A modular, scalable, extensible, In-Flight Entertainment (IFE) data communication system is described. In one embodiment, a server/switch line replaceable unit including at least one server, at least one switching element and a plurality of fiber optic transceivers communicates with a plurality of passenger seat video display units over fiber optic cables. A server, such as, for example, an audio server, a video server, an audio/video server, a game server, an application server, a file server, etc, provides data (e.g., entertainment programming, internet file data, etc.) to the video display unit. In one embodiment, a hybrid switch unit provides flexible communication between one or more servers and the passenger seats.

1. Field of the Invention

The invention relates to systems for data servers and data communication networks related to aircraft in-flight entertainment and networking.

2. Description of the Related Art

Inflight entertainment (IFE) systems have evolved significantly over the last 25 years. Prior to 1978, IFE systems were typically audio systems. In 1978, Bell and Howell (Avicom Division) introduced a group viewing video system based on VHS tapes. Ten years later, in 1988, Airvision introduced the first inseat video system allowing passengers to choose between several channels of broadcast video. In 1997, Swissair installed the first interactive Video on Demand (VOD) system. Currently, several IFE systems provide VOD with full DVD-like controls.

Until about 2000, the pace at which capabilities were added to IFE systems outpaced the technological advances found in IFE systems, leading to heavier more costly systems. Since the early 00's, IFE suppliers have leveraged technological advances to moderately reduce the cost and size of IFE systems. However, significant drops in legacy IFE system costs are not easily realized, as these systems are implemented with proprietary hardware and software architectures created at significant development cost that must be amortized over a small group of buyers (namely, the airlines). Whereas a typical terrestrial VOD system may have tens of thousands of installations supporting tens of millions of end users, a typical IFE system may have only several hundred installations supporting tens of thousands of seats. The proprietary nature of current IFE systems typically leads airlines to deal exclusively with their installed IFE supplier for upgrades and modifications to the system. Because of the sole supplier nature of this relationship, the IFE supplier is able to extract premium fees for these services. This stands in contrast to the terrestrial VOD market, where most VOD systems are developed in an open architecture and conform to industry standards. This open architecture, standards-based environment has enabled many suppliers to enter the terrestrial VOD market and compete for each VOD hardware/software component, leading to significant price drops for terrestrial VOD systems.

In terrestrial VOD systems, the number of distinct hardware components encompassed in the end-to-end system can be quite large. Head-end components (VOD servers, system controllers, key managers, game servers, web servers, etc.) are typically mounted in standard racks, distribution components (Ethernet switches, ATM switches, SONET switches, etc.) are spatially distributed from the head end out to the viewing room, and within the viewing room there is typically a set top box and video display unit (VDU). Except for the set top box and in some cases the VOD server, terrestrial VOD system hardware components are commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) products. Therefore, there is typically little development or operational cost penalty for having more hardware. Also, the operational cost of terrestrial VOD systems is minimally impacted by the size, weight, or power of the system.

In the IFE environment, on the other hand, operational costs are highly dependent on the weight and power of the IFE system. IFE installation costs and passenger comfort depend largely on the size and form factor of the IFE line replaceable units (LRUs). And an airline's IFE operation and maintenance costs depend largely on the number of distinct LRUs, both within a single aircraft and across an airline's entire fleet of aircraft.

FIG. 1 illustrates a typical, legacy IFE system architecture. The left of the figure shows the components that are typically found at the head end of the system or in an electronics bay. The right side of the figure illustrates the components that are typically found at the passenger seat. The middle section of the figure shows the components that are typically found between the head end and the seats. These components are area distribution boxes (ADBs) or a combination of ADBs and zone interface units (ZIUs). The purpose of ADBs and ZIUs is to fan-out the distribution of IFE data from the head end to the seats. Typically, the ADB connects to one seat electronics box (SEB) within each seat column. The SEB then distributes data forward and/or backward to an adjacent seat group in the same seat column.

On the right side of FIG. 1, three examples of typical in-seat architectures are shown. Box A illustrates the most typical in-seat architecture. Boxes B and C illustrate the trend for newer systems, as the IFE suppliers try to eliminate or to significantly reduce the size of the SEB by moving more intelligence to the VDU. Some systems on the market have completely eliminated the SEB, typically at the expense of VDU size, weight, and power.

In the rest of the system shown in FIG. 1 (i.e. head-end and area), the IFE industry as a whole has been rather slow to reduce size and system complexity by leveraging new technologies to improve capability and reduce the total number of unique LRUs. One recent IFE system has no area or head-end components. However, this architecture has no parallel in the terrestrial world and cannot easily leverage advancements and technology developments from the terrestrial world. Another recent IFE system uses a simplified head-end unit that co-packages the audio, video, and application server. However, this system is also proprietary and cannot leverage advancements in the terrestrial world easily. In addition, the latter system requires a network of distribution nodes between the head-end unit and the seats.

All of the known IFE systems that employ a terrestrial-like VOD architecture (head-end, distribution, seat-end), require head-end to area wiring, area to seat wiring, and seat to seat wiring. This wiring varies both across IFE vendors and even across a single IFE vendor's different IFE products. Due to the high cost incurred by airlines and airframe original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) to install numerous designs of IFE wiring, there have been attempts in the industry to standardize and future-proof portions of it. However, these attempts have had only limited success.


These and other problems are solved by a modular, scalable, extensible, IFE system that leverages terrestrial VOD hardware and software advances, is implemented on avionics hardware, and is packaged to reduce the number of distinct IFE LRUs not only in a single aircraft but across an airline's entire fleet of aircraft (regional jets to jumbo jets).

The IFE system, in one embodiment, provides a server/switch line replaceable unit (LRU) for an inflight entertainment (IFE) system including at least one server, at least one switching element and a plurality of fiber optic transceivers adapted to transmit and receive data directly to and from a plurality of passenger seat LRUs over fiber optic cables. The server/switch LRU, in one embodiment, resides at the head end of the IFE system. At least one server, such as, for example, an audio server, a video server, an audio/video server, a game server, an application server, a file server, etc, provides data (e.g., entertainment programming, internet file data, etc.). The switching element is, in one embodiment, adapted to distribute data generated by the at least one server to selected ones of the plurality of transceivers for transmission to ones of passenger seat LRUs. In one embodiment, one or more fiber cables carry data between the server/switch LRU and the passenger seat LRU. In one embodiment, a fiber cable link connects the server/switch LRU and a passenger seat LRU that services a passenger seat group. In one embodiment, a fiber cable link connects the server/switch LRU and a passenger seat LRU that services a plurality of seat groups.

The IFE system, in one embodiment, includes at least one server/switch LRU as summarized above connected to a plurality of passenger seat LRUs using fiber cable transmission. In one embodiment, a plurality of server/switch LRUs are also connected to one another either directly or through one or more intermediary server/switch LRUs using fiber or copper cable connections to provide failover capability, master-slave capability, and/or server aggregation capability for the IFE system. In another embodiment, the server/switch LRUs operate independently of one another and may or may not be connected to one another.

The IFE system, in one embodiment, includes a method for providing inflight entertainment including the steps of generating a multimedia data stream at a server/switch LRU as summarized above and transmitting the data directly to a passenger seat LRU over a fiber optic cable.

