Not federally sponsored. There was/is no joint research agreement of any type.
There are innumerable petroleum oil wells bored into the oceanic floor by highly evolved modern technological devices to tap the petroleum reservoirs. Many oil wells are clustered in the Gulf of Mexico, Arabian sea, and in such oceanic-grounds, often about significant distance from the coast line, such wells bored through the ocean floor as far deep as ⅛th of a mile from the surface waters, to find their way into the underground oil containments, spread many miles in area. Oil is collected from the wells into surface tanks in moderate containers, or into receptacles as large as ships.
The drilling and production of petroleum oil from the earth's mantle about the ocean floor is shrouded in great hazard to the natural environment that includes both marine life forms and the terrestrial ecosystem adjacent. The greatest hazard is the ignition of the entrained highly inflammable gases like Methane, causing dangerous fires, coupled with the risk of oil spewing and polluting the ocean waters. Such two man-made calamities at the same time can be uncontrollable with available resources, and utterly devastating to the healthy existence of the earth's planetary life forms. For these reasons, error-proof safety systems in under-water well digging, and highly trained personnel are required by law in all countries engaged in significant oil production. Despite that, catastrophic events s are still occurring, as the derived remedial measures through each unique adverse event experience are still nascent and are less than perfect.
Recent event in the Gulf Shores of Mexico (involving BP Oil Company Deep Water Horizon oil well), wherein the ignition of the entrained Methane gas and its fire that continued for 36 hours, culminated in collapse of the surface structure of the well, resulting in an ever increasing gusher from the source. Several attempts to contain the spewing geyser from finding its way into the body of water, and into the Gulf Shores had failed, due to the inherently limited robotic attempts, involved in a moderately deep aquatic habitat.
As any unforeseen adversity can happen at any time before the completion of the well to its last functional detail, safety measures to weather off such events at any step of the construction have to be in place, before beginning to venture such operation. This CIP application enumerates different fire-escape devices of the off-shore rigs with emphasis on a ‘Detachable Island Rig’ (DIR). The ‘Detachable Island Rig’ is one among the diverse measures described in the parent application by the Inventor Applicant, said measures however working in synchrony, to weather off any unforeseen event throughout the well construction and well operation. For the information of the said devices otherwise operable, the original patented application (titled as ‘Emergency Salvage of a Crumbled Oceanic Oil Well’; U.S. Pat. No. 9,175,549) may be consulted. The original application is also a parent application for yet another CIP application titled as ‘Subsea Level Gas Separator of Oil Well Effluent’, and its later CIP to be filed, titled as ‘Subsea Level Gas Separator of Oil Well Effluent with Incorporated Emergency Measures' that enumerate the devised prototype models about the well head vicinity, for dissipating a giant gas entrainment at its source. The subject is contextually relevant, also preventive in scope, of otherwise catastrophic and devastating consequences of a rig-fire.
Many inadvertent and unforeseen consequences were/are inherent to such ventures as the deep sea explorations, shrouded in dangers and always counting on the tides of nature yet to be conquered by the technological sophistication. Accordingly, the Author Inventor is neither legally liable nor personally responsible for any ‘adverse events’ difficult to differentiate either as a mere association or as a consequence of the application of the structural and procedural information herein enumerated. Structural or procedural application of this disclosure in different situations, innumerable and unique, is a personal choice. Furthermore, analyzing and adapting swiftly to diverse and unforeseen situations still remain as the professional discretion and the deemed responsibility of the involved company and its technological associates participating in the day to day practice in the implementation of this invention, in part or as a whole.
Based on the cost of a rig, and the life of the personnel involved, even a major part of a permanent rig may be constructed as a detachable island from the conductor platform, the latter a possible inciting venue of a rig-fire. In all herein enumerated prototype fire-escape models, utmost importance is given to vital needs thus far elusive, feared for the lack thereof, and yet herein accomplished with ease and affirmation.
The invention, delineates substantial accounts of fire-escape models of the off-shore rigs with emphasis on a ‘Detachable Island Rig’ (DIR) locked on a permanent ‘under-water basement’, to be instantly detached upon a rig fire, saving personnel as well as the property. A devised ‘water-seal’ about its basement's ‘ire-escape’ entry, not to be destroyed upon a rig fire, serves as an exceptional ‘in-situ’ fire-escape model within the confines of a rig. A fire-escape model is also devised as an ‘off-site’ modular, to be improvised with all types of rigs, including the DIR with a functionally intact basement fire-escape, said modular being a safe-guarded vital source of unlimited air-supply upon a rig-fire. An ‘in-site’ under-water fire-escape modular is also herein devised, for the most prevalent jack-up rigs, with no basement, nor a provision for its elective structuring. In all models, a ‘spray-room’ with needed accessories within and outside, is devised to circumvent all known adversities. Utmost importance is given to long-felt vital needs like safe evacuation, food, and fresh air-supply, the latter about unlimited time—these accomplished as affirmed provisions.
Not limited to the foregoing, the disclosure enumerates contextually significant life-boats and lift-boats, both with train-wagon wheels, lowered by remote control into the ocean waters under fire-safe provisions, the boats further safe-guarded against collision injury. The disclosure further enumerates fire-safe spray-walks, or spray-tracks with track-drives, or else simpler means of spray-drives—each structured to be suitably operable about any catastrophic events, settings, and their consequences, to safely lead to the destination of the ‘fire-escape’ entry about the ‘spray-room’, the latter devised for all types of off-shore rigs.
The herein disclosed inventions are directed to ‘fire-escape’ models of off-shore rigs that envision an emergency ‘Detachable Island Rig’ (DIR), the latter to be steered away from the stationary rig by its designated crew, upon an ignition fire, salvaging its working amenities. The rig's permanent under-water basement, by a devised ‘water seal’, not to be destroyed upon a rig fire, is an instant ‘fire-escape for the rest of the crew, wherein its prototype yet serves as a ‘schematic’ for the fire-escape models of other non-detachable rigs including the conventional jack-up rig with no built-in underwater basement.
It is a modern day irony that the fire is the greatest unsolved concern for the off-shore rigs, amidst ocean size of water. Probing into historical events is herein deservingly warranted to delineate the problem, and design a solution that must be ‘as a whole inquiry’. The most recent calamity in US territorial waters involving BP oil well happened before the ‘Production Tubing’ and the ‘Production Packer’ were installed, wherein the wide ‘A’ annulus acted as the tunnel for the gusher. The ocean water in turn quickly found its way into the oil containment through the expansive ‘A’ annular space of the well. It was worse due to the absence of the down hole safety valve (DHSV) placed in the ‘Production Tubing’ (the valve being the last resort thereof, to contain the leak from a disrupted well) as far below the surface as deemed safe, to be unaffected by a wipe out of the surface well head platform. In such instances as an uninstalled ‘production tubing’, yet, the well head should have a provision, to let any forced emanations (a gas entrainment, or an admixture with a greater proportion of gases) to pass through a ‘Subsea Level Gas Separator of Oil Well Effluent’ unit (the Inventor's yet another new invention, mentioned earlier) about the well head, that dissipates the immensely pressured giant gas bubble, at the source. If that fails to contain wholly, and part of the gas bubble reaches the rig exploding into a rig-fire, the giant bubble being reduced to a meager size, the fire will not last incessantly feeding upon itself, as was the event about the gulf shores. The DIR must be steered away by the ‘steering crew’ from the source of continued danger. All the unfailing measures herein put together should minimize the fire, as also the rest of the crew swiftly gets into the fire-escape refuge of the rig. In a desolate oceanic habitat with limited off-shore provisions, simpler the methods are, lesser are the unforeseen and ‘difficult to circumvent’ situations—a pervasive notion that herein resonates at every twist and turn, be it an abstract thought or a statutory subject matter, either deemed to impress.
In the prevailing oceanic climate of the oil wells, after a bore well structure is disrupted, the ocean water continuously gets into the oil well, whereas the oil rises to the surface, because of the relative densities of each, that could be contributing to the spewing gush at a later time, while it would be a mere spill to start with. As the ocean water forcefully fills the underground oil containment, its pressure rises more and more in a short time, forcing the lesser dense oil to rise into the ocean like an eruption. Accordingly, it is imperative that immediate action be taken to stop the ocean water pouring into the oil containment dampening its rising pressure, so breaking a brewing cycle. It is thereby obvious that the preservation of a functional rig is important for the needed emergency measures to plug the well leakage at the earliest possible instance when the leak is merely a spill, the same a formidable job, later on.
Ground stability can be a factor in opting for a permanent base. In the model herein described, the Detachable Island Rig is an immovable structure with ground stability, yet with provision thereof to steer away from the base and the adjacent conduction platform (a site of the initial fire). Additionally, in view of the crew, the ultimate destruction in Deep Water Horizon Oil Well explosion is terrifying and demoralizing. Whatever can be salvaged, should be salvaged, including all the personnel in one pack, working to distance from the source of fire, soon to be turning into a raging inferno. The following details are more than an introduction about the scope of the devised DIR, so that its incorporation into a rig can be affirmatively contemplated for what can be stated as one of its best assets—its ability to serve as ‘In-situ’ fire-escape, that is ‘water-sealed’ upon a rig-fire.
