Fiber channel connection storage controller

N_Port_Name information capable of distinctly identifying a host computer has seen set in a microprocessor 42 of a storage controller 40 prior to start-up of host computers 10, 20, 30; upon startup of the host computers 10, 20, 30, when the storage controller 40 receives a frame issued, then the microprocessor 42 operates to perform comparison for determining whether the N_Port_Name information stored in the frame has been already set in the microprocessor 42 and registered to the N_Port_Name list within a control table maintained. When such comparison results in match, then continue execution of processing based on the frame instruction; if comparison results in failure of match, then reject any request.


The present invention relates to storage control apparatus with ANSIX3T11-standardized fiber channels as an interface with its upper-level or “host” computers, and more particularly to a storage controller device which is employable in a computer system including a host computer and a storage control device plus a storage unit operable under control of the storage controller and which is for elimination of unauthorized access attempts upon issuance of a request to access the storage unit as sent from the host computer to the storage controller.

Conventionally, with regard to elimination or determent of unauthorized or illicit access attempts over networks, a variety of approaches are known and proposed until today.

One typical prior known approach to deterring unauthorized access has been disclosed in Published Unexamined Japanese Patent Application (“PUJPA”) No. 3-152652, wherein a network security system between computer systems supporting the TCP/IP protocol includes a memory device for storage of predefined identification (ID) information of those users who are authorized to log-in the network. The security system has a function of interrupting or disenabling any connection to the network whenever an unauthorized person attempts to log-in the network for invasion or “hacking” purposes.

Another approach has been disclosed in PUJPA No. 63-253450, wherein the central processing device disclosed comes with an operating system that is designed to monitor or “pilot” entry of user ID, password and online address data thereby deterring any unauthorized access to resource files on disk drive units.

Still another approach is based on the “ESCON” interface architecture available from IBM corp., which is designed so that by utilizing the fact that a host computer stores therein a logical address thereof as the source address of the host computer in the form of a frame and transmits the same to a storage controller device, the storage controller has a function of checking whether an incoming logical address in such frame matches a logical address that has been preset in the storage controller.

Any one of the prescribed prior art approaches are not more than a mere unauthorized access elimination means that is inherently directed to those interfaces with a single type of layer mounted on a host logical layer.

However, the ANSIX3T11-standardized fiber channel is the “network type” architecture, which is capable of providing the host logical layer with various built-in layers mountable thereon, such as for example TCP/IP, SCSI, ESCON, IPI and the like. More specifically, since the buffer contents are to be moved from one device to another in a way independent of the data format and contents, it may offer logical compatability with other interface configurations and therefore remain physically accessible without suffering from any particular limitations. Especially, in a storage system including this fiber channel and a storage device with a plurality of storage regions such as a disk array device or “subsystem,” the storage regions are usable in common by an increased number of host computers. Accordingly, the prior art unauthorized access determent schemes remain insufficient in performance and reliability. A need thus exists for achievement of secrecy protection based on users' intentional security setup.


An object of the present invention is to provide a fiber channel connection storage control device adapted for use in a computer system which employs an ANSIX3T11-standardized fiber channel as an interface between one or more host computers and a storage control device and which includes host computers and a storage control device plus more than one storage device operable under control of the storage control device, wherein the fiber channel connection storage control device has a security function of, in the environment capable of physically receiving any access from the host computers, eliminating or deterring unauthorized access attempts from the host computers to the storage control device, which did not have any means for rejecting unauthorized access from host computers.

Another object of the present invention is to provide a fiber channel connection storage control device having a scheme capable of readily managing an accessible host computer or computers for elimination or determent of any unauthorized access from such host computers.

According to the present invention, the foregoing objects may be attainable in a way such that N_Port_Name information of an accessible host computer or computers which information distinctly identifies each host computer in a one-by-one basis is set in the storage control device for comparison with N_Port_Name information as stored in a frame to be sent from a host computer to thereby determine whether a presently desired access attempt is permissible or not.

One practical feature of the present invention in order to attain the prescribed objects is to have a means for inputting by use of a panel or the like the N_Port_Name information that is the information being issued from a host computer for distinct identification of the host computer, and then for storing such input information in a control memory of the storage control device as a control table. In this case, it will be desirable that the storage control device has a means for permanently storing therein the information until it is reset or updated.

