Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Pressure decay analysis is sometimes used to analyze hydraulic fractures in subsurface formations penetrated by a well. Pressure decay analysis captures pressure data over a time period following fluid injection into a formation. This fluid injection can be hydraulic fracturing where proppant is injected to maintain fracture opening to allow for a subsequent enhanced hydrocarbon production. Several models and approaches are known in the art. This invention improves significantly on state of the art by considering the separate contribution of near-wellbore region to pressure decay and constraining the fracture and pressure decay model with direct acoustic measurements of near wellbore conductivity. This allows for a more accurate determination of the fracture system and its properties.
A method according to one aspect of the present disclosure for determining properties of hydraulic fractures from measurements of pressure in a well made after stopping pumping fracturing fluid into the well (shut in) includes determining a first time after shut in where after a decrease in measured pressure is caused by fluid leak off in a fracture. A second time after shut in is determined where after the decrease in pressure is caused by fluid leak off, fracture growth and fluid pressure equilibration in the fracture. A third time after shut in is determined where after the decrease in pressure is caused by fluid leak off, fracture growth, fluid pressure equilibration in the fracture and pressure drop in a near wellbore zone. Values of fluid efficiency, minimum stress and net pressure which are determined result in a calculated pressure with respect to time matching the pressure measurements within a predetermined threshold. Calculating pressure with respect to time is based on causes of pressure drop in segments corresponding to time between (i) the third time and the second time, (ii) the second time and the first time, and (iii) after the first time.
A computer program according to another aspect of this disclosure is stored in a non-transitory computer readable medium and comprises logic operable to cause the computer to perform actions corresponding to the method of the previous aspect of the disclosure.
In some embodiments, the calculated pressure beginning at the first time comprises calculating Carter leak off.
In some embodiments, the calculated pressure beginning at the second time and ending at the third time comprises calculating
in which ξf=Local efficiency or fracture growth ratio at shut-in, ηav=Average efficiency from start of fluid pumping to shut in, pav=average net pressure in the fracture, p*=fracture propagation pressure, p−n=average net pressure, pn0=initial net pressure tinj=injection time, t=time for which pressure calculation is made, and Smin−minimum principal stress.
In some embodiments, the calculated pressure beginning at the third time and ending at the second time comprises calculating Darcy equation flow for an axisymmetric, bi-wing fracture having cylindrical cross-sectional growth.
In some embodiments, the calculated pressure beginning at the third time and ending at the second time comprises analyzing reflections in measurements of pressure or pressure time derivative in response to acoustic pulses emitted into the well to calculate a near field conductivity index. The acoustic pulses induce tube waves in the well. The near field conductivity index is used to constrain calculations of near wellbore pressure drop.
Some embodiments further comprise using the determined values of fluid efficiency, minimum stress and net pressure, and using values of Young's modulus, Poisson's ratio, viscosity of the fracturing fluid, pumped volume of the fracturing fluid, a volume rate of pumping the fracturing fluid, a number of well perforation clusters through which the fracturing fluid is pumped, determining a length, a width, a height and a leak off parameter of the fracture.
In some embodiments, the determined length, width, height and leak off parameter are used to estimate a fluid productivity of a fracture treatment stage in the well and the entire well.
In some embodiments, the determining length, width and height of the fracture comprises using a Perkins-Kern-Nordgren model of geometry of the fracture.
In some embodiments, the third time occurs after an end of water hammer induced by the stopping pumping.
In some embodiments, the second time is determined when a rate of change of the measurements of pressure with respect to time fall below a predetermined threshold.
In some embodiments, the first time is determined when the measurements of pressure fall below a fracturing pressure of a rock formation into which the fracturing fluid is pumped.
Some embodiments further comprise estimating a fluid pressure in a formation penetrated by the fracture using the determined minimum stress.
In some embodiments, the efficiency comprises a fraction of a volume of the fracture with respect to a volume of fracturing fluid pumped into the fracture.
Some embodiments further comprise determining fracture conductivity with respect to time after shut in.
Some embodiments further comprise determining a proppant packed conductivity when the fracture conductivity stops changing with respect to time after shut in.
Some embodiments further comprise changing at least one of viscosity of the fracturing fluid, pumped volume of the fracturing fluid, a volume rate of pumping the fracturing fluid, a concentration of proppant in the fracturing fluid for pumping fracture fluid into a different stage in the well or in a different well.
Other aspects of the present disclosure and possible advantages will be apparent from the description and claims that follow.
The following is an alphabetical list of names, symbols and abbreviations used in the detailed description below:
This disclosure relates to determination of fracture properties, such as fracture length, width, height, fracture conductivity, formation fluid (pore) pressure, and reservoir/completion quality. Input data used in the determination may be obtained from the available data measured during pumping a hydraulic fracture stage such as fracture fluid injection rate, injection volume, fracturing fluid composition, etc. Additional data may include a measured pressure after the end of fracture pumping, which pressure decays after shut-in (after the end of fracture fluid pumping).
