This award provides funds to support travel of students and post-doctoral fellows from the US to attend the Future of Research Communication and e-Scholarship conference (FORCE2016) to be held in Portland, OR, April 17-19, 2016. This conference is the successor to the highly regarded Beyond the PDF conferences, which has been held twice since 2011, and the Force2015 conference, which was held in Oxford, UK, in January 2015. The meeting is organized by the FORCE11, a grass roots community dedicated to transforming scholarly communication through technology. FORCE11 brings together researchers, librarians, publishers, technologists, funders and administrators for a truly trans-disciplinary summit and lively discussion around opportunities, challenges, and progress in advancing research scholarship through new technologies and practices. FORCE2016 examines current issues and tools, and connects individuals and communities who are working on overlapping or complementary aspects of various problems. The conference is unique in its breadth of participants and its success in mobilizing and coordinating global activities across groups that have traditionally worked separately, but each of whom has something unique to contribute to the discussion. We believe that the topic of the conference is particularly important in the sciences, with issues like incorporating new practices and content into current systems, such as data sharing, data citation, nanopublications, and research objects. When science is done more efficiently and effectively, all of society benefits. The conference exposes students and postdocs to new disciplines, tools, role models and ways of thinking around the issues of scholarly communication.