Foodstuff flavoring compositions comprising alkylidene alkenals and processes for preparing same as well as flavoring compositions for use in such foodstuff

Methods for altering, modifying or enhancing the organoleptic properties of foodstuffs and perfumes comprising incorporating with such materials a small but effective amount (from 0.02 ppm up to about 150 ppm) of at least one 2-alkylidene-cis-3-alkenal or at least one 2-alkylidene-trans-3-alkenal or a mixture having at last one 2-alkylidene-trans-3-alkenal and one 2-alkylidene-cis-3-alkenal represented by the formula: ##SPC1##Or di-lower alkyl acetal thereof wherein one of R.sub.1 and R.sub.2 is hydrogen and the other is lower alkyl; and one of R.sub.3 and R.sub.4 is hydrogen and the other is lower alkyl; together with compositions containing the said 2-alkylidene-3-alkenals or acetals thereof for use in altering such organoleptic properties.

The present invention provides methods for altering, modifying or enhancing the organoleptic properties (aroma or taste) of consumable materials such as foodstuffs, tobacco products, and perfumes, by adding to such articles quantities of one or more 2-alkylidene-cis-3-alkenals and/or 2-alkylidene-trans-3-alkenals or di-lower alkyl acetals thereof and it further relates to compositions adapted to alter the organoleptic properties of consumable materials.
U.S. patent No. 3,463,818 shows unsaturated aldehydes having various floral odors and processes for preparing such compounds. Japanese published application No. 72/43526 shows the synthesis of terpene derivatives having orange-like odors, and hexadienal derivatives are shown. Wiemann et al, Memoires Presentes Soc. Chem., 1966, 1760, describe nuclear magnetic residence studies on some conjugated dienals, and a number of these compounds, including 2-ethylidene-3-pentenal are shown. 2-Propenyl-2-pentenal is mentioned in Chem. Abstracts 35, 6238.
West German published application 1,951,883 is said in Chem. Abstracts 75, 5246 show preparation of dienals useful as perfumes. Tiffeneau et al., Comptes Rend. 204, 590 show the preparation of 2-alkylidene-3-butenal.
U.S. Pats. Nos. 3,272,873; 3,453,317; and 3,493,619 show processes for preparing unsaturated aldehydes or for treating such aldehydes. U.S. Pat. No. 3,520,936 shows production of an unsaturated aldehyde, and U.S. Pat. No. 3,542,878 shows an aldol condensation using a tin catalyst.
Odiger et al. Annalen 682 58 (1965); Corey et al, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 90, 6816; and Wittig et al., Chem. Ber. 94, 676 (1961) show "alkylidenation" reactions utilizing phosphorous compounds.
The present invention provides methods for altering, modifying or enhancing the organoleptic properties of foodstuffs and perfumes which comprise adding to such materials at least one 2-alkylidene-3-alkenal or di-lower alkyl acetal thereof. Briefly, the methods of our invention comprise adding an amount of at least one 2-alkylidene-3-alkenal having the formula: ##SPC2##
or di-lower alkyl acetals thereof wherein one of R.sub. 1 and R.sub. 2 is hydrogen and the other is lower alkyl; and one of R.sub. 3 and R.sub. 4 is lower alkyl and the other is hydrogen, to a consumable material to change the organoleptic properties of the material. The invention also contemplates compositions containing such 2-alkylidene-3-alkenal compounds or di-lower alkyl acetals thereof such as dimethyl or diethyl or ethyl methyl acetals.
The alkyl groups contemplated according to the present invention are lower alkyl groups, desirably those alkyl groups containing from one to four carbon atoms. Preferably, the alkyl groups represented by R.sub. 1 are methyl or ethyl and those represented by R.sub. 3 and R.sub. 4 are methyl, ethyl, propyl, iso propyl, n-butyl and iso-butyl.
More specifically our invention includes the process for imparting, augmenting or modifying the citrus or fresh green flavor note of a foodstuff which comprises adding thereto from about 0.02 ppm up to about 150 ppm, based on the weight of said foodstuff, of a composition of matter consisting essentially of at least one of the compounds selected from the group consisting of:
i. 2-ethylidene-6-methyl-cis-3-heptenal;
ii. trans-2-ethylidene-trans-3-hexenal;
iii. cis-2-ethylidene-cis-3-hexenal;
iv. cis-2-ethylidene-cis-3-hexenal diethylacetal; and
v. trans-2-ethylidene-cis-3-pentenal.
It will be understood from the present disclosure that several "cis-trans" isomers are possible as a result of the presence of an alkyl substituents on the carbon atoms surrounding the carbon-carbon double bond of the alkenal chain (as opposed to the alkylidene moiety) and are contemplated herein. As an instance, a particularly preferred alkenal is 2-ethylidene-cis-3-hexenal, the compound according to the foregoing formula when R.sub. 1 is methyl, R.sub. 3 is ethyl and R.sub. 4 is hydrogen. The structure of this compound can be written ##SPC3##
This configuration represents the one in which the methyl group represented by R.sub. 1 is trans to the carbonyl group and the ethyl group represented by R.sub. 3 is cis to the alkylidene group. The processes used to produce the compound used in the compositions of our invention primarily cause production of compounds wherein the alkyl group represented by R.sub. 1 is in a position trans to the carbonyl group.
The 2-ethylidene-cis-3-hexenal, ##SPC4##
has a citrus, albedo-like character which ideally suits it for use in citrus flavors and particularly orange. In orange drink it imparts a juice-like character and improves the sweetness. 2-Ethylidene-6-methyl-cis-3-heptenal, ##SPC5##
has a green, floral, slightly cucumber top fragrance note with a twig-like undertone, particularly suiting it for use in fragrance compositions.
2-Ethylidene-trans-3-hexenal, ##SPC6##
has an odor noticeably different from the cis material disclosed above, having more of a musty, harsh nuance.
2-Ethylidene-cis-3-pentenal, ##SPC7##
is drier, more fleshy, green plant-like in character than 2-Ethylidene-cis-3-hexenal.
Trans-2-propenyl-trans-2-pentenal ##SPC8##
at 2 ppm has a fruity, smoked sausage-like aftertaste with p-vinyl guaiacol-like notes. At 3 ppm it has a slight sweet-cooked fruit like impression. At 5 ppm it has a fruity, smoked sausage note.