Signals, such as pressure (p) and pressure time derivative (dp/dt) may be recorded in this example and may be processed as explained in more detail below. Pressure pulses may induce tube waves in the well; pressure or pressure time derivative signals may be processed to extract usable resonances and other events to detect anomalies in the fracture-wellbore system. In particular, some pulses and their reflections can be used to determine near-field, or near-wellbore (NWB) connectivity index (NFCI) according to U.S. Pat. No. 10,641,090 issued to Felkl et al.
A model used in a method according to the present disclosure to analyze fracture properties from fracture pumping and pressure decay data assumes that hydraulic fractures induced by fluid pumping have three regions: 1) a wellbore region, 2) a near wellbore (NWB) region and 3) a far field (FF) region.
An attribute of the improved model used in a method according to the present disclosure takes account of the understanding that the pressure decay after initial shut in includes three segments each attributable to one of three different causes of pressure decay.
During the fracture pumping stage, changes in pressure and injection rate are complicated. However, for purposes of the present disclosure, it may be assumed that both fluid pressure and fluid injection rate are constant during fracture treatment pumping and during PKN (Perkins-Kern-Nordgren, Perkins and Kern (1961); Nordgren (1972)) type fracture growth. The PKN model is a classical 2-dimensional (plain strain) fracture growth model which assumes a long fracturing length (hundreds of feet in length), limited but constant height (tens to hundreds of feet) and small width (measurable in millimeters) propagated in an infinite homogeneous isotropic linear elastic formation characterized by Young's modulus E, Poisson's ratio v (Kovalyshen 2010). The foregoing assumptions result in constant fracture height during fracture growth, and fracture width depending linearly on fracture height and net pressure. To summarize, the assumptions for analyzing pressure during the facture pumping stage are, as shown graphically in
Fluid efficiency, or simply, efficiency, is the fractional amount of fluid present in the fracture compared to the total volume of fluid injected. Efficiency is an important parameter for determining the fracture dimensions. Usually, fracture treatment stages with higher efficiency have larger fracture lengths and larger net pressures. The efficiency can vary between formations and even between different fracture treatment stages within one formation into which fracture fluid is pumped. Such variation can result from several causes, such as the existence of naturally occurring fractures, fissures, faults and variations in fracture fluid injection design, among others. Thus, according to the present disclosure an efficiency value is calculated for each fracture treatment stage and it is not assumed that the efficiency is constant for all stages. Here two types of efficiency will be considered: local efficiency, and average efficiency. Local efficiency correlates the volume rate of fracture growth, qfg, to the injected volume rate, qinj, and as it can be observed its value is not constant during the fracture fluid injection period. Average efficiency correlates the fracture volume at the end of the pumping stage to the whole injected volume during the same pumping stage, and it is a unique value for each stage. It should be mentioned that average efficiency can be calculated by averaging the local efficiency values during injection period. To calculate an average efficiency one can start with the mass conservation equation, as shown graphically in
leak (1)
Fracture growth ratio (local efficiency), can be defined as:
where qfg(t)=fracture growth volume rate
associated with fracture growth, and qinj=fluid injection volume rate
Note that ξ(t) is a function of time. Carter (Carter, 1957) derived a leak-off equation
which is widely used in hydraulic fracturing modeling. The Carter leak-off equation is derived based on 1-dimensional fluid flow in porous media which is also a usable assumption for purposes of the present disclosure. Thus, assuming the leak-off ratio (1-ξ) can be calculated using the Carter leak-off equation yields:
where cleak=Carter leak-off parameter, teq=equivalent leak-off time and fracture surface area, Afs=2HL (area of one fracture wing). Assuming teq=aeqt and denoting
results in:
The fracture growth can be calculated as:
where Ā is an average fracture cross-section (a constant nonzero value not critical as it will cancel out later in the derivation).
The above differential equation 9 can be solved with the initial condition L(t=0)=0. The solution is:
It is illustrative to consider two extreme conditions; one with a very large leak-off and the opposite condition, a very small leak-off. For the large leak-off condition (ceq large or t is large) the exponential term in Eq. 10 will be negligible resulting in:
The second extreme condition, in which leak-off is negligible, ceq→0. In this case, the limit:
Note these two extreme conditions are similar to the ones in Nordgren derivation.