The IFE system, in one embodiment, includes a hybrid switch LRU for an IFE system including a pluralitiy of switching elements, a plurality of fiber optic transceivers associated with the first switching element adapted to transmit and receive data directly to and from a plurality of passenger seat LRUs over fiber optic cables, and a plurality of fiber optic transceivers associated with the second switching element adapted to transmit and receive data directly to the same plurality of passenger seat LRUs over fiber optic cables. The hybrid switch LRU, in one embodiment, resides at the head end of the IFE system. Each switching element is, in one embodiment, adapted to distribute data generated by at least one server to selected ones of the plurality of passenger seat LRUs. In one embodiment, the first switching element is a packet switching element, the second switching element is a circuit switching element, there is one fiber optic cable connecting the hybrid switch LRU to the seat LRU per passenger seat, and the two switching elements connect to the seat LRU on this common cable using space division multiplexing (SDM), wave division multiplexing (WDM) or time division multiplexing (TDM), and the first and second switching elements operate independently except for the exchange of control information.

The IFE system, in the one embodiment, provides a raw pixel data LRU for an IFE system including at least one processing node adapted to generate raw pixel data, at least one serializer adapted to serialize the raw pixel data and at least one transceiver adapted to transmit the serialized raw pixel data. In one embodiment, the raw pixel LRU also includes at least one TDM unit adapted to multiplex additional data onto the raw pixel serial bit stream and the multiplexed data stream is output to a circuit switching network for distribution to at least one VDU.

The IFE system, in one embodiment, includes a hybrid video display unit (HVDU) LRU for an inflight entertainment system including a decoupling system adapted to separate a packet switched data stream from a circuit switched data stream, a transceiver adapted to receive the decoupled packet switched data stream, a transceiver adapted to receive the decoupled circuit switched data network stream, a deserializer for deserializing the circuit switched data stream into remotely generated raw pixel data, a processing unit for generating locally generated raw pixel data, and a switch to select selected raw pixel data from the remotely generated and locally generated raw pixel data to drive a video display. In one embodiment, the HVDU also contains a pixel re-formatter to convert the remotely generated raw pixel data into raw pixel data suitable for the specific display used in the HVDU.

The IFE system, in one embodiment, includes at least one hybrid switch LRU as summarized above provided to a plurality of passenger seat LRUs using fiber cable connections. In one embodiment, a plurality of hybrid switch LRUs are connected to one another either directly or through one or more intermediary hybrid switch LRUs using fiber or copper cable connections to provide switch aggregation capability for the IFE system. In another embodiment, the hybrid switch LRU's operate independently of one another and may or may not be connected to one another.

The IFE system, in one embodiment, includes a method for providing inflight entertainment including the steps of generating a raw pixel data stream at a raw pixel data LRU as summarized above, transmitting the raw pixel data stream to a hybrid switch LRU as summarized above, and then transmitting the raw pixel data stream directly from the hybrid switch LRU to a passenger seat HVDU LRU as summarized above over a fiber optic cable.

In one embodiment, the chassis of the server/switch unit and/or hybrid-switch unit are configured to mount in an aircraft equipment rack. The optical ports of the transceivers in the switch units are provided to an optical connector on chassis such that when the chassis is mounted in the equipment rack, the optical connector (or connectors) on the chassis blind-mate with a corresponding optical connector (or connectors) on the rack. The optical connectors on the rack are provided to the fiber-optic cables in the aircraft (e.g., the fiber-optic cables that run to the passenger seat units, the fiber-optic cables that run to other switch units, other servers, etc. This modularity allows the switch units to be replaced relatively quickly and easily to allow for reconfiguration of the aircraft, repairs, upgrades, etc.

In one embodiment, a fiber/switch line replaceable unit (LRU) for an inflight entertainment (IFE) system includes at least one switching element, one or more fiber optic transceivers adapted to transmit and receive data to and from one or more servers over fiber optic cables, and a plurality of fiber optic transceivers configured to transmit and receive data directly to and from a plurality of passenger seat LRUs over fiber optic cables. The fiber/switch LRU typically resides at the head end of the IFE system. The switching element distributes data received by the at least one transceivers connected to the at least one server to selected ones of the plurality of transceivers for transmission to ones of passenger seat LRUs. In one embodiment, there is one fiber cable connecting the fiber/switch LRU and passenger seat LRU per passenger seat. In another embodiment, there is one fiber cable connecting the fiber/switch LRU and passenger seat LRU per passenger seat group. In yet another embodiment, there is one fiber cable connecting the fiber/switch LRU and passenger seat LRU per plurality of seat groups.

In one embodiment, the IFE system includes at least one fiber/switch LRU as summarized above connected to a plurality of passenger seat LRUs using fiber cable connections and also connected to at least one server using fiber cable connections. In one embodiment, a plurality of fiber/switch LRUs are also connected to one another either directly or through one or more intermediary fiber/switch LRUs using fiber or copper cable connections to provide switch aggregation capability for the IFE system and can be configured to be interconnected or not interconnected. In one embodiment, the fiber/switch LRUs operate independently. In one embodiment, the fiber/switch LRUs are interconnected to provide additional functionality such as, for example, master/slave operation, fault-tolerant failover capability, sharing of servers, etc.

In one embodiment, providing inflight entertainment includes generating a multimedia data stream at a server and transmitting the data through a fiber/switch LRU to a passenger seat LRU over a fiber optic cable.

In one embodiment, a hybrid server switch LRU for an IFE system includes at least one server, a pluralitiy of switching elements, a plurality of fiber optic transceivers associated with the first switching element adapted to transmit and receive data directly to and from a plurality of passenger seat LRUs over fiber optic cables, and a plurality of fiber optic transceivers associated with the second switching element adapted to transmit data to and receive data from the same plurality of passenger seat LRUs over fiber optic cables. The servers can include, for example, an audio server, a video server, an audio/video server, a game server, an application server or a file server. The hybrid server switch LRU typically resides at the head end of the IFE system. Each switching element distributes data generated by at least one server to selected ones of the plurality of passenger seat LRUs. In one embodiment, the first switching element includes a packet switching element, the second switching element includes a circuit switching element, there is one fiber optic cable connecting the hybrid server switch LRU to the seat LRU per passenger seat, and the two switching elements connect to the seat LRU on this common cable using space division multiplexing (SDM), wave division multiplexing (WDM) or time division multiplexing (TDM). In one embodiment, the first and second switching elements operate substantially independently except for the exchange of control information.

In one embodiment, the IFE system includes at least one hybrid server switch LRU connected to a plurality of passenger seat LRUs using fiber cable connections. In one embodiment, a plurality of hybrid server switch LRUs are connected to one another either directly or through one or more intermediary hybrid server switch LRUs using fiber or copper cable connections to provide switch aggregation capability for the IFE system. In one embodiment, a plurality of hybrid server switch LRUs are also connected to one another either directly or through one or more intermediary hybrid server switch LRUs using fiber or copper cable connections to provide failover capability, master-slave capability, and/or server aggregation capability for the IFE system. In another embodiment, the hybrid server switch LRUs operate independently of one another and may or may not be connected to one another.

One embodiment includes generating a raw pixel data stream at a raw pixel data LRU, transmitting the raw pixel data stream to a hybrid server switch LRU, and transmitting the raw pixel data stream from the hybrid server switch LRU to a passenger seat HVDU LRU over a fiber optic cable.


FIG. 1 shows a legacy IFE system architecture.