And, by arranging the control table to be stored in a non-volatile control memory, it becomes possible to protect the management information even upon occurrence of any possible power supply failure or interruption.

In accordance with another practical feature of the present invention, after start-up of the host computer, the host computer generates and issues a frame that stores therein N_Port_Name information to the storage control device; the storage control device has means for comparing, when the storage control device receives this information, the maintained N_Port_Name information for distinct identification of the host computer to the N_Port_Name information as stored in the received frame: If the comparison results in a match between the two, then continue to execute the processing based on an instruction of the frame received; alternatively, if the comparison tells failure in match then return to the host computer an LS_RJT frame which rejects the presently received frame. It is thus possible for the storage control device to inhibit or deter any unauthorized access from the host computer.

A further practical feature of the present invention lies in presence of a means for setting N_Port_Name information items which are greater in number than or equal to a physical number of host interface units (ports) as owned by the storage control device. More specifically, a means is specifically provided for setting a plurality of N_Port_Name information items per port. This makes it possible to accommodate a multi-logical path configuration upon either a fiber channel fabric or a multi-logical path configuration upon switch connections.

Further, in a system having many magnetic disk volume parts such as a disk array device and also having a plurality of channel path routes, the system has manager means for performing management—within the storage control device in a one-to-one correspondence relation per channel path route—of storage regions under control of the storage control device, including a logical unit number (LUN)-based logical disk extent, a physical volume extent, a RAID group-based logical disk extent and the like, versus ports of the storage control device and N_Port_Name information of a host computer(s). This may enable users to deter an unauthorized access attempt per storage region, which in turn leads to achievement of more precise access management.

Furthermore in the present invention, even where the storage device under control of the storage control device is any one of an optical disk drive, magneto-optical (MO) disk drive and magnetic tape device as well as a variety of types of library devices of them, the storage control device has means for performing table based management and the storage information of a control table-based manager/holder means for dealing with the correspondence among the N_Port_Name information of an accessible host computer, ports of the storage control device, and the storage device, and further handling the correspondence management of media in the case of library apparatus, while simultaneously having a means for comparing, upon receipt of a frame as sent thereto, the information within the frame to the information in the control table, thereby eliminating unauthorized access attempts from host computers.

Moreover, the present invention comprises means for protecting the management information through inputting of a password upon setup of the information under management of the storage control device using a panel or the like. With such an arrangement, it is possible for users to eliminate any fraudulent registration of the information and also unauthorized presetting of the same. In addition, the users are capable of readily deter any unauthorized access by merely setting such management information thus reducing workloads on the users.

It should be noted that in the present invention, the means for setting the information as managed by the storage control device may be designed so that the use of the panel or the like is replaced with use of a utility program or programs of host computers to attain the intended setup operation.

In accordance with the present invention, in a computer system employing the ANSIX3T11-standardized fiber channel as the interface between host computers and a storage control device and also including the host computers, the storage control device and more than one storage device under control of the storage control device, it is possible to deter unauthorized access from any one of the host computers, which in turn makes it possible to attain the intended data secrecy protection within the storage device.

In addition, it becomes possible to precisely manage those access attempts from any one of the host computers in a one-to-one correspondence manner among the host computers and storage controller ports as well as storage regions; accordingly, the storage device may be efficiently utilized to meet the needs upon alteration of the usage per storage region.

These and other objects, features and advantages of the invention will be apparent from the following more particular description of preferred embodiments of the invention, as illustrated in the accompanying drawings.


FIG. 1

is a diagram showing a hardware configuration of a first practicing form of the present invention.

FIG. 2

is a diagram showing a format of a frame in the first practicing form.

FIG. 3

is a diagram showing a format of a frame header which constitutes the frame shown in FIG.





(A) is a format diagram of a payload of FCP_CMND which is one of frames shown in

FIG. 2

; and, FIG.


(B) is a format diagram of FCP_CDB constituting the payload.

FIG. 5

shows one example of a sequence performing delivery of a data frame between a host computer and a device in the first practicing form, wherein FIG.