The value of L at the end of an injection period can be calculated as Lf=L(t=tf):
Since fracture height and fracture width are constant, the average efficiency can be defined as the length of fracture with respect to the length of fracture with no leak-off,
Where Lfη=1 is defined as the length of fracture with no leak off and can be calculated as:
resulting in
Denoting γ=ceq
The value of local efficiency at t=tf can be calculated as (using Eqs. 5, 14, 15) as:
Substituting Eq. 19 into Eq. 17 provides the expression:
Eq. 21 cannot be solved analytically, but it can be solved numerically.
In order to calculate the pressure profile at the end of the pumping stage, one can use the same assumptions as mentioned earlier, additionally assuming the fracture cross-section is elliptical, referring to
ξ(t=tf)=ηf,L(t=tf)=Lf (22)
Assuming equal leak-off rate throughout the surface of the fracture, the volume rate in the fracture can be calculated as:
q(x,tf)=(qinj−qleak(x,tf) (23)
where gleak(x) is the summation of the leak-off rate increments from the mouth of the fracture to point x. Using Carter leak-off gives:
where t′ is the time that fracture front reaches a certain point of the fracture and leak-off starts. In order to calculate t′ use the equation of the length propagation (Eq. 10) and calculate the time that is required to reach a particular fracture length. However, it is not analytically possible to invert Eq. 10. Therefore, the calculation may be performed numerically. However, for one extreme condition when leak-off is large, the following expression may be used:
At the time of the end of pumping stage t=tf, yields
f(t)2 (27)
Thus one can write:
Using the above relationship in Eq. 28 to calculate the leak-off at t=tf:
The volume rate in the fracture can be written as:
Assuming linear flow in the fracture the volume rate using Darcy law is provided by:
where pn is net pressure (difference between the pressure in the fracture, pf and minimum principal stress, pn=pf−Smin), kabs is the absolute permeability (depending on the cross-section shape), A is cross-sectional area, μ is viscosity of the fracture fluid in the fracture, and kr is the permeability reduction factor due to the effect of proppant, tortuosity, saturation degree, and other factors which reduce the permeability. Also, note that the value of viscosity in the fracture is substantially different from the values which are calculated in lab tests. The main reasons are the effect of shear rate on viscosity, the effect of proppant on viscosity, and the effect of temperature on viscosity.
Since both kr and μ are unknown, Eq. 31 may be rewritten as:
Writing the equation in this form helps by having just one unknown parameter, μap which is denoted as apparent viscosity. The details regarding calculation of this unknown will be studied later.
For elliptical cross section:
where w is the width of fracture, and H is the height of fracture. Also based on classical (see, Sneddon and Elliot (1946)) theory, the width of a pressurized fracture can be calculated as
where pn is net
pressure, and Substituting Eq. 33 and Eq. 34 into Eq. 31, provides the expressions:
Combining eq. 23 and 35:
Integrating Eq. 37 with the condition pn(x=0)=pn results in:
Note that pn(x=Lf)=ptip. Classical fracture mechanics predicts a small value for ptip(˜10 psi), however, observed data typically suggests a significantly larger value for ptip(˜100-400 psi) [Ref. Economides 1989; Chen, 2018; Jeffrey 1989, Vahab 2018]. Later derivation will show how to calculate the value of ptip. One important and long recognized consideration is that the fracturing fluid never quite reaches the fracture tip; i.e., there is a “fluid lag” region at the fracture tip that increases the apparent toughness and tip pressure.
An equation describing the pressure difference between fracture mouth pressure and facture tip pressure then can be written as:
Using Eq. 36 results in:
Observed effects of each parameter match the expected behavior:
Following the instantaneous shut-in (ISIP), as is known in the art, shut-in (cessation of pumping) causes water hammer. In this disclosure, pressure data obtained after the water hammer are considered. Also, in methods according to the present disclosure, the fracture is considered as being divided into three regions. Referring once again to
One of the novel aspects of a method according to the present disclosure is dividing the post ISIP (instantaneous shut-in pressure) pressure decay into three segments according to the dominant source of the pressure decay in each of the segments. The sources of the pressure decay are:
As a reminder,
w(t)=pwh(t)−pfrperf(t)−pfrpipe(t) (42)
where pwh=pressure in the wellhead. Usually, pwh is usually the only pressure measurement data that is available. Again, note that a few minutes after ISIP pwh(t)≈pw(t). Next observe at the relationship between the pw and the pressure in the mouth of the FF region, pM(t)=p(x=0, t). The difference between these two pressures is the NWBPL. This results in:
M(t)=pw(t)−pNWBPL(t) (43)
The focus of this section is on the decay of the average pressure (FF region) in segment 2, shown in
Note that pf (x,t) is the pressure in the fracture which is function of both time and position (pressure is not uniform in the fracture). The mass conservation expression for the FF region can be written as:
l (45)
where qf is the volume rate from NWB region (202 in
Based on the literature (Weijers 2000, Economides 1989), the rate of fracture growth, ufg, depends on the propagation pressure pprop as:
r (48)
