Foldable pallet with minimized use of material and having self- locking fasteners

The pallet assembled from two sheets of material, preferably corrugated paper board and stamped with cutouts. Once the cutouts have been scored. the two sheets are then either manually or machine folded to form upper and lower frame members. The frame member are then interconnected, using barbed arrow-shaped fastener and slots, in such a way as to create a force-resisting structure. Each of the fasteners is fabricated as a single, unitary piece with one of the frame members. No glue or other fasteners are required. In the pallet, the barbed arrow-shaped fasteners lock together upper and lower column elements within the frame members. Arrayed in contiguous pairs, the column elements are aligned so that each upper column element is disposed side by side with the lower column element, forming a single column of double thickness when the contiguous column elements are locked together. End flaps which bound the perimeter of the completed pallet are locked into position with the use of barbed arrow-shaped fasteners which are similar to those used in the column elements.

1. Field of the Invention

Pallets have been used for many years as supports a wide variety. Pre-packaged in separate small units and secured atop individual pallets, goods can then be lifted and moved around with the use of fork lift trucks. Traditionally, pallets have been made entirely of wood, but such combination are not only expensive to construct but also bulky to store and difficult to recycle. There is a need for low cost, easy to store and recyclable pallets. Pallets which can be easily fabricated in a wide range of custom sizes are also highly desirable.

2. Description of Related Art

Only a few inventors have disclosed pallets which approach the ideal, i.e., a pallet which can be formed when needed and otherwise be stored in a configuration in which it has only the thickness of a thin sheet of material, thereby saving storage and transportation costs. Among the pallets which represent an attempt to achieve this ideal is a foldable corrugated pallet assembly disclosed by Ogilvie, Jr. et al. U.S. Pat. No. 6,029,582, issued Feb. 29, 2000, hereafter referred to as “Ogilvie”.

Made from two precut and folded corrugated sheets, Ogilvie's pallet assembly is formed by rotating an upper frame member through 90 degrees relative to the lower frame member, and then placing it upside down over the lower frame member. So placed, ribs, which are formed in the upper frame member by a pleat-like folding of one of the corrugated sheets, extend perpendicularly to ribs which are formed in a like fashion in the lower frame member. Ogilivie's pallet assembly is completed by locking the ribs of the lower frame member into slots defined by the ribs of the upper frame member; and the latter ribs in turn are locked into slots defined by the ribs of the lower frame member. Glue is used to keep the pleat-like folds of the ribs in tack.


The object of the present invention is to provide a lightweight pallet which can be shipped as flat sheets, whether precut or not, and which can be economically assembled as needed by the user.

A further object is to provide such a pallet whose assembly does not require the use of glue or any fasteners other than those which are an integral part of the flat sheets themselves, thereby making the assembly and recycling much easier.

A still further object with the present invention is to provide such a pallet which requires substantially less material to form the same size pallet as do prior art combinations.

In accordance with the present invention, there is provided an improved pallet assembly made from two precut and folded frame members in which the upper frame member is rotated 90 degrees relative to the lower frame member and placed upside down over the lower frame member, both frame members defining column elements which in the pallet assembly are aligned side by side in pairs. So aligned, the column elements form a plurality of columns, each column having one column element from the upper frame member and one column element from the lower frame member. Preferably, each column element defines a self-locking tab which comprises both a barbed arrow-shaped fastener and a slot for receiving the tip of a second such fasteners. In the completed pallet assembly, the barbed tip of each such fastener on a column element of the upper frame member is held within a slot defined by a contiguous column element from the lower frame member. Similarly, the barbed tips of the fasteners on column elements of the lower frame member are held within slots in contiguous column elements of the upper frame member.

In the preferred embodiment, each barbed arrow-shaped fastener on an individual column element is nestled within a portion of a cutout which becomes a slot defined by this same column element when the barbed tip of the fastener and its shaft are dislodged from the cutout, in preparation for the tips being inserted into a similar slot defined by a contiguous column element.

Shipped as a pair of flat sheets made from corrugated paper board, plastic, or even ductile metals, the frame members can be formed and assembled manually or with the use of a relatively inexpensive machine. In addition, each of these sheets defines a plurality of self-locking tabs, independent of the column elements, which, in the completed pallet assembly, further lock the frame members together to form a rigid pallet, Thus neither material-consuming pleats nor glue nor any fasteners other than those which are an integral part of the flat sheets themselves are required in the fabrication of the improved pallet assembly. The saving on material alone over Ogilvie's combination amounts to about 20% for the same size pallet.

The pallets of this invention can be made of any length, width and thickness size without a cost penalty. Further the pallet can be made from a wide variation of materials including corrugated paper, sheet and corrugated plastic, and even ductile metals. An additional advantage can be had in a square pallet in which the pallet is constructed of two identical sheets of flat material, each being precut with the same pattern of cutouts, except for one of the sheets defining openings for receiving the wheels of a jack pallet, when the latter is needed.


FIG. 1 is a top right side perspective view of the assembled pallet according to the present invention.

