This invention is unique by incorporating multiple attracting methods and killing methods in one system. In addition, some of these methods have never been used to attract and deplete the flea population. It includes the following: 1) It has a structure that will mimic the silhouette of a mammal and will be referred to as the “form”. In the illustrations we give, we show a cat since the cat flea is the most prominent flea in the homes of the USA and affects dogs and cats. The silhouette is used by host seeking insect parasites in their early host seeking habit. The trap should be affective on all fleas and the “form” can be made of many different mammals including man. The silhouette is a new method; 2) this “form” will also show motion with the movement of the tail by a servo unit within it. Also, small vibrators are under the fur causing the fake animal to move up and down. Motion of the host is also used in early seeking methods by the insect parasites. The tail motion is a new method, 3) two fixed LED lights at 350 um are set stationary on the head one on each side of the “form”: These will mimic the eyes of the host and used by the parasite in long distance host seeking especially in the darkness of night. The LED linked with the silhouette is a new form, 4) A UV lamp of 325 um in motion will also be incorporated to attract fleas and used also in the production of carbon dioxide as discussed below when it is set in motion. The light will be set on the top of the tail itself that will eventually face downward onto the tail-base when it is brought upward by the servo unit. The tail-base will have the titanium coated plate that will produce carbon dioxide see below. Movement of the light attractant is a new method. 5) Carbon dioxide produced through UV light shown upon a metal plate painted with titanium dioxide a very important attractant too many insect parasites in seeking mammalian hosts that expel carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide production by titanium is a new method for the flea but has been used for the mosquito. Its use in the form where the fleas are attracted to such as the flea base is novel. 6) A synchronous level of carbon dioxide even further appearing as a living and breathing mammal and quite unique among traps. The alternating level will follow the motion of the tail to and fro that has the UV light that beams upon the titanium plate. Synchronous production is a new method. 7) A heat strip that is applied to the form on its side and produces heat similar to that of the host; 8) The use of sticky material to capture and hold any flea that lands on it as it seeks the host; this material is placed as a circle below and surrounding the “form”. 9) Diatomaceous earth, a very safe insect killer operates by cutting the cuticle of the flea. The Diatomaceous earth is placed in a circle surrounding the smaller circle of sticky material. This reduces the flipping up of debris from the environment onto the sticky material and reducing the sticky stuff's affective surface to hold the flea. The material from the environment such as dust, hair and lint will not be as disturbing to the diatomaceous earth that is on the circle closest to the environment; this is a new method that will increase effectiveness. 10) If the flea does not jump into the diatomaceous earth or onto the sticky stuff as it tries to infest the “form” but instead reaches the form it will contact the man-made fur, powdered or saturated with a safe insecticide or any other that may be applied. This is a new method; 11) a circular fencing with the gap of fence known as rabbit wire will be used to keep true living pets from disturbing the device.
The invention has been developed by a Doctor of Veterinary medicine who has been dissatisfied with the use of insecticides on the animals and the environment. The inventor also holds a Doctor of Parasitology with a Masters in Entomology and has carried out many published works on the behavior of host seeking insect parasites in private practice and as an assistant professor.
This apparatus is particularly useful for the general public pet owners in reducing fleas and their ill effects that call for veterinary medicine. The device could also be used in scientific endeavors in the study of the flea and in public health to determine levels and disease probabilities, such as plague. It provides an alternative method to reduce flea infestation without using a widespread insecticide and without using insecticides on or within the pet. The insecticides have been losing the war with fleas and with greater potency of these insecticides ill effects are showing up in our pets and environment. It is a fact that for every flea taken out by this attractant and killing machine the need for pesticides if at all will be lessened. It is an economical, safe, and effective way to reduce flea infestation within the home.
The consumer needs a safe and easily used appliance to kill the fleas. This invention only requires the user to plug it into the wall and place some powder on the outer circle of the base. Of course there will be a necessity of removing the sticky material of the fleas it has captured on its surface. This would show the consumer all the fleas that no longer have the ability to torment them or their pet.
The present inventions for flea traps are lacking. They do not incorporate essential means to attract the flea at the optimum level.