FIG. 32. These pseudo-ternary compounds comprise a solid solution of Ba1-xSrxAlySbyTi1-2yO3 with the cubic perovskite field of the solid solution Ba1-xSrxAlySbyTi1-2yO3 providing particularly useful electric field tunable materials.
In a fifth embodiment of the present invention, ferroelectric/paraelectric materials are provided comprising pseudo-ternary compounds defined by the phase diagram, as shown in FIG. 33. These pseudo-ternary compounds comprise a solid solution of Ba1-xSrxGayTayTi1-2yO3 with the cubic perovskite field of the solid solution Ba1-xSrxGayTayTi1-2yO3 providing particularly useful electric field tunable materials.
In a sixth embodiment of the present invention, ferroelectric/paraelectric materials are provided comprising pseudo-ternary compounds defined by the phase diagram, as shown in FIG. 34. These pseudo-ternary compounds comprise a solid solution of Ba1-xCaxInySbyTi1-2yO3 with the cubic perovskite field of the solid solution Ba1-xCaxInySbyTi1-2yO3 providing particularly useful electric field tunable materials.
In a seventh embodiment of the present invention, ferroelectric/paraelectric materials are provided comprising pseudo-ternary compounds defined by the phase diagram, as shown in FIG. 35. These pseudo-ternary compounds comprise a solid solution of Ba1-xSrxScySbyTi1-2yO3 with the cubic perovskite field of the solid solution Ba1-xSrxScySbyTi1-2yO3 providing particularly useful electric field tunable materials.
In an eighth embodiment of the present invention, ferroelectric/paraelectric materials are provided comprising pseudo-ternary compounds defined by the phase diagram, as shown in FIG. 36. These pseudo-ternary compounds comprise a solid solution of Ba1-xSrxGaySbyTi1-2yO3 with the cubic perovskite field of the solid solution Ba1-xSrxGaySbyTi1-2yO3 providing particularly useful electric field tunable materials.
In a ninth embodiment of the present invention, ferroelectric/paraelectric materials are provided comprising pseudo-ternary compounds defined by the phase diagram, as shown in FIG. 37. These pseudo-ternary compounds comprise a solid solution of Ba1-xCaxGayTayTi1-2yO3 with the cubic perovskite field of the solid solution Ba1-xCaxGayTayTi1-2yO3 providing particularly useful electric field tunable materials.
In a tenth embodiment of the present invention, ferroelectric/paraelectric materials are provided comprising pseudo-ternary compounds defined by the phase diagram, as shown in FIG. 38. These pseudo-ternary compounds comprise a solid solution of Ba1-xCaxAlySbyTi1-2yO3 with the cubic perovskite field of the solid solution Ba1-xCaxAlySbyTi1-2yO3 providing particularly useful electric field tunable materials.
In an eleventh embodiment of the present invention, ferroelectric/paraelectric materials are provided comprising pseudo-ternary compounds defined by the phase diagram, as shown in FIG. 39. These pseudo-ternary compounds comprise a solid solution of Ba1-xSrxYyTayTi1-2yO3 with the cubic perovskite field of the solid solution Ba1-xSrxYyTayTi1-2yO3 providing particularly useful electric field tunable materials.
In a twelfth embodiment of the present invention, ferroelectric/paraelectric materials are provided comprising pseudo-ternary compounds defined by the phase diagram, as shown in FIG. 40. These pseudo-ternary compounds comprise a solid solution of Ba1-xSrxScyTayTi1-2yO3 with the cubic perovskite field of the solid solution Ba1-xSrxScyTayTi1-2yO3 providing particularly useful electric field tunable materials.
FIG. 13(a) is a graph of dielectric constant vs. temperature at 1 MHz for 3% substitutions of X4+ with X=Sn, Ge, and Zr for 3% of Ti in the FE/PE material, that is, Ba0.6Sr0.4X0.03Ti0.97O3, of the present invention.
FIG. 13(b) is a graph of percent tunability divided by electric field vs. temperature at 1 MHz for 3% substitutions of X4+ with X=Xn, Ge, and Zr for 3% of Ti in the FE/PE material; that is, Ba0.6Sr0.4X0.03Ti0.97O3, of the present invention.
FIG. 14(a) is a graph of dielectric constant vs. temperature at 1 MHz for 3% substitutions of the charge compensating pair, (X, V), with X=Y, Al, Ga, Sc, Sb, and In for 6% of Ti in the FE/PE material, that is, Ba0.6Sr0.4X0.03V0.03Ti0.94O3, of the present invention.