Cis-2-ethylidene-cis-3-hexenal, ##SPC9##
in admixture with trans-2-ethylidene-cis-3-hexenal and the diethyl acetal of cis-2-ethylidene-cis-3-hexenal in the following proportion:
______________________________________Cis-2-ethylidene-cis-3-hexenal 70 %Trans-2-ethylidene-cis-3-hexenal 20 %Diethylacetal of cis-2-ethylidene-cis-3- 10 % hexenal______________________________________
at 0.5 ppm imparts a "juicier" note to orange drink flavor. The taste had dominating fresh green notes with light, spicy backnotes. It has a delicate, green, twiggy, leafy, fruity aroma note with a natural cinnamon note on dry-out. It will be appreciated that di-lower alkyl acetals of the 2-alkylidene-3-alkenals of our invention are useful as precursors for their respective aldehydes in foods, perfumes and tobacco. Thus, for example, the following acetals, produced interalia by reaction of the corresponding aldehyde with an alcohol in the presence of an acidic catalyst such as HCl or other techniques as set forth herein or in copending U.S. patent application Ser. No. 276,922 filed on Aug. 1, 1972 such as reaction with a tri-lower alkyl orthoformate:
2-ethylidene-cis-3-hexenal diethyl acetal
2-ethylidene-cis-3-hexenal dimethyl acetal
2-ethylidene-cis-3-hexenal ethyl methyl acetal
2-ethylidene-6-methyl-cis-3-heptenal diethyl acetal
2-ethylidene-6-methyl-cis-3-heptenal dimethyl acetal
2-ethylidene-6-methyl-cis-3-heptenal ethyl methyl acetal
2-ethylidene-trans-3-hexenal diethyl acetal
2-ethylidene-trans-3-hexenal dimethyl acetal
2-ethylidene-trans-3-hexenal ethyl methyl acetal
2-ethylidene-cis-3-pentenal diethyl acetal
2-ethylidene-cis-3-pentenal dimethyl acetal
2-ethylidene-cis-3-pentenal ethyl methyl acetal
trans-2-propenyl-trans-2-pentenal diethyl acetal
trans-2-propenyl-trans-2-pentenal dimethyl acetal
trans-2-propenyl-trans-2-pentenal ethyl methyl acetal
It will be appreciated from the present disclosure that the 2-alkylidene-3-alkenal derivatives and mixtures thereof according to the present invention can be used to alter, vary, fortify, modify, enhance, or otherwise improve the organoleptic properties, including flavor and/or aroma, of a wide variety of materials which are ingested, consumed, or otherwise organoleptically
The terms "alter" and "modify" in their various forms will be understood herein to mean the supplying or imparting a flavor character or note to an otherwise bland, relatively tasteless substance, or augmenting an existing flavor characteristic where the natural flavor is deficient in some regard, or supplementing the existing flavor or aroma impression to modify the organoleptic character. The materials which are so altered are generally referred to herein as consumable materials.
The term "enhance" is used herein to mean the intensification of a flavor or aroma characteristic or note without the modification of the quality thereof. Thus, "enhancement" of a flavor or aroma means that the enhancement agent does not add any additional flavor note.
Such 2-alkylidene-3-alkenal derivatives are accordingly useful in flavoring compositions. Flavoring compositions are herein taken to mean those which contribute a part of the overall flavor impression by supplementing or fortifying a natural or artificial flavor in a material, as well as those which supply substantially all the flavor and/or aroma character to a consumable article.
The term "foodstuff" as used herein includes both solid and liquid ingestible materials for man or animals, which materials usually do, but need not, have nutritional value. Thus, foodstuffs includes meats, gravies, soups, convenience foods, malt and other alcoholic or non-alcoholic beverages, milk and dairy products, nut butters such as peanut butter and other spreads, seafoods including fish, crustaceans, mollusks and the like, candies, breakfast foods, baked goods, vegetables, cereals, soft drinks, snack foods, dog and cat foods, other veterinary products, and the like.
The term "tobacco" will be understood herein to mean natural products such as, for example, burley, Turkish tobacco, Maryland tobacco, flue-cured tobacco and the like including tobacco-like or tobacco-based products such as reconstituted or homogenized leaf and the like, as well as tobacco substitutes intended to replace natural tobacco, such as lettuce and cabbage leaves and the like. The tobaccos and tobacco products include those designed or used for smoking such as in cigarette, cigar, and pipe tobacco, as well as products such as snuff, chewing tobacco, and the like.
When the 2-alkylidene-3-alkenal derivatives according to this invention are used in a flavoring composition, they can be combined with conventional flavoring materials or adjuvants. Such co-ingredients or flavoring adjuvants are well known in the art for such use and have been extensively described in the literature. Apart from the requirement that any such adjuvant material be ingestibly acceptable, and thus non-toxic or otherwise non-deleterious, conventional materials can be used and broadly include other flavor materials, vehicles, stabilizers, thickeners, surface active agents, conditioners, and flavor intensifiers.
Such conventional flavoring material include saturated, unsaturated, fatty and amino acids; alcohols, including primary and secondary alcohols; esters, carbonyl compounds, including ketones and aldehydes; lactones; cyclic organic materials including benzene derivatives, alicyclics, heterocyclics such as furans, thiazoles, thiazolidines, pyridines, pyrazines and the like; other sulfur-containing materials including thiols, sulfides, disulfides and the like; proteins; lipids; carbohydrates; so-called flavor potentiators such as monosodium glutamate, guanylates, and inosinates; natural flavoring materials such as cocoa, vanilla, and caramel; essential oils and extracts such as anise oil, clove oil and the like; artificial flavoring materials such as vanillin; and the like.
It has been found in certain preferred embodiments that various adjuvants are particularly suited for use with various alkenal derivatives according to the present invention. In view of the utility of compounds according to the present invention for fruit, citrus, vegetable, beverage, and confectionary flavors and for enhancing such flavors, it is preferred in certain embodiments that the 2-alkylidene alkenal derivative or derivatives be combined with one or more adjuvants such as maltol, ethyl maltol, ethyl acetate, ethyl butyrate, ethyl propionate, propanal, n-decanal, 3-hexenol, n-octanal, n-nonanal, citral, fusel oil, n-hexanal, n-butanol, d-limonene, linalool, citronellal, n-dodecanal, geraniol, nerol, or vanillin.
Stabilizers include preservatives such as sodium chloride and the like, antioxidants such as calcium and sodium ascorbate, ascorbic acid, butylated hydroxyanisole, butylated hydroxytoluene, propyl gallate and the like, sequestrants such as citric acid, EDTA, phosphates, and the like.
Thickeners include carriers, binders, protective colloids, suspending agents, emulsifiers, and the like, such as agar-agar, carrageenan, cellulose and cellulose derivatives such as carboxymethyl cellulose and methyl cellulose, and the like, and other proteinaceous materials, lipids, carbohydrates, starches and pectins.
Surface active agents include emulsifying agents such as mono- and/or diglycerides of fatty acids including capric acid, caprylic acid, palmitic acid, myristic acid, oleic acid, and the like, lecithin, defoaming and flavordispersing agents such as sorbitan monostearate, potassium stearate, hydrogenated tallow alcohol, and the like.
