Uniform Fire Code, 1985, Ed., pp. 203-278. |
Reliance Tank sales materials (undated)--price list date 1-20-89. |
Agape Tank sales materials (dated by postmark Jun. 7, 1989). |
Brochure--"Underwriters Laboratory Listed Tank", Air Boy Sales and Manufacturing Company. |
"Aro Air Operated Diaphragm Pumps", (1986). |
"Aro Lubrication Equipment", (1989) pp. 31 and 33. |
Cla-val Co. float control parts list (1977). |
Doehrman, Inc.--facsimile dated May 9, 1989. |
Safe-T-Tank Corp. sales materials dated 1987--Sales materials from Air Boy (Jun. 1988)--advertisement dated Feb., 1987 from Keesee, "Lube Cube" sales materials dated Jul. 1, 1988. |
UL 142 Standard for Safety, Steel Aboveground Tanks (1987). |
Husky 1030 Double Diaphragm Pump (1987) instructions and parts list. |
"Oil Evacuation System", Aro Corp., (1982). |
"1/2" Waste Oil Evacuation System (drawing dated Mar. 15, 1987). |