The DIR as a whole is on a concrete/steel platform 124, the latter totally submerged in water, and behaves like a permanent base, configured on structures (legs) erected from the sea floor. The DIR being reversibly locked to the base platform 124, it is partially submerged. It is most suitable if any structure is designed to be easily dismantled, to be arranged to a different configuration during restructuring. The DIR 108 also includes basement entry, structured in a ‘spray room’ 197 nearer to the steering station, and accessible to the work area 114. The areas represented by the numerals 102, 104, 106, and 110 are located at a higher platform as the DIR itself, and the fire-resistant corridor 110 is connected to the DIR by a short watertight walkway (not shown in the
It should not be a concern that the open working platforms of the DIR 108 may be drenched by giant waves. As in a ship, such open platforms are sufficiently high from the ocean surface, and they get wet only as much as a ship gets wet. The platform can be made as high as desired, but such height also dictating the distance away from the basement's fire-escape, to be traversed during an emergency, which however can be amicably planned, as is outlined later. The rig about its edges, may have weather resistant plastic shielding with metal support rods in equidistance. The shielding can have zippered window openings, for a fresh breeze. They are of minimal investments, but offer the highly desired work area cleanliness and comfort.
The base platform 124 of the rig is so structured that it is at a sufficiently low level from the water surface, to remain underwater even upon rising tides, and the island rig 108 is steered down onto it, to be immovably locked in a desired position. To that effect, suitable mechanical forces have to be in place to overcome the built-in buoyant forces of the DIR, and bring it down by few inches. A device of double pulleys 126 shown in
The model of pulleys described needs a suitable structuring that fits for an underwater basement. Each metal rope 128 after it emerges from a small opened roof door of the basement (said doors are multiple in number and situated in equidistance), passes through a tubular (‘the rope tubular’ 133) that is erected about the roof door, the upper end of the tubular 133 rising to surpass the water surface 164. Said tubular structures 133 are erected when the steered DIR returns to the base. Each tubular 133 locks and articulates with a complimentary structure around the roof door, in a car-trunk like water-tight closure. Beneath the roof doors, there are roof compartments 137, where the upper part of a metal rope 128 is normally saved. A container-box (not shown in
The roof compartments have solar-powered lights, to aid any activity after a night fall. The ‘rope tubular’ 133 is sufficient in its dimensions that a man can stand within it on the permanent base 124. A ladder structured like an inverted V is used to get into the ‘rope tubular’ 133. There is structuring also on the base 124 to steady the ladder. The land mark roof windows are numbered, and are signaled by solar-lights covered by strong metal grid over glass, both in flush with the base floor, and are put on as soon as the DIR is detached. It is an option that the numbered ‘rope tubulars’ and their complimentary structuring on the permanent base are made with one inch difference between each, so that the largest tubular can stalk the rest, to be kept in the ‘security’ station 120 of the DIR in a space-saving manner, to serve during an emergency.
On the base platform 124, the complimentary ‘articulating structures’ with the rope tubulars 133 are secured by watertight lids that are in flush with the base. The locking articulations are thereby protected from particulate matter settling and preventing a ‘watertight locking’. The multiple covering lids are also locked, each opened by a similar key that also opens the multiple roof compartments 137.
The DIR needs additional forces to overcome its buoyancy, for the downward traction to be effective. The geometrical center of the DIR has a large room size metal block in its floor structure that is in fact an ‘air capsule’ that has an outer shell of water compartment that is kept frozen at room temperature. The air capsule imparts great buoyant effect to the DIR, in addition to the bottom metal covered wooden platform doing so, the air capsule dipping to the bottom of the platform. The metal block has a nozzle that is capped and locked normally. The water around the air capsule is kept frozen all the time. This part of the DIR is structured like a ‘spray-room’ (to be described later) spraying cold water, the sprinklers automatically activated upon a fire-alarm. When the DIR is ready to be pulled down, the nozzle is unlocked while water is let in, wherein the downward traction by the ropes 128 are most effective. After the hectic pace calms down, the water is completely suctioned out of the metal block, as air is let in. It is now readied to be capped again, while the DIR regains its full buoyant effect. The air capsule has sufficient air volume to counter the preconfigured weight that the DIR may not exceed (that includes the numbered crew), however, with a wide safety margin. If the crew had entered the basement, but for any reason, if it is confirmed that the DIR cannot be mobilized from the base, and fire is quickly spreading generating heat (that can explode the air capsule), the security crew and the steering crew have to open the nozzle of the metal block by remote control, to let out the air from the air capsule. Each one of them carry the control at all times, so that at least one would be able to do it. It has to be done also, after the boats are mobilized, and the crew is ready to get out, if fire is uncontrollable in a mobilized DIR, so that the exploded parts of the DIR will not hit any boat nearby.
In right positioning, the DIR 108 can be locked (or unlocked) by equipment similar to the locking of a car door (in a magnified size with an allowance for some imprecision) by a remote control. These multiple locks are located on both sides about the floor of the DIR. Looking/unlocking is done individually, each side being also controlled by an universal button. With the press of a third button following the rise of the DIR to the water surface, the steering station 122 is activated to a smooth automatic straight course, until taken over by the crew. However, the engine is set in a fixed minimal speed so that the sudden movement of the DIR is not jolting to the rig structures. The DIR has retractable wheels (wheels with 360° mobility), for finer adjustment (all four wheels to work in synchrony, and independently controlled) of the DIR's positioning. Other mechanical anchoring devices can also be used together or in place of the car-door like locking device.
At the junction of the corridor 110 and the DIR, a ‘crash cart’ is equipped to disconnect the tubing 107, and the wiring 105 that connect the two areas. Each tubing and wiring is differently color coded, and every crew member should know how to instantly disconnect or severe, and clamp or seal each tubing and wiring. At the junction of the corridor and the DIR, the threaded metal tubes 107 are made of conjoining rubber tubing in a C or U configuration 109 for their easy severing. The ends of the metal tubing 107 are clamped in any conventional manner, before cutting the rubber tubing. Threading helps conjoining later by instant ‘joint structures’ (to be described later). The wiring 105 is cut and sealed/insulated on either side. Working with remote devices as much as possible should be the priority, to minimize the wiring within the DIR.
The signal to unlock the DIR from its base 124 is set by the key personnel carrying the remote control. Multiple sheets of burlap stored in reserve at strategic places in a roof structure and above heavy equipment of a DIR/off-shore rig, to be instantly made wet and thrown on burning objects/equipment/affected crew members, are the most effective accessory measures in putting off the fire. They are best effectuated in conjunction with instantly closing the threaded tubular systems, to shut off the unceasing inflammable gas emission. Additionally, the heavy/costly equipment are wholly jacketed with layers of fire-proof structures and sheaths of burlaps over a water-proof underlay while manufacturing, their tubing connections devised to be threaded throughout, to reconnect when the tubing or the appended structures are destroyed.
If the DIR 108 had caught fire, the sprinklers must control fire easily as the DIR is now moving away from the source of danger. The crew can move away only as far as it is deemed safe, but working about the security devices through remote controls, being also vigilant about the export fire-fighters left in the base, trying to prevent the well explosion. The crew returns soon after the fire is put off, and start the reparative processes. Clearing of the rubble into the ocean is easier than a ground clearing. Once emergency reparative processes to restore the temporary and permanent well integrity are accomplished by plurality of measures as described in the original application (U.S. Pat. No. 9,175,549), a planned rig structuring is done restoring its full function. Amenities needed at the time of well maintenance is not as demanding as at the time of well-digging.
When it is clear that staying back only endangers the lives of the fire-fighters, everybody leaves the base. It is in the best interest that everyone is trained in basic fire-fighting. Those skilled and stayed back, should jump into die ocean in threatening situations. They must dive in if they caught fire (to avoid surface oil) to swim to clearer waters, that is, towards the darkest direction. The DIR crew should keep vigilance with night-vision binoculars, and as they leave, at least two will go in a lift-boat to follow, by swimming if needed, and rescue the fire-fighters. The solar lights of the boat hint the fire-fighters the direction to pursue in the water.
When the DIR 108 returns to the permanent base 124, though not all locking devices are operative, even few in opposite corners are effective for stable DIR stationing. The divers should clean the base components of the locking devices, if the locking is unsatisfactory. Other commercial locking devices can also be used.