Conditioners include compounds such as bleaching and maturing agents such as benzoyl peroxide, calcium peroxide, hydrogen peroxide and the like; starch modifiers such as peracetic acid, sodium chlorite, sodium hypochlorite, propylene oxide, succinic anhydride and the like, buffers and neutralizing agents such as sodium acetate, ammonium bicarbonate, ammonium phosphate, citric acid, lactic acid, vinegar and the like; colorants such as carminic acid, cochineal, turmeric, curcumin, approved food and drug dyes, and the like; firming agents such as aluminum sodium sulfate, calcium chloride and calcium gluconate; texturizers; anti-caking agents such as aluminum calcium sulfate and tribasic calcium phosphate; enzymes; yeast foods such as calcium lactate and calcium sulfate; nutrient supplements such as iron salts including ferric phosphate, ferric pyrophosphate, ferrous gluconate and the like, riboflavin, vitamins, zinc sources such as zinc chloride, zinc sulfate, and the like.
The 2-alkylidene-3-alkenal derivatives, or the compositions incorporating them, as mentioned above, can be combined with one or more vehicles or carriers for adding them to the particular product. Vehicles can be edible or otherwise suitable materials such as ethyl alcohol, propylene glycol, water, and the like. Carriers include materials such as gum arabic, carrageenan, other gums, and the like. The alkenal compounds according to this invention can be incorporated with the carriers by conventional means such as spray-drying, drum-drying, and the like. Such carriers can also include materials for coacervating the alkylidene alkenal derivatives (and other flavoring ingredients, as present) to provide encapsulated products. When the carrier is an emulsion, the flavoring composition can also contain emulsifiers such as mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids and the like. With these carriers or vehicles, the desired physical form of the composition can be prepared.
It will be understood by those skilled in the art that the 2-alkylidene-3-alkenal derivatives according to the present invention can be added to the materials to be flavored at any convenient point in the production of the finished product. Thus, when the derivatives are used to alter or otherwise vary the flavor of the foodstuff, they can be added in the original mixture, dough, emulsion, batter, syrup, or the like prior to any cooking or heating operating. Alternatively, they can be added at a later stage of processing if volatilization losses would be excessive during the earlier processing.
When the derivatives are used to treat tobacco products for example, the additive can be applied in a suitable manner, as by spraying, dipping, or otherwise. They can be applied during the "casing" or final spray treatment of the tobacco, or they can be applied at some earlier stage of curing or preparation. The quantity of 2-alkylidene-3-alkenal derivatives or mixtures thereof utilized should be sufficient to impart the desired flavor characteristic to the product, but on the other hand, the use of an excessive amount of the derivative is not only wasteful and uneconomical, but in some instances too large a quantity may unbalance the flavor or other organoleptic properties of the product consumed. The quantity used will vary depending upon the ultimate foodstuff, tobacco product, or other consumable product; the amount and type of flavor initially present in the product; the further process or treatment steps to which the product will be subjected; regional and other preference factors; the type of storage, if any, to which the product will be subjected; and the preconsumption treatment, such as baking, frying, and so on, given to the product by the ultimate consumer. Accordingly, the terminology "effective amount" and "sufficient amount" is understood in the context of the present invention to be quantitatively adequate to alter the flavor of the foodstuff, tobacco, or other consumable material.
It is accordingly preferred that the ultimate compositions contain from about 0.02 parts per million (ppm) to about 150 ppm of 2-alkylidene alkenal derivative or derivatives. More particularly, in food compositions it is desirable to use from about 0.05 ppm for enhancing flavors and in certain preferred embodiments of the invention, from about 0.2 to 50 ppm of the derivatives are included to add positive flavors to the finished product. On the other hand, tobacco compositions can contain as little as 0.5 ppm and as much as 250 ppm depending upon whether a cigarette tobacco, a pipe tobacco, a cigar tobacco, a chewing tobacco, or snuff is being prepared. All parts, proportions, percentages, and ratios herein are by weight unless otherwise indicated.
The amount of 2-alkylidene alkenal material or materials to be utilized in flavoring compositions can be varied over a wide range depending upon the particular quality to be added to the foodstuff, tobacco, or other consumable material. Thus, amounts of one or more derivatives according to the present invention from about 2 ppm up to 80 to 90 percent can be incorporated in such compositions. It is generally found to be desirable to include from about 10 ppm to about 0.1 percent of the derivatives in such compositions.
The 2-alkylidene alkenal derivatives of this invention are also useful individually or in admixture as fragrances. They can be used to contribute various fruity, woody, or floral fragrances. As olfactory agents, the derivatives of this invention can be formulated into or used as components of a "perfume composition".
A perfume composition is composed of a small but effective amount of a -2-alkylidene-3-alkenal derivative according to this invention and an auxiliary perfume ingredient, including, for example, alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, nitriles, esters, and frequently hydrocarbons which are admixed so that the combined odors of the individual components produce a pleasant or desired fragrance. Such perfume compositions usually contain (a) the main note or the "bouquet" or foundation-stone of the composition; (b) modifiers which round-off and accompany the main note; (c) fixatives which include odorous substances which lend a particular note to the perfume throughout all stages of evaporation, and substances which retard evaporation, and (d) top-notes which are usually low-boiling fresh smelling materials.
In perfume compositions the individual component will contribute its particular olfactory characteristics, but the overall effect of the perfume composition will be the sum of the effect of each ingredient. Thus, the individual derivatives of this invention, or mixtures thereof, can be used to alter the aroma characteristics of a perfume composition, for example, by high-lighting or moderating the olfactory reaction contributed by another ingredient in the composition.
The amount of the compounds of this invention which will be effective in perfume compositions depends on many factors, including the other ingredients, their amounts and the effects which are desired. It has been found that perfume compositions containing as little as 0.2 percent of the compounds of this invention, or even less, can be used to impart a scent odor to soaps, cosmetics, and the other products. The amount employed can range up to five percent or higher of the fragrance components and will depend on considerations of cost, nature of the end product, the effect desired on the finished product and the particular fragrance sought.
The derivatives of this invention can be used alone or in a perfume composition as an olfactory component in detergents and soaps; space odorants and deodorants; perfumes; colognes; toilet waters; bath preparations such as bath oil and bath salts; hair preparations such as lacquers, brilliantines, pomades, and shampoos; cosmetic preparations such as creams, deodorants, hand lotions, and sun screens; powders such as talcs, dusting powders, face powder, and the like. When used as an olfactory component of a perfumed article, as little as 100 ppm of one or more of the preferred 2-alkylidene-3-alkenal derivatives will suffice to impart a floral, woody odor character. Generally, no more than 5 percent is required in the perfume composition.
In addition, the perfume composition or fragrance composition can contain a vehicle or carrier for the 2-alkylidene-3-alkenal derivatives alone or with other ingredients. The vehicle can be a liquid such as alcohol, glycol, or the like. The carrier can be an absorbent solid such as gum or components for encapsulating the composition.