where cfg is an unknown parameter, and r is an unknown power and based on the literature 0.6<r<1.6. Here for simplicity it is acceptable to set r=1. Thus, the volume rate associated with the fracture growth can be calculated as:
fg (49)
where Afg is the volume associated with the fracture growth. This volume is also pressure dependent thus Afg∝pprop (height assumed to be constant and width assumed pressure dependent). Thus, because
2 (50)
and because other parameters needed to calculate qfg are unknown, one can compare qfg at each time post ISIP to its value before the shut-in. Using this results in:
where qinffg is the volume rate associated with fracture growth at the end of injection period. Based on the definition of fracture growth ratio, ξf, it is possible to calculate qinffg as
inj=ξfqinj (52)
Thus qfg can be calculated as:
Note that for the condition which pprop<0, namely, when the pressure is below the minimum stress, then qfg=0. Note this is a very simplified fracture growth relationship and other relationships could also be used. Various other relations for fracture growth did not change the results significantly. Looking at the leak-off volume rate, qr. Calculation of the leak-off in this segment is complicated since there are both fracture extension and the decrease of the leak-off rate in the existing part of the fracture. During Fracture Extension, fracture grows slowly (an increase of leak-off), and the leak-off rate from the existing part of fracture decreases (a decrease of leak-off). For simplicity assume a leak-off increase due to fracture growth and the leak-off decrease due to reservoir pressurization cancel each other and what remains is a constant leak-off rate which is equal to its value at the end of the pumping stage:
l=(1−ξf)qinj (54)
Determining the value of qf which is the flow from the NWB region to the FF region may be explained as follows. This flow rate is large during Segment 1, shown in
Since βfr>>βw and Vfr>>Vw this flow rate can be neglected. Here β=compressibility. Vfr=volume of the fracture and Vw=volume of wellbore.
The last volume rate that should be defined is the volume rate associated with the fracture compressibility. This can be calculated as,
βfr is the compressibility of the fracture. Here the average compressibility is used just as previously average pressure was used. Compressibility of the fracture, βfr has three components: compressibility of the fracture fluid, change of fracture area due to pressure change, and change of proppant content due to pressure change. Among these three components, the change of fracture area due to pressure change is dominant. In such case:
Assuming an elliptical fracture surface, the fracture area is:
Where w=width of fracture, H=height of fracture. Based on Sneddon and Elliot (1946), the average width is, where Smin is the minimum principal stress:
Assuming H is essentially constant during pressure decay, the average fracture compressibility can be calculated as:
Note Smin is assumed to be constant with respect to time. Now that all volume rates have been formulated, the mass conservation relation Eq. 45 may be written as:
where βfrVfr is substantially constant since Vfr∝
Equation 61 can be simplified (Vfr=ηavVinf):
Using the definition of injection time,
provides the expression
The above differential equation, Eq. 63 can be solved analytically. Initial condition is
The only unknown here is the value of p*. This pressure can be called fracture propagation pressure since below that pressure there is no fracture growth. In order to calculate the value of the fracture propagation pressure p*, one can find a point in the pressure data after which further pressure decay is primarily due to leak-off. To do this, one can fit a Carter leak-off function to the end part (the last part of the measured pressure with respect to time of post-shut-in pressure decay) of the pressure data and calculate the point that pressure decay deviates from the Carter leak-off. Carter leak-off rate depends on time as:
Defining Carter time as τ=t/√{square root over (teq)} there will be a linear relationship between the pressure decay due to leak-off and τ. This line can be defined as:
The point that pressure decay data deviates from pCarter is (t*,p*).
This subsection shows the pressure decay relation of the average pressure for Segment 3, shown in
where the last two term are added to consider the effect of pressure dependent Carter leak-off.
The differential equation for pressure can be written as:
in Segment 2 (
where cpr=1 when the width is substantially larger than the proppant width (proppant particle diameter or size). However, when the width becomes close to the width of the proppant pack, the cpr>1. To calculate the value of cpr one can define Vpr as the volume of the injected proppant. Additionally, assume all the proppant stays in the fracture. Now one can compare the volume of the fracture with the volume of the proppant and define an empirical equation to calculate the value of the cpr. Assuming if Vfr>cvVpr there is no effect due to proppant and cpr=1. Where cv is unknown, assume cv=2. Also, in order to calculate the increase of the compressibility, one can assume a linear increase of the compressibility from the initial compressibility to the compressibility of the proppant pack as the volume decreases. The volume of the fracture depends on the net pressure (length and height assume to be constant and width to be variable). Then:
where cprmax is the maximum value of cpr and happens when fracture is closed
βpr is the compressibility of the proppant pack and based on literature we can use βpr=0.011/MPa. Eqs. 72-75 allow calculating cpr.