The Model of DIR Basement Fire-Escape (Sumathi Paturu In-Situ Model)
The DIR basement apart from a storage room and a ‘power-house’ for the electric generators, it also serves as a ‘fire-escape’ right within the rig. It can be a matter of concern of how to access the underwater basement from its surface DIR, without an unwanted compromise of this vital structure. It is structured therefor, with meticulous security measures, and unfailing accessories to safely reach its destination. The model is named as ‘Sumathi Paturu in-situ model’, after its Inventor. The schematic of the access model, not drawn to scale, is shown in
The DIR's basement fire-access is guarded by two room-like enclosures within a specially structured ‘spray-room’, the latter eminently protected from fire. Said two enclosures are: (1) an ‘inner’ enclosure, structured as a modular ‘detachable’ DIR's Staircase-Sliding Room (DSR) 154, above and around the ‘basement roof window’ (BRW) 179 of the basement 130 (the same also conforming to be the ‘floor window’ of the base platform 124), to rise up through the DIR's floor opening 100, to be surpassing the surface 164 of the ocean waters, the walls 103 of the DSR 154 locked in situ with complimentary structures 160 on the permanent base platform 124, in a model of water-tight ‘car-trunk closure’, their unlocking operated by remote control; (2) the ‘outer’ enclosure is a ‘permanent’ DIR enclosure (PDE) 168, erected as a strong concrete floor structure of the DIR 108, conforming to be a boundary of the DIR floor opening 100, around the DSR 154.
The DIR's Staircase-Sliding Room (DSR)—
the ‘inner’ modular enclosure of the basement entry, the DSR 154 is structured to be attachable, and to be secure, it is comprised of two similar walls 103 on all four sides, with independent locking articulations with the permanent base 124. As DSR is the structure that safe-guards the basement 130, it should be immune to flooding, breaking, or caving in. Accordingly, the walls 103, preferably in rectangular configuration, are made of very sturdy steel with strong magnified locking devices 160 in equidistance about the base, effectuating car-trunk like ‘water proof’ closing approximations. The locking and unlocking of the 160 are operated by mechanical as well as universal ‘remote control’. The DSR being not directly exposed to the exterior, and only touched by few ocean tides, its footage is protected from undue perturbations of the ocean waters. The male components of the locking of the walls 103 are configured on the base platform so that particulate matter will not collect when the DIR is steered away. The DSR 154 is open about the top, whereas its floor is formed by the roof window door 193 of the ‘Basement Sliding Room (BSR) 112, when it is locked. The walls 103 can additionally have cement or concrete reinforcement to give needed thickness, with metal brackets about the top and the bottom.
The Staircase-Sliding Units of the DSR—
there are sets of slide-staircase units (SSU), 158 about the lengthwise dimensions of the rectangular basement entry about the DSR 154 for the crew to get down from the DIR 108, a quicker evacuation modality. Either of the set 158 is configured as a top staircase structure, and a bottom sliding structure. The top structure is fixed to the inner wall 103 about its upper end, further reinforced lower down by transverse bars 159 about the inner wall 103, that also extend to function as the long support handles. The bottom sliding structure of the unit 158 is fixed below to the BSR floor 161, further reinforced higher up, by transverse bars 157 affixed to the walls 198 of the BSR 112, that also extend to function as the long support handles of the bottom structure. The top structure of the set 158 has its staircase facing the interior of the DSR 154, whereas the bottom structure, located within the BSR 112 is positioned in an opposite direction, its sliding surface facing towards the walls 198 of the BSR 112. The crew members, to get into the DSR 154, sit on the wide-spaced top of the outside stair case 173 of the DIR 108, while their feet reach the seat (not shown in the figure) of the top structure of the set 158, with also sturdy support handles to the seating, from where they can climb down to the bottom. They sit on the broad bottom step as their feet come to rest on the seating structure of the bottom sliding structure about its transverse bar handles 157. Standing on the seating structure, they turn around to sit on it, and then to slide down to the BSR floor 161, to come to a rest about its side windows 199, wherein they are also positioned to immediately slide down the adjacent sliding structure 181 to reach the basement floor. Said seating structures are broad and continuous, so that few can stand additionally, while one is sitting and getting ready to slide down. The floor of the BSR is well cushioned to prevent injury, if anybody accidentally slips from the seating structures. A disposition allowing some ‘intervening space creation’ plan (the ISP) between the two components of the SSU set 158 facilitates the needed space for the two sliding roof windows 193. The opposing disposition of the two structures of the sets 158 avoids steepness in their structuring, if the DSR is deep, due to heightened rig platform to prevent its water drenching. Each component of the unit 158 with its own hand rails can be configured next to each other without too much of intervening space. As the BSR 112 has sufficient height, those waiting can sit about the space between the slides 158, so that the roof 193/179 can be shut, for the DIR to be steered away. All the crew members sign in about the entry-data portals, and a security-guard controls the DSR/BSR, while also communicating with the steering crew. After a loud buzz with also an announcement about the DIR detachment, the BSR roof window door 193 is shut.
The Basement Sliding Room (BSR)—
the rectangular tub like ‘basement sliding room’ (BSR) 112, sunken from the base platform 124, is in a position corresponding to, but substantially smaller than the DIR floor opening 100, and is wholly positioned within the elaborately reinforced structure 127 of the roof of the basement 130. The four walls 198 of the BSR 112 are of dimensions proportional to the DSR 154. The BSR 112 has a floor structure 161, while its roof opening 179 is in conformity thereof, with the basement platform 124. It has car roof like closures 193, moving side-wards.
The Sliding Structures of the BSR—
the rectangular BSR 112, about its floor 161, has side windows 199 in its lengthwise dimension, and they open onto a common platform of seating structure for the down-going slides 181 that the crew can instantly slide down through, to get into the basement 130.
The Permanent DIR Enclosure (PDE)—
on the DIR floor, conforming to the boundary of the area 100, there is a rectangular permanent DIR enclosure (PDE) 168 that surrounds the DSR 154, and in turn covers it, with its watertight DIR closure (DC) 170/192. The DIR enclosure 168 being a permanent structure just as the rest of the DIR, it is made to be sturdy. About one of its walls, the PDE 168 firmly affixes the two walls 103 of the DSR 154 in their lengthwise dimension on one side, by strong metal holders 175, closely spanned in equidistance. Such ‘fixed’ metal holders 175 are shown in a ‘downward incline’, on the left side of the
On the other wall, also about the lengthwise dimension, the hinged metal holders 175 about the PDE 168 are longer, as shown on the right side of the
The walls 103 about their widthwise dimensions have no holder supports, but are locked in watertight articulations 160 about the base, and additionally have the supports of the inward legs (described below).
About the opposing surfaces of the DSR 154 and the PDE 168, below the level of the metal holders 175, there is a strong conjoining rubber sheath 195 (of vulcanized rubber) of multi-layer thickness, and running all around the outer walls of the DSR 154, as a water-tight barrier that isolates and guards from the rising tides and turbulence of ocean waters when the DIR is on its permanent base 124, and the roof structures of the PDE 192/170 and the BSR 179/193 are open. The rubber sheath 195 is very redundant with a U shaped fold that allows the varying inclines of the holders 175. On the ocean side, the rubber sheath 195, for additional protection, is further covered by two separate layers of malleable metal sheaths (not shown in the drawing), the latter also configured with redundant U shaped bottom folds.
The Tripod Supports of the DSR—
apart from a locking base, the DSR is configured to have firm tripod footage, preventing it from buckling. All the four inner walls 103 have closely spanned sets of two inwardly diverging legs (not shown in the drawing), to give a broad tripod-like base in equidistance. The two legs have deep-set outer threading, and each leg is threaded into two forked ‘tubulars’ with complimentary inner threading, the common stem of the fork making 25-30° angle, wherein some are affixed to the inner wall 103 above the level of the holders 175 and some below the level, the legs resting on the small area of the base platform 124. Each leg is maximally threaded into the fork ‘tubulars’ before the walls 103 are locked to the base. Following their locking, the free floating legs of each set are threaded down to a required length, so that the strong rubber caps of their lower ends are firmly resting on the small area of the base platform 124. It can be understood that the stems of the forks above the level of the holders 175 can originate in between the holders to make such positioning possible.
The Light Weight Structures of the DSR—
when the DIR 108 is in open water, the sturdy walls of the PDE 168 carry the weight of DSR 154 by the metal holders 175. To make the DSR 154 light-weight, its inner walls 103 on their inner side, have horizontally coursing air capsules 162 near the lower ends, so that they are made buoyant. The hand rails of the top staircase structure of the SSU 158 are made hollow, rendering them light weight also (however, they are not heated up in a rig fire, being situated deep within the ‘spray-room’). That is, the inner wall of the DSR 154 and its appended structures are made of buoyant metal imposing no strain to the PDE 168. When the DSR is about the permanent base 124, said air capsules however impart no significant buoyant effect, to make its footage weaker, the inner wall being not in contact with ocean waters.