(A) shows a sequence upon attempting of log-in, FIG.


(B) is a sequence diagram when execution of a read command, and FIG.


(C) is a sequence diagram upon receipt of a write command.

FIG. 6

is a diagram showing a control table used by a storage controller in controlling a host computer or computers in the first practicing form.

FIG. 7

shows a flow chart of frame processing as executed by the storage controller upon issuance of a log-in request from an upper-level computer (host) in the first practicing form.

FIG. 8

is a diagram showing a control table used by the storage controller for management of storage regions in the first practicing form.

FIG. 9

shows a flow chart of frame processing as executed by the storage controller upon issuance of an I/O request from the host in the first practicing form.

FIG. 10

is a diagram showing a hardware configuration in the case where the storage device under control of the storage controller is an optical disk library as a second practicing form of the present invention.

FIG. 11

is a diagram showing a control table as managed by the storage controller in the second practicing form shown in FIG.




An explanation will first be given of a fiber channel and a storage system structured using the channel in accordance with the present invention with reference to





FIG. 1

is a diagram showing a hardware configuration of the storage system in the case where a storage device operable under control of a storage controller unit are a disk array module or “subsystem.” In

FIG. 1

, reference numerals






designate host computers each of which may be a central processing unit for executing data processing required.



designates a storage controller unit of the disk array subsystem in which the principles of the present invention are implemented. As shown in

FIG. 1

, the storage controller


is constituted from a fiber channel control unit


which may be a protocol processor including a direct memory access (DMA) for controlling data transmission between it and the host computers






, a microprocessor


for controlling all possible operations of the storage controller, a control memory


for storing therein microprograms for control of the operation of the controller along with control data associated therewith, a cache control unit


for controlling writing and reading data to and from the cache, a disk cache


for temporarily buffering write data and read data to/from a disk drive(s), a device interface control unit


which may be a protocol processor including DMA for controlling data transfer between it and its associative disk drives, and a panel


for use in inputting device configuration information to the storage controller.



is the disk array subsystem operable under control of the storage controller


. The disk array subsystem


is a device that stores therein data of host computers, which may be arranged to include therein a plurality of individual separate disks as disposed to have certain redundancy.

The disks constituting the disk array subsystem


are logically divided into portions or “partitions” which may be set at specified RAID levels different from one another. The partitions are called the RAID group. This RAID group is further logically subdivided into regions that may be SCSI access units called the logical units (LUs), each of which has its unique logical unit number (LUN) adhered thereto. In this embodiment, the disk array subsystem


illustrated herein comes with two LUs: an LU




) that is the LU indicating the number LUN


, and LU




) with the number LUN



It is noted that the number of LUs should not be exclusively limited to the two (2) as shown in FIG.


and may be increased more; in the case of single target functions, the LU may be maximally increased up to eight (8) per target.

It is also noted that while in this embodiment the storage regions called the LUs are used as the access units, such storage regions each acting as the access unit may alternatively be those storage regions with a physical volume being as the unit or with a RAID group as unit.

The host computers






and storage controller


employ a fiber channel


as the interface, and are connected together via a device known as the “fabric.”

An operation of the system shown in

FIG. 1

will be explained under the assumption that the operation is performed in one exemplary case where the host computer


performs data transfer toward the disk array subsystem


by way of the storage controller


. The following description will mainly deal with the flow of control and the data flow.

When the host computer


generates and issues an access request, the fiber channel control unit


recognizes such request then issuing a task interruption request to the microprocessor


. In turn, the microprocessor


causes the control memory


to store therein both command information from the host computer and necessary control information required in this invention.