An equation for the pressure decay of the average pressure in Segment 3 is:
Solving differential Eq. (78) provides the expression
where c and ψ are the two fitting parameters. Parameter ψ can be used to calculate the efficiency as
Equations up to this point (Eqs. 64, 65, 80, and 81) are required to calculate the decay of the average pressure in the FF region post-shut-in. Additionally needed is the pressure at the mouth of the FF region, pM. The relation between the average net pressure and the max net pressure (mouth pressure) is usually defined using parameter βs:
The value of βs during the pumping stage depends on several parameters. Based on Nolte (1979, 1991) the value of βs depends mainly on the reduction in fracture fluid viscosity from the well to the fracture tip resulting from thermal and shear degradation. The relationship between net pressure and fracture length (X) is depicted in
As the value of the βs shows, the pressure in the fracture at the time of shut-in is not uniform. It is useful for a method according to the present disclosure to determine the time needed to reach pressure equilibrium in the fracture. Previously it was assumed that pressure equilibration is very fast and that there is substantially uniform pressure quickly (after a couple of seconds) after shut-in. For the following analysis, assume a very simplified pressure equation for the fracture. For example a pressure equation derived using the PKN fracture growth model with ptip=0 may be used. Further assume the fracture fluid is Newtonian and there is no leak-off. Net pressure can be written as:
Thus the average net pressure can be calculated as:
To calculate the volume that is needed to move in for the fracture to reach equilibrium, and referring to
To reach uniform (equilibrium pressure) pressure the volume V* should move from the first part (part with x>xave) of the fracture to the second part (where x<xave). This volume can be calculated as
Finally, in order to calculate the required time for moving this volume one needs to know the volume rate. This volume rate initially is equal to qinj. However, as pressure equilibrated in the fracture this volume rate decreases.
This is the minimum required time for equilibration without taking into account leak-off; the actual equilibration time will be much longer. The same calculation may be performed for the case with the leak-off. Assume a very simple constant fluid leak-off from the fracture to formation, the equation for such case will be:
The minimum required time for equilibration thus depends on the injection time and at least 8 percent of injection time (see Eq. 87) is needed for equilibration. Usually the injection time is approximately 2 hours. Thus, the minimum required time is 8% of two hours, or about 10 minutes, and the actual required time will be much longer. Therefore, the effect of the pressure equilibration cannot be neglected and it should be considered in the formulation. Formulating this pressure equilibration is difficult since it depends on several unknown properties such as: fluid rheology, fracture permeability, fluid degradation due to temperature and shear, among other properties. Even with these parameters the analysis will be numerical as there is no analytical solution for the volume rate post-shut-in. Therefore, for the sake of the completeness of the model, some reasonable assumptions may be made to derive a relatively simple equation for the pressure equilibration. Assuming flow rate between the two parts (
where the last term in the right hand side of Eq. 89 represents the difference between the average pressure and the fracture mouth pressure. As it can be seen, this pressure difference is maximum at the shut-in time and decreases with time. ceq is the unknown parameter that determines how fast this equilibration happens. Assuming at the end of Segment 2 that the pressure in the fracture is almost uniform, then, one can set ceq=4 at the time t=t*(end of Segment 2) which means just 2% of the initial pressure difference has remained at the end of segment 2.
Near-Wellbore Pressure Loss
The final pressure loss to consider is the pressure loss in the NWB (
where αNWB is a parameter that will be discussed further below, βNWB=unknown exponent which depends on the properties of NWB region, qNWB is the flow rate from the NWB region to the FF region. Focusing on calculation of the flow rate:
where kNWB=NWB permeability, ANWB=NWB area, μNWB=viscosity of the fluid in NWB. Calculation of this flow rate is very complicated since the shape of the NWB is very complex and it is difficult to calculate the pressure profile in this region. Also, it is unclear how the permeability and the area of the NWB depend on the pressure. Based on the literature, there are two extreme conditions for the dependence of the area and permeability on pressure in the NWB region. The first extreme condition is having constant permeability and area (kNWBANWB∝pNWBO), the second extreme is having completely pressure-dependent width and permeability. In the second extreme condition the relationship is cubic kNWBANWB∝pNWB3. The value of βNWB also depends on the dependence of the permeability and width to pressure. Weijers et al. (2004) hypothesized that the exponent βNWB should be constrained between 0.25 and 1. The lower bound of 0.25 was derived from flow in a fracture whose width depends on the fluid pressure in the fracture (Perkins and Kern 1961). The upper bound of 1 was based on flow between parallel plates of fixed width.