FIG. 2 is a top right side perspective view of one of the two frame members which in assembled relation form the pallet according to FIG. 1, the sheet of material from which the frame member is folded being shown in its preliminary folded state;

FIG. 3A is an exploded perspective view of the two frame members which in assembled relation form the pallet according to FIG. 1, portions of each frame member having been folded, prior to its being joined to the other frame member;

FIG. 3B is a perspective view of the two frame members according to FIG. 3A just after the first step has been taken to join them in assembled relation;

FIG. 3C is an enlarged perspective view of fragmentary portions of the two frame members according to FIG. 3B, the distal end of a column element in one frame member being shown as it is inserted into a supporting slot in the other frame member;

FIG. 4A, 4B, 4C, 4D and 4E are enlarged perspective view of fragmentary portions of the two frame members according to FIG. 3B, a tool used to facilitate locking together tabs on contiguous column elements of the frame being shown in dashed lines and forming no part of the assembled pallet;

FIG. 4A showing a first locking tab defined by a column element in the upper frame member just before the first before the locking tab is engaged with a slot on a contiguous column element in the lower frame element;

FIG. 4B showing the initial stage of engagement between locking tabs in contiguous column elements, in which the tip of a second locking tab defined by the column element in the lower frame member is engaged with a slot defined by the column element in the upper frame member;

FIG. 4C showing the final stage of engagement between locking tabs in contiguous column elements and how the tool is used to pull the tip of the first locking tab in a slot defined by the column element in the lower frame member;

FIG. 4D shows the final locking of the tabs of contiguous column elements when the tool is disengaged;

FIG. 4E shows a plurality of contiguous columns elements with their respective locking tabs fully engaged;

FIG. 5A is a perspective view of the pallet showing how the end flaps are inserted, the top frame member has its front edge flap first fold and the lower frame element side edge has had both its first and second fold completed and is being inserted under the top frame member;

FIG. 5B is a enlarged view of FIG. 5A showing the lower frame member's end flap being inserted under the top frame member;

FIG. 5C is a break away close up view of the two end flaps fully inserted, engaged and locked in place;

FIG. 6 is a plan view of the top frame member of the pallet that has been scored and ready for shipment or for folding; and

FIG. 7 is a plan view of the bottom frame member of the pallet that has been scored and ready for shipment or for folding.


In the drawings, an improved pallet assembly is indicated generally by the reference numerical 10. Preferably rectangular in footprint, the pallet assembly 10 is fabricated by folding each of two precut sheets to form the upper and lower frame members 11, 12, respectively. The sheets 11, 12 can be made a variety of materials including corrugated paper board, plastic or ductile metals or the like. The sheets of material are first scored and punched as shown on FIGS. 6, 7. FIG. 6 shows the top sheet which forms the top frame member and FIG. 7 shows the bottom sheet which forms the bottom frame member. The bottom frame member 12 may includes holes 13 which are positioned and sized to provide ample clearance for the wheels of a jack pallets, However, if the use of a jack pallet is not needed the bottom sheet 12 could use the same design as the top sheet 11.

The sheets 11, 12 are scored with five types of patterns as best illustrated in FIGS. 6 and 7. The main cut out is the columns elements 20, 20′. (To help distinguish between the identical cut outs on sheets 11 and 12 the cutout on sheet 11 will be marked by prime numbers.) The first step in assembly is to bend these column elements about 90 degrees as shown in FIG. 2. When the frame members 11 and 12 are property positioned, as shown on FIGS. 3A, 3B, 3C each column element 20′ of the upper panel is paired side by side with a column element 20 from he lower frame member 12.

Among the features of each column element 20 are a notch 21 and a key 22 on its distal end sized for a close fit in a notch 21 cut in the sheets as shown in detail on FIG. 3C. The key 22′ of the column element 20′ of the upper sheet 11 will slip fit into the notches 21 of the lower sheet 12. Similarly fastening of the key 22 of the columns 20 of the lower surface 12 into notches 21′ of the upper sheet 11.

The pallet is assembled when two sheets 11, 12 with their columns elements in raised position as shown in FIG. 2 are rotated 90 degrees to each other and the top sheet 11 is raised above the lower sheet 12 with its columns elements 20′ facing and adjacent to the columns 20 of the lower sheet as shown in FIG. 3A. The sheet 11 is then lowered as shown FIG. 3B and the column keys 22 are slipped fitted in the respective notches 21 as shown in FIG. 3C.

Further features of each column element 20, 20′ include a locking tab 40 whose cutout roughly resembles a horizontally disposed “H” (FIG. 4A). The upper sheets 11 and lower sheets 12 are locked together by the locks 40 in each adjacent pair of columns elements 20, 20′. When certain portions of the “H” are spread apart such as the cross bar of the “H” it forms a blunt arrow 41 that has a barbs whose total width is wider than the space between the parallel arms of the “H”. The space between the parallel arms 42 becomes the shaft 42 of the arrow on one column element and the opening 42 for the arrow 41 on the adjacent column element 20 (FIG. 4B). Thereby the shaft 42 of the two locks 40 hold the two columns elements together permanently by the barbs on the arrow 41.