If the command information is a write command, then the microprocessor


instructs the fiber channel control unit


to execute data transfer and then stores the transferred data in the cache


via the cache controller


. With respect to the host computer


, the fiber channel control unit


issues a write completion report thereto. After completion of such write completion reporting, the microprocessor


controls the device interface controller


thus permitting data and redundancy data to be written into the disk array subsystem


. In this case, during ordinary or standard RAID


operations, a new parity is created based on the old data and old parity as well as new data; on the contrary, according to the control scheme of this invention, the microprocessor


does the same using the device interface controller


and the cache control unit


as well as the control memory


plus the cache



On the other hand, upon receipt of read command information as the command information from the host computer


, the microprocessor


sends an instruction to the device interface control unit


for providing access to the disk array subsystem


which stores therein the data block of this access request to read data therefrom, which data will then be stored into the cache


through the cache control unit


. The microprocessor


issues an instruction to the fiber channel control unit


; the fiber channel control unit


in turn transfers the data stored in the cache


toward the host computer


and then sends a read completion report to the host computer after completion of the data transfer required.

Next, a technical advantage of the fiber channel


will be explained as follows. The fiber channel may be a high-speed interface capable of transferring data at 100 MB/s at a distance of 10 km in maximum. The fiber channel's architecture is designed to send data from a “source” buffer to its “destination” buffer while moving the buffer contents from one device to another in a way independent of the format and contents of data per se; accordingly, any overhead which processes different network communications protocols will no longer take place thus enabling achievement of high-speed data transmission. A variety of kinds of layers may be built in the upper-level logical layer, such as for example TCP/IP, SCSI, ESCON, IPI and the like. In other words, it does have the logical compatibility with other interfaces. The device called the fabric is expected to execute the complicated device-to-device connection/exchange function, which leads to the capability of organization of a multi-layered logical bus configuration.

The basic unit based on which the fiber channel exchanges or distributes data is called the “frame.” Next, this frame will be explained with reference to FIG.



As shown in

FIG. 2

, a frame


is configured from a start-of-frame (SOF) section


, frame header


, data field


, cyclic redundancy check (CRC)


, and end-of-frame (EOF)





is an identifier of 4 bytes which is put at the top of the frame.



is a 4-byte identifier at the last location of the frame; a combination of SOF


and EOF


indicates the boundary of frame. In the fiber channel, an “idle” signal or signals flow therein in cases where any frames are absent.

The frame header


contains therein a frame type, host protocol type, source and destination's N_Port_ID information, N_Port_Name information and the like. The N_Port_ID is information indicative of an address, whereas N_Port_Name represents a port identifier.

The header of upper-level layer may be put at the top part of the data field


. This is followed by a payload section which carries data per se. CRC


is a 4 byte check code for use in checking or verifying the frame header and data in the data field.

The frame header


has a format


as shown in FIG.


. In the frame header format


, a destination identifier (D_ID)


is an address identifier on the frame reception side, and a source identifier (S_ID)


is an identifier indicative of the N_Port address on the frame transfer side, each of which may involve N_Port_ID, N_Port_Name information, etc.

An explanation will next be given of a payload


of fiber channel protocol command FCP_CMND, which stands for fiber channel protocol for SCSI command and which is one of payloads of the data field


constituting the frame, in conjunction with FIGS.


(A) and



A logical unit number LUN for issuance of a command is assigned to an FCP logical unit number (FCP_LUN) field


. A command control parameter is assigned to an FCP control (FCP_CNTL) field


. And, an SCSI command descriptor block is stored in an FCP command descriptor block (FCP_CDB) field


for indication of a command type such as a read command “Read” or the like, an address such as LUN, and a block number. The amount of data to be transferred in response to the command is designated by byte number in an FCP data length (FCP_DL) field



Data exchange/distribution operations are executed by use of the frame thus arranged as described above.

Frames employed herein may be generally classified based on function into a data frame and link control frame. The data frame is for use in transferring information, and thus has data and command as used by the host protocol, which are built in the payload section of the data field thereof.

On the other hand, the link control frame is typically used for indication of a success or failure of frame distribution. There may be a frame or the like for use in indicating actual receipt of a single frame or in notifying a parameter concerning transmission in log-in events.

Next, the “sequence” will be explained with reference to FIG.


. The sequence in the fiber channel may refer to a collection of data frames concerned which will be unidirectionally transferred from one N_Port to another N_Port, the sequence corresponding to the phase in SCSI. A collection of such sequences is called the “exchange.” One example is that a collection or group of certain sequences will be called the exchange, which sequences undergo exchange/distribution processing for execution of a command within a time period spanning from the issuance of such command to the completion of command execution (including command issuance, data transmission, and completion reporting). As apparent from the foregoing description, the “exchange” may be equivalent to I/O of SCSI.





