Summary The North Dakota Flow Cytometry and Cell Sorting (ND-FCCS) Core was established to provide investigators and their laboratory staff associated with this COBRE, the North Dakota IDeA Networks of Biomedical Research Excellence (INBRE), and the Dakota Cancer Collaborative on Translational Activity (DaCCoTA) CTR, as well as researchers across the state of North Dakota, the following: consultation in the design of fluorescent cell analysis or sorting experiments including fluorochrome selection and parameter calibration; training and oversight on the instrumentation to collect flow cytometry data; flow cytometric cell sorting; consultation on data analysis and usage of analysis software; as well as maintenance, upkeep, and when appropriate, upgrading of the instrumentation and analysis software. During Phase 1, the Core was utilized heavily by all of the researchers holding COBRE projects as well as most of the laboratories associated with the larger infectious disease group, investigators in the ND INBRE at UND, NDSU, and Minot State University, and other non-associated investigators at UND, NDSU, and the USDA Human Nutrition Center. During Phase 1 the Core was able to replace the obsolete BD LSR2 with a BD Symphony with funds from both this COBRE and the ND INBRE, and later to add a third flow cytometer, a Sony MA900 Cell Sorter, with funds from the DaCCoTA CTR, as well as to increase the number of licenses for FlowJo analytical software held by the Core for use predominately by the HPI COBRE investigators. The Core will continue with the services provided moving into Phase 2, as well as initiating full service for those investigators wanting the Core to perform the collection of flow cytometric data on their prepared/stained cells, as well as continued fluorescent cell sorting for the COBRE, INBRE, and CTR investigators, as well as non-associated researchers across North Dakota. To ensure ongoing sustainability, a fee for service or instrument usage fee will be implemented during the Phase 2 period of the COBRE for all users of the Core.