FIG. 14(b) is a graph of percent tunability divided by electric field vs. temperature at 1 MHz for 3% substitutions of the charge compensating pair, (X, V), with X=Y, Al, Ga, Sc, Sb, and In for 6% of Ti in the FE/PE material, that is, Ba0.6Sr0.4X0.03V0.03Ti0.94O3, of the present invention.
FIG. 15(a) is a graph of dielectric constant vs. temperature at 1 MHz for 3% substitutions of the charge compensating pair, (X, Sb), with X=Sc, Y, In, and Al for 6% of Ti in the FE/PE material, that is, Ba0.6Sr0.4X0.03Sb0.03Ti0.94O3, of the present invention.
FIG. 15(b) is a graph of percent tunability divided by electric field vs. temperature at 1 MHz for 3% substitutions of the charge compensating pair, (X, Sb), with X=Sc, Y, In, and Al for 6% of Ti in the FE/PE material, that is, Ba0.6Sr0.4X0.03Sb0.03Ti0.94O3 of the present invention.
FIG. 16(a) is a graph of dielectric constant vs. temperature at 1 MHz for 3% substitutions of the charge compensating pair, (X, Ta), with X=Ga, In, Al, and Y for 6% of Ti in the FE/PE material, that is, Ba0.6Sr0.4X0.03Ta0.03Ti0.94O3, of the present invention.
FIG. 16(b) is a graph of percent tunability divided by electric field vs. temperature at 1 MHz for 3% substitutions of the charge compensating pair, (X, Ta), with X=Ga, In, Al, and Y for 6% of Ti in the FE/PE material Ba0.6Sr0.4X0.03Ta0.03Ti0.94O3 of the present invention.
FIG. 17(a) is a graph of dielectric constant vs. temperature at 1 MHz for 5% substitutions of the charge compensating pair, (Sc, Ta) and (Y, Ta), for 10% of Ti in the FE/PE material of the present invention.
FIG. 17(b) is a graph of percent tunability divided by electric field vs. temperature at 1 MHz for 5% substitutions of the charge compensating pair, (Sc, Ta) and (Y, Ta), for 10% of Ti in the FE/PE material of the present invention.
FE/PE materials may be used, but not limited to use, in electric-field tunable devices such as radio-frequency (RF), microwave, and millimeter wave phase shifters, true time delay devices, impedance transformers and tunable filters. The function of such FE/PE materials relies on the change in the effective electrical length of the device due to a change in the material permittivity (dielectric constant) induced by applying a dc electric field with field strength in the range of 0.1 to 100 V/μm in the FE/PE material.
From a device design and operation point-of-view, parameters affecting the function of such phase shifters are the real permittivity (from hereon also called dielectric constant, ε), tunability, and microwave loss of the material as functions of both temperature and frequency. The ability to impedance match to the phase shifter device is improved if the permittivity of materials used is relatively low. However, high ε doesn't necessarily dictate a decrease in phase shifter performance.
Large tunability is desirable for shortening the length of line needed to provide the identical phase shift for each fixed electric field strength in a phased-array antenna, a common phase shifter device in which the materials of the present invention may be utilized. Lower loss tangent materials can further reduce phase shifter losses in the RF, microwave and millimeter wave range if appropriate tunability can be maintained. Dielectric constant, tunability and loss tangent can vary significantly with both frequency and temperature. Further, all three parameters of a FE/PE material increase and peak as the Curie temperature, Tc, is approached. If the Curie transition is sharp, the material will have an undesirably limited temperature range of operation, because the tunability rapidly approaches zero for temperatures away from the Curie point. Below the Curie temperature, in the FE regime, the material again exhibits reduced tunability and losses can be high. Thus, FE phase shifters are typically operated at T>Tc, where they are paraelectric (PE).
The present invention provides new FE/PE single-phase materials with dielectric constants and tunabilities that are relatively insensitive to temperature, and that can operate successfully and efficiently over the entire military specification temperature range of −50° C. to 100° C. This is achieved by the provision herein of an extended array of compounds with dilute charge-balanced substitutions into the Ti site (also referred to as the B site herein) of Ba1-xSrxTiO3.