(B) and


(C) show a log-in sequence (


), read command sequence (


), and write command sequence (


), respectively.

In the fiber channel interface, the intended communication becomes available in a particular event in which the host computer sends the device a port log-in (N_Port Login) frame containing a communication parameter, and then the device actually receives this frame. This will be called the “log-in.” FIG.


(A) shows such log-in sequence (



In the log-in sequence (


) shown in FIG.


(A), the host computer first sends a PLOGI frame to the device at a sequence


thereby to require a log-in attempt. The device in turn sends an acknowledge (ACK) frame to the host computer thereby informing it of actual receipt of the PLOGI frame.

Then, at a sequence


, the device operates to send the host computer either an accept (ACC) frame if the log-in request is accepted or a link service reject (LS-RJT) frame if the request is to be rejected.

Next, the read command sequence (


) of FIG.


(B) will be explained.

In a sequence


, the host computer sends the FCP_CMND frame to the device for requiring execution of a read operation. The device then sends back the ACK frame to the host computer.

At sequence


, the device sends the host computer an FCP transfer ready (FCP_XFER_RDY) frame thereby notifying it of completion of preparation for data transmission. The host computer then sends the ACK frame to the device.

The routine goes next to sequence


which permits the device to send the host computer an FC data (FC_DATA) frame and then transfer data thereto. The host computer sends back ACK frame to the device.

At the next sequence


, the device sends the FCP_RSP frame to the host computer to thereby inform it of successful completion of data transmission required. The host computer then sends back ACK frame to the device.

An explanation will next be given of the write command sequence (


) of FIG.



At sequence


, the host computer sends the device an FCP_CMND frame to perform issuance of a write request. In turn, the device sends ACK frame to the host computer.

Then at sequence


, the device sends FCP_XFER_RDY frame to the host computer in order to inform it of the fact that data writing is available. The host computer sends ACK frame to the device.

Further, in sequence


, the host computer sends FCP_DATA frame to the device for execution of data transfer. The device then sends ACK frame to the host computer.

Lastly at sequence


, the device sends the host computer an FCP response (FCP_RSP) frame thereby notifying it of successful completion of data reception concerned. The host computer then sends ACK frame to the device.

While the general system configuration and format plus-sequences have been explained in conjunction with




(C), a security check scheme incorporating the principles of the present invention will be explained below.

A security check scheme will first be explained which employs the N_Port_Name information during PLOGI processing.

In accordance with the invention, a first operation to be done in

FIG. 1

is that the user sets or establishes a list of one or several host computers that may provide access to the microprocessor


of the storage controller


prior to start-up of the host computers






. More specifically, the N_Port_Name and N_Port_ID information capable of identifying such host computer(s) may be input using the panel


. When this is done, in order to attain the secrecy protection function upon inputting to the panel, entry of a password should be required upon inputting of the information to thereby enhance the security.

After input of the password, if such input password matches a preset password, then input the N_Port_Name information of more than one accessible host computer with respect to each port of the storage controller to thereby store the input information in the control table.

Now, assume for example that the host computers




are capable of getting access to the disk array subsystem


whereas the host computer


is incapable of accessing disk array subsystem


. Assume also that the N_Port_Name is such that the host computer


is HOSTA, host computer


is HOSTB, and host computer


is HOSTC. Suppose that the port of the fiber channel control unit


of the storage controller


is CTL




. If this is the case, the resulting log-in request control table


is as shown in FIG.



By establishing this log-in request control table


shown in

FIG. 6

in a nonvolatile memory, it becomes possible to protect the management information against any possible power interruption or failure.

In addition, the information stored in the log-in request control table


is saved in the hard disk region


upon occurrence of power off. Or alternatively, upon updating of information, reflection is performed to the memory


and the disk


. This may enable the storage controller


to permanently hold or store therein the information until it is subject to resetting or re-establishment.

