Kapchinskiy, I. M., "History of RFQ Development", The Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics, 117259, Moscow (Dec. 1984). |
Stokes et al., "The Radio-Frequency Quadrupole: General Properties and Specific Applications", Los Alamos Scientific Lab. (Dec. 1980). |
Swenson, "PIGMI a Pion Generator for Medical Irradiation", LAL-81-6 Mini Review, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Feb. 1981. |
Jamesson, R. A., "Introduction to RFQ Session", Los Alamos National Laboratory (Dec. 1984). |
Schriber, S. Q., "Present Status of RFQ's", Los Alamos National Laboratory (Dec. 1985). |
Staples, J., "RFQ's in Research and Industry", Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory (Dec. 1986). |
Schempp, A., "Recent Progress in RFQ's", University of Frankfurt, Dec. 1988. |