These FE/PE single-phase materials have primarily dilute charge-compensated substitutions, which are made into the Ti site, as shown in
Previous investigations have been made concerning dilute additions of various elements into ferroelectric materials. However, such additions are not direct substitutions into the ferroelectric lattice, as herein, because they were not properly charge-compensated. That is, additions typically result in the formation of a second phase material. The physical properties, microstructure, Curie temperature, and electrical properties (including dielectric constant, tunability and loss tangent) of this second phase material can and typically do significantly differ from the properties of ferroelectric materials having direct charge-balanced substitutions into the lattice, such as the materials of the present invention.
Selecting materials having a cubic phase enhances control of crystallographic orientations in the deposition of thin films. Avoiding non-cubic phases in the many composition systems, phase diagrams, precludes the engineering complexity of dealing with a highly anisotropic dielectric constant, especially in the use of textured materials, single crystals and single crystal-like thin films for RF, microwave and millimeter-wave devices. However, for RF, microwave and millimeter-wave device applications, non-cubic materials are permissible and can be readily used when the “effective” dielectric constant appears isotropic with respect to the microwave radiation. “Effective” isotropic behavior of the dielectric constant simplifies device design and fabrication issues. Depending upon the application, there are procedures that may be used to help make the “effective” dielectric constant of anisotropic materials appear isotropic with respect to the microwave radiation for the device.
As shown in
For the single-ion isovalent substitutions for Ti, some broadening occurs in the FE transitions and tunabilities of Ge and Zr, i.e., Ba0.6Sr0.4Ge0.03Ti0.97O3 and Ba0.6Sr0.4Zr0.03Ti0.97O3, but maximum values of ε(E=0) are smaller but within a factor of two of that for Ba0.6Sr0.4TiO3, and TcE=0 for these samples remains within a range of −10° C.≦TcE=0≦2° C. compared to 5° C. for Ba0.6Sr0.4TiO3.
Specific embodiments of the present invention include Ba0.6Sr0.4Al0.03V0.03Ti0.94O3 and Ba0.6Sr0.4Y0.03Ti0.94O3 as FE/PE materials for which TcE=0˜−10° C., the dielectric constant at zero electric field, ε(0), is increased by a factor of five, and the maximum of the ratio of the tunability to the constant electric field is increased by more than 1.5 relative to the respective values for a similarly prepared Ba0.6Sr0.4TiO3 sample. Such materials have, compared to the unsubstituted Ba0.6Sr0.4TiO3, a broadened FE transition, a Tc which is shifted to a lower temperature, and an increased range of temperatures over which tunability is observed.
A further preferred embodiment of the present invention provides a FE/PE material comprising Ba0.6Sr0.4Y0.05Ta0.05Ti0.90O3, which is highly tunable, has a low ε, and a low variation in ε over the entire military specification range of temperature (−50° C. to 100° C.). At 1 MHz sampling frequency, the ratio of the tunability to the constant electric field, the dielectric constant at zero field, and a figure of merit computed from the ratio of the change in ε due to field over the change due to temperature variation have ranges of 2-14%-μm-V−1, 350-850, and 2.5-17.5° C.-μm-V−1, respectively, over the military specification range of temperatures.
The room temperature microwave properties are found to be competitive with those of a Ba0.6Sr0.4TiO3/MgO composite with a 2/3-weight-% ratio of MgO. The Ba0.6Sr0.4Y0.05Ta0.05Ti0.90O3 is PE over the entire military specification range, whereas Tc (below which losses are expected to be high) lies within the military specification temperature range for the composite.
Furthermore, a significant advantage of the materials of the present invention here over composites with low ε(0) is their single-phase structure, making them better suited for pulsed-laser thin-film deposition. Such thin-film deposition enables production of very small, lightweight devices, which are now preferred in the field. In general, the dilute substitutions prepared by the present inventors have a strong effect on the temperature dependence (temperature coefficient of ε) of the dielectric properties in the materials with binary substitutions and combinations of these binary substitutions. It is believed that possible mechanisms for this effect could involve changes in the ordering of charge states or in the symmetries of charge configurations that could affect the local electric fields and polarization in the material.
