Condon, William S. et al., "Electronic pressure Detection Improves Drilling Operations," World Oil, Mar. 1996 (best available copy). |
Williams Tool Co., Inc. product data, Rotating Blowout Preventer Systems, date unknown. |
Shale, Les, "Underbalanced Drilling With Air Offers Many Pluses", Oil & Gas Journal, Jun. 26, 1995, pp. 33-39. |
Hannegan, Don, "Applications widening for rotating control heads", Drilling Contractor, Jul. 1996, pp. 17-19 (best avaiable copy). |
Bourgoyne, Jr., Adam T., "Rotating control head applications increasing", Louisiana State University, Oil and Gas Journal, Oct. 9, 1995 (best available copy). |
Tangedahl, Michae J.; Stone, Charles R. (Rick), "Rotating preventers: Technology for better well control", World Oil, Oct. 1992, pp. 63-64, 66. |
Churcher, P.L.; Yurkiw, Fred J.; Bietz, Ron F.; Bennion, D. Brant; "Properly designed underbalanced drilling fluids can limit formation damage", Oil & Gas Journal, Apr. 29, 1996, pp. 50-56. |
Butler, S.D.; Rashid, A.U.; Teichrob, R.R., "Monitoring downhole pressures and flow rates critical for underbalanced drilling", Oil & Gas Journal, Sep. 16, 1996, pp. 31-39. |
Nicolson, K.M., "Air and Gas Drilling", Standard Oil Company of California publication, date unknown, pp. 149-155. |
Lagendyk, R.; Loring, G. and Aasen, J., "Drilling applications expand snubbing unit use," World Oil, May 1996, pp. 37-44. |
Duda, John R., "Strong growth projected for underbalanced drilling," Oil & Gas Journal Special, pp. 67-77, Sep. 23, 1996. |
Yee,Stewart; Comeaus, B. and Smith, R., "Recent Advances in Underbalanced Horizontal Drilling," Sperry-Sun Drilling Services, pp. 1-7, 9 Figures, copyright, 1995. |