Krause Field Cultivators for more Versatility in Tillage Operations, Krause Plow Corp., Hutchinson, Kans. |
Taylor Field Cultivators-Taylor Implement Mfg. Co., Athens, Tenn. |
New Kent Heavy Duty Field Cultivators, 4000H Series 5000H, Kent Mfg. Co., Tipton, Kans. |
New Generation of Kent Field Cultivators 6000 Series 7000 Kent Mfg. Co., Tipton, Kans. |
Wil-Rich Mounted Coil Tooth Harrows for Field Cultivators & Chisel Plows, Wil-Rich Inc., Wapheton, N.D. |
Bush Hog SOILHOG Advertizing Brochure of Allied Products Corp., Selma, Ala. |