Usually in literature, an average condition is assumed for this pressure dependence and βNWB=0.5 is used. For this exponent, kNWBANWB∝pNWB2. If βNWB=0.5 and instead of pressure gradient using the average pressure gradient between the wellbore region and the FF region gives:
where q0NWB is the initial value of flow rate at the shut-in time which is almost equal to injection flow rate q0NWB≈qinj. pNWB is the average net pressure in the near-wellbore zone and can be calculated as:
where σNWB is the average pressure that NWB opens against which can be calculated as:
where σmax=maximum horizontal stress and σmin=min horizontal stress. The value of the σmax can be estimated by the pressure at which the first segment finishes (in the time domain, the time point between segments 301 and 302 in
The value of pNWBPL can be calculated as:
The only unknown is the value of the αNWB. This value can be calculated by using the pressure difference between pw and pM in one point post-shut-in. Knowing the value of the pNWBPL results in:
NWBPL (96)
In order to calculate the value of αNWB the pressure difference between the wellbore pressure and the mouth pressure at the mid-point of segment 1 is used. An example is in
Relationship Between Reservoir Pressure and Minimum Principal Stress
Theoretical relationships between formation fluid (pore) pressures and stresses have been used to constrain horizontal least stress (fracture gradients) for a long time. The “classical” lateral constraint model assumes that the effective horizontal stress can be computed from the vertical stress when in a fully relaxed geologic basin by assuming the earth can be modeled as if it is vertically loaded by gravity instantaneously under uniaxial strain conditions, which means, as in the case of a rock mechanics lab test, there is no lateral strain (εxx=εyy=0). Assuming a Biot coefficient (a rock property, typically in the range of 0.6-0.8) approximately equal to 1 and equal horizontal stresses (Smin=Sxx=Syy), referring to
where v=Poisson ratio, E=Young's modulus, SV=Vertical stress, Smin=Minimum principal stress. Using Eq. 97, gives:
Equation (98) has been derived assuming a fully relaxed basin. However due to the tectonic pressures, equation may be modified as follows:
where ST is the tectonic stress. The value of the tectonic stress is unknown and may be calculated based on the pressure values of stage 1 of a well, the very first stage to be hydraulically stimulated. Also, vertical stress is usually between 1-1.2 psi/ft. In the present disclosure, SV=1.1 psi/ft is used. Eq. 99 can be used to relate the change of minimum stress to the change of reservoir pressure and Poisson ratio. Generally, any change in Smin can be either explained by the change in Poisson ratio, change in reservoir pressure, or the change in both of these parameters. Since experiments show that the value of the Poisson ratio varies in the formation, it is reasonable to attribute the principal cause for the change in Smin is to the change in the Poisson ratio. However, experiments usually show as well the value of the Poisson ratio does not change more than a few percent over a few of hundred feet distance, corresponding to a typical stage length between hydraulic fracturing “stages” separated by impermeable “bridge” plugs in the well during stage pumping. It is therefore consistent with observations to set an empirical limit on such change, for example, 10%.
As a result, any further change of Smin may be attributed to the change in reservoir pore fluid pressure. Finally, the initial value of reservoir pore pressure (stage 1) is needed to use this method. Such value can be guessed, estimated, or calculated from the pumping information in the first pumped fracture stage (stage 1).
Calculating Fracture Dimensions
To calculate actual fracture dimensions, one can assume a fracture shape similar to those used in a PKN model, for example, as described in U.S. Patent Application Publication No. 2020/0319007 filed by Moos et al.:
where wf, Lf, and Hf are the values of width, length and height of the fracture at the end of a pumping stage. Also, n is the shape factor to consider the effect of decrease of width in a PKN fracture. For normal values of ptip, n is approximately 0.1. The effect on n is negligible in the determined final dimensions (<1%). Based on the Sneddon relationship, wf can be calculated as:
Next, using the definition of average efficiency:
and using Eq. 41 yields:
Pressure-dependent leak-off (PDL) is a type of leak-off in which, fracturing fluid can penetrate to the surrounding matrix, pre-existing natural fractures and fissures. During the increase of the treating pressure along the main fracture, the dilation of natural fractures and fissures can be induced and thus significantly increase the leak-off. To further improve results, PDL is included in the model.
The pressure at which the natural fractures start to dilate is called reactivation pressure, pact. If the well fluid pressure is above this pressure, a higher leak-off may be expected. Thus, the simplest formula can be as follows:
where Cleak is the pressure dependent leak-off coefficient; Cform is the intrinsic leak-off coefficient associated with the formation; Cleak0 is the leak-off coefficient at p=p0 and p0 is the initial pressure in the fracture at the time of shut-in.
There are two new unknowns in PDL relation, pact and Cform. To calculate these parameters we used the pressure derivative in segment 3 (leak-off only segment). If no PDL is present, segment 3 should have a constant slope. However, usually, this segment has a decreasing slope with time, which shows PDL is present and the variation of this slope is used to calculate the unknown parameters in PDL relation.