This locking mechanism utilizing the tabs 40 can be activated manually for small applications or when a large demand for pallets, with the use of a machine tool 50 as illustrated in FIG. 4. It is also possible for sheets 11 and 12 to be placed in a forming machine while still flat and all the cutouts punched and folded automatically, until a finished pallet is discharged from the machine. The applicant is in the process of developing such a machine that has specifications for assembly of this type of pallets at a high rate o speed.

The final step of assembling the pallets is the assembly of end closures 30 as shown on FIG. 5. The end closures have three two types of cutouts: the large lifting fork cutouts 31, the end notches 32 sized to slip fit on a pair of adjacent end columns 20, 20′ and a horizontal “H” cutout 33. The end closure 30 is double folded and the end tabs 36 are slid on the inside their respective cover sheets 11 or 12. The end closures 30 are permanently locked into position by the arrows 34 and shaft 35 are slid into their respective slots 33 (FIG. 5C). This end closure 30 not only gives a target for the fork lift forks but also strengthens the perimeter of the pallet.

It is understood that those skilled in the art may conceive modifications, additions, and deletions and/or changes in the preferred form described above without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention and its equivalents as set forth in the following claims.

  • 1. A pallet which comprises: (a) a top and a bottom sheet of material, each sheet defining top and bottom sides, respectively, and upper and lower column elements; the upper columns elements being folded perpendicularly, prior to use, to the top side and extending downwardly therefrom; the lower columns elements being folded perpendicularly, prior to use, to the bottom side and extending upwardly therefrom; each upper and lower element, in assembled relation, being disposed contiguous with one of the lower column elements; (b) a means of locking each contiguous pair of upper and lower column elements together, the locking means comprising an arrow-shaped fasteners, each fasteners having a barbed head and a shaft, the shaft being attached to one of the column elements, each column element having a cutout which defines at least one of the fasteners and a slot, the barbed head of each fastener in a contiguous pair of column elements penetrating the slot of the contiguous column element in such a way that the barbed head and its shaft are locked into place, making each contiguous pair of column elements into a rigid structure.
  • 2. A pallet according to claim 1, which further comprises of perimeter portions of the top and bottom sheets being doubled folded and tucked between the top and bottom sheets to form a closure and thereby strengthen of the perimeter of the pallet.
  • 3. A pallet according to claim 2, which further comprises the top and bottom sheets defining a plurality of arrow-shaped fasteners and slots which are spaced apart from the column elements and disposed along edges of the top and bottom sides, each fastener so disposed having a barbed head and a short shaft which, in assembled relation, are locked into one of the slots spaced apart from the column elements, thereby locking the perimeter portions themselves into place.
  • 4. A pallet which comprises: (a) a top and a bottom sheet of material, each sheet defining top and bottom sides, respectively, and upper and lower column elements; the upper columns elements being folded perpendicularly, prior to use, to the top side and extending downwardly therefrom; the lower columns elements being folded perpendicularly, prior to use, to the bottom side and extending upwardly therefrom; each upper and lower element, in assembled relation, being disposed contiguous with one of the lower column elements; (b) a means for locking each contiguous pair of upper and lower column elements together, the locking means comprising at least one fastener, each fastener and one of the column elements forming a single, unitary piece.
  • 5. The pallet according to claim 4, wherein the top and bottom sheets are made of corrugated paper boards.
  • 6. The pallet according to claim 4, wherein the top and bottom sheets are made of a plastic material.
  • 7. The pallet according to claim 4, wherein the top and bottom sheets of a ductile metal.
  • 8. The pallet according to claim 4, wherein the top and bottom sheets are made of any combination of corrugated paper, plastic or metal.
  • 9. A pallet assembly, which comprises: (a) upper and lower frame members having top and bottom sides, respectively, each of the top and bottom sides being compatible in footprint to the pallet assembly itself; (b) a plurality of upper and lower column elements, the upper column elements being fabricated as a single unitary piece with the top side and being disposed perpendicularly thereto in assembled relation, the lower column elements being fabricated as a single, unitary piece with the bottom side and being disposed perpendicularly thereto in assembled relation; the upper and lower elements being arrayed in contiguous pairs, each upper column element in such a pair being disposed side by side within a lower column elements; and (c) means for locking each contiguous pair of upper and lower column elements together the locking means including first and second arrow-shaped fasteners formed as unitary pieces with the upper and lower column elements, respectively; each fastener having a barbed head and a short shaft, the upper and lower column elements defining first and second slots for receiving the barbed heads of the second and first fasteners, respectively, each slot having approximately the same width as the shaft of the fastener whose barbed head the slot receives so that in each contiguous pair of upper and lower column elements, the barbed heads of the first and second fasteners anchored by their shafts to the upper and lower column elements, respectively, can be locked into slots defined by the lower and upper column elements, respectively, forming a rigid structure.