The Staircase Provision to the Basement—
few of the sliding units 181 have staircase provisions within the basement 130, structured next to them, their top platform being common. That is, one can climb up the basement staircase, and through the top common structure, can get into the BSR 112. Both the widthwise dimensions of the DSR and BSR also have staircases (with dividing hand rails) called ‘widthwise staircases’ (WSC). The lower sliding structures of the SSU unit 158 within the BSR 112 being diverging, the bottom BSR part of the WSC can extend into the center between the said sliding structures of the SSU, without interrupting their flow. People coming down the WSC can sit in the space between the sliding units, while waiting to get to the basement. If the basement is chosen as the living area, the security uses the fire-escape entry for rounding, as the rest of the crew uses the general-purpose basement entry, except in bad weather. The intervening space creation plan (ISP) is applicable to the staircase structuring also. The top 2 steps about the BSR 112, are created as ‘detachable pieces’, rested on the platforms that are the back parts of the ‘fixed staircase’ structures about the level of step 3. Normally, each detachable piece is held at its sideward terminals by two prongs of a lift-prong located on either side of the basement entry. The common remote control button for both the lift prongs is positioned in the remote controls that closes the BS R roof window closures 193, and the detachable staircase piece on either side lifted before the BSR roof windows are shut. The detachable stair case pieces are sunken into the platforms they are resting on, for needed stability, which however will not obstruct them to be lifted up by the prongs. The announcement for the closure of the BSR roof window 193 is inclusive for the lift of the staircase structures also, for people to clear off.
Re-Articulation of the DIR with the Permanent Base—
when the DIR returns, its positioning on the base 124 is fine-tuned. It is obvious that the DIR gets on to the base in a reverse-gear that it is capable of, on water. It is helped by the metal ropes 128 (
Even before the DIR is brought down from the water surface, the holders 175 are kept in optimal upward incline by lifting and holding few of the fixed holders 175 by two metal prongs, so that the lower ends of the walls 103 are in flush with the bottom structure of the DIR 108, and the articulating lower ends of the walls 103 are protected during DIR stationing. Large particulate matter is removed from the base, followed by suction cleaning, under a bright light source from DIR electrical generators. The legs of the inner walls 103 should be threaded deeper into the ‘tubulars’, to stay free-floating at this time (for a perceptible and firm snapping DSR articulation with the base structure. Following it, an alignment is done between the PDE 168 and the base platform 124. All the four corners of the PDE 168 have ‘pole tubulars’ that are precisely in a vertical axis with the ‘pole tubulars’ embedded in the basement platform. The plugging of the latter are removed, and ‘alignment poles’ are passed through all the four ‘pole tubulars’ above and below, while the positioning of the DIR 108 is adjusted to that effect, the DIR wheels partly drawn out to touch the basement. A video manually held aids visual prompting for the steering crew. Aligning opposing corners is tried first. Following a full alignment, a snapping DSR articulation is done, to be perceived by the crew. The locking of the rest of the DIR corners is the subsequent event. The water within the DSR is suctioned to detect any leaks by thorough inspection. The legs of all the four inner walls 103 are now threaded out to a length that firmly rests them on their terminal rubber caps about the base platform.
The Spray-Room of the DIR—
the basement entry is structured in a ‘spray-room’ wherein there are spray-poles 200, each carrying multiple feeder tubes rising from the bottom of the DIR, and drawing water for the sprinklers, from a deeper level about the ocean, the surface water being occasionally oil laden (this being applicable to all the sprinklers within the rig). The spray-poles of metal supported by tripod bottom, are clustered about the PDE 168, and the spray is a wide caliber stream 165 that jets water all around, only sparing 1-2 feet about the DE 168. The sprinklers are directed down into the room, self-bathing the poles, while some are within the roof structure, drenching its layers. The roof sprinklers are activated when the fire seems to be spreading. The roof is made of layering as—a top metal sheet, layers of burlaps, layers of mattress like sponge, and a bottom grid of roof-beams, the layers capable of stagnating water. Other fire-retardant materials can be added. There are heating coils in the roof to dry up its layers, after the fire is controlled. Covering the basement entry, there is a lamp-shade like metal umbrella, with peripheral water channels that protects the basement entry from water. There is an inch of water stagnation on the floor. The walls of the room are protected outside by having similar roof and floor extended. No matter how insignificant the initial signs of fire seem, the crew should get into the spray-room. The doors and the entry of the spray-room are guarded by 4-5 oversized over-lapping layers of thick burlaps with heavy bottoms, the outermost layer bound by large bands of Velcro to the adjacent walls, hindering fire, and passage of gas and smoke. Those entering open the door as little as possible, and closing both the Velcro clasps and the door after them. The sprinklers about the doors are wide and forceful. Outside the doors, there is a high shelf like screen structured in a U configuration, with convexity outwards, and having high-powered fans of exceeding size, their upward incline forcefully blowing off approaching gases. Methane, a commonly encountered gas is lighter than air. Such fans can be set forth in strategic places about the rig, including the open areas. With foregoing devices, the fire spreading into the spray-room through the roof, the walls, or through the door is unlikely. The spray-room has lights fixed on the walls, their circuiting derived from the flooring. The spray room is modified, wherein (1) if work stations are isolated, there can be multiple spray-rooms, with multiple basement entries, (2) if the work stations are in different levels, there are upper level ‘spray-walks’ and spray-room, the latter located above the lower level spray-room, with a conjoining sliding structure, the basement entry being single.
The Spray-Walks—
it is desirable for the rig to have ‘spray-walks’, mirroring the spray-room. They cover the entire area about the rig leading the crew securely to the spray-room, the strategically located entry doors to the spray-walks providing access/exit to different venues of the rig, including the decks of the boats. The spray-room and the ‘spray-walks’ can be ‘modular’ units, ‘tailored’ to the existing rigs, and structured to be minimally space occupying, yet serving the needs. The walk-way has two walls, with sprinklers jetting water in the passage, as well as the area in between the two walls. The doors of the walls are positioned to be not opposing, and the crew must be familiar with the structuring about their work venue, and the course therefrom. The brightly lit floor-arrows, solar powered, point to the direction of the spray-room. If a basement is elected as the living area, even moderate size rigs can avail space for the spray-walks. The spray-room and the spray-walks are activated as soon as the fire alarm rings, and reaching the nearest spray-walk is an easy maneuver the crew can count on, as the spray-walk/spray-room is reliably protected. It is worthwhile activating them, though the fire is seemingly trivial, as there is no water-damage to work areas, the sprays of the sprinklers intended to be fairly confined to the designated areas. Following significant fire damage, on most occasions, only outer walls of the spray-walks need restructuring, the inner walls being ‘water-sealed’.
The Spray-Tracks and Track-Drives—
if spray-walks cannot be accommodated in a rig, less space occupying ‘spray-tracks’ in metal or concrete, tailored as ‘modular’ canals (water-filled upon a fire alarm), dipped below the surface level of the rig's floor, can be substituted. If below the rig's floor level ‘spray-tracks’ are not elected, they are raised above the floor in a configuration of rail road-tracts. There are ‘Track-drives’ or ‘Track-wheelers’ in similar number as the crew members. They are built as box-like enclosures (sized for a person peddling a tricycle), to be riding from each work station, the first ‘wheeler’ in the ‘merger’ track-stand, to be driven by the first boarder. Track-drives with a simple technology of locomotion, have two closely sot back wheels like a child's tricycle, for better stability within the ‘spray-tracks’, and an airtight side door snaps about the front seat. The water within the tracks will not over-flow, and the side walls of the wheeler dip into the water. A large spray-pole located within the wheeler derives water from the ‘spray-tracks’ below. A ‘suction’ device about the back-seat of the wheeler drives water into the spray-pole from the spray-tracks. The wheeler made of fire-proof material is otherwise structured like the spray-room about the doors and the roof (the latter however, thin layered). The peddled front wheel is devised as in a bicycle, for needed swiftness. The wheeler is jacketed by multiple burlap layers, and covered by a sheet of burlap, its heavy bottom edges dipping into the track-waters. The closely spaced top sprinklers about the exterior bathe themselves, and the surface burlaps, whereas the interior sprinklers can be optionally put on, and their caliber controlled. The wheeler is lit by solar head lights, as the lit track-arrows direct to the spray-room, each wheeler entering a stand outside the spray-room. If few people in a work area can together approach a spray-wheeler, it can be devised for 3-4 people, though there has to be at least one bigger vehicle in each work station to transport an injured, with a narrow stretcher affixed to the seats. The wheeler's side wheels drawn to the center, and the walls converging about the bottom, make the tracks narrow for people to walk over, availing the space. On either side, the tracks can have narrow sieved floor that drains the drippings. Upon a fire alarm, the suction pumps within the wheelers are activated, drenching them, as people approach. To extinguish the fire quickly, a fire-victim has to immediately wear a floor length ‘bottom heavy’ burlap attire (with a full head cover) hung by two Velcro bands about the door, under the outer burlap sheet.