The FE/PE materials of the present invention may be utilized in phase shifter, true time delay devices, tunable filters, impedance transformers and other tunable RF devices. An example of same, a FE/PE microwave phase shifter according to the present invention, is shown in
In another example of a FE/PE phase shifter device,
Charge-balanced compounds with the generalized formulas, Ba0.6Sr0.4Xy3+Zy5+Ti1-2yO3 and Ba0.6Sr0.4Xy4+Ti1-yO3, were synthesized along with a control sample of Ba0.6Sr0.4TiO3 (BST64). X3+, Z5+,and X4+ refer to the ions of the elements that are substituting for Ti. Goldschmidt's tolerance factor and the Clausius-Mossotti relation were used as guides in choosing substitution ions. Appropriate carbonates or oxides of the constituent elements, 99.9% pure or better, were combined by weight percent to obtain the proper charge compensation and stiochiometric contents, then mixed, ground, pressed (5 kPSI), and calcined at 1100° C. for over 8 hours. Samples were reground and then isostatically pressed at 50 kPSI followed by sintering between 1350° C. and 1550° C. for 22-70 h.
Density data shows ˜80-95% was the typical range of volume densities, and helium prcnometer measurements determined that the structural density is 97-99%. The compositions of the various samples prepared as described above are shown in Table II,
X-ray diffraction θ-2θ scans are shown in
aG=(Ra+RO)/21/2+Rb+RO (I)
which is derived from a hard-sphere model for the perovskite unit cell of Goldschmidt. Ra is the radius of the A-site atom, Rb is the radius of the B-site atom, and RO is the radius of the oxygen atom. To compute aG, ionic radii from Acta Crystallogr. A, Shannon, R. D. 32, 751(1971) were used, and Ra and Rb were weighted to account for the stoichiometric percentages of ions present in each site for the various compounds synthesized. The plotted line shown in
After preparation and characterization of the samples shown in Table II, as shown in
A measurement of dielectric constant versus temperature and versus electric field was made for each of the samples. The electric field needed for such measurement was provided by application of a voltage from a Bertan 205B high voltage D. C. power supply across the capacitor-plate contacts. A Boonton 72BD capacitance meter, with 1 MHz sampling frequency and adjusted so that the measurement circuit was isolated from the power supply ground, was used to make capacitance measurements.
Temperature-dependent measurements were made in the range of −75° C.≦T≦100° C. with temperature control within ±0.1° C. provided by a Tenney Junior Environmental Chamber. Background capacitance effects versus temperature for each of the samples discussed above were estimated by measuring the capacitance of the empty text fixture (no sample mounted in it). This measured capacitance of the empty test fixture was then subtracted from the capacitance values measured for each of the samples studied.
A room-temperature measurement was made of the capacitance and loss tangent of each sample at 1 kHz using a BK 878 Universal LCR meter. Measurements of ε and loss tangent at 20 GHz were performed using a microwave confocal resonator on a sample of Ba0.6Sr0.4Y0.05Ta0.05Ti0.90O3 whose thickness was 483 μm (less than the wavelength of radiation in the sample at the maximum-measured frequency of 30 GHz) and whose diameter exceeds the beam waist at the cavity center. Results were determined, according to methods described in Proc. R. Soc. Lond., A. L. Cullin and P. K. Yu, 325, 493 (1971), and improvements in instrumentation by some of the present inventors, by comparing the frequency and the broadening of resonances for the sample in the cavity to those for the case in which the cavity is empty.
FIGS. 13(a)-16(a) herein show the zero-field dielectric constant, ε(0), and in FIGS. 13(b)-16(b), the percent tunability normalized by dividing by the electric field, {100Δε/ε(0)/E≡% Tun/E}, for 3 and 6% substitutions into the Ti site. Since ε(E) was linear, values of % Tun/E obtained here can be compared with those of other similarly linear materials. FIGS. 17(a) and 17(b) show ε(0) and % Tun/E, respectively, versus temperature for the 5% substitutions of the charge compensating pairs (Sc, Ta) and (Y, Ta) for 10% of Ti(Ba0.6Sr0.4Sc0.05Ta0.05Ti0.90O3 and Ba0.6Sr0.4Y0.05Ta0.05Ti0.90O3).
Table III, as shown in
Maxima in ε(0) are smaller but within a factor of two of that for BST64 and Tc for these samples remains within a range of −10° C.≦TcE=0≦2° C. compared to 5° C. for BST64. In contrast, for all of the (X, Z) binary substitutions except (Al, V) and (Y, V), there is considerably more broadening in ε(0) and % Tun/E, and TcE=0 is shifted to −40° C. or lower.