FIG. 2 shows one embodiment of a server/switch LRU-based IFE system architecture.

FIG. 3 shows one embodiment of a server/switch LRU.

FIG. 4 shows a high level flow diagram for a server/switch LRU-based IFE system.

FIG. 5 shows one embodiment of a hybrid-switch LRU-based IFE system architecture.

FIG. 6 shows one embodiment of a hybrid-switch LRU.

FIG. 7 shows one embodiment of a raw pixel LRU.

FIG. 8 shows one embodiment of an HVDU LRU.

FIG. 9 shows a flow diagram for an HVDU LRU-based IFE system.

FIG. 10 shows one embodiment of a fiber/switch LRU-based IFE system architecture.

FIG. 11 shows one embodiment of a fiber/switch LRU.

FIG. 12 is a flow diagram for a fiber/switch LRU-based IFE system.

FIG. 13 shows one embodiment of a hybrid server switch LRU-based IFE system architecture.

FIG. 14 shows one embodiment of a hybrid server switch LRU.

FIG. 15 is a flow diagram for an hybrid server switch LRU-based IFE system.


FIG. 1 shows an example of a traditional IFE system architecture that includes an offboard network 100, an onboard network 101, an onboard network 101, a data loader 102, a cabin management system 111, and one or more head-end servers provided to a head-end switch 109. The head-end servers shown in FIG. 1 include a application server(s) 103, video server(s) 104, audio server(s) 105, game server(s) 106, file server(s) 107, and a passenger flight information server 108. The head-end switch 109 is provided to a plurality of area distribution boxes 110. The area distribution boxes 110 are provided to a plurality of video display units 113 and passenger control units 114 directly or through seat electronic boxes 112.

The offboard network 100 communicates with terrestrial networks typically through satellite-based or ground-based radio frequency (RF) networks. Offboard network 100 is typically connected to an IFE head-end switch 109 through one of head-end network cables 120. A bidirectional version of offboard network 100 provides network connectivity of an IFE onboard network 101 with terrestrial networks (broadband connectivity). A unidirectional version of offboard network 100 provides an IFE onboard network 100 with access to off-aircraft broadcast data sources such as television (broadcast video).

The onboard network 101 provides the IFE system with access to non-IFE specific data such as: reading light control, flight attendant call and flight information for applications such as moving maps. Onboard network 101 is typically connected to head-end switch 109 using head-end network cables 120.

The application server 103 is a system controller that typically provides the following services: content management; channel packaging; transaction processing; billing system integration; services management; provisioning integration; system administration and management; encryption management (key servers, authentication etc.); software client management; and server integration for audio, video, gaming and file servers. The application server 103 typically connects to the head-end switch 109 through the head-end network cables 120.

The audio server 105 provides the following types of services to the IFE system: Audio on Demand (AOD) and broadcast audio. AS 105 typically connects to head-end switch 109 using the head-end network cables 120.

The video server 104 provides the following type of services to the IFE system: Video on Demand (VOD), Near Video on Demand (NVOD), Pay-per-View (PPV), Network Personal Video Recorder (PVR) and broadcast video. In the IFE industry, most systems with VS capability also include AS capability in the same package. The term of art for the composite package is Audio Video on Demand, or AVOD. This composite packing is denoted in FIG. 1 by enclosing AS 105 and VS 104 by the light dotted lines. VS 104 typically connects to head-end switch 109 using the head-end network cables 120.

The data loader 102 provides the following types of services for the IFE system: media content updates (movies, audio, games, internet web pages, files, etc.), key updates, and transaction data transfers. The data loader 102 typically transfers data to and from the IFE system using one of the following mechanisms: removable disk or tape that is inserted into a DL installed on the aircraft, a portable disk drive or tape drive that is carried onboard and temporarily connected to the audio server 105 or the video server 104, a wireless LAN, or other wireless link. The data loader 102 typically connects to head-end switch 109 using the head-end network cables 120.

The game server 106 typically provides the following services for the IFE system: the logic and programming for the games and dynamically delivered web pages for browser based games. The game server 106 typically connects to head-end switch 109 using the head-end network cables 120.

The file server 107 typically provides the following types of services for the IFE system: cached internet content, cached user data, and user profile data. The file server 107 typically connects to the head-end switch 109 via the head-end network cables 120.

The cabin management terminal (CMT) 111 allows flight attendants to perform system management and administration functions for the IFE system such as: LRU reboot, video channel preview, flight attendant override, attendant call status, reading light status, bit interrogation and system test. The CMT 111 typically connects to the head-end switch 109 via the head-end network cables 120.

The passenger flight information system server (PFISS) 108 receives data from the aircraft navigation system and computes various flight information including time to destination, speed, altitude, outside air temperature, time at destination, aircraft location for display to passenger either in text form, or graphically such as a moving map display. The PFISS 108 typically connects to the head-end switch 109 via the head-end network cables 120.

The head-end switch/distribution system 109 interconnects one or more head-end data servers, data networks, and/or other systems on the head-end of the IFE system. The head end switch/distribution system 109 also connects to the area distribution boxes 110 through the head-end to area network cables 121.

The area distribution boxes (ADBs) 110 typically provide a distribution and signal regeneration function for connecting the head-end switch 109 to the passenger seat LRUs. Typically, the ADBs 110 connect to head-end switch 109 over head-end to area network cables 121 and to the SEB 112 within each seat column over an ADB-to-SEB network cable 122. The SEB 112 then communicates with an adjacent seat group in the same seat column via the SEB-to-SEB network cables 126. In passenger transport, two or more seats mounted to the same structure form a seat group. A typical seat group size is three seats. Because of this, in-seat electronics are often designed at the seat group level rather than at the seat level.

The Seat electronics boxes 112 are in-seat LRUs that are typically mounted under the seat and contain the network interface and the local processing unit for a seat group. Each of SEBs 112 typically supports three seats corresponding to the common three-seat seat groups. SEBs 112 are usually mounted under the middle seat of the seat group. Common in-seat implementations of an SEB are illustrated in FIG. 1. In one implementation, the SEB generates raw pixel data that is fed to a seat-back mounted VDU 113 over an SEB-to-VDU network cable 124. The SEB also generates raw audio and sends and receives other control data that are transported to a passenger control unit (PCU) 114 over an SEB-to-PCU network cable 125. In another implementation, an SEB distributes data to, and receives data from SEBs 112 in an adjacent seat group in the same seat column over an SEB-to-SEB network cable 126.

The video display unit 113 includes a display device (e.g. flat panel display) for viewing video content and navigating the IFE menu system. However, due to complaints about the size of SEBs 112 from airline passengers and advances in technology, IFE suppliers have recently begun migrating more of the electronics that were previously located in SEBs 112 to the VDUs 113 to reduce the size of SEBs 112. In FIG. 1, callout box B shows an example of a VDU 131 were the SEB 112 has been eliminated and the VDU 131 communicates directly to the ADB over an ADB-to-VDU network cable 123. In this case, the PCU 114 connects to the VDU 131 over a PCU-to-VDU network cable 127.

In FIG. 1, callout box C shows an example of a VDU 130 in which both the SEB 112 and the PCU 114 have been eliminated. In this example the VDU 130 communicates directly to the ADB 110 over an ADB-to-VDU network cable 127.

