Device, system, and method for Firefighting Robots which can fight fires, wildfires, forest fires, building and/or house fires and general fires by precisely applying water and/or fire retardant to a blaze by using sensors to pinpoint the direction, range, and temperature of the fire in order to precisely point the nozzle on the hose to the fire. This could also be a robot arm for a drone, helicopter, or fire truck. It could be the same robot as the Skydiving Robots cited in the patents above where these Skydiving Robots deliver supplies where water is a crucial supply and heat detecting and range detecting sensors could either be on the robot or on the water pump with networking which could relaying the fire information to the robot. It is also a device, system, and method for Skydiving Robots™ which can skydive using off-the-shelf or customized parachutes and deliver military or civilian payloads, such as airdropping humanitarian supplies after disasters, such as earthquakes, floods, or forest fires. The Skydiving Robots can freefall, open the parachute and steer toward the target, carry payloads, operate in the daytime or the pitch black at night using GPS guidance to land precisely. If they exited the plane at up to or above 30,000 feet above ground level (AGL) the final target could be miles away. They are the ideal reconnaissance scouts with an array of sensors such as cameras and they can carry payloads and precisely land within a few feet of the target.
Device, system, and method which permits Skydiving Robots to skydive, carry payloads, and scout ahead of human skydivers, or to land simultaneously, during special ops or other military or nonmilitary missions.
Military free fall (MFF) offers the ideal method to insert personnel and supplies from transport planes. They fly at up to 35,000 feet or higher to avoid enemy surface to air missiles (SAM). Then the jumpers and supplies exit using either HALO (high altitude-low opening) or HAHO (high altitude-high opening). To permit the Skydiving Robots to scout ahead, the robots could use HALO, free falling at speeds up to or over 120 miles per hour and landing only 3 minutes after exiting the aircraft at up to or over 30,000 feet. On the other hand, the HAHO opening or some other variant such as opening at 15,000 feet (since the oxygen is limited), thereby ensuring that the Special Ops troops can hover longer while they wait for all clear from the scouting robots. If the landing site is clear, the skydivers would proceed to the target. If not, they could land at a backup site, miles from the original target.
HAHO jumps permit the skydivers to glide more than 40 miles from the drop point. And if the robots detect that the original targeted landing site has been compromised, the troops can continue to glide miles to a backup landing site.
The author of this patent, Mark Haley, was a Professor in Japan where he developed land and air robots including winning international competitions ranking in the top 6. Mr. Haley also authored a patent on the Skydiving Tracker which trains skydivers. The logic in that technology is a crucial part of the logic needed for the Skydiving Robots to precisely land at the target. In his original research Mr. Haley called Skydiving “A 6-minute dance with Death”. The combination of the Skydiving Robots with real Special Ops Jumpers is even more challenging and dangerous—it's a complex team effort like a complex dance ensemble between the robots and humans to complete missions safely and efficiently.
A Resupply System—The Skydiving Robots land precisely and quickly and are ideal to deliver supplies and the ideal scouts. At speeds of over 150 mph, they can maneuver in high winds and avoid enemy fire.
This device, system and method offers an integrated method using Skydiving Robots to act as scouts ahead of the deployment of teams of skydivers. These humanoid robots would use off-the-shelf parachutes and weapons and act as the scouts ahead of mission or real skydivers—military or civilian. To enhance the capabilities of these robots on the ground, additional power units and or solar powered units could provide electric recharging for the robots thereby extending their active time on missions. For illustration purposes a solar panel is shown on the face of the Skydiving Robots. This could provide crucial backup if the batteries ran out before a crucial mission was complete.
However, the design of the robots would depend on cost considerations. For example, if it was too difficult and expensive for the robots to operate standard military weapons, a customized weapon might be needed. Also, while it's more cost effective to use standard military parachutes, a customized chute might also be needed. However, in general, robots can “see” with cameras and find and grasp control toggles and which then move its arms up and down—these are all the skills needed to operate chutes.
Blocks 201, 202 and 203 provide more illustrations of the skills needed by the Skydiving Robot. An inexpensive GPS system and other sensors including the implied wind speed, would provide guidance towards the target (low-cost GPS systems are available for a few hundred dollars). Then the robot must hold the parachutes' toggles and move them up and down by simply moving its arms up and down. When both hands are fully up the parachute glides forward at the maximum speed. When both arms are down this is a hard brake and the parachute rapidly decreases in speed ultimately coming into a dangerous stall. With only the left or right arm down, the chute turns left and right respectfully.