Providing Additional Constraints on NWB Pressure Drop from NWB Acoustic Measurements
The present part of the disclosure addresses the observation that NWB pressure loss (NWBPL) is due to flow through a finite region with a low permeability. The relationship between pressure loss and flow rate is as described in Eq. 108 and for all fractures in Eq. 109.
To further improve results, an additional constraint can be placed on pressure decay analysis using active acoustic pulsing. Such pulsing method is described in Dunham 2017, where conductivity of hydraulic fractures is estimated from analysis of tube wave reflections. Use of the resulting hydraulic fracture conductivity measurement is described below.
A defined near-field connectivity index (NFCI) exists (see Eq. 107, which can be determined using, for example, the method disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 10,641,090 issued to Felkl et al.). The NFCI is a measure of the hydraulic conductivity in the near-wellbore (NWB) region. Thus NFCI can be used to estimate the pressure drop in the NWB region.
where kNWB is the permeability of the NWB region, and ANWB is the cross section of the NWB region. For simplicity, it may be assumed the NWB region is axisymmetric and then use an idealized cylindrical growth of cross-section, see
where Nfrac is the number of fractures in one stage.
NFCI is defined as
Thus, using the NFCI definition, the flow in the NWB region can be calculated as
During the fluid injection period, QNWB is almost constant within the whole NWB region. Thus, by integrating the flow relation to calculate the initial NWB pressure loss, pNWBPL0
Note that this relationship gives the initial value of the NWB pressure loss (synonym with pressure drop); pressure in the NWB region will continue dropping post shut-in and as a result pNWBPL is not constant (see
Having a correct value for NWB pressure drop helps the model to better separate the pressure drop due to different sources and thus have a more accurate calculation of fracture dimensions and efficiency.
In this section will be developed proxies to determine the fluid production potential of each stage in a well and all staged within the entire well. The first proxy is called well potential, Γwell, and its value per stage is called stage well potential, Γstage, and can be calculated as:
Γstage=1−ηave (110)
where ηave=the average efficiency of each stage (calculated by fitting the pressure decay curve). Γstage can be a good proxy to determine how easy it will be to produce oil or gas from each stage since it shows how easy it is to lose fluid at each stage. In the other words, if within a stage the reservoir formation has a large conductivity, which causes low efficiency, it may be expected that the large conductivity of the formation will enable a large fluid production rate as well. In order to calculate the well potential, the weighted average of stage well potential Γstage values as:
where Nicluster=number of perforation clusters in stage i, Li=the stage fracture length, Hi=stage fracture height. Γwell should be a rough proxy to determine the productivity of the entire well. Specially, Γwell can be used to compare the productivity of adjacent wells.
Although, the well potential is an easy proxy to measure, it has the drawback that it can depend significantly on the pumping design. Specially, it can depend significantly on the injection rate during fracture pumping. This results from the fact that when the injection rate is low, the injected fluid has more time to leak-off and thus the efficiency will be lower, than may be the case at higher injection rates. However, this low efficiency (thus high well potential) is not due to higher permeability of the reservoir formation but is just due to the low injection rate. Thus, well potential is a good proxy to compare the production of wells with similar treatment pumping designs. To solve this issue, define reservoir potential θRes, the value of which per stage is called stage reservoir potential, θstage. To calculate θstage, start by calculating the Carter leak-off coefficient using Eq. 3 as:
where Afs=fracture surface area, ξ=fracture growth ratio (local efficiency), qinj=injection rate, and teq=equivalent leak-off time. The equation to calculate the Carter leak-off coefficient can be further simplified and written as:
where kr=reservoir formation permeability, cr=reservoir total compressibility, ϕ=reservoir porosity (fractional volume of pore space in the reservoir rock), μr=reservoir fluid viscosity, and Δpdr=the leak-off driving force of leak-off and can be calculated as:
Δpdr=Smin+pn−pres (115)
where Smin=minimum horizontal stress, pn=net pressure, and pres=reservoir pore pressure. As Eq. 115 shows, the
should be a good proxy to determine the mobility
of the reservoir and thus the stage reservoir potential can be defined as:
Since θstage solely depends on the conductivity of the formation, it is a good proxy to determine the potential production of reservoir at each stage. Furthermore, similar to well potential, we can calculate the reservoir potential by taking the weighted average of θstage values as:
At 910, pressure at the well in which fracture treatment is being pumped is measured. Pressure is recorded after pumping stops and the well is shut in. The pressure measured at the well may be expected to decrease with respect to time after shut in. Typically at least 10 minutes of pressure measurements after shut in should be recorded.