The passenger control unit 114 is typically a unit that is fixed-mounted or tether-mounted to a passenger's armrest and provides control functions for interacting with the IFE system. These functions typically include: volume control, channel control, lighting control, attendant call button, menu buttons, and menu selection buttons.

FIG. 2 shows one embodiment of a new server/switch LRU (SSL)-based IFE system architecture wherein, one or more Server/Switch LRUs (SSLs) 200 are interconnected with head-end fiber optic network cables 201 to form an aggregate head-end switch composed of the switches in the SSLs 200. The offboard network 100A and the onboard network 101A are provided to one or more of the SSLs 200 via one or more head-end network cables 201. The data loader 102A and the cabin management terminal 111A are also provided to one or more of the SSLs 200 via one or more of the head-end network cables 201. A plurality of N Video Display Units (VDUs) 130A are provided to each SSL 200 using fiber-optic SSL-to-seat network cabling 202. In one embodiment, each passenger seat VDU 130A provides the LRU functionality for that seat. In one embodiment, each VDU 130A is provided to its designated SSL 200 port via a separate fiber-optic cable (or set of cables). In one embodiment, designated server functionality (e.g., application server, audio server, video server, games server, file server, passenger information system server, etc.) is provided by the SSLs 200 in a modular, scalable, robust fashion to reduce the impact on the IFE system in the event server functions in one or more of the SSLs 200 should fail.

FIG. 3 shows one embodiment of the SSL 200 as a server/switch LRU (SSL) 300. The SSL 300 includes an integrated application server 301, an integrated video server 302, an integrated audio server 303, an integrated game server 304, an integrated file server 305, and an integrated passenger flight information system server 306. The servers 301-306 are provided to an integrated switch 307 via data paths 314. The integrated switch 307 has N ports for passenger VDUs and K ports for auxiliary connections to on board networks, off board networks, cabin management terminals, data loaders, and other SSLs 200. The K ports provided for auxiliary connections of the integrated switch 307 are provided to K auxiliary port transceivers 308 via data paths 313. The K auxiliary port transceivers 308 are provided to a fiber-optic panel connector 310 via fiber cables 309. Similarly, the N ports for passenger VDU connections to the integrated switch 307 are provided to N passenger seat port transceivers 320 via data paths 312. The N passenger port transceivers 320 are provided to the fiber optic panel connector 310 via fiber cables 315. In one embodiment, the fiber cables 309-315 are simplex by the time they connect to the panel connector 310 (either the transceivers 308-320 are bidirectional or a coupler is used to convert the unidirectional duplex transceiver output to bidirectional simplex format). In one embodiment, the LRU 300 chassis is constructed such that the connector 310 blind mates with a connector 311 when the LRU 300 is installed in an equipment mounting rack. The connector 311 has K fibers 201 for the auxiliary ports that connect to the corresponding auxiliary fibers 309 in the box when the LRU is installed in the equipment rack. Similarly, connector 311 has N fibers 202 for the passenger VDU ports that connect to the corresponding passenger VDU fibers 315 in the box when the LRU is installed in the rack. In one embodiment, each SSL is configured with T total data ports, where T is greater than or equal to K+N. One of ordinary skill in the art will recognize that the T data ports provided by the connector 310 (and its corresponding connector 311) can also be split across several 310/311 connector pairs.

FIG. 4 is a flow diagram for the server/switch LRU (SSL) based IFE system. When the system is initialized (or, optionally, re-initialized), one or more of the integrated application servers 301 within the SSL 300 sends VDU client software to the VDU 130A. The VDU 130A loads and executes the IFE client software. The client software on the VDU 130A requests menu pages from the application server 301 as the passenger navigates the IFE menu pages. The application server 301 serves the requested menu pages to the VDU 130 client software. When the passenger selects a movie, the client software sends the movie selection information to the application server 301. The application server 301 then determines whether the movie requires a payment based on the selection. If the movie requires a payment, the application server 301 sends a request-for-payment page to the VDU 130A. Once the passenger provides evidence of payment (such as, for example, swipes his/her credit card in a integrated credit card reader provided the VDU 130A, enters an access code, provides biometric data, or other payment/validation scheme designated by the airline or service provider) the client software on the VDU 130A sends the payment information to the application server 301 for processing. If the payment information (e.g., credit card, access code, etc.) is valid, or the movie requires no payment, the application server sends the movie request to the integrated video server 302. The integrated video server 302 begins streaming the selected movie to the passenger's VDU 130A. Throughout the viewing of the movie, the passenger can enter DVD-like commands (e.g., stop, pause, fast-forward, rewind, chapter titles, etc.) which the passenger's VDU 130A forwards to the video server 302. The video server 302 modifies the video stream according to the passenger's commands.

In the server/switch 300 of FIG. 3, one or more servers and switches are integrated into the server/switch 300. FIG. 5 shows one embodiment of a hybrid/switch LRU (HSL) 500 IFE and system architecture wherein one or more HSLs 500 are interconnected with head-end fiber optic network cables 501 on their packet switching ports to produce an aggregate head-end packet switch system using the packet switches in the HSLs. In FIG. 5, one or more offboard networks 505, onboard networks 506, data loaders 507, application servers 508, video servers 509, audio servers 510, game servers 511, and file servers 512 are provided to one or more HSLs 500 packet switching data ports via head-end network cabling 501. A cabin management terminal 514, and a passenger flight information system server 513 are also provided to the one or more of the HSLs 500 packet switching data ports via the head-end network cabling 501. In one embodiment, one or more premium application raw pixel servers 520 are provided to one or more of the HSL's 500 packet switching data ports via the head-end network cabling 501. In addition, multiple premium application raw pixel server 520 circuit ports can be provided to each HSL 500 via spatially multiplexed multi-channel network cables 502. Each HSL 500 can be connected to multiple premium application raw pixel servers 520 via the multi-channel network cables 502. Each HSL 500 is connected to up to N hybrid video cable VDUs 504 (HVDU) via HSL-to-HVDU network cables 503. In one embodiment, the HSL to HVDU network cables 503 carry bidirectional packet data on one wavelength and unidirectional (HSL-to-HVDU) circuit switched data on a different wavelength.