The Spray-Drives—
any one of the above devised plans is more appropriate to the newly constructed rigs. Older rigs can be tightly packed, being not able to avail any space even for the spray-tracks. In such instances, they can yet have modified ‘spray-drives’ or ‘spray-wheelers’, with additional technological provisions. These wheelers have wide-set back wheels for better stability, and have more height, so that two water compartments are structured about the top, a smaller one supplying the exterior sprinklers with enough water to drench the burlaps including the outer sheet reaching to the floor, and the larger one supplying the interior sprinklers. The peddling front wheel has wider diameter, so that the peddles even about their downward circling, are sufficiently above the floor to accommodate a bottom basin like receptacle to receive the down-pouring water. The metal receptacle extends from the side walls to spread all through the bottom, except for the openings about the wheels, where a fire-resistant rubber sheath covered by burlaps extend from the basin to the top wheel frames allowing sufficient sideward turns of the wheels. A recirculation draws the water from the bottom receptacle to get to the top tank again. The air tight snapping entry door about the front seat is located above the basin receptacle. There is a provision to make the interior sprinklers wider and forceful, if a person entering had caught fire, as also he wears the burlap attire hung about the door. The wheeler's water compartments are cleaned periodically just as the water-supply tanks are cleaned.
Ocean Side Exit from the Spray-Room—
people who could not enter the DSR 154 and stayed in the steered away DIR's spray-room, still have sufficient protection. The other side of the spray-room opens to the deck where the boats are stationed, so that when a warning alarm rings, they can mobilize the life-boats. The spreading fire in the steered away DIR is not met as a dramatic befalling, but rather be reasonably foreseen.
The Basement is a Better Refuge if Fire is Initiated in the DIR as it is being Detached—
it is better to get into the basement if a tire was initiated in a DIR, its course being unpredictable. Even when there is no perceptible means of salvaging DIR, it is a wise choice to steer away the unit by designated members, so that some distance away, they can stop the engine and get out in boats, so that the wreckage tumbles into water. Such measure saves damage to the permanent basement, wherein the rest of the crew had already entered. It is a better safety measure despite the fact that the basement is built to be break resistant and made fire-proof by a ‘water-seal’. The intervening space between DIR and the permanent base is devised to be more about the basement entry, to create a better ‘water-seal’ that still protects, even if the DIR could not be mobilized.
Aeration of the Fire-Escape, if the Crew is Held Back Long—
a means appropriate to herein devised models, providing fresh air indefinitely, is described subsequently being a vitally encompassing topic.
Additional Options and Security Measures
The Basement as the Living Quarters—
if opted, the basement can be used as a living quarters, and as the cooking and dining area. It is feasible, as the ‘general purpose entry to the basement’ can be used on a regular basis, whereas the BSR, DSR, and the DE are always kept open for a security night-guard and a day-guard rounding the DIR, the basement, and the permanent base. The basement is equipped with 2-3 emergency exit doors, with their outer structures configured to articulate with a watertight ‘staircase tubular’ of an emergency marine unit equipped by the oil company, to aid evacuating the fire victims needing immediate treatment. There is a gas alarm that also rings in the basement, so that its ignition sources are immediately put off. In the ‘fire triangle’ of ‘fuel-oxygen-ignition source’, the ignition source is eliminated in the immediate upper level. Methane, the most encountered gas being lighter than air, the danger to a lower level basement is eliminated from the ‘fire-triangle’. The rig is a smoke-free area, as smoking can create a spark coinciding with a gas entrainment, which is a rare event. If smoking happens on a daily basis, such coincidence is easier. Hydrogen sulfide is heavier than air, but due to its rotten egg's smell, it can be detected easily at the upper level, and the basement locked immediately.
If the basement is made as living quarters, the ‘fire-fighters’ and the ‘security crew’ still sleep in the upper level. With sleeping, dining, and most of the day's activities happening in the basement, it is only 8-10 working hours that the crew is away from such safe-refuge. With the devised basement's ‘aeration measures’ the most basic need is taken care of, as food and other supplies in abundance are in the place. In essence, people living in a fire-escape unit are in no danger of fire, except when they are away from such a safe refuge. The basement can have bullet-proof glass windows, the vast oceanic aquarium being recreational, helping an otherwise sensory-deprivation. A bright lighting enhances the beauty of the oceanic wonders.
All crew members should have training in underwater diving, basic life support, and intravenous (IV) line management for hydrating a burnt victims (IV hydration is paramount in the basic treatment of burns), basic management of burns, smoke inhalation, drowning, poisonous gas inhalation, shock, and oxygen therapy management. Each crew member should have diving equipment in the basement, to get out of the basement through emergency exits. The basement contains large canisters of soda lime, a mixture of sodium hydroxide and staked lime (calcium oxide or calcium hydroxide), to absorb breathed out carbon dioxide. A closed circuit system of SCUBA apparatus with single oxygen cylinder is the simplest under water breathing equipment suitable for the occasion. The basement's side exits are opened in an emergency, to exit in a ‘diving mode’, as once a door is opened, water gets in instantly, and few have to wait before getting out. As there is always a guard rounding, the crew is sufficiently fore-warned to get ready for any event.
The Basement Entry for Storage Purposes
A General Purpose Entry (GPE) to the Basement Wherein the basement is elected as living area, the underwater basement has also a sturdy permanent entry.
The bridging structure (BS) to the GPE—the SWW 457 is built about the base platform 124, on a sturdy concrete structure 458, the latter rising above the water surface 164 and is in the same horizontal plane as the DIR's work platform.
An Off-Site Fire-Escape Modular Vital for all Types of Rigs Including a DIR with an Intact Basement (Sumathi Paturu Off-Site Model)
There are many rigs without a safe and reliable fire-escape plan, or the DIR's basement might be damaged. Additionally, the steering crew and the fire-fighters of the permanent base, at times need a destination. There should be a safe-guarded outside refuge in such adverse situations, as an off-she ‘fire-escape’ modular’. As the spray-room and the spray-walks are reliably protected and activated soon after the smoke/fire alarm goes on, reaching a nearest spray-walk is the easiest maneuver the crew can count on. Even amidst a deadly fire, reaching the spray-room is easier than resorting to ocean waters. Yet an off-site ‘fire-escape modular’ is advocated for some above stated reasons, as also for some other more important, that soon will be known.
Pertaining to the events involving BP oil company's ‘Deep Water Horizon’ oil well blow-out resulting in collapse of the surface structure, though the live events about the scene are hard to extract or imagine, it was a fact that the oil reached the gulf-shores rather quickly. Hence, the modular though easily accessible to the crew, should be sufficiently distanced, not to be engulfed by the fire, as the oil may collect more at the interrupting rig-side edge of the modular. However, it is only a far-fetched occurrence, as the fire-fighters will not let the fire spread on the ocean surface towards the modular, though oil may collect about its edge.
The modular has a basement like room structure (BRS) 50 and a towered top structure (TTS), the exterior of the BRS built with fire retardant metal sheets. The TTS has a towered roof room (TRR) 51. The BRS 50 has a staircase structure 58 on one side, to access the broad siding-door (SD) 53, set forth about the TRR 51. The SD 53 are 5-6 feet high, and slide sideward into the walls of the TRR 51 by a remote control, whereas hand controls are locked from inside. There is a small terrace 62 around the TRR. The BRS 50 has an exit with a high-set threshold and watertight BRS exit doors (BRED) 54, protecting its interior from giant ocean waves. When ocean waters are calm, the crew can enter through it, whereas it is usually kept locked, except to let in injured victims. There are mini ramps on either side of the BRED. Jets of water 64 emanate forcefully from the edges of the modular flat base, thereby preventing collection of oil about the edges.
The Interior of the Modular—
the BRS has metal block flooring set forth above the flat base, said metal blocks locking air capsules, to give an added buoyant effect to the unit. The modular has the origins of aeration tubes 16 with in one or two of floor-tubs 60 in its BRS interior that travel vertically down into the ocean, to then travel in an incline to the destination of a fire-escape unit about a rig, to also terminate into the floor tub(s) 24 (to be detailed), the aeration tubes being the source of fresh air supply to the fire-escape unit, upon a rig fire. The BRS 50 has helium sacs secured to its roof, ensuring stability of a swaying unit upon ocean turbulences. The TRR 51 inside has a wide hall, and on the side corresponding to the staircase 58 outside, there is a stair case entry, leading down into the BRS 50. The staircase is broad enough to carry injured victims in stretchers. Both BRS and TRR have bullet proof windows 57, with installed night-vision video monitoring. The TRR 51 has a high-tower 52, housing a guide-light 65, as described below.
The Guide Light—
the TRR's high-tower 52 housing a top glass closure, has rotating (about 360°) high beam flood-lights 65 of a largest size, facing the sky. They are put on by the residing crew as soon as the fire alarm rings, so that any strayed crew members will be directed to the modular. In a day time, the lights are pastel colored, as pink, lemon yellow, or lavender, that contrast against the blue sky. Additional high sounding bells can be an option. The glass closure is break-proof, and is warmed by heating coils.
The Anchoring of the Modular—
the modular, lit by solar powered lights at night fall, is anchored to the basement of the DIR, or to the submerged legs of jack-ups, below the surface water, by units of metal strings, each unit 6 having two strings. Each string is made of sturdy but narrow metal rods or poles (about 2-3 cm diameter) 67. In each unit, the adjacent metal rods 67 of a string are connected by a linkage ring 68, wherein said rings of one string are connected to the centers of the rods 67 of an adjacent string (
Added Provision for the Stability of the Modular—
the modular is better stabilized due to helium sacs 61 secured all through the top of the BRS 50. If ocean is exceptionally turbulent the modular may sway, but comes back to its positioning due to the helium sacs 61 resisting such instability. All the structures with in the modular are not furnished but built-in, with securely bound sleeping beds, and immovable utilities of the kitchen and dining utensils of metal. The barged base-structuring also provides a better stability.
