"The Lab Book" Corning Glassware p. 61 item 4315 .COPYRGT.1983. |
Pyrex "Laboratory Glassware" pp. 336, 181, 180 items 98620, 8220, 8200, 8160 .COPYRGT.1963. |
Kimble "Glassware" .COPYRGT.1934 pp. 47, 49 and cover items 45245, 45220. |
"The Glass of Frederick Cander" pp. 265, 266 items 2419, 7149 .COPYRGT.1971. |
Chromacol 90-P.O. Box 293, Trumbull, Conn. 06611, 1990 Catalog p. 9, items 1.1-STVG and 1.1-CTVG. |
Kontes, Vineland, N.J. 08360, 1989, Catalog p. 78, Item: Flask-pear shaped. |
Zymark Catalog-Labmate Products, Turbovap Evaporation Workstations, Cat #T01 Jan. 1990, Zymark Center, Hopkinton, Mass. 01748. |