FIG. 6 shows one embodiment of the hybrid/switch LRU (HSL) 500. In one embodiment, the HSL includes independent switches, an integrated packet switch 600 (e.g., an Ethernet switch) and an integrated circuit switch 601 (e.g., a cross point switch). The integrated packet switch 600 has K ports provided for auxiliary connections which are typically connections to other HSLs, the offboard networks 505, the onboard networks 506, the data loaders 507, the application servers 508, the video servers 509, the audio servers 510, the game servers 511, the file servers 512, the cabin management terminals 514, and/or the passenger flight information system servers 513. The integrated packet switch's 600 K auxiliary ports are provided to the electrical side of K auxiliary port fiber optic transceivers 604 through internal connections 603. The optical side of the K auxiliary port fiber optic transceivers 604 are provided to the fiber optic panel connector 310 with fiber optic cables 606. The integrated packet switch 600 has N ports provided for connections with hybrid capable VDUs (HVDU) 504. The integrated packet switch's 600 N HVDU ports are connected to the electrical side of N HVDU fiber optic transceivers 624 through internal connections 623. The N HVDU fiber optic transceivers send and receive optical signals at a first optical wavelength W1. The optical side of the N HVDU fiber optic transceivers 624 are provided to the W1 port of a the corresponding HVDU fiber optic wavelength coupler 607 via a fiber optic cable 606. In one embodiment, one or more transceivers in the HSL 500 (e.g., one or more of the transceivers 604, 624, 613, and 610) are bidirectional transceivers or unidirectional transceivers with additional coupling to convert to bidirectional optical signals. The integrated packet switch 600 is also provided to the circuit switch 601 via a data path 602 connection. This connection is used by an application server 508 to control and query the status of the circuit switch 601. In one embodiment, J premium port transceivers 613 are provided to the panel connector 310 via fiber-optic cabling 614. Each premium port transceiver receives on its optical port a unidirectional data stream broadcast from a premium application processing node 702 of a premium application raw pixel server 520. This data is made available to the input port of the circuit switch 601 via a data path 612 between the electrical data port on the premium port transceiver 613 and the circuit switch 601. In one embodiment, the circuit switch includes a cross point switch. The application server 508, sends control signals to the circuit switch 601 which can be configured to connect any of the J circuit switch 601 inputs to any of the N circuit switch 601 outputs in a unicast, multicast or broadcast fashion. The N circuit switch 601 outputs are provided to the electrical input ports the of N premium port HVDU fiber optic transceivers 610 via data paths 611. The N premium port HVDU fiber optic transceivers 610 are selected to transmit at a second optical wavelength W2. The optical output ports of the N premium port HVDU fiber optic transceivers 610 are connected with fiber optic cables 608 to the optical W2 ports of the corresponding HVDU fiber optic wavelength couplers 607. The HVDU fiber optic wavelength couplers 607 combine outbound optical signals from the packet switch transceivers 624 at optical wavelength W1 on fiber 605 and the circuit switch transceivers 610 at optical wavelength W2 on fiber 608 onto a single fiber 609 carrying both output optical wavelengths. Inbound optical signals on W1 from optical fiber 609 are routed to the packet switch transceivers 624 on optical fiber 605. The HVDU fiber optic wavelength couplers 607 are connected to the panel connector 310 with optical fiber 609. As in the switch 300, in one embodiment, the hybrid/switch LRU 500 is confiugred such that the connector 310 blind mates with the connector 311 when the LRU is installed in the rack. Connector 311 includes K fibers 501 for the auxiliary ports that connect to the corresponding auxiliary fibers 609 in the box when the HSL 500 is installed in the rack and N fibers 503 for the passenger VDU ports that connect to the corresponding passenger VDU fibers 609 in the box when the HSL 500 is installed in the rack. Further, connector 311 has J fibers 502 for the premium application ports that connect to the corresponding premium application fibers 614 in the box when the HSL 500 is installed in the rack. One of ordinary skill in the art will recognize that the connector pairs 310/311 can also be configured as multiple connector pairs.

FIG. 7 shows one embodiment of the premium application raw pixel server LRU (PAL) 501. In one embodiment, the PAL 501 contains an integrated packet switch 700, M premium application processing nodes 702, M time division multiplexing (TDM) serializer units 703, and M+1 fiber optic transceivers (701/704). The integrated packet switch 700 has one port connected to the electrical side of the packet data port transceiver 701 with an internal connection 706. The optical port of the packet data port transceiver 701 is connected to the panel connector 301 with an internal fiber cable 705. This port is used for control of the internally mounted premium application processing nodes. The integrated packet switch 700 has M ports for connections to M premium application processing nodes 702 with internal connections 707. The premium application processing nodes 702 provide application processing such as, for example: high-performance PCs running Windows OS, Mac OS, Unix, etc; premium game systems such as Nintendo, Playstation, Xbox, etc. The premium application processing nodes 702 generate raw pixel data that is sent to the TDM/Serializer 703 over connection 708 along with other locally generated that may be desired at the VDU 130A for the premium application server. The TDM/Serializer 703, combines the raw pixel data stream with other data (if other data is being sent) using time division multiplexing and then serializes the data into a single bit stream for transmission over fiber. The TDM/Serializer 703 connects to the electrical side of a premium port transceiver 704 with internal connection 709. The optical side of the premium port transceiver 704 is connected to the panel connector 310 via fiber optic connection 710. In one embodiment, the PAL 501 is configured such that the connector 310 (or connectors 310) blind mate with connector 311 (or connectors 311) when the PAL LRU 501 is installed in a rack. Connector 311 includes at least one fiber 501 provided for control of the PAL and the control of the premium application processing nodes. The fiber 501 connects to the corresponding in-the-box fiber 705 when the PAL 501 is installed in a rack. Similarly, the connector 311 includes M fibers 502 for the premium application ports that connect to the corresponding premium application fibers 710 in the box when the PAL 501 is installed in a rack. The control fiber 501 is provided to a HSL 500 packet switching auxiliary port and the premium application fibers 502 are provided to the HSL 500 premium application ports.

FIG. 8 shows one embodiment of a premium hybrid-capable video display unit LRU (HVDU) 504. In one embodiment, the HVDU 504 includes a flat panel display 800 for displaying the video to the passenger. The flat panel display 800 is connected to the data source selector 801 with an internal connection 811. The pixel data source selector 801 selects the source of the raw pixel data. A first source 802 provides pixel data generated locally on the HVDU and a second source 806 provides pixel data that was originally generated remotely by a premium application processing node. In FIG. 8, the sources 802 and 806 are shown as separate blocks for clarity. One of ordinary skill in the art will recognize that the source 802 and/or the source 806 can be provided as hardware and/or software in the HVDU processor. In one embodiment, the raw pixel data source 806 reformats the raw pixel data generated remotely on a premium application processing node to a raw pixel data format compatible with the HVDU flat panel display 800. A deserializer/demultiplexer 807 deserializes (and optionally demultiplexes) the incoming serial bit stream from the premium port data transceiver 808. The raw pixel data from the deserializer/demultiplexer 807 is provided to the raw pixel data source 806, and other deserialized/demultiplexed data components (audio, RS232, etc.) are provided to the VDU processing unit 805. The VDU processing unit 805 performs set top box operations, such as, for example, retrieving and displaying passenger navigation screens, receiving touchscreen navigation inputs from passenger, generating video from compressed MPEG data streams, and interfacing with user input devices 850. The user input devices 850 includes optional user input devices, such as, for example, a credit card reader, a touch screen panel, a keyboard, a mouse, etc. The VDU processing unit 805 connects to the electrical side of the packet port data transceiver 803 over internal connection 812. The packet port data transceiver 803 is configured to transmit and receive at optical W1. The optical side of the packet port data transceiver 803 is connected to the wavelength coupler 804 with fiber optic cable 813. Similarly, the deserializer/demultiplexer module 807 is connected to the electrical side of the premium port transceiver 808 with internal connection 816. The premium port transceiver 808 is configured to receive data on optical wavelength W2 (it does not transmit). The optical side of the premium port transceiver 808 is provided to the wavelength coupler 804 via fiber optic cable 815. The wavelength coupler 804 receives both packet data at optical W1 and circuit-switched data on optical wavelength W2 from the fiber cable connecting to the panel 814. The coupler 804 routes the signal on optical wavelength W1 to the packet data port transceiver 803 and the signal on optical wavelength W2 to the premium application data port transceiver 808. In the reverse direction the wavelength coupler 804 routes the transmitted signal from the packet data port transceiver 803 at optical wavelength W1 to the panel connector fiber 814 that connects the wavelength coupler 804 to the panel connector 809. Panel connector 809 is configured to mate to a terminating connector 810 on the fiber connecting the HVDU 504 to its corresponding port on the HSL 500.