Heating and Lighting of Surface Waters—
heating coils accompany the metal rods 67, to be operative in harsh cold weathers. The modular best serves its purpose, as the crew can swim to a known destination not far away, its direction led by the anchoring units, and its path lit up. The lighter inflammable gases may not access the surface water, even adjacent to the rig, as they usually ascend or spread sidewise, but not descend in an open expanse of the atmospheric air, and swimming to the modular is safer than it may be anticipated.
Safety and Utility Provisions—
the crew signs in through ‘entry-data portals’. A key person keeps vigilance to the events of the ocean waters, and far away about the rig, through night-vision binoculars. At least two crew members holding clerical jobs must stay in the modular on a regular basis. Clean water is pumped in from the greater depths of the ocean. The modular serves as a destination for life boats/lift-boats that can be temporarily chained to the modular. Two-day worth of food supplies for the whole crew is stored in the modular, to use and refill prior to their expiration dates. The rooms have bullet-proof glass windows 57 on four sides, with installed security cameras. Security-crew vigilant about the territorial waters, also surveys the modular on a regular basis. Rigs monitored by a drone can additionally monitor the modular also.
An Alternate Means of Anchoring of the Modular at a Safe Distance from the Rig—
if it is felt that anchoring a modular to the legs, or to the submerged base structure of a DIR is an undue strain, it can be structured on an independently erected leg from the ocean bed, at a desired distance from the rig. The leg must have a very broad base for needed stability, or else, having two legs can be an option. Few attachments to the rig are still in place, to heat up the electric coils. The unit's barge-like base is still positioned about the ocean surface without an ‘air gap’, so that a single person can board with a fire victim. However, the BRS exit door (BRED) way for the fire victims has two watertight doors, one with a threshold 1 foot high, and the other 2 feet high, with ramps on either side, the higher threshold used when the water level rises. Such structuring serves the dual purpose that the modular is protected from ocean waters, yet provides easy access.
The Fire-Escape Model for a Conventional Jack-Up Rig (Sumathi Paturu In-Site Model)
The floor 44 of the WSR 34, sunken below the rig level, not only has the affixed lower terminals of the sliding unit 3, but also accommodates an originating curvilinear ‘slide tubular’ 28, coursing to a fire-rescue modular 42, the latter submerged below water surface 4, the tubular’ 28 also steadied by supports from the leg 2 underwater. In large rigs wherein spray-rooms 30 can be only scattered due to lack of needed stretch of space in any particular area, there can be more spray-rooms 30, and equal number of rescue modular units 42, anchored to different legs of the rig, distributing the imposed load. The wide slide tubular 28 has partitioned seating to accommodate 4-5 people at a time, to swiftly reach an entry room 10 of the modular unit 42, said room having a watertight door 12. The entry room 10 and the modular unit 42 have break-proof glass windows to monitor the events outside, and to be guided when to lock or open the door 12. The modular unit 42 has a floor tub 24 to receive the terminals of the air-tubing 16 originating in the floor tubs 60 of the off-site fire-escape modular (
The modular can be used as food storage unit for the rig. There is an emergency exit door to open upon an unexpected compromise. There are SCUBA oxygen cylinders for each crew member. The crew can also get out through a rescue marine unit that is deployed to emergently hospitalize the fire victims.
Entry of the Crew and Water-Sealing of the Fire-Escape—
upon a rig fire the crew should enter the spray room wherein a fire-proof safe contains ‘remote controls’ for the sliding window door 5, to be picked up by each. When a person is ready to slide down, he opens the window door 5 by the remote control, to slide down immediately through the sliding unit 17 into the WSR 34, as the window door 5 automatically closes after, in few seconds. The sliding unit 17 and the slide tubular 28 have staircase provisions on one side to transport fire victims to safety, the medical rescue supplies stored in multiple locations along the transit (the stretchers have wheels and are structured as a wedge about the leading end, to counter the steep of the slide it can be rolled on, by two people in a controlled manner). In case the gas-fueled fire is uncontrolled, and had spread to the spray-room, the top structure of the inner wall 33 that rises above the outer wall 37 is the structure that is consumed first, whereby it will not contain the circulating water from within the water-enclosure 47. The water immediately flows into the TSR 32, water-sealing the sliding window door(s) 5 and the WSR 34. For an unfailing water-seal when fire had spread to the spray-room, the top risen part of the inner wall 33, on the far side of the sliding structure 17, is made of a material that easily crumbles, to let the water flow-in. The multiple feeders 8 originating about the leg level underwater, ascend through the roof of the slide-tubular 28 to reach the water-enclosure 47 traversing all four sides, to make the water fall 39 even and strong. The tubular 28 about the ‘air-gap’, and the sunken outer walls 37 of the water-enclosure 47 are protected by layers of burlaps, and wide surface sprinklers originating from the feeders 8.
The Modular Safe-Guard—
it is important that the modular unit 42 is sufficiently protected. The obvious danger is the heavy-weight structures of the rig losing their footage and tumbling down, at least their tail ends failing onto the modular 42, as an early or a late event upon a rig fire. A modular surface-guard 31, positioned in an incline, and secured to the two legs, is a protective structure, covering the modular all through its stretch about the legs, to be obstructing and diverting a falling structure. It also has anchoring chains 9 to the legs 2, said chains having redundant length. Spanning all through its length, it has a surface air column 7 that is devised to be maximally sized about the leg side, and moderately sized on the opposite side. Additionally, it has studded bottom magnets 23, wherein the magnetic poles facing the modular unit 42 are similar as the top magnetic poles of the magnets 15 studded on the top of the modular 42. The surface-guard 31 is devised to let a falling structure tumble into the ocean, sliding down on its incline, and diverted away from the modular 42. Wherein the surface-guard had not resisted the weight, and had broken from the leg, it still protects the modular 42 by several means: (1) it resists sinking by its buoyancy and its additional anchoring chains 9, the latter remaining intact, being redundantly tied and not taking the impact of the heavy weight, about the time it had fallen; (2) it maintains its devised incline due to wider air capsule 7 about the leg side, making the weight further drift into the water; (3) it will be repelled by the similar magnetic poles of the modular so that the weight as a whole will not impact the modular 42 with an exceeding force; (4) its underwater disposition makes all the contacting objects lighter than they actual are. If the world wide experience had taught that the bottom of the rig had not collapsed even in the event of a catastrophic fire, the modular unit 42 can be structured between the legs, right under the rig.
Emergency Breathing Provisions for all Fire-Escape Models
With an off-site fire-escape modular as herein advocated, to be improvised with all types of rigs, emergency fresh air provisions in an unlimited manner to the fire-escape units, is accomplished as a reality. It is done as follows. Originating from a floor tub of an offsite fire-escape modular, a number of large color coded air-tubes 16 of metal travel vertically down about few feet into the ocean, where they angulate to travel in a downward incline towards a DIR basement, or to an in-site fire-escape modular of a jack-up rig, to also enter underwater, through a vertical metal tubing of their floor tubs. They carry fresh air from the off-site modular, the latter never involved in a rig-fire, reliably safe-guarding the air-tube terminals. The travelling air-tubes 16, except in their vertical terminals at both ends, are made of uninterrupted sturdy rubber tubing, covered by lengthy segments of threaded metal tubing, connected by intervening closely wound spring like metal coils, such structuring giving resilience to the travelling air-tubing. The ends of each segment of metal tubing have air tight sealing with the underlying rubber tubing, so that upon a structural compromise, only the threaded metal tubing is replaced by joint structures, whereas the breach of the rubber tubing within, may remain. As the air-tubes 16 are originating and terminating into large floor tubs (24, 60 of
Fanning Covers
At times, it is the dramatic befall of catastrophic events that preclude any protective measures coming to the rescue. An explosion accompanied by fire, can be such an event, when rising up of the lighter inflammable gases on fire, will suddenly surround the large and tall structures of the rig. The fire-protective jackets of these structures instantly made wet, can be a saving measure to some extent. Additionally, as ‘gas chasing’ measures, all tall structures of the rig can be screened by a steel grid of frame wherein suitably sized fans (that are instantly turned on, upon a fire/gas alarm), are scattered in strategic positions, to blow away the gases approaching from the direction of their source. The fans drawing-in the air from the opposite direction at the outset of the event, forces the lighter inflammable gases to rise to the sky, and not to spread sidewise. Said grid of frame additionally has powerful sprinklers all through, drawing water from a deeper level about the ocean, whereby the most vulnerable structures of the rig are protected from the approaching gas and fire. (Tall structures like-rig cranes with telescoping towers, however are not amenable for such plan, though the arch curtain of fans as described below can be protective. For the extreme complexity of a rig, no single measure addresses all the adversities that are expected and encountered. For that reason multiple devices with either one of them fitting for any one of the diverse structures and encounters are herein described).