Technological Challenges to Make the Skydiving Robot Cost Effective—A challenge is to have light-weight humanoid hands which can grasp a parachute control toggle and grasp a gun trigger. The second technological cost-effective challenge is to coordinate the vision capability of the robot with its hands providing the ability to find and hold the toggle and find and hold the gun. Finally, it needs the vision and grasping needs to identify friend or foe—either with simple networked links which identify the location of the human skydivers or a vision system which uses designed patches or a combination of both. Once those technological hurdles are complete, the Skydiving Robot could complete its scout mission, autonomously and cost-efficiently. In short, the Skydiving Robot needs the vision and grasping capabilities to grasp the toggles to control the parachute and move its arms up and down to steer the steer and land the chute and then find and grasp the weapons and identify friend or foe, then if foe, aim and fire weapons.
Expediting Implementation of the Technology in this patent—Mark Haley, the author of this patent, has an existing patent on training military and civilian jumpers to become expert skydivers on all types of military and civilian parachutes. The logic of this technology could be embedded into the Skydiving Robots thereby ensuring that these Skydiving Robots quickly became expert skydivers on all types of parachutes in all types of weather conditions around the role. A key feature is the ability to handle over a dozen emergency situations which often occur in skydives including failure of the parachute where a cutaway is needed, and the backup chute must be deployed. In short, the Skydiving Robot needs the same skydiving skills as a skydiver and the following provides more background on achieving this goal.
In block 1, low-cost trackers from any of a wide range of trackers (widely used trackers for cars, hiking and digital watches and which could be customized for any proprietary systems) with our proprietary error-checking creates clean flight data (Latitude, Longitude, Altitude, etc.). There are a number of error-checking techniques from basic to more advanced which we use (the customer sees none of these and each time they start the program they agree not to reverse engineer our technology as part of the user's agreement—if they disagree, they can't start the program). GPS data can be flawed for a number of reasons. Usually multiple satellites provide this info, but as the ground is more cluttered with forests, hills, or mountains, less data is available and the latitude, longitude and altitude readings fail. Moreover, when the jumpers are in the plane sometimes where they sit also provides poor data. Our technology rates trackers. Some of the best-selling digital watches are not that good, and even the widely used trackers for cars or hiking give readings which show that the jumper was 300 ft. underground when they landed. Trackers continue to evolve and we rate and rank the best, least expensive options. For additional details on these error-checking techniques see the last pages before the claims.
The tracking data impacts four other features: In block 2 the flight data is continuously used to add to a Proprietary Skydiving database with detailed flight data on hundreds of jumps. In block 3 the flight data continuously enhances the Virtual Reality (VR) 3D Flight Simulator which permits teams of 12 or more jumpers networked to train together. In block 4 the flight data creates Stunning 3D Interactive Flight Paths of Jumpers/Aircraft for Debriefings/Accident Investigations. In block 5 the flight data provides optional real-time commands to the jumper to guide towards the target.
In block 6 feedback from expert jumpers is also used to continuously enhance the VR simulator. The net result of the continuously growing clean proprietary skydiving and other databases is an endlessly improving VR simulator and 3D mapping of flight data for debriefings and accident investigations: In block 7 a state-of-the-art training system for skydivers offers simulations before jumps, guidance during jumps and debriefings after jumps. Finally, in block 8 more jumps with more tracking improves training of jumpers, pilots, and spotters, and enhances the database and VR simulator.
What makes this technology unique is: (1) low-cost trackers from $100 and also it can be customized for expensive trackers which provide clean flight data (using our technology to clear up GPS data which has many errors); (2) using this flight data for accident investigations, jump debriefings and for reliable data for the Virtual reality simulator (robots and human would jump together, practice together and debrief together); (3) the related maps to continuously monitor teams in the air and on the ground for the simulation or real missions; (4) the simulator uses both this data plus feedback from expert jumpers on many types of parachutes, such as round chutes, an older technology and precise faster RAM chutes, now widely used; and (5) using a state-of-the-art system which trains teams of skydivers with networked realistic interactive jumps using commercially available 3D low-cost maps available on PCs or cell phones.
