Patent Abstracts of Japan for JP Publication No. 7-105761, Publication Date Apr. 21, 1995. |
“State of the Art Materials, Technologies of Today and Tomorrow” by Mikio Morita, Kogyo Zairyo Industrial Materials, vol. 37, No. 17, Dec. 1989, pp. 67-71 and English translation thereof. |
“Almax, High Purity Alpha-Alumina Long Fibers”, Mitsui Mining Company, Ltd. Product Brochure, and English translation thereof, publication date unknown, but believed to be prior to Jun. 21, 1994. |
Almax Fiber Information Letter, Mitsui Mining Company, Limited, 2 pages, Jul. 1992. |
“The Advantage of Purity”, Siemko, Aerospace Composites & Materials, vol. 3, No. 5, Sep.-Oct. 1991, 2 pages. |
α-Alumina Fiber brochure, Mitsui Mining Company Limited, 1 page, Publication date unknown, but believed to be prior to Jun. 21, 1994. |
α-Alumina Fiber, Almax brochure, Mitsui Mining Company, Limited, 4 pages, Publication date unknown, but believed to be prior to Jun. 21, 1994. |
“Process for the Manufacture of Continuous B/B4C/A1 Ribbons and Their Application As Selective Reinforcements Within Continuous Aluminum Beams”, Grange et al., Engineering With Composites; The Third Technology Conference, SAMPE, European Chapter, Conference paper, 1983. |
“5. Almax Preferences”, Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering; 37th International SAMPE Symposium, Mar. 9-12, 1992, pp. I-XI. |
“Metal Matrix Compositing By Continuous Casting”, Shaver, Composite Materials in Engineering design, Proceedings of the 6th St. Louis Symposium, ASM, 1973. |
“Low Cost Metal-Matrix Composite Fabrication”, Davies et al., Mateirals '71, SAMPE 16th National, Apr. 21-23, 1971, Anaheim Convention Center, CA, Symposium and exhibit, vol. 16, 1971, pp. 293-301. |
Portion of a Publication regarding Almax Fibers, 4 graphs, entitled (1) “The tensile strength of Alumina fibers at room temperature after heat treatment”, (2) “Heat Capacity of Almax”, (3) Reactivity against Metals (1200°C-2 hours), and (4) Thermal Conductivity of Almax Cloth(Plain):, source unknown, publication date unknown, but believed to be prior to Jun. 21, 1994. |
“Low Loss Hermetic Optical Fibre Continuously Metal Casted Over the Buffer Layer”, IEE Conf. Publ. (1988), 292 (Eur. Conf. Opt. Commun., 14th 1988, PT1), pp. 441-444. |
Technical Paper entitled “MMC Overview—1985”, by Society of Manufacturing Engineers, 1986. |
Article entitled Advanced Materials to fly high in MASP, by Terence M.F. Ronald, Advanced Materials & Processes May 1989. |
Article entitled “Standard Test Method for Tensile Strength and Young's Modulus for High-Modulus Single-Filament Materials1”, by The American Society for Testing and Materials, 1989. |
Product brochure entitled “Fiber”, by DuPont. |
Article entitled, “Standard Test Method of Tension Testing of Metallic Foil1”, by The American Society for Testing and Materials, 1993. |
Product brochure entitled “Continuous Ceramic Fiber Aluminum Matrix Composites”, by 3M. |
Article entitled “Structure and Room-Temperature Deformation of Alumina Fiber-Reinforced Aluminum”, by Metallurgical Transactions A, vol. 23A, Apr. 1992. |
Article entitled “Structure and Plasticity of Aluminum Reinforced with Continuous Alumina Fibers”, by Isaacs et al., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, 1991. |
Casting Kaiser Aluminum, 1st Edition, Kaiser Aluminum & Sales, Inc., Oakland, CA (1956) pp. 59-61. |
ASM Handbook®, “Casting” vol. 15, ASM International (1988), pp. 238-241; 275; 281-282; 300-304; 372-373; 381-383; 487-488; 755-757. |
“Application of Ultrasonic Infiltration in Metal Matrix Composites” by J. Pan, D.M. Yang, H. Wan and X.F. Yin; Key Engineering Materials, vols. 104-107 (1995); pp. 275-282; Trans Tech Publications. |
“A Study of Ultrasonic Technique Applied in Fabrication of SiC Fiber-Reinforced Aluminum Composites” by J. Pan, D.M. Yang, and X.F. Yin; J. Mater. Res., vol. 10, No. 3, Mar. 1995; pp. 601. |
Publication entitled “Mechanical Characteristics of SiC Fiber Reinforced Compoite Wire”, 1996 The Electricity Society National Symposium. |
Publication entitled “Development and Evaluation Characteristics of SiC Fiber Reinforced Aluminum Composite Wires for Transmission Line”, 1995 The Electricity Society Electronics and Energy Department Symposium. |
Publication entitled “Mechanical Characteristics of SiC Fiber Reinforced Aluminum Composite Material”, 1995 The Electricity Society National Symposium. |