It will thus be apparent that the derivatives according to the present invention can be utilized to alter the sensory properties, particularly organoleptic properties such as flavor and/or fragrance of a wide variety of consumable materials.
The 2-alkylidene-3-alkenals and di-lower alkyl acetals thereof of the present invention are in some instances novel. They can readily be prepared by a number of reaction routes, as will be apparent to those skilled in the art from the present disclosure. Thus, they can be prepared by reacting an alkyl metallo acetylide with a dialkoxyacetonitrile to form an imine salt, hydrolyzing the imine salt to form 1,1-dialkoxy-3-alkyn-2-one, treating the alkynone with an alkylidene triphenyl phosphorane, hydrolyzing the 1,1-dialkoxy-2-alkylidene-3-alkyne so formed with aqueous acid to provide 2-alkylidene-3-alkynal, and reducing the triple bond to a double bond (as by hydrogenation) to obtain 2-alkylidene-3-alkenal.
It is significant that hydrogenation of the 1,1-dialkoxy-3-alkyne-2-one will yield, primarily, the isomer 1,1-dialkoxy-cis-3-alkene-2-one which may be isomerized, if desired, to the 1,1-dialkoxy-trans-3-alkene-2-one, using an appropriate cis-trans isomerization reagent such as a mixture of acetic acid and sodium iodide or potassium iodide (Preferred concentration range of alkali metal iodide in acetic acid, from 0.5% up to 2% by weight). It should further be noted that hydrolysis of the 1,1-dialkoxy-2-alkylidene-trans-3-alkenal produced as the result of reaction of the tri-substituted alkylidene phosphorane with the 1,1-dialkoxy-3-trans-alkene-2-one will yield a mixture of cis-2-alkylidene-trans-3-alkenal and trans-2-alkylidene-trans-3-alkenal. The cis-2-alkylidene-trans-3-alkenal in the mixture may then be specifically isomerized to the trans-2-alkylidene-trans-3-alkenal (thus creating a material containing only the one isomer, to wit: trans-2-alkylidene-trans-3-alkenal) by means of an appropriate cis-trans isomerization agent such as a mixture of acetic acid and an alkali metal iodide such as sodium iodide or potassium iodide.
Alternatively, the compounds described herein can be produced by a process comprising the steps of: (1) reacting an aliphatic .alpha.,.beta.-unsaturated aldehyde with an halogen to provide the corresponding .alpha.-halo aldehyde derivative; (2) either (i) reacting the said .alpha.-halo aldehyde derivative with an alkyl magnesium halide Grignard reagent, hydrolyzing the resulting product to form a hydroxyhaloalkene and dehydrating the resulting hydroxyhaloalkene to form a trans halo alkadiene or (ii) reacting the said .alpha.-halo aldehyde derivative with a trisubstituted alkylidene phosphorane or an alkylidene phosphorous triamide to provide a mixture of cis and trans halo alkadienes having structures: ##SPC10##
(3) either (i) treating either the mixture of said halo alkadiene isomers or said trans halo alkadiene with a metal such as magnesium thereby forming an organometallic reagent and reacting the said organometallic reagent so formed with a trialkyl orthoformate to yield an acetal which is then hydrolyzed with acid to yield the desired alkylidene-trans-alkenal or (ii) reacting the mixture of halo alkadiene isomers with an alkyl lithium to form a lithioalkadiene (mixture of isomers) and then reacting said organometallic reagent with a dialkyl formamide followed by acid hydrolysis thus forming a mixture of 2-alkylidene-3-cis alkenal and alkylidene-3-trans-alkenal or (iii) physically separating the cis halo alkadiene from the trans halo alkadiene and then reacting each isomer independently with an alkyl lithium to form lithio alkadienes and then reacting each of said lithio alkadienes with a dialkyl formamide followed by acid hydrolysis forming, separately, an alkylidene-trans-alkenal and an alkylidene-cis-alkenal.
The intermediate and/or final products obtained can be purified or isolated by conventional purification after appropriate washing, neutralizing and/or drying. Thus, such products can be purified and/or isolated by distillation, steam distillation, vacuum distillation, extraction, preparative chromatographic techniques, and the like.

The following examples are given to illustrate embodiments of the invention as it is presently preferred to practice it. It will be understood that these examples are illustrative, and the invention is not to be considered as restricted thereto except as indicated in the appended claims.
i. Preparation of 2-Ethylidene-Cis-3-Hexenal
Preparation of 1,1-Dimethoxy-3-Hexyne-2-One
An ether solution of ethylmagnesium bromide is prepared from 7.3 g magnesium turnings and 32.7 ethyl bromide. About 20 g ethyl acetylene is admitted as a gas under a dry ice condenser and the mixture is refluxed for two hours until gas evolution ceases. The mixture is then cooled below, and 30.3 g of dimethoxy acetonitrile is added in either solution.
The mixture is allowed to come to room temperature and stirred for two hours, during which time the lower layer of the two-phase mixture becomes almost solid. The mixture is again cooled and treated with 16 ml sulfuric acid diluted with 300 ml water. The layers are separated and the organic layer is washed successively with saturated aqueous sodium chloride solution and saturated aqueous sodium bicarbonate solution and then dried over 4A molecular sieves. Thorough removal of solvent gives 35.3 g of yellow oil -- 99% pure by GLC (gas-liquid phase chromatography).
ii. Preparation of 2-Ethylidene-3-Hexynal Dimethyl Acetal
Ethyltriphenylphosphonium bromide (24.8 g) is stirred with 100 ml benzene, and 40 ml (1.6 N) butyl lithium in hexane is added over about one-half hour with a water bath used to take up the slight heat of reaction. The mixture (bright orange) is stirred at room temperature for 0.75 hour, and 10.0 g of the 1,1-dimethoxy-3-hexyne-2-one is added dropwise in one-half hour.
After an additional 15 minutes at (water bath) the mixture is filtered and evaporated at reduced pressure through a fractionation column. The residue is dissolved in isopentane, filtered, and again evaporated to provide 4.3 g of a yellow orange oil. Gas chromatographic, mass spectral and nuclear magnetic resource (NMR) data indicate that the major peaks are isomers of the desired structures: ##SPC11##
iii. Preparation of 2-Ethylidene-3-hexynal
The acetal isomers so produced are dissolved in 50 ml ether and stirred for 11/2 hours with 25 ml water containing 2.5 g oxalic acid (room temperature). The layers are separated and washed successively with saturated aqueous sodium carbonate solution and brine, and evaporated at atmospheric pressure through a Vigreux column. After removal of the last traces of solvent in vacuo there remains 3.0 g of reddish oil. GC-MS and NMR confirm that the major product is 2-ethylidene-3-hexynal.
iv. Preparation of 2-Ethylidene-cis-3-hexenal
The 2-ethylidene-3-hexynal so prepared (2.5 g) is dissolved in 20 ml hexane and a small amount of solid is removed by filtration through a pad of neutral alumina. The solution is then mixed with 0.25 g Lindlar catalyst (palladium on calcium carbonate poisoned with lead acetate) and stirred under hydrogen gas at about one atmosphere pressure for 61/2 hours. The resulting mixture is filtered and the solvent removed through a Vigreux column. The major component, isolated from a Carbowax(polyethylene glycol)-packed GLC column is demonstrated by IR (infrared) NMR, and MS spectral data to be ##SPC12##
The other 2-alkylidene-3-alkenals utilized in the present invention are similarly prepared.