One of the most important features of our system is that we network teams of jumpers where they just put their headsets on, each with a $500 device, so teams of 12 jumpers, robots and/or human, can train together (
Key components and contributions of the system include methods for efficient data consolidation from multiple sensors and immediate intuitive feedback. These provide rapid training, real-time tracking and status notification, and post-jump accident investigation and flight debriefing for skydivers. The system also incorporates a simulator which can be used prior to jumps. Quantitative and qualitative evaluation was performed on real jumps (over four hundred total jumps), the results of which are encouraging towards the use of this system for all skydivers from training to post-jump feedback. For real-time data acquisition, an all-inclusive approach to jump analysis is utilized, whereby data from GPS, a priori topological terrain data, flight path, and pilot and spotter information are all consolidated to rapidly inform qualitative feedback to the jumper. This low-cost approach is robust compared to poor global positioning system (GPS) readings by leveraging multiple types of inexpensive, lightweight sensors and a rule-based classifier to isolate and extrapolate only reliable sensor information from hundreds of thousands of relevant data points. The method is furthermore extendable to and improved with multiple simultaneous jumpers—more jumpers provide additional data for cross-checking and consistency. In addition to novel data acquisition and processing, the system extracts relevant data and transforms the data into intuitive, 3D visual feedback during or almost immediately following the jump. 3D aircraft flight path, jump path and landing accuracy are just a few of the analytical capabilities which are generated immediately.
Technical improvements to the jumpers are also calculated and displayed. Such information is useful, for example, to debrief both spotters and jumpers to prepare for safely and accurately landing on target. The tracking system is also amenable to various types of tracker sensors and hardware and can thus provide a basis for quantitative comparison between hardware as it relates to skydive tracking. In contrast to the proposed system, other currently implemented methods rely on single-modality sensing and expensive, non-robots tracking equipment and procedures, and can require months of analysis and data refinement before accident investigations can be reliably conducted. The method is furthermore extendable to and improved with multiple simultaneous jumpers—more jumpers provide additional data for cross-checking and consistency. A 2016 injury was analyzed within fifteen minutes after receiving flight data, and detailed 3D flight path, data and graphics were generated. It isolated the cause of the accident, showed the best camera angles for the jump, and simultaneously displayed the flight data while also evaluating jumpers, spotters, and pilots. Also, data was collected from twelve jumpers during their rookie training and from veteran jumpers. This consisted of seventy-five individual jumps over two weeks, and the tracked data provided quantitative evidence of diver skill improvement using the intelligent tracking system. With the tracking and feedback system, rookie jumpers overall doubled their landing accuracy between the first and second week of jumps.
The inventor developed the “Skydiver Tracker”, which is skydiving training/safety technology. It has been purchased and successfully field-tested in hundreds of jumps by the U.S. government and as noted by a skydiver training manager, it allows them “to help teach parachute manipulation to new jumpers and refine techniques for experienced jumpers . . . . Your concept of a GPS-guided cargo delivery system is of interest to us” since “being able to stay at a higher altitude to deliver cargo packages would lower our mission risk.”
These interrelated technologies transform skydiving training/safety with: (1) a Virtual Reality (VR) simulator which permits practicing simulated jumps anywhere in the world prior to a real skydive and (2) two ounce $100 trackers which create actual flight data/3D graphics for post-jump debriefings/accident investigations far beyond existing capabilities as shown in the jump into the Grand Canyon. It should be used on every jump for humans and/or robots, especially during teamwork training. This black box (low-cost trackers with additional options) provides flight data and interactive 3D maps and videos which can be: (1) used for debriefings for the spotter, pilot, and jumpers after skydives; and (2) it provides crucial flight data for accident investigations. The headset and sensors permit the user to move their arms as in real skydives and practice jumps anywhere in the world.
Team Training—The training is also for a team of 12 or more jumpers which includes any combination of humans and/or skydiving robots.
Skydiving Robot which carries Payloads—A crucial final feature of the skydiving robot is to include the option to have it carry payloads for military or civilian purposes, which the robot could precisely deliver. A crucial payload is water if the mission is to fight fires by using the water to put out the flames. The robot could use its skydiving capability to skydive over 30 miles after exiting the aircraft where the exit elevation is up to 25,000 feet or more, i.e. the exit point above sea level. The robot could carry payloads weighing hundreds of pounds which is possible using off-the-shelf military parachutes since special ops human skydivers often carry hundreds of pounds of payloads of supplies during their jumps. However, when human skydivers carry extra supplies, they drag them beneath them which slows up the speed of the parachute. Fortunately, the skydiving robot could be designed to be relatively light, i.e. less than 100 pounds, and the payload could be placed in aerodynamically designed spaces within the robot's body and/or legs to easily carry over 150 lbs. of payload. Then the robot could weigh 250 pounds or more, similar to the weight of a human and the robot would be aerodynamically built to minimize drag and thereby maximize its speed as it glided up to or over 30 miles. Using a robot's precise skydiving capability, it could land within a few feet of the target thereby permitting robots either acting alone or with teams of robots to precisely land at targets up to 30 miles or more behind enemy lines, ideally at night to avoid enemy detection. After the robot lands it could serve as a scout before humans skydive either for military or civilian missions to ensure the area is safe for human skydivers to land. If it were a military mission, the robot could be designed to detonate after the end of the mission to ensure that the enemy does not obtain any information from the robot.