For Ba0.6Sr0.4Sc0.05Ta0.05Ti0.90O3 and Ba0.6Sr0.4Y0.05Ta0.05Ti0.90O3, FIG. 17(a) shows that the Tc lies below the military specification temperature range and a low ε(0) has been obtained. With regards to ε(0) and % Tun/E, as shown in FIGS. 17(a) and 17(b), respectively, these factors are more temperature dependent for Ba0.6Sr0.4Sc0.05Ta0.05Ti0.90O3. In contrast, for Ba0.6Sr0.4Y0.05Ta0.05Ti0.90)3, ε(0) and % Tun/E are more nearly temperature independent. As mentioned above, this is a desirable property for phase shifter device applications especially when tunability can be maintained.
The maximum and minimum of ε(0) for the 5% substitution of the charge compensating pair (Y, Ta) for 10% of Ti in the material are about a factor of four larger than those of BSTMgO. Their tunabilities are comparable. The 5% substitution (Y, Ta) has a negative slope in ε versus T over the entire military specification range, which is characteristic of paraelectric behavior. However, the BSTMgO sample has a ferroelectric transition temperature at −30° C., below which the material is ferroelectric. Device performance is likely decreased below Tc.
The dilute charge substitutions discussed above, using acceptor-donor pairs substituting solely on the B-site (Ti-site) in BaTiO3, have enabled significant lowering of the useful temperature regime of operation below that for BaTiO3, and below the Tc of BST64. Substitution of Sr for Ba in BST without any substitutions for Ti shifts the Tc of BaTiO3, but maintains a sharp transition and does not change the temperature range over which the material is useful. The charge compensating ion pair substitutions into the B-site lower the Tc even further, and broaden the transition so that the material can be used in the paraelectric state, with reduced ε over most or all of the military specification temperature range while maintaining tunability at 100° C. Such charge compensating ion pair substitutions can also be made into the A-site of the perovskite unit cell.
In addition to the materials with low ε and temperature independent high tunability, there are materials for which high ε and/or high tunability over at least part of the military specification range have been obtained, that may prove useful for other electronic applications. These include Ba0.6Sr0.4Y0.03V0.03Ti0.94O3 and Ba0.6Sr0.4Al0.03V0.03Ti0.94O3, which have maximum values of ε(0) between 8,000 and 11,000 at 1 MHz and % Tun/E between 64%-μm-V−1 and 70%-μm-V−1, and the samples Ba0.6Sr0.4X0.03Z0.03Ti0.94O3 with (X, Z)=(Y, Ta), (In, Ta), (In, Sb), (Ga, Ta), (Ga, V), and (Sc, Sb), whose maxima in ε(0) are an order of magnitude lower than those of Ba0.6Sr0.4Y0.03V0.03Ti0.94O3, and Ba0.6Sr0.4Al0.03V0.03Ti0.94O3 but which still exhibit maxima in % Tun/E which exceed 20%-μm-V−1. The FE transition, TcE=0, for samples with (X, Z)=(Y, V), (Al, V), (In, Ta), (In, Sb), (Ga, V), and (Sc, Sb) are at −10° C. −12° C., −40° C., −60° C., −40° C., and −45° C., respectively. Consequently, their usable temperature ranges may be limited to that portion of the military specified temperature range above Tc where the materials are paraelectric.
A figure of merit (FOM) was developed by the present inventors, to aid in further evaluating the materials. This FOM is defined as the absolute value of the ratio of the change in ε due to electric field at a given temperature divided by the slope of ε versus T at that temperature, and represented by the following equation:
Ideally, Δε/ΔE should be maximized, which is a measure of tunability, and ∂ε/∂T should be minimized, which measures the degree of dielectric constant instability with respect to temperature. The FOM results for the Reference Samples, X4+ valence substitutions for Ti in the Reference Sample BST64, and for valency binary substitutions for Ti in Reference Sample BST64 are shown in Table V, as shown in FIG. 26. These were computed for 20° C. and for the minimum and maximum temperature bracketing the range of measurements in which the material was tunable and paraelectric. For materials which were paraelectric down to the lowest temperature measured, the minimum temperature is Tminp=Tmin, for materials whose Tc fell within the mil spec range, the minimum temperature is Tminp=TcE=0, and the maximum temperature is Tmax (see Tables III and IV, as shown in
An object of the present inventors was to find materials with the highest FOM, finite tunability, and the most constant ε(0). It was found that materials with Tmax<100° C. cease to tune at Tmax. Since the FOM is monotonic over this temperature range, the range of the FOM can be ascertained. This included the (X, V)- and XSb-substituted materials and all the 4+ substitutions except Zr. In contrast, the FOM at 100° C. for the (X, Ta)-substitutions was finite and was thus finite over the whole mil spec range. Of the 3% charge compensating pair (X, Ta) for 6% of Ti samples, the sample with the lowest range of dielectric constant that tunes over the military specification temperature range (the (Y, Ta) sample) does not have the highest FOM, and has an even lower range of dielectric constant at the 5% charge compensating pair for 10% Ti substitution level.