Fanning Curtains
The rig can additionally have a curtain of high-powered fans in a tall arch of metal grid (to be structured as tall as necessary) rising from the sea, and spanning from one side of the rig to the other (preferably over the fire-proof corridor 110 of the DIR), shielding the rig and its tall structures from the side of the possible danger. The high arch is supported by strong metal/concrete base structures with top air capsules, situated far beneath the water surface, restrained in place being affixed to the cross bars about the legs. Said air-capsuled structures should remain under water, as significant heat can blow up their air capsules. The arch of frame also supports powerful j t of sprinklers, not letting the gas-fire by-passing them, towards the side of the rest of the rig. The tall arch will not preclude the DIR from steering away, as its course is towards the opposite direction, and its tall structures are protected during the few minutes it is preparing to be steered away. All the structures herein mentioned can be appended to the existing structures of any type of rig. However, it is best suited for new rigs, as the disposition of the taller structures needs to be carefully planned.
Protection of Roofed/Closed Enclosures
The enclosed structure within the rig can have outlets spread all through the roof structure and rising many feet as inverted J structures to let off the gases, but not letting in rain water. They protect the people occupying the room. The rig should have a circuit of air tubing traversing through the bottom level of all the rooms, and also extending to its open areas, said circuit of tubes drawing air from the utmost bottom of the ‘air gap’ about the safe side of the rig. It is made maximally forceful as the gas alarm goes on, to be powerful gas-chaser from roofed/closed enclosures, quickly filling the room with pressured air, coming from the opposite direction. In conjunction, the up-tilted fans located about the bottom level of the room, can further aid the gases to ascend quickly to the roof, or not enter the room at all, helping the fire to cease. In the case of DIR, the lower terminal of the air tube near the steering station, courses vertically underwater, to then turn towards the steering direction in an incline, to rise to the surface at a distance, the terminal of the tube having locked air capsules, to naturally stay floating. A J tube is appended to the terminal that always stays in open air, despite rising tides. It is part of the DIR, and needs no severing when it is steered away, though most of it needs to be detached when the DIR returns to station. For safety, all the devices are monitored by a drone.
Special Features of the Rescue Boats Devised for Off-Shore Rigs
The herein devised life-boats and or lift-boats are not accessories but invariable aids in rigs without: a basement with an in-situ fire-escape; an ‘in-site’ fire-escape modular; a spray-room with spray-walks; the spray tracks with track-drives; or spray-drives—as there is no devised protection about the rig vicinity.
The Life-Boats—
most of the life-boats 138 are stationed in the DIR adjacent to the spray-room 197 (
The Boat-Exit from a Conventional Jack-Up Rig—
the conventional jack-up rigs are set up higher with an ‘air-gap’, and letting out the boats in an emergency is a challenging proposition. There must be a plan for their smooth and safe exit instantly, by mere click of a remote control. It is implied that the boats are built in the manner devised herein. If not, at least the wheels as herein devised, appended to existing boats should not be felt as a hardship, for the reason, moving a boat without, is a hardship by any standard.
There are rail road-like tracks starting from the deck and reaching the ocean surface, the tracks structured in an air-tight ‘ocean tubular’ with fire-resistant surface, covered by 4-5 layers of burlaps. It has spray-poles inside feeding water to the self-bathing surface sprinklers outside. The ‘tubular’ is supported by cross bars, extended from a leg. The ‘ocean tubular’ and the cross bars impose no strain upon the leg, as their bottom extensions are further supported by air-capsuled metal-blocks underwater, anchored to the legs by sturdy cross bars. The rail-road like tracks within a down sloping tunnel-like interior of a deck run parallel to its walls, wherein the boats with train-wagon wheels, stall in a row. The tracks make a smooth L turn as they exit the deck. The ocean-tubular has hand-rails running on either side of the tracks so that the boarders can hold lightly, to feel steady, during the downward sojourn. Each boat is restrained by side chains that the boarder disengages after boarding, to mobilize it on the slope, with also a push if needed, while he is firmly gripping the hand rails. The boarder wears fire-proof attire stored in the deck. Large fans about the tubular exit, face upwards to blow off the lighter inflammable gases. The tubular exit is closed normally by car-garage like air-tight sliding closure, its lower indentations for the tracks also made air-tight. The deck is modified into a spray-room, if there is no space for its structuring within the rig, the latter also not having an in-site fire-escape modular for similar reason (it is presumed all the rigs have a deck as a boat-stand, to which the ‘ocean-tubular’ can be appended), and the ‘track drives’ or the ‘spray drives’ are driven to the ‘deck, to safely exit in boats. These rigs must invest in an off-site fire-escape modular, as a destination for those so evacuated. The boats' surfaces have raised rubber guards to protect against collision. Similarly, the terminals of the ocean tubular and the legs have rubber-guards about the ocean surface. To return the boats to the deck, a group works together, some lending the boats to the ‘ocean tubular’, and others pulling them by chains on the tracks. Each boat thereafter, as before, is restrained in its destined position upon the tracks. If the boats have regular wheels, their tracks have to be carved in the floor, or a path defined by closely-set side rails, or else, un-boarded, they are maneuvered throughout their course (yet initially chained in a row). As an alternative thereof, all the boats can be stationed on the tracks, the first boat stopped by a cross bar that moves horizontally in and out of the track, to stop or let out a boat. By the click of a remote control, it moves out of the track to let out a boat, and moves in after its passage, to hinder the boat behind, unless there is another click, to let it out. A boat's sloping front and back with sufficient gap between each boat, allow the plan to work in the configured manner. Each boat is not restrained by chains, and hence, is also released from outside. As the deck is locked, and only the crew are the boarders from inside, a button next to the cross bar can be pushed, to let out the boat. In emergencies, the exit door is kept unlocked for the crew to get out easily. The water-proof remote controls to the exit-door and also the ‘let-out’ cross bar, both put together, has to be carried in the pocket of every crew member, in case a boat has to be let out from outside.
A Boat Exit from a DIR—
in a DIR, the boat enclosures 125 (
Returning to the rig, the boarder should secure the metal chain to connect to the boat, and then enter the enclosure, wherefrom he can pull the boat onto the ramp. He hooks the chain to a wall to steady the boat, and the ramp made to retreat about its sideward ramp-tracks, to its original positioning, by the remote control (it is delayed until all the boats return, if it is a common roof for multiple enclosures). The chains are then loosely secured to the ‘enclosure fasteners’, to maintain their length. If multiple boats are let out when a DIR cannot be detached, even if not boarded, they are floating in water connected by lengthy ‘fasteners’, and so can be returned to die enclosures. However, on most occasions, the boats are let out from a DIR after it is detached, but the fire is uncontrolled and the DIR found to be unsalvageable.
In a different embodiment, the DIR boat enclosure approximates a rectangular configuration in a vertical plane, like a car garage with a sliding door, but having a sloping floor. There are rail-road like tracks that extend into the ocean waters, through indentations about the door, that is made air tight as a whole. The tracks have rubber-guards about their ocean terminals. The boarder temporarily chains the boat until the door slides up sufficiently, after which a boat is released, and the door locked. Standing fans about the door blow off the approaching gases. This model, as also the one preceding, lets the boats out with or without a boarder. If a DIR platform is too high, the model exactly similar as for the fore going jack-up rig can be elected for the DIR, to be used by a remote control, even by the exiting ‘steering crew’ and those left back in the ‘spray-room’. For the limited extent of the ‘ocean tubular’, supporting cross bars from the DIR are appropriate and reliable. This model has an added advantage that a single exit can be easily closed, when the DIR is stationed.
The lift-boats—in addition to the life-boats there are ‘Lift-boats’ in the rig, devised for lifting the ‘severely injured’ from the ocean waters. The lift-boat otherwise has the general features of a life-boat. Though a victim can be pulled easier under-water, lifting him is harder, as once the victim is above the water surface, the weight in air comes into force, and the rescuer has no solid-footage to bear even a moderate weight. A person may tilt a boat down to roll the ‘rescued’ into the boat, and then straighten the boat to get in from the opposite side, in a boat with sloping base, but with the configuration of a lift-boat, it is hard to accomplish.
There are helium sacs secured by Velcro, about the midline of the boat interior, positioned nearer to the corners, to be accessible, unhindered by the RH 506. Few are attached also to the side wall on the HS, under the RH 506, to off-set the weight of the LH 502, that may otherwise down-tilt the HS. All the long planks of the RH 506, about the mid position, have removable heavy weight metal spheres attached to their under surface, to contribute weight and aid a rescuer trying to lift the LH 502. Their mid-positioning prevents them from hitting the bottom of the boat in a rough sojourn. Also about the middle of the long planks, there are ‘sponge-holders’ 540 on their upper surfaces, to hold the victim on the RH. The ‘sponge-holders’ 540 are large sponge blocks secured by Velcro bindings that the rescuer can undo one at a time, starting any side, so that the ‘rescued’ is slid down to the bottom of the boat, in a controlled manner.