At 920 the fracture conductivity may be calculated using analysis of post-shut-in acoustic pulses emitted in the well and the response of pressure or pressure time derivative to such pulses. Conductivity is defined as permeability times fracture width. A method for making and analyzing acoustic pulse measurements as disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 10,641,090 issued to Felkl et al. can be used to provide such calculation. This step is optional if one would like to perform only pressure decay analysis using the presented 3-segment approach.
At 930, reservoir rock formation properties may be obtained. The formation properties may be known for a particular geology and geographic location from logs, seismic surveys, and other geologic survey sources.
At 940, use the open well pressure of the first pumped fracture state (stage 1) to calculate the reservoir pressure. Open well pressure refers to the pressure in the wellbore after an initial pressure test and before the start of injection of fracture fluid in the first stage, when the wellbore is effectively “open”, i.e., it is not being externally pressurized, and the pressure in the well is indicative of the reservoir pressure to which it is connected at the bottom of the well. The open well pressure in stage 1 may be used as a proxy for the reservoir pressure. The 3-segment model may be used later in the process to verify the reservoir pressure value and if necessary modify it. In horizontal fracture treatment, i.e., multiple stages along a horizontal well, just the value of stage 1 prior to hydraulic fracturing treatment can be used. For vertical well fracturing, the reservoir pressure may be different at each treatment stage; therefore the open well pressure of each stage may be used.
At 950, fracture treatment pumping data are measured and recorded. Pumping data such as volume of slurry, number of clusters, volume of proppant, injection rate, type of fracture fluid liquid phase, among others, is collected for input to the model used in the present method.
At 960, which is an optional for the 3 segment pressure decay determination, the acoustic NFCI measurements made at 920 can be used to calculate near wellbore pressure drop to provide a more accurate determination of fracture properties.
At 970, the 3-segment model as described above (Eqs. 22-103) may be used to analyze the pressure decay data and calculate the pressure properties of each stage (all previously collected data may be used in this element of the method).
At 980, the efficiency and fracture dimensions for each fracture stage are calculated Refer to Eqs. 101-103 for fracture geometry calculations, and Eqs. 1-21 for efficiency calculations.
At 990, the reservoir pressure and reservoir quality of each stage are calculated and an estimate the productivity of each stage may be made.
At 991 the fracture conductivity is calculated as well as its variation with respect to time (the “proppant packed conductivity” is also calculated). This is distinguishable from 920, wherein the calculation of the fracture conductivity is of the near-wellbore region (NWB, shown at 202 in
At 992, evaluate possible interaction between different fracture treatment stages and adjacent wells using the calculated values of NFCI, stress shadowing, and any measured offset-well interactions. Offset well interactions require simultaneous pressure measurements made in at least 2 nearby wells). See, for example, International Application Publication No. WO 2021/087233 filed by Moos et al. That publication describes interaction between wells from stress shadow effects to direct fracture-fracture interactions, crossing, or merging.
At 993, required adjustments for treatment of a subsequent fracture stage may be determined. This can be done based on determined fracture geometry to maximize the stimulated reservoir region or any other parameter thereto determined that can be used to inform fracturing treatment designs. The well operator may want to leave as little unstimulated reservoir between nearby wells as possible without having the fracture systems of nearby overlap and cannibalize production from each other. Several factors may be considered in evaluating changes to expected fracture geometry in subsequent stages: 1) The spacing between the wells and the parts of the formation which remained intact. 2) Based on the height of fracture and comparing it to the thickness of the formation 3) Based on the stress shadowing effect between the stages and 4) based on the possible interaction between the adjacent wells. Leak-off parameter can be used to estimate productivity. Higher leakoff parameter means a more productive formation (i.e. easier to extract hydrocarbons from).
It will be appreciated that method according to the present disclosure may be performed on any general purpose or specific purpose computer or computer system. Such computers or computer systems may comprise a reader to access information stored on a non-transitory computer readable medium such as magnetic disk or solid state memory. Such computer readable medium may comprise logic operable to cause the computer or computer system to execute actions corresponding to the methods as described in this disclosure. Such computer system may be disposed, for example and without limitation, in the data processing apparatus shown at 103 in
Although only a few examples have been described in detail above, those skilled in the art will readily appreciate that many modifications are possible in the examples. Accordingly, all such modifications are intended to be included within the scope of this disclosure as defined in the following claims.
Continuation of International Application No. PCT/US2022/020455 filed Mar. 15, 2022. Priority is claimed from U.S. Provisional Application No. 63/161,361 filed on Mar. 15, 2021. Both the foregoing applications are incorporated herein by reference in their entirety.
Number | Date | Country | |
63161361 | Mar 2021 | US |
Number | Date | Country | |
Parent | PCT/US2022/020455 | Mar 2022 | US |
Child | 18239641 | US |