It should be noted that while the “self” node information for use in identifying nodes and/or ports in the fiber channel may also involve N_Port_ID other than the N_Port_Name, it is desirable that the N_Port_Name information be used as an object to be checked for security. This is because of the fact that the N_Port_ID will possibly be altered or modified and is not the numeral value under management by the users.

Next, an explanation will be given of a frame processing procedure of the storage controller in reply to issuance of a log-in request from a host computer with reference to

FIGS. 1 and 7


(Step S



The host computers






start up each issuing a PLOGI frame, which is the log-in request frame storing therein the N_Port_Name information. Upon receipt of such frame, the microprocessor


of the storage controller


sends back each host computer an ACK frame representative of actual receipt of the frame.

(Step S



And, the microprocessor


attempts to extract N_Port_Name information as stored in the frame, and then performs comparison for determining whether such N_Port_Name information has already been registered in the N_Port_Name list within the presently available preset control table.

(Step S


), (Step S


), (Step S



The N_Port_Name information that is presently stored in the frames issued from the host computers




may match the N_Port_Name information which has been registered within the control table so that the microprocessor


of the storage controller


returns the ACC frame to the host computers




as a mark of actual receipt of the individual log-in request while simultaneously continuing to execute the log-in processing.

(Step S


), (Step S



On the other hand, the N_Port_Name information stored in the frame as issued from the remaining host computer


fails to match the N_Port_Name information registered in the control table so that the microprocessor


of storage controller


returns to the host computer


an LS_RJT frame which contains therein a reject parameter for rejection of its connection attempt.

In the way as described above, by causing the storage controller


to manage the one-to-one correspondence of those ports of the host computers and the storage controller using the log-in request control table


, it is possible for users to prevent any unauthorized access attempts from host computers on a port-by-port basis thereby maintaining enhanced security.

Next, one preferred methodology will be described which is for practicing the security check scheme using the N_Port_Name information per LUN that is the storage region of the disk array subsystem in accordance with the principles of the present invention.

In accordance with the invention, first establish a list of those accessible host computers per LUN to the microprocessor


of storage controller


before startup of the host computers






. Then, input using the panel


certain information such as the N_Port_Name or N_Port_ID information or the like capable of identifying the host computers. When this is done, request entry of a password upon inputting of such information in order to achieve the secrecy protection function through input to the panel


, thereby enhancing the security.

After inputting such password, if this matches the preset password, then input the port of storage controller along with the N_Port_Name information of one or several accessible host computers, thereby storing the input information in the control table.

Assume here that the LU




) is accessible from the host computer


via a port of the fiber channel control unit


of the storage controller


whereas the LU




) is accessible from the host computer


via a port of fiber channel control unit


of storage controller


. Suppose that regarding the N_Port_Name, the host computer


is HOSTA while host computer


is HOSTB. Imagine that a port of fiber channel control unit


of storage controller


is CTL




. If this is the case, an I/O request control table


is as shown in FIG.



This I/O request control table


shown in

FIG. 8

is established in the storage space of a nonvolatile memory thereby making it possible to protect the management information against loss or destruction due to any accidental power interruption or failure.

In addition, upon occurrence of power off, the information stored in the I/O request control table


shown in

FIG. 8

is to be stored in the hard disk region


. Or alternatively, reflection is carried out to the memory


and disk


upon updating of information. This makes it possible to permanently hold or maintain the information until it is reestablished at later stages.

Although in this embodiment the channel path route is single, the same goes with other systems having a plurality of channel path routes.

A frame processing procedure of the storage controller in response to issuance of the I/O request from more than one host computer will now be explained in conjunction with

FIGS. 1 and 9

. While in the prior example stated supra the security check was done in the course of PLOI, the check is performed per SCSI command in this embodiment.

(Step S



Where the host computer


desires to issue the I/O request to LU




), the host computer


generates and issues a specific frame storing therein SCSI CDB toward the storage controller


. Upon receiving of this frame, the storage controller


first sends back the ACK frame representative of actual receipt of this frame.

(Step S



And, the microprocessor


extracts the N_Port_Name information stored in the frame along with the LUN number within the CDB, and then performs comparison to determine whether such N_Port_Name information and LUN number are registered to the list within the control table which has been preset and maintained presently.