During rescuing of a burnt victim, the rescuer after swimming to the HS of the boat along with the victim, positions the victim in the LH 502. Objects being lighter in water, it is easily done, and the ‘rescued’ is secured by restraint belts 532 that have larger than usual size adjustable buckles for easy handling. The Velcro bindings of the hammock cushions in the lower corners are untied at this point. The LH 502 being moderately sized, even two people can be belted at one time. Cross belting is more secure. The rescuer must change the helium sacs from the mid line of the boat, to fix them to the side wall of the boat on the HS unhindered by the RH, to offset the tilt of the boat, so that the victim(s) may not be submerged, though the wooden central and side supports, and the rolled up wooden terminal of the LH 502 also make the LH float, their metal frames preventing these projectile structures from breaking, during a rough sojourn.
After getting into the boat, the rescuer positions himself on the central plank of the-RH to lowers it, so that the LH 502 will be lifted up. The rescuer stays in a best position to be able to receive the victim onto the RH 506, by pulling the LH soft padding, after disengaging the belts 532 and the upper Velcro bindings at this time. The network spaces of the RH 506 are without canvas to accommodate the legs of the rescuer to sit or stand, if either position is more convenient. After the victim is steadied against the sponge-holders 540, the rescuer gets off the RH 506, and slides down the victim by undoing the sponge-holders one at a time, and will belt-buckle the victim at two places to a bubbled air mattress about the bottom of the boat. The planks of the RH are then slid down to be securely fastened to the side of the boat. The interior of a lift-boat is protected by weather resistant canvas. A bubbled mattress is better protected following an isolated puncture than a single-compartment air mattress. A sponge mattress is an alternative.
Lift-Boat with Inflatable Lift-Mattress—
in yet another embodiment the LH is provided with an inflatable mattress (protected by over-sized expandable knotted mesh, and covered by a padding about the top, both allowing needed expansion) that is air inflated. After a victim is restrain-belted (said belting not hindering expansion of the air mattress), the air mattress (bound about four corners by Velcro) is air-inflated to rise to the edge of the boat. The air mattress has narrow width, and is configured like an air-bench (that is lifted in vertical height) rather than an ‘air-mattress’ it is named as. It is tied to the LH back so as to keep such configuration of a bench. It has an egg-crater structure, with wider cavities in the centers of the sides and the bottom to minimize the air needed, yet serving the purpose. Air pumps and other devices of metal are preferred, or they are in-built in the boat, to minimize any shocks and breaks. Solar-powered batteries are best suited for use. In the setting of an air mattress, if see-saw device is not chosen, a receiving hammock inside the boat is still desirable to safe-handle an injured victim. However, it is better to have the see-saw device also, as it is a sure and swift modality, in case an air mattress is accidentally punctured in the transit.
Multiple air pillows, IV (intravenous) transfusion fluids (vital in burns cases), hospital gowns, breathing aids, analgesics like Tylenol, and dressing supplies are stored in a boat compartment. The boat walls has hooked rings structured as ‘near circles’ so that a hung infusion may not be easily disengaged. All crew members learn to do an IV line while trained in basic life support (BRS) training while they are trained in basic fire-fighting, as it may be a long wait before the EMS takes over.
If basic life support with chest compressions are needed, the see-saw is an instantaneous rescue, though the air mattress is an easy device. Hence, it is wise to equip the boat with both devices for a sure rescue. With air mattress is an easy device. Hence, it is wise to equip the boat with both devices for a sure rescue. With
Insurance coverage can be a factor in planning against a DIR. But it can be a long wait before finding a suitable rig during a precarious time. The insurance premium can be lower for covering the construction to restore the best functional state of the rig, tested by ‘trial runs’ rated as the ‘best’ and not the ‘near best’.
The Vulcanized Rubber—
all the rubber washers and assembly devices of rubber incorporated in the rig tubing, in the water tight sealing of the basement fire-escape entry and such other, are made of vulcanized rubber, the only type that can resist the degrading attack of the petroleum analogs.
The Instant Joint Configurations and Closing Caps
The invention further envisions a model of tubing, and methods of instant system joining or closing, for all future units, or as a replacement-tubing for existing units. Said tubing is structured to have a deep threaded configuration on the inside or the outside, traversing the entire lengths. Inner threading is better (though manufacturing is more involved), as outer threading can collect sediment and lose its precision, and needs cleaning with a firm bristled brush. The treading of the tubing, small or lengthy, can involve the well and its vicinity, the rig, the air tubing, the appended tubing structures of costly equipment, facilitating instant joining or closing of a compromised or broken system, aided by means of—(1) ‘Instant joint-structures’—devised to be shaped as I, T, J, L, C, U, Y etc. with similar inner or outer threading as the tubing itself, to be inserted for system joining, when a conduit line is broken. The working of the ‘joint-structures’ conforms to a ‘sliding screw’, aided by two or more ‘conjoining’ I shaped tubing with complimentary threading on the opposite side. The ‘conjoining’ I tubing have their threaded outer diameter smaller than the threaded inner diameter of the involved tubing system and devised ‘joint configurations’, or else, their threaded inner diameter larger than the threaded outer diameter of the rest. When a conjoining I tubing alone is suffice, it is inserted all by itself, as a sliding screw. The functionally uninvolved middle part of the ‘joint-structure’ is enlarged externally for handling, even by robotic maneuvers; (2) ‘Closing caps’—they have complimentary threading to their stems (i.e. having a smaller dimension and outer threading, if the tubular system has an inner threading, and the vice versa), for closing a system, when system joining is of no option. The functionally uninvolved external part of the stem terminal enlarges to double the size or more, ending in a sturdy and massive closing cap, to resist enormous pressure at times exerted by the tubular system at the terminal, and the massive cap with similarly sized distal stem is amenable to robotic maneuvers. Simple closing caps with complimentary threading are used to temporarily seal one end of a severed tubing while the other severed end is worked on.
How to Find the Source of Gas/Oil Leak and Mending it—
about the oil-tubing of the rig confines and outside, oil/gas sensing ‘equipment’ are placed at equidistancee, each numbered, defining its territory. When leak occurs following a tubular damage, its territorial equipment rings its alarm first, though other alarms ring later, as the leak spreads. The devised computer soft-ware notes the timing, however, the one that first rang, is the source (unless the leaks are multiple). The leak is confirmed by the adjacent alarms that rang immediately following. The computer sets forth the chronology, for an instant information. The security crew familiar with all the numbered territories, should emergently deploy the instant joint structures. The ‘production tubing’ within the well has its own pneumatic plugging device, the ‘Emergency Plugging Oil Conduit’ (EPOC), disclosed in the original application (U.S. Pat. No. 9,175,549), deployed after a well blow-out with oil leak (to be done when the oil-leak is a mere spill). As the ‘joint structures’ are fixed in dimensions, the length of the tubing to be severed should be properly configured. On the other hand, as the minimal length of a damaged tubing to be severed cannot be minimized any more, the number of the joint structures (with one or more ‘conjoining’ I tubes) are to be properly configured before severing the tube. The 1 configurations are structured as both ‘joint-structures’ and ‘conjoining tubes’, the latter with complimentary threading. The leak is insulated first, and the tubing including the 1 tubes to be inserted, are articulated outside, and then the damaged tubing is cut, for the articulated set to be inserted. One cut end is temporarily closed by a simple cap, while the other is worked on. The final manipulations of the two conjoining I tubing are done in-situ, to establish a conduit line, with vulcanized rubber washers also for a fluid-tight closures. A distorted tubing may need an intervening U/C joint. A bent L-shaped curve needs an L-joint, whereas a complex interconnection needs a T-joint. The crew must have a mock practice of possible maneuvers. The ‘joint-configurations’ can conform to two designs—‘subtle’ or ‘striking’ (‘Sub’ or ‘Stri’). In the ‘subtle’ configurations, the devised curves are less obvious.
Unceasing oil/gas emission from a source that cannot be detected/mended is a cause of an unceasing fire, or else for an uncontainable pollution of the eco-system. Hence, such structural mandate is as important as all the other security measures put together. Moreover, what needs to be herein implemented is only a small step forwards in means familiar, however, with a big leap thereof, in the remedial functions achievable.
The time old wisdom says: ‘The time and tide wait for no man’; Let the ‘tide’ in time save a man or men, and then some more.
US PATENT NUMBER: U.S. Pat. No. 9,175,549; TITLE: ‘EMERGENCY SALVAGE OF A CRUMBLED OCEANIC OIL WELL’PRIORITY DATE: Jun. 6, 2011US CIP PATENT APPLICATION: Ser. No. 14/756,974; TITLE: ‘EMERGENCY DETACHABLE ISLAND RIG AND FIRE ESCAPE’PRIORITY DATE: Nov. 3, 2015 This is a Continuation-in-part application of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 14/756,974 (as detailed above) which was a CIP application of U.S. Pat. No. 9,175,549, both herein incorporated by reference.