The room temperature ε(0) and loss tangents at 1 kHz are given in Table VI, as shown in
Using ionic polarizability sums, the Clausius-Mossotti equation has been used successfully to obtain dielectric constant values that agree with experimental values for simple oxide dielectrics. However, accurate values for dielectric constants of perovskites in the paraelectric state have not been determined using this method. One of the weaknesses for application of the Clausius-Mossotti relation to perovskite materials is the fact that atomic polarizabilities in the perovskite environment have not been determined. It may be important to use a charge density more complex than that obtained using hard sphere approximations.
The equation also has a discontinuity at α=V=4πV/3, where α is the polarizability sum and V is the molar volume. Small changes in α or V near this discontinuity can result in large changes in ε, and this condition applies for many perovskites. This is illustrated in
Three additional plots show the effect upon the results of the computation if the α's used to compute the abscissa are changed by 1-3% (open triangles, X's, and solid triangles for 1%, 2.14%, and 3% increases in α, respectively). At ε(α)→ε(1.0214α), the least squares fit of the computed dielectric constants to the experimental ε(0) values becomes minimized, while for ε(α)→ε(1.03α), the computed dielectric constants all become negative and the physical meaning is not clear.
The ε(0) value at room temperature for a 5% charge compensating pair (Y, Ta) sample with thickness 483 μm at 20 GHz, ε=350, is a factor of two lower than the values obtained at the lower frequencies of 1 kHz and 1 MHz. The corresponding value of Q for the cavity with the sample loaded at 20 GHz is 1466. The loss tangent can be roughly approximated in order to compare samples of equal thickness by tanδ≈Q−1. For a BSTMgO sample with the same thickness at 20 GHz and at room temperature, Q=2540 and loss tangent at 25 GHz is reported to be about 0.01 and thus is about a factor of two lower for BSTMgO compared with 5% charge compensating pair (Y, Ta) sample. However, tunability, which is a factor of 3 higher in (Y, Ta) than BSTMgO, as shown in
Thus, the present invention provides single-phase FE/PE materials having lowered, more constant dielectric constants (stable dielectric constants over a wide range of operating temperatures of −50° C. to 100° C.), reasonably low loss tangents (˜10−1), high tunability, and significant lowering of the Curie temperature, below the temperature range of operation for previous undoped perovskite structures. These FE/PE materials may be used in devices such as phase shifter devices (such as used in cell phones, antennas and the like), variable true time delay devices, steerable beams, tunable filters, impedance transformers, variable control oscillators, antennas, radios, filters, microwave variable capacitors, radar systems, electronic warfare sensors, resonators, microwave TE-FE voltage-controlled oscillators, and other RF tunable devices for synthesizers and systems incorporating all of the above. However, application should not be limited to the above, as the FE materials of the present invention may enhance the performance of various types of electrical devices and electro-optic devices not specifically listed above.
Enhanced tunability and lowered dielectric constant relatively independent of temperature is created by dilute charge-compensated substitutions solely in the Ti site of the perovskite structure claimed herein. Similar charge-compensating substitutions can also be made in the A-site. Importantly, the single-phase structure, especially cubic structures, provided herein allows for pulsed-laser-thin-film deposition, which enables production of very small, lightweight devices that are nonetheless extremely efficient and consume little power.
This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/332,540 filed Nov. 26, 2001, and U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/332,535 filed Nov. 26, 2001 each of which is incorporated by reference herein in its entirety.
The invention described herein may be manufactured, used and/or licensed by or for the United States Government without the payment of any royalties.
Number | Name | Date | Kind |
2420692 | Wainer | May 1947 | A |
2616989 | Hepp | Nov 1952 | A |
6583688 | Klee et al. | Jun 2003 | B2 |
6641940 | Li et al. | Nov 2003 | B1 |
Number | Date | Country | |
60332540 | Nov 2001 | US | |
60332535 | Nov 2001 | US |