(Step S


), (Step S


), (Step S



Since the content “the host computer


can access LU




)” has been registered in the management table, the microprocessor


of the storage controller


receives the command and continues execution of I/O processing.

(Step S



On the other hand, where the host computer


issues an I/O request frame of LU




), when the storage controller


does receive this frame storing therein the SCSI CDB, the microprocessor


first returns to the host computer


the ACK frame indicative of actual receipt of this frame.

(Step S



And, the microprocessor


operates to extract both the N_Port_Name information stored in the frame and the LUN number within CDB, and then executes search processing to thereby determine whether such N_Port_Name information and LUN number are present in the management table.

(Step S


), (Step S



Suppose that the search reveals the absence of any combination of its corresponding LUN and N_Port_Name in the management table. If this is the case, the microprocessor


of storage controller


sends an LS_RJT frame to the host computer


for rejection of the I/O request thereof.

In this way, the storage controller may prevent any unauthorized access attempts.

Although the explanation herein was devoted to the log-in and I/O request frames, any other information may be employed for comparison, including but not limited to the N_Port_Name information as stored in any one of the other host computer frames.

It must be noted that the storage device under control of the fiber channel connection storage controller should not exclusively be limited to the disk array subsystem stated supra, and the principles of the present invention may alternatively be applicable to any systems employing an optical disk drive, magneto-optical disk drive and magnetic tape storage as well as library apparatus including one or several of them in combination.

A summary of the case where the present invention is applied to a system including its storage device under control of the storage controller which is configured from an optical disk device or “subsystem” will be explained with reference to FIG.


. Reference numeral


designates such optical disk library subsystem under control of the storage controller


; numeral


indicates an optical disk drive;




, optical disk media.

The user is expected before startup of the host computers






to make use of the panel to establish a correspondence relation among the individual medium and drive as well as port relative to the N_Port_Name information while maintaining in a micro-program the right or authorization of accessibility of host computers.

Assume that those media






are accessible from the host computer


whereas media




are accessible from host computer


. Suppose that the N_Port_Name information of host computer


is HOSTA, that of host computer


is HOSTB. Suppose also that the port of storage controller


is CTL




, that of optical disk drive




, and those of respective media










are MEDA, MEDB, MEDC, MEDD and MEDE. In this case, a request control table


is as shown in FIG.



When respective host computers generate and issue I/O request frames, volume information must be stored in CDB in the payload constituting each frame; accordingly, the storage controller


is responsive to receipt of the frame for comparing both the N_Port_Name information within the frame and a medium identifier within the payload to corresponding items as presently stored in the control table which has been preset and held in the storage controller


. In this way, applying the principles of the invention may enable the storage controller to eliminate any possible unauthorized access attempts from the host computers.