In the following NMR spectra, the shifts in ppm relative to a tetramethylsilane standard are measured in carbon tetrachloride 100 MHz. The 2-ethylidene-cis-3-hexenal produced in Example I shows the following:
______________________________________Shift No. of Protons Peak Assignment______________________________________0.92 3 Triplet CH.sub.3 --CH.sub.2 --1.88 Doublet CH.sub.3 --C=C--C=O 51.92-1.70 Multiplet CH.sub.3 --CH.sub.2 --C=C--5.75 2 Multiplet Olefinic protons6.61 1 Quartet CH.sub.3 --CH=C--C=O9.41 1 Singlet Formyl proton______________________________________
Ten liters of orange juice, concentrated as an aqueous essence by Libby, McNeil & Libby Corp. of Ocala, Florida, is extracted with diethyl ether in a Quickfit Multi-purpose Extractor. After drying the ether extract with anhydrous magnesium sulfate, the extract is concentrated in a Kuderna-Danish apparatus and analyzed by GLC and GLC/MS analysis using an F&M 5750 Chromatograph equipped with a flame ionization detector operating under the following conditions:
______________________________________Carrier gas: HeliumFlow rate: 40 ml/min.Recorder speed: 0.25 inches/min.Detector: F.I.D. at CColumn: 10' .times. 1/8" O.D. 25% Carbowax 20 M on 60/80 mesh DMCS- treated Chromosorb WAWProgram rate: C at
The GLC/MS system used has the following components:
______________________________________GLC: Aerograph 1520Detector: F.I.D. at CColumn: Support-coated Carbowax 20 M, 0.02" I.D.Program rate: Ambient to C at split: 6:1 to MSMS: Hitachi RMU 6E equipped with a Watson-Biemann separator in the MS oven, allowing for rapid- scan spectra of compounds separated by chromatography.______________________________________
Those compounds giving only weak mass spectra are trapped out on a semi-preparative scale under the following conditions:
______________________________________GLC: F & M 700Detector: T.C. at CCarrier gas: HeliumFlow rate: 80 ml/min.Column: 8' .times. 1/4" O.D. 25% Carbowax 20 M on 60/80 mesh Chromosorb WAW.Program rate: 75 - C at
Compounds trapped from orange juice extract that could not be identified by GLC/MS are submitted to NMR and IR for further structural analysis.
A particular compound obtained is an unsaturated aldehyde of molecular weight 124. High resolution MS yields the elemental formula C.sub.8 H.sub.10 O and from UV (ultraviolet) spectral analysis the compound is shown to be a monosubstituted .alpha.,.beta.-unsaturated aldehyde. An NMR-spectrum is recorded and these data, together with the complete mass spectrum, show that the compound is 2-ethylidene-cis-3-hexenal, ##SPC13##
Mass spectral analysis (low resolution) shows the principal m/e ratios: 39, 41, 109, 81, 67, 95 . . . 124 (Parent Peak).
The NMR data shows (.tau. in ppm): (in CCl.sub.4 solvent):
__________________________________________________________________________.tau. J (cps) No. of protons Peak Assignment__________________________________________________________________________9.04 7 3 Triplet CH.sub.3CH.sub.28.12 6 3 Doublet CH.sub.3CHCCHO4.34 4 2 Doublet cis C.sub.2 H.sub.5CHCH3.56 6 1 Quartet ##STR1##0.72 -- 1 Singlet ##STR2##__________________________________________________________________________
At 1.5 ppm in water the 2-ethylidene-3-hexenal obtained has a pleasant fresh green aroma with a fatty waxy character. At 15 ppm in water the hexenal has a fresh green, waxy character. In a 12% sucrose solution containing 0.1% citric acid at a level of 1.5 ppm it has a fresh green, waxy character reminiscent of citrus fruit rind. At 33 ppm in water solution it has a clean green, pleasant and intense leafy odor. The taste is reminiscent of the white pulpy material, or albedo, of the orange. The odor and taste at 33 ppm of the 2-ethylidene-3-hexenal impart the aromatic characteristics evident in citrus juices.
Preparation of 2-Ethylidene-6-methyl-cis-3-heptenal
A solution of 5.40 g of isobutylacetylene in 50 ml of diethyl ether is treated with 30 ml of 2.2 N n-butyl-lithium in hexane at C, and after several minutes the resulting solution is treated with 8.50 g of diethoxyacetonitrile and then warmed slowly to room temperature. After about 1.5 hours the dark mixture is cooled and brought to a pH of about 2 with 10 percent sulfuric acid.
The layers are then separated and the organic layer is washed successively with water and saturated aqueous sodium bicarbonate solution and then dried over sodium sulfate. Evaporation of the solvent provides 4.6 g of a dark oil, shown by IR and NMR to contain 1,1-diethoxy-6-methyl-3-heptyn-2-one.
A solution of ethylidenetriphenylphosphorane is prepared by admixing an ether slurry 17.0 g of ethyltriphenylphosphonium bromide with 20 ml of 2.3 N phenyllithium in a 70:30 benzene: ether vehicle. To this is added the heptynone, with the temperature being held below C with cooling.
A few minutes after the addition is completed, the mixture is partitioned between water and ether phases. The layers are separated, and the organic phase is dried over sodium sulfate and evaporated. The residue is dissolved in hexane and filtered to remove triphenylphosphine oxide. After evaporation of the hexane, the 10.4 g of crude acetal obtained is hydrolyzed to the acetylenic aldehyde in 30 percent aqueous acetic acid.
The crude aldehyde is isolated by partitioning between water and ether; the ether layer is washed successively with water and saturated aqueous sodium carbonate and dried over sodium sulfate; the solvent is evaporated. The residue is hydrogenated in hexane solution over 1.0 g of Lindlar catalyst (5 percent palladium on calcium carbonate poisoned with lead acetate) at a pressure of about four atmospheres.
