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Ramon Caceres, Fred Douglas, Kai Li and Brian Marsh, Operationg System Implications of Solid-State Mobile Computers, Oct. 1993, Workshop on Workstation Operting Systems; pp 1-7. |
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Anthony Cataldo, New flash enhancements up ante. (Intel's 28F400BV-120 and 28F004BV-120, Atmel's AT29BV010 and AT29BV020, and Samsung Semiconductor's KM29V32000 *flash* memory* devices)(Product Announcement), Mar. 13, 1995, 4 pgs., Electronic News, v.41, n.2056, The Gale Group. |
Sam Weber, *Flash* Modules' portability, reusability, small size valued for a host of APPs-Consumer formats flocking to *flash*, Jul. 22, 1996, 9 pgs., Electronic Engineering Times, n.911, CMP Media. |
Toshiba, MOS Memory (Non-Volatile), 1995, pp 191-252. |
Stan Baker, But Integration Calls For Hardware, Software Changes: Flash: designers face the dawn of a new memory age, Sep. 12, 2003, 5 pgs., Electronic Engineering Times, 1990, N.619, 41, CMP Media. |
Toshiba, Toshiba MOS Digital Integrated Circuit Silicon Gate CMOS, (TC58NS512DC) Mar. 21, 2001, 43 pgs. |
Toshiba Corporation, SMIL (Smartmedia Interface Library) Hardware Edition Version 1.00, Jul. 1, 2000, 36 pgs. |
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