FIG. 9 shows a flow diagram of a hybrid/switch LRU (HSL) based IFE system. When the system is first initialized (or, optionally re-initialized) one or more of the application servers 508 sends the VDU client software to the HVDU 504. The HVDU 504 loads and executes the IFE client software. The client software on the HVDU 130 requests menu pages from the Application server 508 as the passenger navigates the IFE menu pages. The Application server 508 serves the requested menu pages to the HVDU 504 client software. When the passenger selects a premium application, the client software sends the premium application selection information to the Application server 508. The Application server 508 determines if the premium application requires a payment based on the selection. If the premium application requires a payment the application server 508 sends a request for payment to the HVDU 504. Once the passenger provides the requested evidence of payment (e.g., swipes his/her credit card in the credit card, enters a code, enters biometric data, etc.) the client software on the HVDU 504 sends the payment information to the application server 508 for processing. If the payment information is valid or the premium application requires no payment, the application server 508 sends a command to the HSL circuit switch 601 to attach the input port corresponding to the desired premium application node 702 to the output port corresponding to the passenger's HVDU 504. The application server 508 also sends a message to the HVDU 504 to acknowledge the connection. The HVDU 504 reconfigures the pixel data source selector to premium application source. The passenger's HVDU 504 and the corresponding premium application processing node 702 communicate bi-directionally over the packet switched network and un-directionally over the circuit switched port.

FIG. 10 shows one embodiment of a fiber/switch LRU (FSL)-based IFE system architecture where one or more FSLs 1010 are interconnected with head-end fiber optic network cables 1011 forming an aggregate head-end switch composed of the switches in the FSLs 1010. The offboard network 1000, the onboard network 1001, the data loader 1002, the application server 1003, the video server 1004, the audio server 1005, the game server 1006, the file server 1007, the cabin management terminal 1009, and the passenger flight information system server 1008 are provided to one or more of the FSLs 1010. Up to N VDUs 1013 are provided to each FSL via fiber optic FSL-to-seat network cables 1012. FIG. 10 shows the passenger seat LRU as a VDU 1013.

FIG. 11 shows one embodiment of the fiber/switch LRU (FSL) 1100. In this embodiment, the FSL 1100 includes an integrated switch 1108. The integrated switch 1108 has N ports for passenger VDUs and K ports for auxiliary connections to audio servers, video servers, audio/video servers, game servers, application servers, file servers, on board networks, off board networks, cabin management terminals, data loaders, other FSLs 1100, etc. The K ports for auxiliary connections of the integrated switch 1108 are provided to K auxiliary port transceivers 1102 via data connections 1101. The K auxiliary port transceivers 1102 are provided to a fiber optic panel connector 1104 via K fiber cables 1103. Similarly, the N ports for passenger VDU connections of the integrated switch 1108 connect to N passenger seat port transceivers 1109 via connections 1110. The N passenger seat transceivers 1109 are connected to the fiber optic panel connector 1104 by N fiber cables 1111. In one embodiment, the fiber cables 1103 and 1111 are operating in simplex mode at the panel connector 1104 (either the transceivers 1102 and 1109 are bidirectional or a coupler is used to convert the unidirectional duplex transceiver output to bidirectional simplex format). The LRU 1100 is designed such that connector 1104 will blind mate with connector 1105 when LRU 1100 is installed in the equipment rack. Connector 1105 has K fibers 1106 reserved for the auxiliary ports that connect to the corresponding auxiliary fibers 1103 in the box when the LRU is installed in the equipment rack. Similarly, connector 1105 has N fibers 1107 for the passenger VDU ports that connect to the corresponding passenger VDU fibers 1111 in the box when the LRU is installed in the rack.

FIG. 12 is a flow diagram for the fiber/switch LRU (FSL) based IFE system. When the system is initialized (or re-initialized) one or more of the application servers 1003 sends the VDU client software to the VDU 1013. The VDU 1013 loads and executes the IFE client software. The client software on the VDU 1013 requests menu pages from the Application server 1003 as the passenger navigates the IFE menu pages. The application server 1003 serves the requested menu pages to the VDU 1013 client software. When the passenger selects a movie, the client software sends the movie selection information to the application server 1003. The application server 1003 determines if the movie requires a payment based on the selection. If the movie requires a payment the application server 1003 sends a request for payment information to the VDU 1013. Once the passenger has provided evidence of payment, the client software on the VDU 1013 sends the payment information to the application server 1003 for processing. If the payment information is valid or the movie requires no payment, the application server sends the movie request to a video server 1004. The video server 1004 begins streaming the selected movie to the passenger's VDU 1013. Throughout the viewing of the movie, the passenger can enter DVD-like controls (stop, pause, fast-forward, rewind, chapter titles, etc.) which the passenger's VDU 1013 forwards to the video server 1003 through the FSL 1010. The video server 1004 modifies the video stream according to the passenger's commands.

FIG. 13 shows one embodiment of the hybrid/server/switch LRU (HSSL) 1306 based IFE system architecture wherein one or more HSSLs 1306 are interconnected with head-end fiber optic network cables 1305 on their packet switching ports forming an aggregate head-end packet switch composed of all the packet switches in the HSSLs and one or more server functions (application server, audio server, video server, games server, file server, passenger information system server, etc.) are integrated into the HSSLs 1305 in a modular, scalable, robust fashion to minimize the impact on the IFE system in the event server functions in one or more HSSLs fail. The offboard network 1300, the onboard network 1301, the data loader 1302, and the cabin management terminal 1304 connect to one or more of the HSSLs 1306 packet switching data ports via a head end network cable 1305. In one embodiment, one or more premium application raw pixel servers 1303 connect to one or more HSSL's 1306 packet switching data ports with a head end network cable 1305. In addition, multiple premium application raw pixel server 1303 circuit ports can be connected to each HSSL 1306 using spatially-multiplexed multi-channel network cables 1307. Each HSSL 1306 can be connected to multiple premium application raw pixel servers 1303 with multi-channel network cables 1307. Each HSSL 1306 is connected to up to N hybrid video cable VDUs 1309 (HVDU) with a HSSL to HVDU network cable 1308. In one embodiment, the HSSL to HVDU network cable 1308 carries bidirectional packet data on one wavelength and unidirectional (HSSL to HVDU) circuit switched data on a different wavelength.