Deploying the Skydiving Robot—While for safety the aircraft deploying the robot could stay away from enemy lines, if the aircraft flew into enemy territory to deploy the robot, then the robot could land hundreds or even thousands of miles behind enemy lines, covering literally every part of any country in the world. And if the aircraft deploying the robot was an autonomous unmanned vehicle, no human would need to risk their lives in the mission of deploying the skydiving robot. Finally, and if the skydiving robot was deployed in a HALO (high altitude-low opening) mission, the robot could exit the aircraft at up to or over 30,000 feet and then freefall at a terminal speed of roughly 120 miles per hour and land within a few feet of the target in only 2 or 3 minutes, thereby becoming an extremely difficult target to shoot down.
GPS denied environment—While GPS inexpensively guides the robot to the target, backup options in GPS denied environments include Visual Aided Navigation, which includes cameras and maps, Celestial Navigation which tracks stars or Micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS) and Inertial Measurement Units (IMU).
Simulated Free Falls—Skydives include the free fall before the parachute opens followed by steering the chute to landing (
Weather type or others balloons to deploy robots—Hundreds of skydiving robots, costing as little as $10,000 ($2023) or less each, could be deployed by a large military transport aircraft. However, air defense systems use missiles which cost up to or over $200,000 each, to destroy aircraft which cost up to or over $100 million, effectively creating no fly zones. An alternative deployment, ideally at night, would be balloons, which carry payloads up to or over 8,000 lb., carrying unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), skydiving robots, etc., to altitudes up to 160,000 feet. Jet streams, which have speeds of up to or over 250 mph, which exist between roughly 30,000 feet and 50,000 feet, and usually flow from west to east and can be predicted by meteorologists, provide cost effective penetration of air defense systems precisely landing anywhere along jet streams worldwide. The jet streams vary from location to location and change from day to day.
Number | Date | Country | Kind |
2023-27260 | Feb 2023 | JP | national |
2024-14007 | Feb 2024 | JP | national |
This application is a continuation-in-part application of and claims priority to U.S. patent application Ser. No. 18/401,355 entitled “Firefighting Robots”, filed on Dec. 30, 2023, the disclosure of which is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety. This application is a continuation-in-part application of and claims priority to U.S. patent application Ser. No. 18/313,464 entitled “Skydiving Robots which precisely land and deliver Payloads”, filed on May 8, 2023, the disclosure of which is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety. Also, this application is a continuation-in-part application of and claims priority to U.S. patent application Ser. No. 18/052,927 entitled “Skydiving Robots”, filed on Nov. 6, 2022, the disclosure of which is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety. Also, this application is a continuation-in-part application of and claims priority to U.S. patent application Ser. No. 16/852,505 entitled “Automatic Ejection Safety Technology with a Skydiving Simulator for Improving Pilot Safety”, filed on Apr. 19, 2020, the disclosure of which is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety. Also, this application claims benefit of the provisional patent for Application No. 62/864,529 entitled “Automatic Ejection Safety Technology with a Skydiving Simulator for Improving Pilot Safety”, filed on Jun. 21, 2019. Also, this application is a continuation-in-part application of and claims priority to U.S. patent application Ser. No. 15/996,433 (patent Ser. No. 10/782,524, patented Sep. 22, 2020) entitled “Skydiving Tracker: An Integrated System for Flight Data Collection and Virtual Reality Simulators for Improving Skydiving Safety”, filed on Jun. 2, 2018, the disclosure of which is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety. Also, this application claims benefit of the provisional patent for Application No. 62517216 entitled “Skydiving Tracker: An Integrated System for Flight Data Collection and Virtual Reality Simulators for Improving Skydiving Safety”, filed on Jun. 9, 2017.
Number | Date | Country | |
Parent | 18401355 | Dec 2023 | US |
Child | 18431938 | US | |
Parent | 18313464 | May 2023 | US |
Child | 18431938 | US | |
Parent | 18052927 | Nov 2022 | US |
Child | 18431938 | US | |
Parent | 16852505 | Apr 2020 | US |
Child | 18431938 | US | |
Parent | 15996433 | Jun 2018 | US |
Child | 18431938 | US |