The mixture is filtered and the solvent is evaporated to provide 3.8 g of dark oil from which the 2-ethylidene-6-methyl-cis-3-heptenal is isolated by preparative GLC. The NMR spectrum of the material shows:
______________________________________Shift No. of Protons Peak Assignment______________________________________1.00 6 Doublet --HC(CH.sub.3).sub.21.70 2 Quartet =C--CH.sub.21.88 3 Doublet --CO--C=C--CH.sub.35.80 2 Multiplet Olefinic proton6.70 1 Quartet CH.sub.3 --CH=C--C=O9.37 1 Singlet Formyl proton______________________________________
The material ##SPC14##
has a green, floral, violet, slightly cucumber fragrance.
Orange Flavor Formulation
An orange flavor formulation is prepared by admixing:
______________________________________Ingredients Parts______________________________________Natural orange oil 13.00Acetaldehyde 1.50Ethyl acetate 0.10Ethyl butyrate 0.50Propanol 0.10trans-2-Hexenal 0.10Ethyl alcohol (95%) 60.00Fusel oil 0.05Propylene glycol 24.65______________________________________
This is denominated Flavor A. A second formulation, Flavor B is prepared by adding 2-ethylidene-cis-3-hexenal (1 percent in ethanol) to a portion of Flavor A in the ratio of 2 parts to 100 parts of Flavor A.
Each of Flavors A and B is added in the amount of 2 ounces per gallon of Baume sugar syrup to produce a syrup for combination with water to form a drink. The beverage prepared using Flavor A is a passable orange beverage of good character, flavor and intensity.
The beverage prepared using Flavor B has a much improved flavor. The improvement contributed by the ethylidenehexenal is due to:
1. a greater degree of the natural character of freshly squeezed orange juice
2. an increase in the pulplike notes
3. greater orange juice flavor depth.
Preparation of 1,1-Dimethoxy-cis-3-hexene-2-one
Six grams of the 1,1-dimethoxy-3-hexyne-2-one (of Example I) is stirred under hydrogen gas at one atmosphere in 40 ml hexane containing 0.6 g Lindlar catalyst (palladium on calcium carbonate poisoned with lead acetate) and 4.0 g quinoline. The reaction is terminated when one percent of the starting material (1,1-dimethoxy-3-hexyne-2-one) remains after about 11/2 hours.
The mixture is filtered and the quinoline washed out with dilute aqueous hydrochloric acid. The organic layer is washed with saturated aqueous sodium bicarbonate and then brine; and the solvent is evaporated. GLC and NMR of the crude material shows the product is substantially 1,1-dimethoxy-cis-3-hexene-2-one having the structure: ##SPC15##
Preparation of 1,1-Dimethoxy-trans-3-hexene-2one
The crude product produced in Example V is dissolved in 6 ml of acetic acid with 0.1 g of sodium iodide. By GLC on Carbowax(polyethylene glycol), it is clear that the 1,1-dimethoxy-cis-3-hexene-2-one is converted to a new material of later retention time. After 1/2 hour less than 5 percent of "cis" material remains.
The material is isolated by partitioning between water and ether, washing the ether layer successively with aqueous sodium bicarbonate and brine and then drying over 4A molecular sieves. Evaporation of the solvent provides 5.0 g of yellow oil. NMR and GLC indicate essentially all "trans" material having the structure: ##SPC16##
Preparation of trans-2-ethylidene-trans-3-hexenal
Ethyltriphenylphosphonium bromide (3.71 g) and 6.3 ml of 1.6 N n-butyl lithium are mixed in ether solution and 1.58 g of the 1,1-dimethoxy-trans-3-hexene-2-one of Example VI is added, while keeping the internal temperature below C. After a few minutes the mixture is filtered and the solvent evaporated. A small amount of solid is present so the residue is dissolved in isopentane, filtered, and again evaporated to give 1.10 g of a yellow-orange oil.
GLC and NMR indicate the presence of two acetals of 2-ethylidene-trans-3-hexenal: cis and trans isomers at the ethylidene group namely: cis-2-ethylidene-trans-3-hexenal dimethyl acetal and trans-2-ethylidene-trans-3-hexenal dimethyl acetal. The acetal material is dissolved in 2 ml water and 3 ml acetic acid with a small amount of sodium iodide. After a few minutes GLC analysis obtained on a 10 foot by 1/8 inch DC-710 (20%) shows complete hydrolysis. (In the absence of sodium iodide a mixture of cis and trans ethylidene isomers is obtained).
The product is isolated by partitioning between water and ether. The organic layer is washed successively in water, aqueous sodium bicarbonate, and aqueous sodium chloride and finally evaporated to give 0.70 g of an orange oil. The major peak (80%), isolated by preparative GLC, is trans-2-ethylidene-trans-3-hexenal having the structure: ##SPC17##
Preparation of (Z)-2-Ethylidene-(Z)-3-hexenal (or Cis-2-Ethylidene-Cis-3-Hexenal)
A slurry of 4.20 g ethyltriphenylphosphoniumiodide in 30 ml ether is mixed with 4.3 ml 2.3N phenyllithium in benzene: ether to provide a deep orange solution. 1,1-Dimethoxy-3-hexyne-2-one as obtained in Example I (1.56 g) is added, keeping the temperature below, and the resulting mixture is stirred one hour. Water and more ether are added, the mixture is filtered, the layers separated, and the organic layer washed with brine and then evaporated.
The residue is dissolved in isopentane, filtered, and evaporated to give 2.0 g of orange-colored oil.
The crude product is hydrogenated at about one atmosphere pressure in 10 ml pyridine over 0.2 g palladium on barium sulfate and the material is re-isolated by partitioning between ether and water. The organic layer is washed several times with water and then saturated aqueous sodium chloride.
After removal of solvent there is a red-orange oil which contains some pyridine. The major product is isolated by preparative GLC. The trapped material (140 mg.) is hydrolyzed by stirring it in either solution with 5 percent sulfuric acid. After 11/2 hours at room temperature the mixture is worked up by separating the layers, washing the ether layer with aqueous sodium bicarbonate followed by saturated aqueous sodium chloride and evaporating through a Vigreux column to give 110 mg of a very pale green oil with a fresh "green" aroma.