FIG. 14 shows one embodiment of the hybrid/server/switch LRU (HSSL) 1400. The HSSL 1400 includes independent switches, an integrated packet switch 1401 (such as, for example, an Ethernet switch) and an integrated circuit switch 1420 (such as, for example, a cross point switch). By way of example, FIG. 14 shows six integrated servers, including an application server 1407, a video server 1408, a audio server 1409, a game server 1410, a file server 1411, and a passenger flight information system server 1412, that internally connect to an integrated switch 1401 via connections 1402. The integrated packet switch 1401 has K ports for auxiliary connections which are generally connections to other HSSLs, offboard networks 1300, onboard networks 1301, data loaders 1302, or cabin management terminals 1304. The integrated packet switch's 1401 K auxiliary ports are connected to the electrical side of K auxiliary port fiber optic transceivers 1406 through connections 1404. The optical side of the K auxiliary port fiber optic transceivers 1406 are connected internally to the fiber optic panel connector 1424 with fiber optic cables 1414. The integrated packet switch 1401 has N ports for connections with hybrid capable VDUs (HVDU) 1309. The integrated packet switch's 1401 N HVDU ports are connected to the electrical side of N HVDU fiber optic transceivers 1405 through connections 1403. The N HVDU fiber optic transceivers send and receive optical signals at a first optical wavelength W1. The optical side of the N HVDU fiber optic transceivers 1405 are connected internally to the optical wavelength-1 port of the corresponding HVDU fiber optic wavelength coupler 1415 with a fiber optic cable 1413. In one embodiment, the transceivers in the HSSL 1400 (1406, 1405, 1422, 1418) are bidirectional (or unidirectional with external coupling to convert them to bidirectional) optical signals. The integrated packet switch 1401 also connects to the integrated circuit switch 1420 with internal connection 1402. This connection is used by an integrated application server 1407 to control and query the status of the circuit switch 1420. In one embodiment, J premium port transceivers 1418 are connected to the panel connector 1424 with fiber cables 1417. Each premium port transceiver receives on its optical port a unidirectional data stream broadcast from a premium application processing node 702 within a premium application raw pixel server 520. This data is made available to the input port of the circuit switch 1420 through an connection 1419 between the electrical data port on the premium port transceiver 1418 and the circuit switch 1420. The integrated application server 1407, sends control signals to the circuit switch 1420 which can be configured to connect any of the J circuit switch 1420 inputs to any of the N circuit switch 1420 outputs in a unicast, multicast or broadcast fashion. The N circuit switch 1420 outputs are connected to the electrical input port of N premium port HVDU fiber optic transceivers 1422 with internal connections 1421. The N premium port HVDU fiber optic transceivers 1422 are selected to transmit at a second optical wavelength W2. The optical output ports of the N premium port HVDU fiber optic transceivers 1422 are connected with fiber optic cables 1423 to the optical wavelength-2 ports of the corresponding HVDU fiber optic wavelength couplers 1415. The HVDU fiber optic wavelength couplers 1415 combines outbound optical signals from the packet switch transceivers 1405 at optical wavelength W1 on fiber 1413 and the circuit switch transceivers 1422 at optical wavelength W2 on fiber 1423 onto a single fiber 1416 carrying both output optical wavelengths. Inbound optical signals on wavelength-1 from optical fiber 1413 are routed to the packet switch transceivers 1405 on optical fiber 1413. The HVDU fiber optic wavelength couplers 1415 are connected to the panel connector 1424 with optical fiber 1416. The hybrid/sever/switch LRU 1400 is designed such that the connector 1424 will blind mate with connector 1425 when the LRU is installed in the rack. Connector 1425 has K fibers 1305 for the auxiliary ports that connect to the corresponding auxiliary fibers 1414 in the box when the HSSL 1400 is installed in the rack. Similarly, connector 1425 has N fibers 1308 for the passenger VDU ports that connect to the corresponding passenger VDU fibers 1416 in the box when the HSSL 1400 is installed in the rack. Finally, connector 1425 has J fibers 1307 reserved for the premium application ports that connect to the corresponding premium application fibers 1417 in the box when the HSSL 1400 is installed in the rack.

FIG. 15 is a flow diagram of a hybrid/server/switch LRU (HSSL) based IFE system. When the system is initialized (or re-initialized) one or more of the integrated application servers 1407 sends the VDU client software to the HVDU 1309. The HVDU 1309 loads and executes the IFE client software. The client software on the HVDU 1309 requests menu pages from the application server 1407 as the passenger navigates the IFE menu pages. The application server 1407 serves the requested menu pages to the HVDU 1309 client software. When the passenger selects a premium application, the client software sends the premium application selection information to the application server 1407. The application server 1407 determines if the premium application requires a payment based on the selection. If the premium application requires a payment the application server 1407 sends a request for payment page to the HVDU 1309. Once the passenger as provided payment information, the client software on the HVDU 1309 sends the payment information to the application server 1407 for processing. If the payment information is valid or the premium application requires no payment, the application server 1407 sends a command to the HSSL circuit switch 1420 to attach the input port corresponding to the desired premium application node 702 to the output port corresponding to the passenger's HVDU 1309. The application server 1407 also sends a message to the HVDU 1309 to acknowledge the connection. The HVDU 1309 reconfigures the pixel data source selector to premium application source. The passenger's HVDU 1309 and the corresponding premium application processing node 702 communicate bi-directionally over the packet switched network and un-directionally over the circuit switched port.

The switch units 200, 300, 500, 501, 1010, 1100, 1306, 11400 etc. (and embodiments thereof) can use packet switching, circuit switching, or combinations thereof

Although the preceding description contains much specificity, this should not be construed as limiting the scope of the invention, but as merely providing illustrations of embodiments thereof The various fiber-optic cables discussed above (and/or shown in the figures) to provide communication between the various head-end units and the various seat units can be configured as a plurality of intermediate fiber-optic cables connected in series. Further, since fiber-optic communication provides various advantages such as relatively low weight, immunity from electromagnetic interference, and the like, the above disclosure describes the use of fiber-optic communication between the head-end and the passenger seat. One of ordinary skill in the art will recognize that other communication technologies such as conventional wiring, coaxial cabling, radio-frequency communication, etc. can be used instead of fiber-optics or in combination with fiber optics. Many other variations are possible within the scope of the present invention. Thus, the scope of the invention is limited only by the claims.