  • 1. A storage system for use as coupled to a plurality of host devices via a fibre channel, the storage system comprising:at least one storage device that stores data and has a plurality of storage regions; and a storage control device that controls access to said at least one storage device from the plurality of host devices; wherein said at least one storage control device includes: a channel controller coupled to said plurality of host devices via the fibre channel, and that controls data transfer to the plurality of host devices; a storage device interface controller that controls data transfer to said at least one storage device; a cache that temporarily stores write data transferred from the plurality of host devices, and temporarily stores read data read out from said at least one storage device; and a table that employs fibre channel frame header information that uniquely identifies the plurality of host devices and information that identifies the plurality of storage regions, and associates one of the plurality of host devices with at least one of the plurality of storage regions that is allowed access from the one host device.
  • 2. The storage system according to claim 1, wherein the fibre channel is standardized according to ANSI X3T11.
  • 3. The storage system according to claim 1, wherein the storage system is a disk array device.
  • 4. The storage system according to claim 3, wherein the plurality of storage regions are defined by one of logical units and RAID groups.
  • 5. The storage system according to claim 3, wherein the plurality of storage regions are defined by volumes.
  • 6. The storage system according to claim 5, wherein the volumes defining the plurality of storage regions are physical volumes.
  • 7. A storage system coupled to a plurality of data processing devices via a fibre channel, the storage system comprising:a storage device that stores data, said storage device having a plurality of volumes; and a storage control device that controls access to said storage device from the plurality of data processing devices; wherein said storage control device includes: a port that is coupled to the plurality of data processing devices via the fibre channel; and a storage device interface controller that controls data transfer to said storage device, that employs fibre channel frame name information that identifies at least one of the plurality of data processing devices and information that identifies at least one of the plurality of volumes, and that maintains a table that identifies the plurality of volumes and associates at least one of the plurality of data processing devices with at least one of the plurality of volumes that is allowed access from the at least one data processing device; wherein the storage system protects against access to unauthorized volumes by at least one data processing device.
  • 8. The storage system according to claim 7, wherein the storage system is a disk array device.
  • 9. The storage system according to claim 8, wherein the plurality of volumes of said storage device are physical volumes.
  • 10. A storage system coupled to a plurality of host devices via a fibre channel, the storage system comprising:a storage device that has a plurality of volumes that store data; and a storage control device that controls access to said storage device from the plurality of host devices; wherein said storage control device is coupled to the plurality of host devices via the fibre channel and includes: a fibre channel controller that processes data transfers with the plurality of host devices, that has a table for maintaining the relation between identifications of plurality of volumes and associates at least one of the plurality of host devices with at least one of the plurality of volumes that is allowed access from the at least one host device, and that employs a first field of fibre channel frame and a second field of fibre channel frame so that said fibre channel controller identifies the at least one host device with said fibre channel frame header and identifies the at least one of volume of said storage device with said second field to allow access from the at least one host device.
  • 11. A storage system that is accessed via a fibre channel from a plurality of data processing devices that are each identified by information in a fibre channel frame header, the storage system comprising:a first plurality of storage regions that store data; a processor that recognizes the information which is used to identify at least one of the plurality of data processing devices by using said fibre channel frame header, and that allows access by the data processing devices to a second plurality of storage regions allowed to be accessed from the data processing devices; and a memory that stores a combination of the second plurality of storage regions and the information that identifies at least one data processing device that can access at least one of the second plurality of storage regions; wherein the second plurality of storage regions are storage regions included in the first plurality of storage regions that can be accessed from the data processing devices.
  • 12. A method of accessing a storage system coupled to a plurality of data processing devices via a fibre channel, wherein the storage system includes a storage device having a plurality of storage regions that store data from the plurality of data processing devices, and a storage control device that controls the storage device, the method comprising the steps of:employing fibre channel frame information that identifies at least one data processing device and information that identifies at least one of the plurality of storage regions, and setting up a combination of the data processing devices and the plurality of storage regions that can be accessed from the data processing devices; controlling improper access to a plurality of storage regions in the storage device from the data processing devices on the basis of the combination; and protecting data in the plurality of storage regions from such improper access.
  • 13. The method of accessing a storage system according to claim 12, wherein the fibre channel frame header information is name information.
  • 14. The method of accessing a storage system according to claim 12, the method further comprising the step of responding to the data processing devices with a denial of access from the data processing devices to the plurality of storage regions.
  • 15. A method of accessing a storage system coupled to a plurality of host devices by a fibre channel and having a plurality of storage regions, the method comprising the steps of:employing fibre channel address information that uniquely identifies the plurality of host devices, and setting a first relationship between a first host device and at least one storage region that can be accessed by the first host device; employing fibre channel address information that uniquely identifies the host devices, and setting a second relationship between a second host device and at least one storage region that can be accessed by said second host device; receiving from the first host device a first request to access a storage region that can be accessed by the first host device; sending an access permission to the first host device for responding to the first request, based on the first relationship; receiving from the second host device a second request to access a storage region other than the storage region that can be accessed by the second host device; and sending an access denial to the second host device for responding to the second request, based on the second relationship.
  • 16. The method of accessing a storage system according to claim 15, wherein the storage system is a disk array device, and the storage regions are volumes that store data.
Priority Claims (1)
Number Date Country Kind
9-140029 May 1997 JP
Parent Case Info

This is a continuation of application Ser. No. 09/085,864 filed May 28, 1998, entitled “FIBER CHANNEL CONNECTION STORAGE CONTROLLER,” by Akemi Sanada et al, now U.S. Pat. No. 6,484,245.

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