By GLC it is found to contain 10 percent of the acetal, and by NMR, to contain 20 percent of the stable isomer. The major product is the cis-2-ethylidene-cis-3-hexenal isomer with the structure: ##SPC18##
Tobacco Flavor
Two tobacco flavor formulations are prepared by admixing:
Formula A
______________________________________Ingredients Parts______________________________________Pyroligneous acid 10.00Solid extract cornsilk 18.00Solid extract foenugreek 3.50Vanillin 0.15Cyclotene 0.052-Ethyl-3-methylpyrazine 0.10Methyl heptynyl carbonate 0.05Eugenol 0.10Trans-2-Ethylidene-trans-3-hexenal 1.00(produced by the process of Example VII)Propylene glycol 67.05______________________________________
Formula B
______________________________________Ingredients Parts______________________________________2-Ethyl-3-methylpyrazine 0.102-Methylvaleric acid 1.00Methyl heptynyl carbonate 0.25Pyroligneous acid 10.00Trans-2-Ethylidene-cis-3-hexenal 1.00(Produced by the process of Ex. I)Vanillin 0.02Solid extract foenugreek 2.50Glycerine 16.75Water 20.00Solid extract cornsilk 15.00Propylene glycol 33.38______________________________________
Both Formulas A and B are useful in tobacco as flavor enhancers. They enhance the sweet, maple, nut-like character and enhance the natural smell of the tobacco. The tobacco blend on which the flavors are used contains:
______________________________________Ingredient Amount______________________________________Virginia tobacco 28 %Burley 48 %Remaining tobaccos (Oriental, 24 %Turkish, stems, reconstitutedtobacco)______________________________________
Perfume Formulation
A perfume formulation is prepared by admixing:
______________________________________Ingredients Parts______________________________________Linalool 30Linalyl acetate 10Terpineol coeur 5Nerol coeur 10Terpinyl acetate 2Geranyl acetate 2Neryl acetate 2Methyl anthranilate 1Citral 10n-Decyl alcohol 1n-Dodecyl alcohol 5n-Dodecanal 15n-Decanal 30n-Nonanol 3n-Nonanal 5n-Decyl acetate 5n-Dodecyl acetate 3Trans-2-Ethylidene-cis-3-hexenal 5(Produced by the process ofExample I)______________________________________
The ethylidenehexenal imparts a natural, tart, orange character to this terpeneless orange perfume formulation.
Strawberry Flavor Formulation
A strawberry flavor concentrate is prepared by admixing:
______________________________________Ingredient Percent______________________________________Napthyl ethyl ether 0.96Ethyl methyl phenyl glycidate 2.88Vanillin 2.662-Methyl-2-pentenoic acid 3.90Ethyl acetate 9.58Isoamyl butyrate 12.25Ethyl butyrate 26.20Isoamyl butyrate 40.571-(Prop-1'-enyl)-3,4,5- 0.50trimethoxybenzene2-Ethylidene-cis-3-hexenal 0.50______________________________________
The concentrate so prepared is dissolved in four times its volume of propylene glycol and the mixture is added to a simple syrup at the rate of 8 ounces per gallon of syrup.
The syrup is acidified by the addition of 1.5 ounces of 50% aqueous citric acid solution to each gallon of syrup. A carbonated beverage is prepared by mixing one ounce of the flavored acidified syrup with five ounces of carbonated water. The beverage so prepared has an excellent fresh strawberry flavor and is found to be markedly superior to a beverage prepared in the same manner but without the 2-ethylidene-cis-3-hexenal. The beverage prepared withou the 2-ethylidene-cis-3-hexenal is found to be lacking in fresh green flavor notes present in natural strawberry flavor and aroma. Such fresh green notes are supplied by the cis-2-ethylidene-cis-3-hexenal.
Similar good results can be obtained in altering the organoleptic properties of consumable materials with other 2-alkylidene-3-alkenals such as isomers of 2-ethylidene-6-methyl-3-heptenal, 2-ethylidene-3-pentenal, 2-propylidene-3-pentenal, and the like. The various isomers do exhibit somewhat different organoleptic properties, as will be understood from the present disclosure.
Comparison of 2-vinyl-2-butenal with trans-2-ethylidene-cis-3-hexenal:
i. 2-vinyl-2-butenal is prepared according to the following process:
Into a 1,000 ml round-bottom, 3-necked flask equipped with mechanical stirrer, Y-tube, calcium chloride drying tube, thermometer, dry ice-acetone bath and 125 ml addition funnel, is charged 175 ml anhydrous tetrahydrofuran and 110 gms of a "zinc-copper couple" (see note 1). The tetrahydrofuran "zinc-copper couple" mixture is then cooled using the dry ice-acetone bath from down to C. At this point, 42 grams (0.72 moles) of acrolein is added to the reaction mass. The reaction mass is then cooled to C. Over a period of one hour, 46.2 grams of glacial acetic acid is added to the reaction mass while maintaining the temperature of the reaction mass between and C using the dry ice-acetone bath. At the end of the one-hour addition period, the reaction mass is permitted to warm to room temperature (with stirring). The reaction mass is then stirred for a period of 3 hours after which time the resulting solids are removed by filtration. The supernatant liquid is washed with 200 ml diethyl ether, and the resulting diethyl ether solution is washed with five 25 ml portions of saturated sodium bicarbonate. Washing of the ether solution is continued until no further evidence of solids formation is seen. The ether solution is then dried over anhydrous sodium sulfate, filtered and concentrated to 75 grams. The resulting oil is then vacuum distilled yielding the following 3 fractions:
______________________________________Fraction Pressure Pot Vapor Weight ofNo. (mm Hg) Temp. Temp. Fraction______________________________________1 1.6 C C about 1 gm2 1.6 C C 14.0 gm3 1.6 C C 27.0 gm______________________________________
Ir, nmr and Mass Spectral analyses yield the data that Fraction 2 is substantially all divinyl ethylene glycol having the structure: ##SPC19##
Note 1: The "copper-zinc couple" is prepared by stirring 200 gm zinc dust with 20 gm CuSO.sub.4.5H.sub.2 O dissolved in water. The entire slurry is filtered and washed several times with ahydrous tetrahydrofuran (per U.S. Pat. No. 3,240,822 and C.A. 64, 15743e, 1966).
Into a steam distillation apparatus equipped with a dropping funnel is added 100 ml distilled water and 8 ml concentrated sulfuric acid. The sulfuric acid-water mixture is heated to boiling. 13 Grams of divinyl ethylene glycol prepared according to the procedure of part (a), supra, is added dropwise from the dropping funnel, and the product thus formed is steam distilled. Two cuts are taken, and the resulting oil layers are extracted with diethyl ether, dried and concentrated. The weight of "cut 1," a yellow oil, is 6.3 grams. The weight of "cut 2," a yellow oil, is 2.4 grams. NMR, IR and Mass Spectral analyses yield the information that the resulting compound is 2-vinyl-2-butenal having the structure: ##SPC20##
ii. trans-2-ethylidene-cis-3-hexenal is prepared according to the following process:
A 100 ml three-neck round bottom flask equipped with magnetic stirrer, thermometer, calcium chloride drying tube, and nitrogen inlet tube is charged with a solution 2.0 g of 3-bromo-2-cis-4-heptadiene in 20 ml of anhydrous diethyl ether, and 5.4 ml of n-butyl lithium (2.34 M in hexane) is then added while maintaining the pot temperature at C during 2 minutes. The reaction mass is then stirred for a period of 3 hours to provide a clear yellow solution.