  • 1. An aircraft in-flight entertainment data communication system, comprising: a server/switch unit comprising a plurality of servers, a plurality of passenger seat transceivers, and a switch configured to provide data communication between said passenger seat transceivers and said plurality of servers such that each of said servers can communicate with each of passenger seat transceivers through said switch; a plurality of video display units, each video display unit comprising a video display unit transceiver provided to a processor module, a video display provided to said processor module, and one or more user input devices provided to said processor module; and a plurality of fiber-optic cables, wherein each cable comprises a head-end connection and a passenger-end connection such that each one of said video display unit transceivers is provided to a corresponding one of said passenger seat transceivers through a corresponding one of said fiber-optic cables.
  • 2. The system of claim 1, further comprising at least one auxiliary port, wherein said switch is further configured to provide data communication between said passenger seat transceivers and said at least one auxiliary port such that each of said servers can communicate with said at least one auxiliary port.
  • 3. The system of claim 1, wherein at least one of said plurality of fiber-optic cables comprises a plurality of intermediate fiber-optic cables connected in series.
  • 4. The system of claim 1, wherein said switch comprises a packet switch.
  • 5. The system of claim 1, wherein said switch comprises a circuit switch.
  • 6. The system of claim 1, wherein said switch uses packet switching and circuit switching.
  • 7. The system of claim 1, wherein a plurality of said server/switch units are provided to a head-end mounting bay.
  • 8. The system of claim 1, wherein said server/switch further comprises a chassis configured to mount in an equipment rack, and wherein an optical port of each of said passenger seat transceivers is provided to a first fiber-optic connector, said first fiber-optic connector provided to said chassis, said system further comprising an equipment rack configured to receive said chassis, said system further comprising a second fiber-optic connector provided to said equipment rack and configured to mate with said first fiber-optic connector when said chassis is installed in said rack.
  • 9. The system of claim 1, wherein said plurality of servers comprises an audio server.
  • 10. The system of claim 1, wherein said plurality of servers comprises a video server.
  • 11. The system of claim 1, wherein said plurality of servers comprises an application server.
  • 12. The system of claim 1, wherein said plurality of servers comprises a game server.
  • 13. The system of claim 1, wherein said plurality of servers comprises a game server.
  • 14. The system of claim 1, wherein said server/switch unit is provided to a second server/switch unit to provide failover capability.
  • 15. The system of claim 1, wherein said server/switch unit is configured operate as a master provided to a second server/switch unit to provide failover capability.
  • 16. An aircraft in-flight entertainment data communication system, comprising: a hybrid-switch unit, comprising: a packet switch configured to switch packets for a packet-based data network; a circuit switch configured to switch circuits for a circuit-based data network; a first packet transceiver having an electrical port provided to said packet switch and an optical port provided to a first coupler; a second packet transceiver having an electrical port provided to said packet switch and an optical port provided to a second coupler; a first circuit transceiver having an electrical port provided to said circuit switch and an optical port provided to said first coupler; and a second circuit transceiver having an electrical port provided to said circuit switch and an optical port provided to said second coupler; a first packet server provided to said packet switch; a second packet server provided to said packet switch; a first premium server provided to said circuit switch; a hybrid video display unit comprising: a processing module; a video display provided to said processing module; a third packet transceiver having an electrical port provided to said processing module and an optical port provided to a third coupler; and a third circuit transceiver having an electrical port provided to said processing module and an optical port provided to said third coupler; and a fiber-optic cable having a first connector provided to said first coupler and a second connector provided to said third coupler.
  • 17. The system of claim 16, wherein said optical port of said first packet transceiver communicates with said first coupler at a first optical wavelength and said optical port of said first circuit transceiver communicates with said first coupler at a second optical wavelength.
  • 18. The system of claim 16, wherein said fiber-optic cables comprises a plurality of intermediate fiber-optic cables connected in series.
  • 19. The system of claim 16, wherein said a data output of said packet switch is provided to a control input of said circuit switch.
  • 20. The system of claim 16, wherein said first premium server comprises a game server.
  • 21. The system of claim 16, wherein said premium server provides raw pixel data.
  • 22. The system of claim 16, wherein a plurality of said hybrid-switch units are provided to an aircraft equipment rack.
  • 23. The system of claim 16, wherein said hybrid-switch unit further comprises a chassis configured to mount in an equipment rack, and wherein said first coupler is provided to a first fiber-optic connector, said first fiber-optic connector provided to said chassis, said system further comprising an equipment rack configured to receive said chassis, said system further comprising a second fiber-optic connector provided to said equipment rack and configured to mate with said first fiber-optic connector when said chassis is installed in said rack.
  • 24. The system of claim 16, wherein said first packet server comprises an audio server.
  • 25. The system of claim 16, wherein said first packet server comprises a video server.
  • 26. The system of claim 16, wherein said first packet server comprises an application server.
  • 27. The system of claim 16, wherein said first packet server comprises a game server.
  • 28. The system of claim 16, wherein said first packet server comprises an application server.
  • 29. The system of claim 16, wherein said hybrid video display unit further comprises one or more user input devices provided to said processing module.
  • 30. An aircraft in-flight entertainment data communication system, comprising: a switch unit comprising a plurality of passenger seat transceivers, and a switch configured to provide data communication between said passenger seat transceivers and a plurality of auxiliary ports to provide data communication between said auxiliary ports and said passenger seat transceivers through said switch; a plurality of video display units, each video display unit comprising a video display unit transceiver provided to a processor module, a video display provided to said processor module, and one or more user input devices provided to said processor module; and a plurality of fiber-optic cables, wherein each cable comprises a head-end connection and a passenger-end connection such that each one of said video display unit transceivers is provided to a corresponding one of said passenger seat transceivers through a corresponding one of said fiber-optic cables.
  • 31. The system of claim 30, wherein at least one of said plurality of fiber-optic cables comprises a plurality of intermediate fiber-optic cables connected in series.
  • 32. The system of claim 30, wherein said switch comprises a packet switch.
  • 33. The system of claim 30, wherein said switch comprises a circuit switch.
  • 34. The system of claim 30, wherein said switch uses packet switching and circuit switching.
  • 35. The system of claim 30, wherein a plurality of said switch units are provided to a head-end mounting bay.
  • 36. The system of claim 30, wherein said switch unit further comprises a chassis configured to mount in an equipment rack, and wherein an optical port of each of said passenger seat transceivers is provided to a first fiber-optic connector, said first fiber-optic connector provided to said chassis, said system further comprising an equipment rack configured to receive said chassis, said system further comprising a second fiber-optic connector provided to said equipment rack and configured to mate with said first fiber-optic connector when said chassis is installed in said rack.
  • 37. The system of claim 30, further comprising an audio server provided to at least one of said auxiliary ports.
  • 38. The system of claim 30, further comprising a video server provided to at least one of said auxiliary ports.
  • 39. The system of claim 30, further comprising an application server provided to at least one of said auxiliary ports.
  • 40. The system of claim 30, further comprising a game server provided to at least one of said auxiliary ports.
  • 41. The system of claim 30, wherein said switch unit is provided to a second switch unit to provide failover capability.
  • 42. The system of claim 1, wherein said server/switch unit is configured operate as a master provided to a second server/switch unit to provide failover capability.
  • 43. An aircraft in-flight entertainment data communication system, comprising: a switch unit comprising a plurality of servers, a plurality of passenger seat transceivers, and a switch configured to provide data communication between said passenger seat transceivers and said plurality of servers such that each of said servers can communicate with each of passenger seat transceivers through said switch.
  • 44. The system of claim 43, wherein said server/switch further comprises a chassis configured to mount in an equipment rack, and wherein an optical port of each of said passenger seat transceivers is provided to a first fiber-optic connector, said first fiber-optic connector provided to said chassis, said system further comprising an equipment rack configured to receive said chassis, said system further comprising a second fiber-optic connector provided to said equipment rack and configured to mate with said first fiber-optic connector when said chassis is installed in said rack.
  • 45. An aircraft in-flight entertainment data communication system, comprising: a hybrid-switch unit, comprising: a packet switch configured to switch packets for a packet-based data network; a circuit switch configured to switch circuits for a circuit-based data network; a first packet transceiver having an electrical port provided to said packet switch and an optical port provided to a first coupler; a second packet transceiver having an electrical port provided to said packet switch and an optical port provided to a second coupler; a first circuit transceiver having an electrical port provided to said circuit switch and an optical port provided to said first coupler; and a second circuit transceiver having an electrical port provided to said circuit switch and an optical port provided to said second coupler.
  • 46. The system of claim 45, wherein said hybrid-switch further comprises a chassis configured to mount in an equipment rack, and wherein an optical port of each of said passenger seat transceivers is provided to a first fiber-optic connector, said first fiber-optic connector provided to said chassis, said system further comprising an equipment rack configured to receive said chassis, said system further comprising a second fiber-optic connector provided to said equipment rack and configured to mate with said first fiber-optic connector when said chassis is installed in said rack.

The present application claims priority benefit of U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/718,563, filed Sep. 19, 2005, titled “Fiber-to-the-Seat Inflight Entertainment System”, the entire contents of which is hereby incorporated by reference.

Provisional Applications (1)
Number Date Country
60718563 Sep 2005 US