The reaction mass is then added to a second dry 100 ml round bottom three-neck flask containing 1.25 grams of dimethyl formamide and 20 ml of anhydrous ether. The clear yellow solution becomes turbid and a white solid precipitates. The temperature range during the two-minute addition is C to C.
The reaction mass is then stirred and warmed to room temperature over a period of 1/2 hour, and 30 ml of 0.5 N aqueous hydrochloric acid is added to dissolve the precipitate. The reaction mass separates into two layers, an ether layer and an aqueous layer. After separation the ether layer is washed with 5 ml saturated aqueous sodium bicarbonate, dried over anhydrous sodium sulfate, and concentrated to obtain 1.4 g of a yellow oil.
Preparative GLC separation on an 8 foot .times. 1/4 inch 5 percent Carbowax (SE-30 column,, yields 2-ethylidene-cis-3-hexenal, the structure of which is confirmed by NMR, IR and Mass Spectral analyses. The material is distilled at C and 4-5.8 mm Hg pressure. ##SPC21##
A first investigation is carried out consisting of adding in various concentrations each of the test compounds to food grade ethanol at a concentration of 1%. The resulting ethanol solutions are then diluted in water at various concentrations, e.g. 0.05 ppm, 0.1 ppm, 0.2 ppm and 0.5 ppm. Each of the test solutions is then tasted and smelled. In addition, blotters are dipped into the test solutions and then removed therefrom and permitted to dry out over a period of about 5 minutes. The blotters are then smelled in a comparative manner.
The results of this invention are as follows:
______________________________________Solution Evaluation______________________________________1. 2-vinyl-2-butenal A slightly cooked, pungent, (1.5 ppm in water) astringent, slightly chemical solvent character with a burning sensation somewhat like that of horseradish2. Trans-2-ethylidene- A very juicy character with cis-3-hexenal a mouthfeel of fresh squeezed (1.5 ppm in water) orange juice and a fresh squeezed orange juice character.______________________________________
A second investigation is carried out consisting of adding each of the two test compounds to a formulation containing other materials and evaluating the overall flavor formulation with respect to the suitability of the test compound concerned.
The formulation is prepared as follows:
______________________________________Ingredients Parts______________________________________Natural orange oil 13.00Acetaldehyde 1.50Ethyl acetate 0.10Ethyl butyrate 0.50Propanol 0.10trans-2-Hexenal 0.10Ethyl alcohol (95%) 60.00Fusel oil 0.05Propylene glycol 24.65______________________________________
This is denominated Flavor A. A second formulation, Flavor B is prepared by adding trans-2-ethylidene-cis-3-hexenal (1 per cent in ethanol) to a portion of Flavor A in the ratio of 2 parts to 100 parts of Flavor A. A third formulation, Flavor C, is prepared by adding 2-vinyl-2-butenal (1 percent in ethanol) to a portion of Flavor A in the ratio of 2 parts to 100 parts of Flavor A.
Each of Flavors A, B and C is added in the amount of 2 ounces per gallon of Baume sugar syrup to produce a syrup for combination with water to form a drink. The beverage prepared using Flavor A is a passable orange beverage of good character, flavor and intensity.
The beverage prepared using Flavor B has a much improved flavor. The improvement contributed by the 2-ethylidene-cis-3-hexenal is due to:
1. a greater degree of the natural character of freshly squeezed orange juice
2. an increase in the pulplike notes
3. greater orange juice flavor depth.
The beverage prepared using Flavor C has a slightly cooked, pungent, astringent, slightly chemical solvent character with a burning sensation somewhat like that of horseradish, the horseradish notes detracting from the orange flavor; and it has flavor nuances antithetical to those of orange juice.
  • 1. The process for augmenting the citrus or fresh green flavor note of a foodstuff which comprises adding thereto from about 0.02 ppm up to about 150 ppm, based on the weight of said foodstuff, of a composition of matter consisting essentially of at least one of the compounds selected from the group consisting of:
  • i. trans-2-ethylidene-6-methyl-cis-3-heptenal;
  • ii. trans-2-ethylidene-trans-3-hexenal;
  • iii. cis-2-ethylidene-cis-3-hexenal;
  • iv. cis-2-ethylidene-cis-3-hexenal diethylacetal; and
  • v. trans-2-ethylidene-cis-3-pentenal.
  • 2. A food flavoring composition capable of augmenting the citrus or fresh-green flavor note of a foodstuff, consisting essentially of (i) from about 2 ppm up to about 90 percent by weight of said composition of at least one compound selected from the group consisting of:
  • 1. trans-2-ethylidene-6-methyl-cis-3-heptenal;
  • 2. trans-2-ethylidene-trans-3-hexenal;
  • 3. cis-2-ethylidene-cis-3-hexenal;
  • 4. cis-2-ethylidene-cis-3-hexenal diethylacetal; and
  • 5. trans-2-ethylidene-cis-3-pentenal;
  • and (ii) the remainder of said composition being at least one flavoring adjuvant selected from the group consisting of natural orange oil, acetaldehyde, ethyl acetate, ethyl butyrate, propanol, maltol, ethyl maltol, ethyl propanal, n-decanal, 3-hexenol, n-octanal, n-nonanal, citral, fusel oil, n-hexanal, n-butanol, d-limonene, linalool, citronellal, n-dodecanal, geraniol, nerol and vanillin.
  • 3. The flavoring composition of claim 2 containing, in addition, a carrier.
  • 4. A food flavoring composition consisting essentially of (i) from about 2 ppm up to about 90 percent by weight of a composition comprising 70 percent cis-2-ethylidene-cis-3-hexenal, 20 percent trans-2-ethylidene-cis-3-hexenal and 10 percent cis-2-ethylidene-cis-3-hexenal diethylacetal and (ii) the remainder of said composition being at least one food flavoring adjuvant selected from the group consisting of: natural orange oil, acetaldehyde, ethyl acetate, ethyl butyrate, propanol, maltol, ethyl maltol, ethyl propanal, n-decanal, 3-hexenol, n-octanal, n-nonanal, citral, fusel oil, n-hexanal, n-butanol, d-limonene, linalool, citronellal, n-dodecanal, geraniol, nerol and vanillin.
  • 5. The food flavoring composition of claim 4 containing, in addition, a carrier.
Parent Case Info

This application is a continuation-in-part of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 383,658 filed on July 30, 1973 now abandoned.

US Referenced Citations (4)
Number Name Date Kind
654649 Krauth Jul 1900
2987551 Baxter et al. Jun 1961
3211740 Stanley et al. Oct 1965
3463818 Blumenthal Aug 1969
Foreign Referenced Citations (1)
Number Date Country
47-43526 Jan 1972 JA
Non-Patent Literature Citations (1)
Teffeneau et al, Comptes Rend, 204, pp., 590-592 (1937).
Continuation in Parts (1)
Number Date Country
Parent 383658 Jul 1973